Our Throne

Chapter 49: NOT EDITED YET

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Clyde threw his envy at the back of his head first as he rubs his own and Ryden's desire together

Two equally hardened rod rubs against each other while Clyde pumps the both of them

That causes the both of them to huff as pleasure starts to build up around their stomach

The sensation feels really good. Not to mention, the way they were staring at each other's faces, enjoying the facial expressions that they shows made their libido to rage even harder than before

Clyde was successful in his plan to shut Ryden up yet his palms felt like they would get burned

His own cock was already really hot yet Ryden's was even hotter. The Prince's body heat was transmitted to his manhood and palms and Clyde look as if he was intoxicated by something

While he was busy pleasuring the both of them, Ryden's hands found their way behind the other man

His fingers searched for the source of Clyde's sexual secretion and he teases its entrance

That causes Clyde's body to shudder and some of the strength his body has seems to have been evaporated

Not wanting to lose, Clyde pumps his hands faster than before, sending new and more intense wave of pleasures to the both of them

In return, Ryden uses a finger again to explore that drenched meaty cave. He can feel the other's anal muscle clamping hard on his finger as if it wants to snap his fingers

It was completely drenched yet still as tight as before and Ryden played with it. He would sometimes enter the cave with a whole finger and he would also sometimes curled his finger as if he was scratching something 

Clyde's body almost spasmed and the pleasure given to him causes his body to fell on of Ryden

He felt like a vegetable with no strength to move but since he still does not want to lose, he can only bite Ryden in the shoulder while his hands continue to do their work

The Prince groaned loudly at that and his hands went on Clyde's hips, positioning the man above his hardened desire

"I want you" Ryden whisphered as he nibbled on the man's earlobe

His voice soundimg hoarse and seductive that sent goosebumps allover Clyde's body

"D-do it" the omega replied and braced himself from the piercing pain that was about to come

In the next second, Clyde was not disappointed as the pain did appear. This was not his chrysanthemum's first time being pierce by that rod yet due to the disparity in size, it still feels a bit painful

To help ease his wife's pain, Ryden starts kissing the man's lips as one of his hands played with Clyde's manhood

While Ryden slowly pushed himself inside, he pumps Clyde's cock while kissing him passionately 

That indeed help ease Clyde's pain and his anal walls softened and gave Ryden an easier access

As soon as the entirety of Ryden's thing entered that hole, Clyde immediately arched his back at the extreme pleasure it brought 

That even causes him to shoot prematurely with his cum landing in Ryden's body

The omega's face flushed red from embarrassment and before Ryden can tease him it, he already pressed his lips against the other

Not just that, Clyde also starts moving his hips up and down slowly, riding Ryden 

Their union made fireworks explode inside them every second

One penetrates and the other was penetrated, having a beautiful rhythm that is in sycn with the other

When Clyde was already tired, Ryden sensed that and he puts the former's body down the bed

Ryden lifted the other's thighs before increasing his pace

Clyde's whole body was rocked back snd forth, experiencing yet another earthquake and the only thing he could do was to moan

The two did it and after some time, Ryden finally released his seed and like the usual, he deposited it straight into Clyde

Ryden only stops for a few moments before his hips starts to move again. Woth his essence inside Clyde, the meat cave became even more sloppier than before and the sounds of their hips hitting each orhee rang louder than usual

The two lost count of how many times they did it as the only thing they know was that it feels really good. It was the best feeling that they had ever experience their whole life


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The next morning, as Clyde knew what he does while being sober last night, he didn't panic as much as before

He still felt a bit embarass but he just took out Ryden's thing that was still inside him

That causes Ryden to also wake up and the eyes of the two met before they both look away

They are equally a bit embarrassed. After all, they only did it with each other and omly for three instances

It would take more time before they would not feel any more embarassment

"B-birth controls" Clyde said. Since his husband is already awake then might as well ask him to get the birth controls

Anyway, although Clyde was not as sore as their first time, he was still sore. No one would not feel sore after being penetrated by something that big after all!

Ryden dutifully gave the pill to Clyde that the man swallowed again without water. Although he pills are still effective for a longer time, it was better safe than sorry

"I-I'll ask the maids to serve breakfast to our bedroom" Ryden said and Clyde nodded his head in agreement 

It was indeed better to dine in the bedroom as Clyde wants to rest some more

However, before Ryden can even order the maids, one of them already informed him of something 

"Y-Your Highness, His Highness the Second Prince a-arrives just moments ago. He is currently waiting for Your Highnesses" the maid said quite nervously 

Although Ryden never really hurt the orphan maids as they are mostly not spies anymore, they are still a bit afraid of him since he would suddenly go berserk from time to time

It was fortunate that every time that it would happen, the consort is present and can help make Ryden calm down

"The Second Prince?" Ryden repeated with a frown. What does that bastard want to come this 'early' though it wasn't early anymore 

However, as the second child of the Empress, although Ryden does not know how to deal with Kervy, he is still aware that he could not just dismiss him easily

Since he does not know how to deal with the second Prince then Ryden can only return to his and Clyde's bedroom to ask the latter of what they should do

After hearing about it, a frown appeared in Clyde's face

Kervy was indeed handsome and Clyde has the initial admiration but he was the same for Ryden before

Although he does not show it, he was also really infatuated with Ryden's face before

However, after seeing a handsome person multiple times, the infatuation would start to die down

Clyde already met Kervy two times. Not to mention, he just had a hell of a night with Ryden. As such, he was not as infatuated anymore

"I don't know if he was send to the Empress or he just really wants to be close with you" Clyde said with a sigh

As the Empress's child, the Second Princr is suspicious. However, the Prince's demeanor seems pure and is a gentleman. As such, it was also hard to think that he was capable of doing something bad

Even Clyde cannot read him. "In any case, let us meet him" Clyde said

Fortunately, only in their first tome together did Ryden not clean both of their bodies after doing it

They can afford to just freshen themselves a little before meeting the Second Prince

When the two saw Kervy, he was elegantly sitting in the couch while sipping the cup of tea that the maids served to him

After seeing the two, the Second Prince stood up and greeted them

"6th Brother, Consort Clyde" 

While Clyde gave a polite smile, Ryden merely nodded his head before they sat in the opposite side of Kervy

Before Ryden or Clyde can even speak, the second Prince already beat them to it

"6th brother, please forgive my rudeness. I don't know how long you will stay in the capital and I fear that we would not be able to meet each other if I take my time and I decided to visit your estate without prior notice" 

With that, Ryden can only close his mouth. The other party already apologizes and even gave out a logical reason for the disrespect. What more can he say?

However, in the end, Ryden was still displeased. "Don't you have any other siblings that you can bond with?" Ryden asks and the calm smile that Kervy has seems to crack as his mood gained a tint of sadness in it as he shook his head with a lowered head

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