Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 52: Chapter 49: Kicking names and taking asses

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Chapter 49: Kicking names and taking asses

“Where is Usopp?” asked Chopper.

“Nami and I left him here but I guess he had other plans.”(Rick)


The Vice-captain was pointing at the trail of blood starting from where he had left Usopp to the lower parts of Water Seven. 

“Where do you think he went?”(Chopper)

“Probably get the money back.”(Rick)

“In the state he is in? Is he mad?”(Chopper)

“Considering that I told him the money didn’t matter and that he still went, I’d say yes.”(Rick)

“What do you mean the money doesn’t matter? How can we fix the Merry without it?”(Chopper)

“We got 1 Billion for the gold. We still have 300 Million, we can still easily afford the best ship with it.”(Rick)



“Wait! Why buy a new ship? I thought we were fixing Merry.”(Chopper)

“The carpenters said Merry is beyond repair. Luffy hasn’t made his decision about it yet.” (Rick)

“I… don’t want to leave Merry behind.”(Chopper)

“Me too, but she had already done more than we could have asked for. I think, if she’s really at her end… I think it’s best if we send her off properly instead of using her like an old mule. I think it would be disrespectful to selfishly force her to sail again, and dangerous, we could sink with her. Does that make sense?”(Rick)

“Yes. Doctors are sometimes confronted with something similar. The patient is beyond help, yet we can delay the end for a bit. In some cases it’s just more pain and suffering for the patient.”(Chopper)

“Did you ever… ?”(Rick)

“Thankfully, no. I still don’t want a new ship.”(Chopper)

“Luffy hasn’t made any decision yet.”(Rick)


Following the blood trail, they encounter Sanji and Zoro.

“Guys? Weren’t you supposed to go to Ussop?”(Sanji)

“He was gone when we arrived.”(Chopper)


“We’re following him” said Rick pointing once again at the blood on the ground.

“This is Usopp’s blood? God they really did a number on him.”(Sanji)

“Yeah, the sight is not pretty, I’m amazed he had the strength to even stand up.”(Rick)


They heard a scream from a familiar voice coming from the sky. Looking up they saw Luffy falling, fast. He collided with a wall and bounced back onto the ground before bouncing once again into the canal.





““““I don’t even want to know.””” (Everyone)


As Luffy was drowning, Rick made him float and brought him back on land.

“Hey guys! Some people kidnapped Usopp and stole our money!”(Luffy)

““““We know”””

“Ah? Really?”( Luffy)


They explained to Luffy what happened while he was on his own and resulting in the captain being very upset.

“Let’s go find those guys!”(Luffy)


They arrived on a peninsula not unlike the one they docked the Merry. A huge edifice was there, near the sea, with ‘FRANKY HOUSE’ written in bright letters above the door. But that wasn’t the only thing they found. Usopp laid there on the ground unconscious, his state worse than before. So much that they wondered if he was still alive. Chopper quickly administered first aid when Rick raised  his hand, to blow the Franky house away, with everyone inside.

“Rick, wait.”(Luffy)

The ex-marine looked back at his captain with a questioning face.

“It’s going too easy on them if you blow everything away. Zoro, Sanji, Chopper and I will take care of them. Bring back Usopp to the ship.”(Luffy)

Rick nodded and lowered his hand. As soon as Chopper was done, he made Usopp float and before departing said a few words.

“Give them a good one for Usopp. And for Nami, Robin and I.”(Rick)



He went back to the Merry and met Nami there.

“Oh my god, Usopp!”(Nami)

“He’s going to be fine. He does need a lot of rest though.”(Rick)


He put inside the only bed the Merry had and asked Nami to watch over him, before exiting the cabin.

“Wait! Where are you going?”(Nami)

“Have that drink.”(Rick)

“Really?! Right now?”

“I can’t do anything for Usopp and Luffy doesn't want me to participate in the beating of the frankies so yeah right now.”

“You could search for Robin.”

“Search for Robin?”

“She disappeared earlier in the day.”

“Great, just great! *sigh* Guess I’ll search for Robin then. See you later.”


He raised in the air and flew towards the Bull Seat.

‘Actually, it may be a good idea to search for her. It’s never shown  where she stayed during her disappearance.... Nah, it would mess up the plan.’


He found the Bull seat pretty quickly and landed on the ground. Entering the bar he was glad to see that very few people were there. That made things easier. He approached the bar and sat on a stool. A tall and muscular man with his hair shaped like horns got close and asked what he wanted to drink.

“Surprise me, I have a preference for something strong and also smooth, for relaxing.”


