Overpowers: Life Is Magical

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Awaken,Shiny Constellation Guardian Taurus ! (8)

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The silhouette seemed to be thinking on how to answer the question. After a few seconds it gave an answer. His voice now that Nozomi was paying attention to it, sounded like it was being tampered with. Like it's trying to disguise its own identity.

"I am...the one who fights in the shadows so you can live in the light, call me, the Outsider !"

A light appeared behind it, revealing a figure pointing at nothing like it was posing. Wearing a black cloak that was covering all its body. The only other thing that he was wearing was a white mask that covered all its face, only having 2 holes where its eyes would be. While also wearing a pair of magician's gloves on its hands.

Before Nozomi could ask anymore questions. The light behind the cloaked figure goes out and immediately, the figure vanishes completely from her sight. Leaving her with a dumbfounded expression.

'Out...sider ?'

She then catches a glimpse of an object on the ground, nearby where the human-cat once stood. It appears to be emitting some sort of shiny glow.

'Hum ? what's this ?'

When crawling closer to it, she see's what appears to be a coin. Picking it up and getting a closer look at it with her good eye, it's apparently a 500 yen coin.

'A coin ? Was that what distracted that monster ?'

Nozomi then began connecting the dots in her mind about this coin and the stranger silhouette who called itself Outsider.

'If that person hadn't done that, Yoshino would have probably...'

She shivers for a moment at the thought of what would have happened to her and Nozomi, she then shakes her head to disperse the negative thoughts.

'No, Yoshino is alive and that's what matters, in any case...'

She looks up at where the Outsider once was wondering if they ever gonna meet again.

'If we do meet again, i hope that i can say my thanks for the help'

"Hey, are you alright ?!"

She's then snapped out of her thoughts by a voice coming behind her. When facing the owner of the voice she sees a very startled Seiza.

"Oh, Seiza i am..."

Nozomi vision then becomes hazier. Remembering now of her wounds caused by the monster.

"I...might need a little help...he he." She says while trying to not worry Seiza too much with her injuries

Seiza closes its eyes and looks at the ground and shakes its head while sighing.

"Seriously just...let me heal you. Kneel down so that I can get close enough to start."

Nozomi then proceeds to kneel down in front of Seiza, the latter then closing its eyes and beginning to concentrate. A small green light begins to appear on her wounded shoulder. A calm sensation begins to overtake her body.

"Don't move until I say so. If I am to be interrupted, the entire healing process is lost and I have to do it all over again, understood ?"

Nozomi gave a small nod at Seiza's words and although Seiza didn't see it, her lack of questions was enough confirmation to him that she understood. After a few more minutes of silence, however. Nozomi looks at where her friend's unconscious body is. A feeling of worry begins to brew inside of her until she cannot wait anymore to ask.

"Is she fine ? Yoshino, I mean."

Seiza, with his eyes still closed answers. Answers with a slight irritated tone from his voice.

"Yes, i managed to save her on time, don't worry about it"

Nozomi then closed her only good eye. Tears started to slowly fall from then. A small smile creeped up on her face.

"I see...thank you Seiza."

The dog just sighed, while a small smile started to also appear on its face.

"Good grief, what am I gonna do with you ? Now, no more talking until I'm done, ok ?"

Nozomi gave a small nod and stayed quiet while trying to contain her tears of happiness. After a few more minutes, Seiza opened its eyes. The small green light and calm sensation disappeared almost immediately.

"Alright, I managed to close out the wound while making sure to not leave any scars on the body and to restore your sight as it was. I would still recommend you to rest for a while just in case."

Nozomi, now not crying anymore. Cleaned up the leftover blood that was on her now fixed eye and blinked a few times. She could see again. Now looking at her shoulder with awe. Slowly running her hand over the once wounded shoulder. That now has nothing showing that it was hurt, besides the dried blood marks and the ripped fabric on the shoulder part of her dress caused by the human-cat.

"This...is really amazing, Seiza !"

The dog rolled its eyes while having a smug smile on its face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great, now..."

Seiza turns away from Nozomi. Now walking up to where Yoshino is. Until he's within a few feet away from her.

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"I believe it's time for us to get out of here, this place is giving me the creeps. Could you grab her ? I can't lift Yoshino without her physically carrying me and well...she can't at the moment"

Nozomi nods and walks up to Yoshino. She then proceeded to lift and put Yoshino up on her back, while also grabbing her schoolbag. Stubling a little, but still managing to stay on her feet.

"Alright, lead the way, Seiza."

