Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 13: Chapter 10: Interruption

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I peer into Shaltear's lustful gaze for a few seconds before turning my eyes to Cleria who huffs in disappointment and puts away the book I so desperately wanted. This left me with no way of escaping the horny vampire gripping me firmly, I look around for any distractions…

But find none, Solution is just staring outside rippling in excitement. I look back into the sinful crimson eyes of my sister as they glow ominously.

'Oh no! This was supposed to be a relaxing trip, a breath of fresh air outside the walls of the tomb!'

"Hehehe~" Shaltear giggles, looking me up and down like a piece of meat.

She pulls me in by my waist so that our faces are closer together and buries her face in my neck savoring the skin as thoroughly as possible making slurping sounds, a hand slowly snakes its way into my hoodie and the shirt beneath it and deftly massages my hardened nipples provoking a shameful squeak from me.

Perhaps being encouraged by the sound she became more fervent in her approach as she finally sunk her fangs into my pale neck and extracted blood very slowly, it felt weird at first, like when you touch something slimy and back off instinctively.

But as it went on it felt relieving, satisfactory, and very addictive, putting me into a strange trance as my body relaxed into her arms and my legs lost their strength.

"Oh! What are you?- Hmmm~" I moan as she quivers in happiness.

Waves of a weird sensation of relief ripple from my neck to my weak legs as they shake in excitement. Suddenly the carriage stops rattling and the door opens. Solution leaves the carriage, as Shaltear releases me with a slow intense lick to the regenerating holes in my neck making sure to not waste any leaking blood.

I come out of my hypnotic state and look at her heavily flushed face as her hot breath caresses my face, but just when she was about to begin once more a cough comes from my left. We both snap our heads to a stone-faced Cleria with a light blush.

"Although I hate to interrupt, we have some things to do bef-" She begins only to be interrupted by a small leak of aura from Shaltear accompanied by an intense stare that would leave anyone second-guessing their decisions.

I give her a small overhead bonk.

"Stop, don't be mean to my Cleria! I thought you didn't touch what wasn't yours… And she is MINE." I reprimand her receiving a huff of annoyance and subtle lustful glance.

"I wasn't gonna do anything, she was just getting on my nerves," Shaltear responds while releasing me from her lap.

"I'm sure we have nothing to do at the moment, we were supposed to wait until they bait out a group of those things to capture." She continued while inspecting her nails.

"The filth will most definitely be in possession of books we have yet to collect or read, the mistress would most definitely like to obtain them," Cleria says politely.

"I'd rather not have my sister touch the same ground or breathe the same air as these… Humans" Shaltie replies with very clear disgust in her last word.

"I agree, Lady Liliana should not interact with such nauseating lifeforms." Cleria nods.

"Then why don't you send your familiars, you have them to specifically collect books," Shaltear responds in annoyance as I just watch them interact while giggling quietly as I float around playfully.

"Because I wish to show the mistress around the city." She replies flatly.

"Oh really? Doesn't that mean that she will be in contact with those sickening animals?" Shaltear replies with some sarcasm.

"I have my methods of purifying anything that will come in contact with the mistress, and in the situation that one of those abominable organisms take so much as a step towards her I will eliminate any trace of their existence." Cleria replies seriously.

"You can't hurt the cute ones!" I exclaimed, catching both myself and the other two off guard.

"Sorry… Just let me have the cute ones…" I muffled out meekly while covering my face with my hoodie.

I peeked at their reaction to my words and they were smiling at me with a mixture of lust and love.

"My cute little sister finally wants some slaves… What's next! Will she finally torture her servants with me?!" Shaltear mutters excitedly with a tear of joy.

"If the mistress wishes to kidnap and enslave some *cute* humans then allow me to do so, you shouldn't dirty your hands by touching such things." Cleria comments while fixing her glasses.

"I… Never mind" I say as I curl up and roll around the comfy seat in shame and regret.

"We can't go outside though, it is unknown whether the weaklings have a way to detect us, and if they do it could blow our cover. So we can't have you going outside until we have enough information." Shaltear commands seriously.

"I shall send my familiars then…" Cleria sighs

She lifts her slender arm and opens her hand, it gets covered in a white glow as small fluffy-looking clumps of light shape themselves into many different cute creatures, these are my secretary's familiars. Also known as wisps, she uses them to collect books without leaving the library usually through a portal.

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The problem with these things is that they can't distinguish between the books. So any book they find will be collected regardless of the contents. The small fluffy white creatures of light phase out of the carriage and burst off leaving a faint trail of white.