The barman turned around and picked different bottles. He mixed the alcohol, added ice in the glass and served his customer.

“This is a Cobra Kai. It originates from…”(Blueno)

“I know where it comes from, I created the drink, thank you.”(Rick)

“No offence sir, but I doubt that.”

“You can ask Aokiji, he was with me in Alabasta at the time. Made the Vivid Dream too.” said Rick before emptying the glass in one go.

“Now, I’m here because your blonde colleague didn’t seem to get the hint.”(Rick)

“Blonde Colleague?”(Blueno)

“Interfere, directly or indirectly with my mission and the consequences would be dire for all of you CP9.”(Rick)


Blueno’s face stayed impassable except a little twitch of his eyebrows. Rick got up and left but not before saying a fex last words.

“You’ve been advised, follow it.”




Rick went back to the Merry as the sun was setting. The crew was just missing Robin .

“No luck finding Robin?”(Nami)

“None, as if she was gone into thin air.”(Rick)

‘Well, with Blueno’s power that is more or less what happened.’

“How is Usopp?”(Rick)


“Awake apparently.”(Nami)


They both entered the ship to see Usopp grabbing Zoro by the leg yelling apologies.

“It’s fine Usopp, we kicked their asses and destroyed their house.”(Luffy)

“What about the money?”(Usopp)

“Gone with their boss, Franky.”(Zoro)

“So in the end we still don’t have it.”(Usopp)

“No but we still got 300 Million.”(Luffy)

“It’s possible to fix the Merry then? Maybe make it stronger?’(Usopp)


“You made up your mind about it?”(Rick)


“What do you mean nope? Made up your mind about what?”(Usopp)

“I’ve decided to change ships! Going Merry helped us a lot, but its sailing days will end right here.”


This announcement from his Captain left Usopp confused and speechless. Luffy picked up the catalogue on the table behind him.

“Let’s talk about which ship to buy. With 300 million we can buy any ship in the catalogue that is bigger than ours.”(Luffy)

“Hold on! Stop joking for a minute because that’s not funny. Is Merry’s repair so costly than 300 Million is not enough? Because I lost the money we don’t have enough?Is it because it’s a world class shipyard and has world class prices?”(Usopp)

“No, no, that’s not it!”(Luffy)

“Usopp I told you the money didn’t matter.”(Rick)

“Then what is it?! Tell me! Don’t worry about hurting my feelings! Come On! If it isn’t about the money, why do you want to change ships?!”(Usopp)

“Merry can’t be fixed!”(Rick)


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He intervened. It was not planned, he just did it by reflex. He didn’t want to see Luffy and Usopp fight.

“Rick is telling the truth, no matter how much money we have, we can’t fix it no matter what.”(Luffy)

“But this ship, it took us all the way here didn’t it?”(Usopp)

“Yeah, but it’s only a matter of time before it sinks.”(Luffy)

“...” (Usopp)

“What are you talking about, Luffy?(Usopp)

“The ship mechanic guy said that no matter what, Going Merry won’t reach the next island no matter what. That it was a miracle it brought us here in the first place.”(Luffy)

“So some guy you don’t know said he can’t get to the next island ? Do you listen and trust every stranger you come across? Just because a few carpenters say it can’t be saved, It’s going to die?! Bullshit! Be it giant waves or deadly sea battle, the ship is a friend that came through it all with us! And now you want to leave it to die?! Was it just a tool to you?!”(Usopp)

“Usopp, no one here ever thought of her as a tool. That’s why Luffy decided to properly send her away and to change ship.”(Rick)

“What do YOU know ?! Are you a carpenter?”(Usopp)

“You’re not a carpenter either, Usopp!”(Luffy)

“I fixed it! I’ve always fixed it, and I will do it again. I just need to by some woods and nails from the shipyard, time to get busy.”(Usopp)

“Usopp, she CAN’T be fixed. And even if she could Luffy has decided to change ships so we changing ships.”(Rick)

“It was you, wasn’t it?!”(Usopp)

“It was me what?”(Rick)

“You did it! You put the idea of changing ships in Luffy’s head! Already back in Skypiea you were talking about it. What You didn’t like Merry? Too small for you because you prefer Marines’ ships’ size? Or was it the order you got from Aokiji?! Strand us here for long enough so we could get arrested?! It was you that hired those guys to steal the money I bet! You know the area well after all! And that’s why money doesn’t matter to you! You got it stashed somewhere!”(Usopp)

““Usopp!”” (Nami & Luffy)


‘Okay, that one I didn’t see coming.’

