Our Throne

Chapter 29: 29

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The butler isn't necessarily a good person towards the other servants inside the Manor

As such, if the servants were to choose who they would believe to between the ever so kind and gentle Kyle and the butler that sometimes abuses his power, they would believe the former than the latter

The butler should still have a few good days remaining in his life but since Clyde was in a bad mood and he happened to be there, Clyde decided to vent his anger towards him

"I was merely telling the truth, Your Highness! Your consort is not what you think he was. He is an extremely black-hearted omega that can even kick this poor old man without any hint of mercy! This servant won't lie to Your Highness after serving you for years!" The butler said desperately, using the fact that he 'knows' the Prince longer than his own wife

This might be the butler's only chance to kick Clyde out or at least damage his reputation severe enough that even if Clyde were to disclose the butler's crime, no one might believe him

However, maybe because the butler has lived a long time being able to easily manipulate the Prince that he became overconfident

He thought that whatever he say would be accepted as fact by Ryden. After all, every time that the butler would try to give the accounting book to the Prince, Ryden would just say that he trusts him

Ryden would always let him do whatever he wants. Unfortunately, things are completely different now

"Shut your mouth! Is my wife someone that you can easily talk shit about?! Get out of my sight now before I kill you myself!"

Ryden's thunderous voice rang around the hallway, frightening the servants that heard him

The butler was especially more terrified as Ryden was directing his rage at him. Not to mention, he can feel a hint of killing intent

If Ryden were to have another episode here and accidentally kill him, what can the butler do?

As such, the butler immediately scrambled away and the servants followed suit

They already know what to do every time that Ryden would show any sign of anger

In a short period of time, only Ryden and Clyde was present in the hallway

"Hey, didn't you say we would deal with the butler a few days later? Why did you make a move suddenly?" Ryden inquired seemingly already forgetting the thing that happened back at their bedroom

"What do you care?!" Clyde questioned back irritably before walking away

Just remembering how Ryden spoke of his shameful secret (that is really not a secret) openly is enough for Clyde's tail to be tuck between his legs

He can only mask his embarrassment by acting fierce

"What the... what's wrong with you? Is this still about you moaning whenever I kiss you? Psh, isn't that just a normal reaction? Why make it something big?" The tackless Ryden said while frowning

In his eyes, Clyde is making a big deal out of a small thing

If Clyde were to kiss him in the neck and he moaned, Ryden wouldn't think much of it

After all, making out is supposed to feel good and neck kissing is part of that, right?

However, the more Ryden acts that it was not a big deal, the more Clyde would be furious

With a glare, Clyde stomped his feet away. Leaving Ryden alone

The Prince can only scratch the back of his head, thinking in his mind that his wife is weird

But since Ryden is not the type of person to think much about something, he easily let it go and decided to just train his swordsmanship again

Ryden went to his usual training spot with a wide-open space

He took one of the swords in the rack and started swinging the sword around

The more he trained, the more he is regaining his skills

While Ryden was training, a fearful maid approached him carefully

Ryden is an easy Master to serve at normal times but whenever he had an episode, every maid should pray for their lives

"What is it?" Ryden stops his training and questioned the clearly terrified maid

"T-there is s-someone that w-wants to meet Y-Your Highness. H-he said that his n-name is D-David"

Although the maid was stuttering because of his fear, Ryden still understood him

Hearing that name he hadn't heard in a long time, Ryden's eyes lit up

David is a fellow soldier. They treat each other like good brothers

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When Ryden died and found himself reborn on earth, he was saddened by the fact that he would never be able to see his friend again

Even when he returned to the Empire, he was busy trying to save his life. Only now did he recall that he had this good friend of his

"Let him enter and escort him here!" Ryden said excitedly and the maid immediately excused himself

With the thought of meeting his friend, Ryden smirks evilly as he impatiently waited

Fortunately, maybe because the maid was afraid that he would displease Ryden and provoke him if he take too long of a time, it didn't take that long before the maid returned with a brute following him

David is an alpha that can only be described as ripped

He has that typical large body that seems to have been created out of pure muscles. He also has a scar around his right eye as if someone cuts him in there

Fortunately, his eye was still functioning perfectly

"Boss!" Not only was David muscular, but even his voice also sounds as if he was a talking beast due to how loud he was

For David, it was only more than a month that he hadn't seen his 'boss' but that is already a long time for him

For Ryden on the other hand, it was decades. As such, the two deeply misses the other's presence

They excitedly charged at each other before their fists collided

While David was a terribly muscular man, Ryden is more of a fit type of man. He has enough muscles in his body but he wasn't exactly ripped like David

However, even then, it was still David that groaned from the pain

After all, one should not just a person's physique to determine their strength!

Even though Ryden has a much slimmer body, he was still stronger than this friend of his

"Boss, you are too much! You said that you are just summoned by His Majesty! If not for the news, I wouldn't even know that you are now married!" The brute said sulkily but Ryden wasn't in a mood for chatting right now

"Let's save the talk for later. For now, let's fight!" Ryden said excitedly as he grab another sword from the rack nearby and threw it at his friend

"What fight? You just want to beat me up,  boss!" David cried out and he was indeed right

Whenever Ryden is not in a good mood, he would 'spar' with his best friend. All those times would end up with David being badly beaten up

Although Ryden threw Clyde's matter at the back of his mind already, it still affected his mood

David's arrival is just in time as Clyde can use him to vent

The poor David that wasn't even given a chance to rest after traveling for a long time receives his boss's blade

Still, this was not the first time that this happened and David skillfully parried Ryden's sword strike

Weng weng weng!

The sound of metal clashing together rang around. Sparks would even sometimes fly around

Ryden has to admit that fighting with someone is more beneficial for his 'retraining' rather than just practicing on his own

He can feel his move being more flexible and skillful than before

"Boss, are you giving me some slack? Is that really you?" David said with visible tears on his eyes

Whenever he and Ryden sparred, the Prince would not give him any mercy

But now, Ryden's movements weren't as skillful and precise as David could remember. At some point, it even feels sloppy

After all, David is also an expert warrior. He was like Ryden's second in command that has a prowess only inferior to him

Not wanting to lose face, Ryden nodded his head while making an excuse

"That's right. If I were to beat you up badly and my wife learned about it, he would scold me for being merciless!" Ryden skillfully spouted such bullshit and his friend's eyes lit up while they continue to brawl with swords

"Boss! Boss! They said that your wife is extremely beautiful and his personality was also kind and gentle! Is that true?" David asked excitedly and Ryden almost answered no

Who was kind and gentle again?! As far as Ryden can remember, Clyde has pinched his ears and kicked him countless times already in just a duration of a month!

What kind of gentle and kind person was that?

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