Our Throne

Chapter 66: NOT EDITED YET

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Ryden starts performing a silly sword dance while running on top of the sea. He would even jump and roll his body while in the air from time to time

The two had a rare moment of peace as if they were the only people present in the world. They completely forgot all the horrible things that they had experienced or the world contains. As of this moment, all of their attention was with each other and just enjoying the moment

After some time, Clyde also entered the sea with his body. The slightly cool sensation from the water soothes and relieves his fatigued body. Fortunately, his wound was already pretty much closes, and it was already scabbed. If not, Clyde would be in a really great discomfort because of it

But now, aside from the slight pain at the start, after it, Clyde cannot feel the wound anymore. He planned to just float around the water and rest as it feels really comfortable

Fortunately, although Clyde has never been to the beach before, he still knows how to swim thanks to the swimming lessons his former school has

If it was just floating leisurely then Clyde does not have a problem about that. However, before he can even enjoy his rest, there is already a certain someone that swam underneath him

That someone even holds Clyde in the waist and places him on his shoulder while walking towards the shallower part of the sea

"Hey! What are you doing?" Clyde asks while holding on to Ryden's head as he feared that he might fall on the water with the man carrying him in his shoulders

"Carrying you!" Ryden simply answers before he starts running. Although around half of his body is still submerged in the water, Ryden's running speed was still very fast. That causes the poor Clyde to hold into the other man tighter than before

"Ryden you bastard, put me down!" Clyde shouted loudly in panic. He really feels like he would fall down any moment from now with how fast Ryden was running

"HAHAHAHAAHA! NO!" Ryden shouted back with a laugh while refusing to do what Clyde wants him to do. He just run and run while enjoying how much Clyde was shouting at him to stop






Clyde continued to shout without stopping. However, the more he screams, the faster Ryden runs as if they were the man's energy booster

Ryden only stops running when he finally had enough and only then did he put Clyde down

The omega's face was completely red from both anger and anxiousness. He was always on the brink of falling down while Ryden was carrying him

He was  also out of breath with how much he was shouting and when Clyde recovered a bit, he decided to get back at that bastard husband of his

"I told you to stop countless times but you were not listening!" Clyde shouted again while raising his foot to kick Ryden

As the Prince knew what he did wrong, he just accepted the kick while laughing. "Hahahahaha! You sound like a sqealing pig earlier!" Ryden continued, not feeling fear this time as if he just grown a mountain of guts

"Continue laughing and I will have you sleep outside tonight" Clyde said in a threatening manner and the Prince immediately kept his mouth shut in fear of sleeping out tonight

"Tsk, you are no fun" Ryden mumbled under his breath before the two decided to just enjoy the relaxing beach for the day


When dawn arrives, the two readied themselves to have a barbecue. With them accompanied by some maids from the Manor, they do not really need to move and barbecue will be served to them

However, since they do not want to have servants around them, after they had the maids set up the griller and everything, they sent them away again

"Time to make Ryden's special barbecue' The Prince muttered

Currently, he was standing in front of a table with pieces of pork laid in it. In Ryden's hand was a sharp knife that he uses to skillfully cut the pork into thinner pieces

To make this outing feel even more genuine, the two decided that they would cut, marinate, and cook the barbecue by themselves

After all, normal people back on earth do that personally when having an outing and not giving the work to the maids that they have brought

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"This is like your first time making barbecue, what's with the special in it as if you have a secret recipe that you personally developed" Clyde said with an eye roll

While Ryden is responsible for cutting the pork, Clyde on the other hand started making the marinade

"Do you think one's great great great grandma's recipe that they have inherited came out of nowhere? Of course not! Those recipes were developed you know and I plan on doing the same thing. I also want to be someone's ancestor that they got a recipe on!" Ryden retorted with an aura of confidence

"Your work is literally cutting the pork. I am the one making the marinade, where in that part did you create a recipe worthy enough to be passed down on the future generation?" Clyde rebuked with a sneer

Ryden would most of the time just suddenly think of a random thing just like in this situation

"Can you stop being a killjoy at least once?" Ryden questioned while pursing his lips in dissatisfaction. Why does Clyde always have to argue with him?

In response, Clyde chuckled. Nah, not going to happen. I enjoy bullying you" Clyde replied with a chuckle, earning him a glare from his husband

With how skillful Ryden was at cutting enemies with his sword, it would not be weird if he is also quite good at using knife to well, cut pork into thin pieces

With his skills, it did not take that long before all the pieces of pork in the table were cut by him

With Clyde also done with making the marinade, they put all the pork strips into the marinade before he realizes something

"Wait, arent people usually marinated the pork first before cutting them into thin strips?" Clyde muttered and Ryden nodded his head resulting in the two of them laughing together

To think that they would actually make such a silly mistake

"Well, to be fair, with the meat that thin, it would be able to absorb the marinade's flavor much better, right?" Ryden reasoned and Clyde helplessly shook his head

"This is your fault, you were too excited to boast your knife cutting skills" Clyde puts all the blame into the other man that gave the blame back to him

"You know how excited I could be at times, why did you not stop me?" Ryden reasoned again

The two just let the pork absorb the marinade's flavor for a while and after washing their hands, the two of them decided to laze around first and make a sand castle

"You know, the sun already set, and only now did we decide to create a sandcastle. How would we be able to see it clearly?" Clyde said helplessly

In their trip together, they seem to keep making small yet silly mistakes together

"Meh, who cares? We do not have to make everything perfectly" Ryden answered with a shrug as he uses the beach's sand to create the base of their sandcastle

"And we also do not have tools, even just a simple bucket" Clyde continued but even then, with just their hands, they put on the effort to create a simple sandcastle

The appearance was not that aesthetically pleasing to the eyes but hey, it was not that bad considering how they created it with just their hands

"Aww, it's cute. I wish we could take it home with us" Ryden muttered while staring at the small and simple sand castle

"Why don't you bring home some sand and we will recreate it in the Manor" Clyde joked with a chuckle yet Ryden's eyes glowed as if he just heard the most brilliant idea he had ever heard in his entire life

"Yeah, that's right! We could do that. Why did I not think of that?" Ryden said while hitting his own forehead

"I was just joking. Never take sad from the beach, it would destroy the environment"

"But it has a large amount of sand in it. How could it run out of sand if we just take a bit?"

"Just imagine if your thinking is the same as the thinking of thousands or even millions of people. Can you guess what would happen to the beaches of the world?"

Hearing that reasoning, Ryden can only pout his lips. He badly wanted to recreate the sandcastle with Clyde in a place where they can easily revisit it anytime that they want to

Unfortunately, Clyde was too much of an environmentalist and is forbidding him from taking the sand

"Tsk, don't suggest a brilliant idea if we cannot do it"

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