“What! It’s true! He’s a traitor! He may have joined us honestly but he betrayed us when Aokiji offered him to clean his slate! He loathes pirates after all, he settled for us because he didn’t have any other choice! We should have kicked him out of the crew back then! Because now you wants a new ship just as he suggested, and you know what? I’ll never give up this ship!!! You’re all idiots to listen to this marine dog and crooks passing themselves as carpenters! The straw-hats I know, would never give in to a marketing scheme or be swayed by their enemy! They would believe ine the Going Merry’s strength and fortitude! So don’t say ‘I’ve decided’ like you’re a real captain. I’v misjudged you Luffy!” (Usopp)

“If you don’t like your captain’s decision and leadership you’re free to go, Usopp.”(Rick)

““Rick!””(Nami & Sanji)

“It’s you who should be leaving this crew! You don’t belong here!”(Usopp)


“I’ve made my decision and I won’t change it Usopp! We’re changing ships and we’re going to say goodbye to Merry right here!”(Luffy)


Luffy and Ussop continued to argue. By yelling at each other. In the end the argument became physical. Luffy easily pinned Usopp to the ground.

“Fine! If you don’t like my decision, just like Rick said you’re free to go!”(Luffy)


Having heard that, Sanji kicked Luffy away, hoping he could snap out of it.

“What are you thinking Luffy! Calm down and watch what you say!”(Sanji)

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”(Luffy)

“No, that’s fine Luffy! Keep being Rick’s puppet. I don’t care. I don’t want to be part of it.”(Ussop)

“What did you say?!”(Luffy)

“Leaving behind the crewmates that are useless to you one by one! That’s not like you! But hey! If that’s what you want; sorry if that’s what Rick wants, then I’ve no problem being left behind with the merry too.”(Usopp)

“Usopp, you can’t mean that!”(Chopper)

“I. am. I refuse to stay one moment longer in this crew as long as Rick is in it. So I quit. But since the ship belongs to the captain, I’m challenging you Luffy! If I win, the Going Merry is mine!”(Usopp)




Luffy was in his hammock being berated by Nami. She ordered him to apologize to Usopp and stop all his nonsense which Luffy refused to do. Not going through, she exited the sleeping carter and saw Zoro and Sanji verbally fight together trying to put the blame on the other for the current situation. Rick was watching and couldn’t stand it anymore.

“ENOUGH! What you’re doing is useless, it won’t bring Robin and Usopp back!”(Rick)

“Good words coming for the guy who made Usopp leave in the first place!”(Sanji)

“Usopp defied Luffy’s order. His captain’s order. No sailor, either marine or pirate, should  be allowed to do that and stay in the crew. It causes dissension ! You two fighting is proof enough.”(Rick)

“Rick is right, there’s no point in you two arguing. I don’t agree with telling Usopp to leave though!”(Nami)

“I do.”(Zoro)

““What?”” (Nami & Sanji)

“Who are we following? Luffy or Usopp?”(Zoro)


“Exactly. Because he’s our leader. If we start doing our own things despite Luffy, we won’t go anywhere. Hell, what's even the point of being together in that case? We can’t have our captain’s leadership defied.”(Zoro)


That quieted them up. At that moment Chopper came back looking down.

‘Chopper, didn’t you run after Usopp?”(Zoro)

“I wanted to finish treating him but he forced me back… He said.. He said  that we were not friends anymore. That our friendship was over and to go back to the ship.” said Chopper in tears.

“Everyone was so happy just this morning and we still don’t know Robin’s whereabouts. It feels like the whole group is falling apart....”(Nami)


Rick sat next to Nami, made Chopper float and land on his knees and started scratching his back.

“It’s gonna be fine. Usopp is letting his misplaced and hurt pride and his love for Merry talk. The latter pushed him into denial about Merry’s situation and the former challenged Luffy. Once he accepts that Merry can’t go any further, he’ll just have to apologize for what he did to Luffy to come back. As for Robin… She’s been on the run for 20 years, she knows how to take care of herself. She’ll be back to us one way or another. The situation may be shity now, and maybe it will get worse but it will change for the better soon.”(Rick)

““Really?””(Nami & Chopper)


Rick nodded and patted Nami’s head. He put Chopper down and went to talk to Luffy.



“Do you believe what Usopp said? That I’m still working for the marine and that I manipulate you?”(Rick)



“If my presence is not wanted in the crew, I have no problem leaving you know. That way Usopp would be back.”(Rick)

“No! Usopp made his choice and what he said was bullshit. You’re always taking care of everyone, there’s no way you’re working with the marines. If he can’t trust you then that’s one more reason for him to leave.”(Luffy)




Rick started to leave when Luffy asked him something he never thought he would hear from him.