Cleria nods to herself after a while as if having confirmed something.

"Mistress I believe you should drink some blood and relax while we wait for Solution and Lord Sebas." Cleria states while taking a bottle filled with blood and the white book from before.

I perk up from my curled-up state and peek from inside the comfort of my warm hoodie, she uncaps the glass bottle with a satisfying clink of friction as it releases some chilling fog. The book floats above her shoulder while she places a droplet of black liquid into the fresh blood.

The second the liquids make contact with each other she places the crystal cap again and swirls it for 10 seconds at a uniform pace, not making a single mistake in the process like a swordsman performing an attack he has painstakingly honed over several years of endless practice.

I salivate as I watch the blood attain a soft dark green glow, pulsating ominously, to someone unaware of the taste this would look repulsive… But to me, who has memories of it written in my mind, it looks irresistible.

Before I knew it I was on her lap happily sipping on a straw with my eyes closed, making sure to focus my entire being on my taste buds.

'Thank the bicorns for their tears…they make normal blood taste almost as good as divine blood yet much more refreshing.' I think as the cold red fluids refresh my body and mind.

I release the straw from my mouth with a squeal of satisfaction as a soft white handkerchief with some beautiful embroidered roses wipes my wet lips. I open my eyes and go back to reading the book Cleria was floating in front of me, skimming through the pages as information on divine entities is recorded in my mind among all the other knowledge I have accumulated.

The moment I reach the last word Cleria turns the page as if reading my mind, my mouth slowly loses the satisfying chill, so I go take another sip only to be left disappointed by the lack of any liquid, prompting a noise of discontent as I bit down on the stupid straw in frustration and sadness.

I look up at my sweet property as she looks back at me and smiles gently, patting my disheveled hair lovingly and repeating the same process with another bottle. On the side, Shaltie is observing in both envy and happiness enjoying a bottle for herself while studying my every move with unrivaled seriousness like a sniper ready for the perfect opportunity to take their shot.

This continues until I finish my book and we run out of bicorn tears. I initiated a pleasant chat about the last few days, mentioning what my first time outside the tomb was like, as we talked they sometimes made weird noises.

Like when I mentioned the way I was looked at by Nigun and that Enri had the very best pats I've ever received. With the former, they scoffed feeling disgusted and then proud at the way I made them suffer, with the latter the temperature dropped briefly with the sound of their teeth grinding.

I laughed at their reaction but stopped abruptly, with a cheerful look as I wiggled my toes.

"Oh! And just so you know if anyone bothers them I won't speak to that person until they apologize!" I chirp.

They flinched and looked uncertain for a few minutes as I happily kick my legs back and forth.

"But Lady Lilina-" Cleria speaks out.

"No, I thought I made myself clear? You don't have a say in the matter. They belong to me, and you belong to me, so you will do as I say. My sweet se-cra-ta-ry~" I interrupt with a mature voice while releasing my aura.

I look deep into her eyes as mine glow menacingly as I stare deep into her soul, she shudders and gains a small blush while nodding dejectedly. I turn my gaze to Shaltear who also nods, seeing that I've made my point I go back to leaning into my assistant's bountiful chest and close my eyes peacefully.

I expand my spacial sense to its limits and feel the area around us with hopes of finding something I want, maybe one of those cute characters I had seen in the series… Thinking of them now I feel very possessive of Arche, I think I might turn her and her sisters into vampires too.

It will take a lot more than before though, also have to torture her parents… I really can't wait! Hehehe~

"What did you do with their souls though? If I'm not mistaken you should be capable of bringing them back, it should be fun!" Shaltear claims with a sadistic smile as many ways of making Nigun suffer and despair run through her mind.

"I wish... We don't have to worry about the other idiots because they'll be slaves for all eternity. But I broke him mentally, there isn't much left of that moron. If I were to revive him he would probably be unresponsive to any stimulus." I sigh in disappointment.

"Humans are so fickle and weak-minded. How pathetic, the least he could do is let my mistress torture him. It would be a privilege not many get to enjoy." Cleria comments in disdain.

'Not everyone has your tastes...' I think to myself.

"I agree, if I were offered the chance then I would most definitely take it!" Shaltear nods with a slight flush on her cheeks.

'I forgot we were created by the same Supreme Being' I facepalm

"I thought you didn't like torturing your servants though. What was that about a few hours ago?" Shaltear asks.

"Cleria is not my servant, she is my proper- SECRETARY" I reply

"Oh I see," Shaltear nods thoughtfully and goes silent, many thoughts and plans being built in her mind.

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