Our Throne

Chapter 76: NOT EDITED YET

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In the end, Clyde was left with all sorts of bruises in his body. The assassins were really skillful as they even broke some of his bomes but they made sure that none of his vitals would be affected

As such, even though Clyde's body was in an extremely bad condition, it was not to the point that it was fatal for his life

He can't move nor even just lift a single finger and he was hurting allover his body but he is not at the risk of dying

He can only lay in the ground helplessly with a blank look in his eyes. The pain he went through was just too extreme

Even with the strong mentality that he has, since Clyde does not encounter such a situation before, his mind still went blank while murderous thoughts were rising in his heart

"Peh! Serves him right!" One of the assassins said after spitting on Clyde. He as angry at how his colleagues were killed by this weakling

One must know that although these assassins are covering their bodies so that no one would be able to recognize them, they still know each other

They are friends and the death of a friend in the hands of other people would naturally anger anyone

"Tsk, we should have fucked him before beating him up. Too bad" another assassin said and the others nodded

An omega as good looking as Clyde is not someone that one would encounter everyday

Too bad that such a beauty was ruined by them due to their anger. How could they possibly enjoy the body of a person that is this badly beaten?

The more Clyde heard the discussion of these people, the darker his heart becomes

He never wanted to hurt anyone but they still hurt him. They were even this vicious in their means and the murderous thoughts that he have continued to grow

He was in a state of extreme anger tjat despite how bad his condition was, Clyde cannot even feel the pain anymore as the only thing in his mind is how to kill the assassins and the people that sent them

There is a saying that once a kind person was angered and hated someone to the bones, all hell will break loose

Clyde is a kind person in the past and he don't have the intention of hurting anyone. Even when he returned and he had change his personality that is only for the goal of surviving

But now that he went through this kind of experience, Clyde decided that after he survive, he would be even more cruel!

The more that Clyde thinks, the more he managed to ignore the pain and despite all the bones in his fingers broken, he still managed to twitch them a bit

"Huh? What's that? You still have the energy to move? Seems like your beating is still not enough" the assassin that accidentally saw Clyde moving his fingers said and he gave him another kicked

Clyde ignored his condition as he did his best to at least sit while looking at the assassins with murderous intention

That seems to have provoked them and the around a dozen assassins started approaching Clyde

All of them kicked or punched him to vent their anger

"You dare glare at us?!"

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Hahahaha! Look at how badly ruined you are!"

The more Clyde tried to resist, the more the assassins hurts him to the point that the only thing in their mind now is to beat him up which would be their biggest mistake in their life

When a person puts their entire focus on a single thing, they would unconsciously ignore everything else no matter how professional or skillful they are

That is also the case with these assassins

Clyde had changed his mind. Instead of blindlessly waiting for someone to save him, he would save himself!

Clyde is no damsel in distress that is locked in a castle with a fate to be saves by a handsome and dashing Prince

This is reality!

Clyde don't have the guarantee that Ryden would or could save him. It was also unknown whether Ryden was also not plotted against 

He only has himself to save him

Clyde continued to provoke the assassins as they encircled him

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When he judged that they are close enough, he decided that this would be a do or die moment!

While the assassins are focused on hurting him and they are sneering at how badly he is resisting despite not even being able to sit, Clyde made his gamble

He caught an assassin's foot that was about to kick him with one hand while he uses his other hand to slap the ground

One must know that Clyde's fingers were all broken and after he puts that much force in his palm, even his entire palm might break

However, broken bones does not matter if Clyde can survive and save himself

As soon as his palm touches the ground, he hurriedly transmitted his mana into it and uses the power in his bloodline

Clyde puts everything he has on that moment and soon, countless vines grew from the floor and these vines punctured holes in the assassins' bodies

With how close they are to Clyde and with how much they were focusing in hurting him, they did not have time to react before holes were made into their bodies, taking their lives in the process

This is the most powerful magic that Clyde had ever used. Ducal Families are after all not for show!

They have power with them that can be said that is only below the Imperial Family!

Even the Duke of Rothland managed to defend himself against Ryden for some time even though the Prince is not attacking him with the intent of killing him

Even then, it was a show of how powerful the Duke's magic was. Even if Clyde was not as strong as his father, with his own power and him controlling the assassin's state of mind to some extent, he still rmerged victorious 

Now, Clyde realizes how Ryden could be so strong. That man really encountered various life and death situations and every time he survives, he became much stronger 

Clyde managed to kill all the assassins but the magic he uses still sucked up all of his power

Now, only his mental prowess that was honed by this experience is keeping him awake

As much as he wants to sleep, Clyde don't have the luxury for that and he tried to stand up and escape from here when he suddenly heard hurried footsteps

His heart pounded. Could there be more assassins that he did not know?

If he were to encounter even a single enemy, he would be done for. He is already out of juice and even a strong level of mentaly would not be enough for him to survive

"GIVE ME BACK MY WIFE!!" A roar akin to the ones that enraged beasts made rang in the area and Ryden broke the old and worn out house's door with his foot

In his hand was his bloody sword that is ready to kill yet the scene he had expected did not enter his eyes

The scene of Clyde powerlessly being held by the assassins was nowhere to be seen

Instead, what he saw was Clyde standing with all his might with vines and dead assassins around him

However, Ryden do not have the time or the mental capacity to care about what happened 

The only thing in his mind was worry at his wife's current condition 

"Clyde!" Ryden called out worriedly and he immediately went towards the man that hugged him back

Only when Clyde saw Ryden did he felt safe

"I was late… I was late.. I'm sorry… sorry" Ryden apologizes continuously as he hugs the man but he did not date hug him too tight in fear that he would aggravate Clyde's wounds

Instead of saying that he forgive Ryden or giving him a thank you, at that time, there is only one thing that Clyde wants 

"Kill… let's kill them… I want them to die!" He said viciously and Ryden nodded his head

Now that he realizes his feelings for Clyde, even if Clyde were to ask him to destroy the whole world, he would still do it

Not to mention, this situation also angered him to the extreme

One assassination attempt is not enough. It even happened twice and the second time was more planned wnd dangerous than the first one

Ryden would never forgive whoever did this to his wife. His forgiveness would never be given to them and he would make sure that he exterminates all of them

"Kill! I will kill all of them! I will not let even a single one off!" Ryden agreed, making his own vow and with how much Clyde was push today, he soon passed out in the safety of Ryden's hold

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