Our Throne

Chapter 53: NOT EDITED YET

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Jermaine would of course not do that even though the other party is a Prince

"Your Highness, that was not what I intend to say. It's just that to attend this party, one must have an invitation. I hope that my brother didn't use Your Highness's 'status' as a Prince to participate" Jermaine replied

Although he tried to humble himself, everyone can still see that he was mocking Ryden

He put emphasis in the word 'status' as everyone know that even though Ryden has the Imperial Bloodline in his body, his status and the treatment that he had received is far different than any other members of the Imperial Family

That further fueled Ryden's rage and he was itching to obliterate this pompous omega in front of him but a hand stops him from doing so

"Brother is right. This party indeed required an invitation to attend. Fortunately, His Highness the Second Prince personally gave us invitations. We are deeply gratified at how kind His Highness was treating us" Clyde said with a polite smile in his face but the words he uttered although does not look much in the outside are surely things that Jermaine would never want to see

Clyde has seen how excited this half brother of his was after seeing the Second Prince. He might now exactly know what relationship they have but Clyde also saw that Kervy was only treating Jermaine politely. It was different from how warmly he treats his 6th's brother and his wifr

As such, if Jermaine heard the different in treatment and it was even slapped in his face, his mood would surely be ruined

After seeing Jermain and how he acts, Clyde decided on something 

He made sure to have a gentle and kind image to people so that he could easily move but that has to change a bit

Clyde realizes that if he was too kind, there are people that might possibly used him

Seeing Jermaine here, Clyde thinks that a day might come when his father wants to control him so that in return, the Duke would be in control of the sharp sword Prince Ryden

Clyde decided to change his image to a kind person but it also not someone that anyone should mess with

As expected, Jermaine's expression fell after hearing his brother's words. He even glanced at the Second Prince but the latter only maintained his polite smile as if he did not realize what Clyde was doing

As such, Jermaine's face flash into that of an extreme anger. Fortunately, before he can explode like he would normally used to, his alpha brother holds him in the shoulder to stop him

As to not lose face, Jermaine forces himself to calm down yet he still sneered at the two illegitimate people

"Ah, I see. Brother Kervy is really kind. If not for him, you two would not be able to attend this party" Jermaine said with venom, his words sounded polite yet inside it, he was ridiculing and looking down at the two

He almost literally said that Clyde and Ryden was nobody and if not for the Second Prince, they would not be invited in here

"Jermaine, that's enough. Why don't you and His Highness just go see if there is any wine that you like in here?" Jerome said before things could get ugly

It's not like he also doesn't look down at Clyde and Ryden, he was just afraid that the madman Prince would lose control right here and attack them indiscriminately 

Although Jerome looks down at Ryden that doesn't mean that he was unaware of the man's strength and reputation!

Hearing his brother's words, Jermaine's eyes lit up as he stared as he gave the Second Prince a glance 

His eyes were full of expectations as he wants Kervy to come with him so that they could spend more time

He don't believe that with his outstanding appearance, the Second Prince wouldn't fall head over heels for him

Unfortunately, his expectations were shattered in the next instance

"My apologies, I forced my brother and brother in law to attend the party with me. As the one that invitest them, I could not possibly leave them alone" Kervy refuses, still maintaining that polite yet not warm attitude of his towards Jermaine and Jerome

For the second time tonight, Jermaine's face fell. He felt like he just got slapped on the face

To think that the Second Prince would actually choose to accompany those two illegitimates compared to him that has a Noble pedigree

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Kervy's words made Jerome frown and to help his little brother, he turned his head towards the two illegitimates

"I believe that you would not mind if His Highness were to accompany my little brother, right?" Jerome asks yet he was still frowning. He does not likr asking for the permission of these two

However, since Kervy is still a Prince and even one from the Empress, Jerome cannot possibly force him to do everything that he wants

However, before Ryden can even answer, Clyde already beat him to it

"My apologies brother but it all depends on who the Second Prince wants to accompany" Clyde said, throwing the ball at the other party

Anyway, with how he sees Kervy treats those two, he has some confidence that the Second Prince would choose him and Ryden

"I stand by my words, I invited them here and I am responsible for them. My apologies" Kervy simply replied and without a choice, no matter how he does not like it, Jermain can only stay as he still wants to continue seducing the Second Prince

However, no matter what he do and no matter how proactive he was, Kervy's treatment towards him never changes

It was still as polite as possible and not warm just like how he sees Kervy treating the two illegitimates and that filled him with rage

"Ah, right, big brother, we brought wine to this party. It came from a foreign country and I am confident that after the Count had a taste of it, he would declare it as the tastiest wine of this party" Jermaine said boastfully

The real purpose of this wine party was to determine the next hot selling wine in the Empire

As long as the Count chose one of the wines presented to him and declared that he find one of them the tastiest, no doubt that almost all Nobles in the Empire would try to buy the same kind of wine to gain some sort of superiority feeling 

Not to mention, the chosen wine would also be be the most famous one for a long time and the one that presented it would gain quite some fame in the High Society

"Oh, what a coincidence. 6th brother and brother in law also brought wines of their own and I believe that it also has the potential to be chosen as the Wine of the Night by the Count" Kervy replied and sparks instantly flew in the pompous omega's eyes

"Really? Where could brother possibly bought such a high quality wine?" Jermaine asks with a sneer as if he was saying that with Clyde and Ryden's status, what kind of high quality wine would be bought by them?

"Hahaha, we did not bought it. I was the one that created its recipe" Clyde replied witha confident smile yet Jermaine sneered even harder than before

"I see, so it was actually brother's recipe. Well, buying high quality wine is hard. So I guess, brother has to make it himself" Jermaine rebuked, trying to pull down Clyde again but the latter would not back down

"And who would have thought that the wine from my recipe would be highly regarded by His Highness Kervy? He has always been visiting our Manor for the past days and he always want to bring some wine home" Clyde replied, hitting Jermaine where it hurts the most again

Jermaine wants to get close and seduce the Second Prince yet the treatment he received was only polite

Not to mention, he was never visited or seeked out by the Prince no matter how long they have known each other alreasy

"I am looking forward to also have a taste of the wine from brother's recipe" Jermaine said and intense sparks flew between the two

The alphas around them can sense that and aside from Kervy, the two opposing sides were also glaring at each other

If this goes one, they might even start a fight in here

Fortunately, Kervy helps diffuse the tension

"Hahaha, the night is still young. I suggest we taste some more wine" Kervy suggested yet before they can do it, a certain someone that was the star of this night went towards them

"Your Highness, it is my pleasure for you to accept my invitation" the Count said as he smiled excitedly at Kervy

To have an Imperial Prince attend his event, the Count's reputation would soar even higher than it already is!

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