Seiza then proceeds to walk up to the nearby left wall on the alleyway. When in front of the concrete wall he closed its eyes and after a few seconds, the wall began distorting inward . Until it formed that same tunnel that she entered to get into this place. With its walls made out of pure darkness.

When inside, the path ahead slowly became harder to see. To the point that it became completely pitch black after a few minutes.

'That's weird...where's that light from before ? Is it a one time thing ? Well, it looks like I just need to walk in a straight line anyway. So getting lost might not be a real concern.'

Nozomi then was snapped out of her thoughts when a small light became barely visible at the end of the dark tunnel. The light becomes more, and more noticeable by the second.

Until, Nozomi could clearly see the light. When exiting the tunnel, a few feet away from it, Nozomi breathed a sigh of relief after reaching the end of it. With the light coming from a nearby lamp post. And Seiza being in front of her. Looking ahead, away from her, breathing heavily.

'Finally, we're out of that place'

Then, a noise came from behind her. And when looking back, she had her mouth in shock.

'W-what ?! Where's the tunnel ? Where's the barrier ?'

Not only the tunnel, but the whole barrier has disappeared, like it never was there in the first place. Now only having a regular sidewalk, a vending machine selling drinks and a familiar kids playground on the side. With also a few benches.


She turned to look at a very baffled Seiza, who couldn't believe what he just saw.

"Yeah, the barrier just...vanished when we got out, maybe it's something that happens when no one's inside, maybe ?"

Nozomi said, not really sure if it was the correct answer. Seiza shakes its head, a nervous bead of sweat falling from his face.

"No ! Your clothes ! There aren't any signs of blood on it and the fabric isn't damaged anymore !"

She looks down at her clothes and Seiza is right. There isn't a single sign of blood in them and the claw marks that had ripped through the left shoulder part of her clothes are completely intact, like it was never damaged in the first place.


Nozomi walks up to one of the benches near the playground and carefully puts Yoshino's unconscious body on the bench like she had slept while sitting on it. Nozomi then put Yoshino's school bag on her lap. She then kneels down to look at Yoshino's left leg and just like there weren't any traces of blood in her dress, there isn't a single drop of dried blood in Yoshino's shoes. Even though it should have been the case with the wound so close to it.

"Here too..."

She then gets up and looks away from Yoshinon and turns, with a very troubled expression on her face to Seiza who had walked up to her side while she was occupied checking on Yoshino.

"Do you...know what's going on here ?"

Seiza with the same troubled expression, closes its eyes and shakes his head.

"Nope, although I know why the barrier disappeared. I...honestly have no idea why the blood just...vanished."

Her troubled face turns into one of frustration. She then raises both her hands up, covering her face with them and groans.

"Urgh, what did I do to have such a bad day ?! Everytime i think things can't get worse and/or confusing they do. First was waking up late, then accidentally tripping on you, which again, sorry for that."

Seiza just waves it off with its pawn.

"Don't worry, I've already moved on from that."

Nozomi then continued with her rant. While Seiza just nods along with its eyes closed, giving her the opportunity to just let it all out.

"Anyway, then there was my teacher who scolded me for being late and finally, this whole thing with you appearing on my room, Yoshino being in danger and i thinking that this is just a dream because i am apparently, too stupid to realize at face value that the magical talking dog and me gaining magical powers is actually real, on top of the fact i almost cost my and Yoshino's life ! Sure, there were some, admittedly, kind of okay moments, but still ! This day couldn't get any more complicated !"

Nozomi then proceeds to breathe heavily. Letting her arms go limp . Looking down at the ground with tired eyes.

"So...did you let it all out ? Do you feel better ?" Said Seiza, not losing its composure to Nozomi's rant.

"Phew...yeah, sorry for forcing you to deal with my rant Seiza." She says, with her breathing now a little more stabilized than before, continuing now looking at the dog with the star-birthmark. "It's just...too much for one day and...I just...need a break." She sighs heavily.

"Nah, you clearly sounded like you were at your limit, better let it out now than later, now..." He waves it off, rolling its eyes with a small smile on his face."I think it's better if we get out here fast Nozomi, before..." He then cuts himself off when glances away from Nozomi, with its mouth staying open in shock. And his eyes widened in surprise.

"Seiza ?" Nozomi now with a confused look on her face. "Where are you..." she also cuts herself off when she follows where Seiza is looking, her eyes also widening in surprise. Both of them are now staring at a silent, but definitely awakened Yoshino.

Only one thought crossed Nozomi's and Seiza's mind at that one, singular moment.

'Shit !'

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