Our Throne

Chapter 68: NOT EDITED YET

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Even though Clyde just made up some bullshit, the naive little Princess still believed him. In fact, that made the Princess look even more amazed

The already deep worshipping gaze he was giving to Clyde earlier was further intensified. It was like he just listened to the wise words of a thousand years old sage

"As expected, brother in law is really amazing! Gosh, I am so happy to finally meet brother and brother in law! Hmph, mother always forbids me from visiting your estate. We are brothers, why am I not allowed to visit?" At first, the little Princess was joyful but towards the end, he just crossed his arms together with a pout

Clyde has the urge to say that the 3rd Queen was right in disallowing him to visit. After all, what kind of mother would let their child visit a rumored madman that might suddenly attack on sight?

Even if the rumors were not 'verified' before, as a mother, one must still take some precautions. After all, everyone... almost everyone only has one life and not all people would be given a second or third chance

One must not risk the safety of their own child

However, Clyde cannot just admit that Ryden is a madman nor can he possibly say that the 3rd Queen is right as that would surely just make this spoiled Princess dissatisfied

"Just be good and listen to your mother, alright? You are still a kid and the Queen just wants you to be safe. What if some bad guys suddenly appear and take you. Would that not hurt you and your mother?"

The Princess seems to have awakened Clyde's parental instinct as he starts giving the kid a life lesson though Harley's next words cause the side of his face to twitch a but

"But I always have my maids and guards with me. Besides, my mother only forbid me from visiting 6th Brother. Look, I am even in a place more far the 6th brother's Manor but mother did not stop me from visiting the beach" Harley reasoned with a pout and Clyde can only smile awkwardly

He did not expect that this spoiled brat will be able to find the loopholes that easily

This scene was more than enough to make Ryden burst into a fit of laughter. It was not every day that he could see something like this. After all, almost a hundred percent of the name, it would be Ryden that will be speechless

It was rare to see Clyde speechless and it was even because of a kid that is only around ten years of age! How can Ryden not laugh at this?

The Prince's loud laughter made the cheeks of Clyde a bit red and he can only 'sneakily' pinch the man's arms

Too bad that although Clyde tried to be sneaky, the sharp eyes of Harley still saw it

"Kyaaahhh! Out of everyone I know, I am sure that only brother in law can pinch 6th brother. Yaaaahhhhh, I want to have my own Prince!" The Princess said excitedly. He even squealed loudly a few times

Once again, he made Clyde twitch. Harley is only ten years old yet he was already thirsting to have a love life with a Prince that only he can calm down. Isn't this kid's imagination a bit too much?

"Ha... haha. hahaha... yeah" Clyde can only awkwardly laugh with Harley before his nose picked up that there seems to be something burning and when he looks at the source, only then did Clyde remember the barbecue that they were cooking

Clyde immediately went back to the griller to take the barbecues. Fortunately, the barbecue was not that burnt. Although Clyde is rich thanks to the money that his husband has, he is still not the type of person that wants to waste food and he sighs in relief after seeing that the barbecue was still at least edible

Even if he and Ryden decides not to eat the slightly burnt ones, they can still give them to the servants as to not waste them

"Where are the maids? Why did they leave the food unattended?" Harley asks with a frown

"We sent them away since me and my wife wants to have an alone time together" Ryden answered

Although he wants to interact with this kid a bit, he still very much preferred to be alone with his wife. After all, the purpose of this trip was for them to enjoy and accompany each other

For Ryden, there is no room for an additional person even if that person is a little kid. However, Clyde seems to have a different thinking

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As Clyde does not have much interaction with children whether it be on earth or in the Empire, he seems to be really fond of a kid as cute as Harley. As a result, Clyde glared at his husband after Ryden spoke in a way as if he wants Harley to vanish from their sight right this instance

It is now Ryden's turn to pout like a kid as he muttered something under his breath. "Tsk, if you want a kid then why don't we just have one"

Although Ryden seems to be saying that only to himself, Clyde still heard it and his glare further intensified and the Prince can only shut his mouth

Fortunately, as a ten years old kid, Harley did not understand the implications of Ryden's words and he was just weirded out

"Without maids, who would cook the food then?" the kid asks, genuinely not knowing the answer

"Umm... us?" Clyde answered while pointing at himself and also at Ryden. His tone seems to be saying that his words were the most basic of common sense

After getting the answer, Harley instantly dramatically gasp. "No way! How could a member of the Imperial Family do such menial work? Call the servants, they must be the one to cook!"

In the end, a spoiled brat is still a spoiled brat especially one that is a Princess

It was just cooking their own food yet he acts as if doing so was such a big deal that will damage their dignity

"No need to call them, we are the ones that decided to cook. It's one of the things that a couple does... you know, on their own" Ryden meant something with his words again, really wanting the kid to be removed out of his sight so that he would stop interrupting the couple time he has with Clyde

As a result, Ryden was elbowed by his wife that gave him a threatening look. One that if it was saying that one ore nasty word from him will be the cause of his death

In the end, Ryden can only shut his mouth again even if he wants to throw the kid away

"C-couple time?" Harley muttered while staring at the griller with a conflicted look on his face

"S-so... if one day, I-I finally have my beastly and manly Prince, I also have to do this?" Harley asks and Clyde decided to just ignore some of the words that this kid uttered

"W-well, not really but it can be a form of bonding for the couple" Clyde answered and Harley acted as if he just decided to do the most humiliating thing in his life

"I-I have to learn how t-to c-cook" Harley said as if just saying so is enough to make him puke

"I-I cannot disappoint my future Prince. What if he dislikes me for not knowing how to cook? No, even if this is a disgrace for my royal dignity, I still need to know how to cook!"

Ryden almost groaned loudly if not for remembering that even just a groan might make Clyde harvest his life. He already wants to kick this kid out yet he just has to have an excuse to stay. And with Clyde's personality

"U-uh y-yeah, sure. I-I'm going to teach you" Clyde agreed awkwardly and Ryden groaned inside him

He knew it, Clyde really decided to teach this spoiled brat that acts as if knowing how to cook is far beneath him 

In the end, Ryden seems to have become the third wheel among them. Clyde and Harley had a world of their own

It was just simply grilling barbecue but the Princess acts as if it was hard labor to do. Ryden had an urge to shout that one just has to place the skewered barbecue in the griller and wait for the meat to be cooked. What exactly is hard to do with that?

Unfortunately, it seems like his wife also enjoys teaching Harley. After all, that kid might be a spoiled brat but that is also the very same reason why he has such comical reactions

It was like watching a comedy movie in real life. Too bad that Ryden cannot squeeze himself at the two at how serious they were in their cooking session that was supposed to be his and his wife's thing

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