“Rick… Am I a good captain?”(Luffy)

“If you weren’t I wouldn’t have joined you in the first place. You still have a lot to learn though, but  you’re getting there like you did today with Ice Burg and Usopp”(Rick)


“As I was saying to the rest of the crew, a captain leads. His orders are absolute. His crew entrusts their life to him. They won’t do it if his resolve is weak. To be honest if you had let Usopp’s actions go unpunished, I would have been the one to leave. Same thing if you haven’t decided to change ships.”


“Yes, You would have shown me that you don’t have what it takes to be a captain, that you’re not ready to shoulder the responsibilities of the position.”

“What it takes to be a captain?”

“The ability to make hard decisions.”

“Leading is not easy Luffy, and hard decisions come often. Good leaders make them even if they don’t like them.”

“... When you were in the marines did you have to…”

“Yes, plenty of times.”

“Are there any you regret making?”




“My first official mission in the marines… I was around six, maybe seven years old, I had to save a princess and her maids captured by a pirate crew hiding on a deserted island. Time was of the essence, and honestly I was really excited too, it was my first mission after all, so I went ahead of the group I was with. I quickly reached their hide out and knocked out the two guards at the entrance without alerting anyone. I infiltrated the place, most of them were in a hall playing cards and drinking around a table. At the time, my gravity’s range wasn’t so wide, so I had to get closer without them seeing. Unfortunately from my starting point I didn’t see a door which one of the pirates came from when I started my assault. I knocked him out, but that delay alerted his friends and when I turned around one of them was already slashing his word at me. He cut deep, really deep and  by reflex I used the full power of my gravity on him. What was left of him after hitting the wall was just a mass of flesh. The wound was really bad, I was losing a lot of blood and I made the decision to not hold back because if I didn’t take care of them they may have killed the hostages, before the rest of my group came. So I took their lives too. I found the princess’ maids being abused by two pirates and did the same to them. I couldn’t breathe properly and my vision was starting to blur. When I found the princess, she was chained to a wall and being whipped by their captain. I knew I only had a few seconds left before losing my consciousness and dying. So I split him in half and used my last ounce of strength to free the princess and tell her that my friends were coming to rescue her. I took the lives of 10 people that day and more than twenty years later I still have nightmares about it. Yet, I don’t regret it. Do you know why?”


Luffy just shaked his head sideways. It was the first time Rick talked about his time in the marines like that. Sure he talked about the good times, but never went into details. The bad times? He never even indicated that he had one beside his leaving the marines.

“When after weeks of journey we brought back the princess and their maids to their homeland, despite all the suffering they endured in that hideout, they smiled and thanked me. That experience will probably haunt them forever, but they were glad to be alive and home. Just for that, I don’t regret what I did. And you should not regret your decisions Luffy, not if they are for the well being of the people you care about, even if they haunt you for the rest of your life.”



Luffy didn’t say anything. He was pensive about what his Vice-captain just told him.



The time for the duel came and as expected by everyone, Usopp lost. When Chopper tried to leave the ship to tend his wounds, Sanji prevented him from doing so.

“ He lost a duel and was then pitied. Think about how he must feel right now! Think about how this kind of kindness pains the loser. He entered this fight knowing this might happen.”(Sanji)

“Sanji, release Chopper. The decision to treat him or not is up to the winner. And that’s Luffy.”(Rick)

“Don’t you care about Usopp’s feelings?!” (Sanji)

“Less than Chopper’s.”(Rick)

“Is it because of what Usopp said about you?! You’re upset and now you add salt to his wounds!You don’t care about Usopp at all.”(Sanji)

“Chopper is a member of the crew, that’s why. Luffy, what do you want Chopper to do?”(Rick)


Luffy was back near the ship looking down.

“That’s what a captain is. Don’t hesitate. If you can’t be decisive, who can we believe in?”(Zoro)

“... Chopper, go treat him.”(Luffy)


Chopper tried once again to leave but this time Rick stopped him by making him float.

“No matter what, don’t talk to him. For Usopp’s sake.” said the ex-marine before letting the reindeer go.

“Oh! Sure, now you care about his feelings?” (Sanji)

“I never said I didn’t care. I said that Chopper’s are more important because he’s a crewmate. All of you, your physical, mental and emotional well being, will always come first before anyone else and that includes Usopp now by his own choice.”(Rick)


They gathered their belongings, despite Luffy winning and keeping ownership of the Merry, the couldn’t stay there anymore. 


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