Overseer and Board #1

Chapter 56: Chapter 56: Her name is Laura

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I checked the rules, reading a specific line over and over till my mindset aligned with it: Every generated non-player character will have a personality of their own and unique characteristics, be cautious as they too are alive, and have a soul, making them no different from any of you.

I took a deep breath, nodding in accordance with my emotions, "call your daughter. I wish to meet her."

"Why leader Flamerah?"

"Since when do you contest my orders?" I got up and glared at him, scaring him from my expression and the dark aura spreading slightly from my dress waving, causing such an effect.

"I'm truly sorry, I truly am. I'll get her and be back shortly, excuse me supreme leader Flamerah," he ran to the exit almost tripping a few times, allowing me to follow his white wings, a particular color that I hadn't seen in anyone else.

'I understand you're worried about your daughter and anything that could affect her but if I'm correct then she too must have a unique characteristic that these other expedition leaders don't. The feeling of loss and regret...'

I stared sorrowfully at the door, knowing of similar pain and how it made me strong, and how it could make her stronger. 

The door from the house opened, making me stare at an unfamiliar girl who came in, noticing me she bowed, following it with a polite introduction, "I'm Olivia a maid, I've come to help leader Flamerah in anything necessary."

I examined her appearance, brown hair and eyes, with black and brown wings, allowing her to look tender like a delicious caramel snack.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Flamerah."

"It is the pleasure of my life to be able to serve you supreme leader Flamerah, the fairy above all fairies."

"Be at ease from here onwards. I spend most of my time working in this place, for now, you can worry about waking me up, cleaning the basement, food, and sleep hours since I tend to forget, and I believe that's it."

"This humble maid will do her best to make everything look perfect in your eyes, leader."

"Splendid," I turned my eyes back to my tools, exposing my wings to her.

'I'll make more weapons as the expedition leaders will start asking for them, player status.'

| Class: Puppeteer | Rank: 3/? | Experience: 10/300 |
| Job: Advanced Crafter | Rank: 2/20 | Experience: 30/200 |

'Seems like my job starts back from level 1 but keeps what has learned, that's very slow progress, since it evolved it can possibly do more things, no? Yet I didn't receive any new recipe, perhaps it increases the possible unlockables? Maybe a chance for learning newer ones?'

Once more the list of my daily tasks increased, causing me to grin at the spectacular progress my life took. From nobody to hero, or in my case, from nobody to the devil. I further found out that my class had leveled up, something to keep in the back of my mind for later.

A dangerous thought crossed my mind, 'what if somehow the enemies kill some of my fairies and keep the loot the same way I did with my enemies? If they who already hold an advantage would have the weapons as well, it'd bring a catastrophe to our forest.'

I passed my arm through my forehead, removing some of the sweat from being close to the furnace, and my own anxiety.

'I must make the expedition leaders realize this danger and be sure for them to be extremely cautious and grow smarter fast.'

Four hours went by, allowing me to craft 12 more copper weapons. During that time, two expedition leaders arrived along with Bernard and Laura.

"Welcome Eyon and Fafia," they noticed the new orange weapons on the table and ran at them to check them out forgetting about saluting me back due to their excitement. I stared at them quietly, putting on a serious expression so that they feel reprimanded by it alone once they notice.

Witnessing this behavior, Bernard did a small cough before speaking, "I'm back supreme leader Flamerah. I've brought my daughter as ordered." 

Awakening from their trance, Eyon, and Fafia hastily regained their composure and greeted me, "your humble expedition leaders have successfully assembled a party of five each."

Realizing my staring they suddenly started shaking slightly knowing they were wrong, prostrating all the way for their foreheads to reach the floor as a sign of apology.

"Thank you all for your services, you may raise you fools," I added a cold tone to the last word to teach them a lesson.

They raised slowly, meeting a smile on my face that contradicted my peculiar intonation.

'I guess Flamerah is not angry anymore? Hopefully, she isn't, this ruler compared to the past ones is a lot harder to get a read on,' Eyon thought carefully, feeling some worry, remembering what happened to the past elders.

'I need to contain my excitement towards the princess' blessings otherwise I might lose my head in the future for rudeness,' Fafia reasoned, trading glances with the man next to her.

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"Have you thought about the weapons?"

"Yes, I'll start with your permission," he looked at me, seeing me lightly nod, and continued speaking. "I'll use a staff myself while the other five will use 5 shortswords and 5 shields. I wish to try a defensive style like this as we don't know where we can be attacked from."

"Quite defensive indeed," I dropped the amount he asked which he then walked, storing it away.

My gaze then fell on Fafia.

"In my case, 2 longswords, 2 spears, a shortsword a shield, and a wand, as I know some healing magic, allowing me to support them."

"That's an interesting setup," I gave her the necessary things.

"Before you leave and start your mission keep in mind a couple of things. One, losing the weapons to monsters will possibly make them able to use them becoming even stronger," their expressions realizing this possibility became severe.

"Two I want you to start expanding towards north and east from this basement as it is close to such borders, so I can repair the weapons as I'm close by if necessary."

"Three if anyone dies I'll find a way to revive them and kill them myself," I declared with a serious and cold tone, making everyone gulp except for Laura who stood by watching me in silence.

"You may start your first expedition. Do not forget food and water and perhaps a few extra clothes," they bowed, leaving with a serious expression as they knew the future rested on their shoulders.

Once the door closed, Laura approached me grabbing my hand and kneeling in front of me, keeping an arm above her leg like a proposal.

I stared into her red eyes, noticing the long white hair and wings, instantly understanding that she wanted to take part in it, possibly out of revenge.

"What is your wish, Laura? I am the supreme leader the fairy of all fairies, and I may concede it to you if you allow me to know of it."

She attempted to talk but only a few moans came out of it, I saw her nails scratching her neck, and her eyes shivering as she loathed her incapable self.

"I shall heal your voice with my supreme magic in exchange you must achieve more than anyone else and be the most loyal leader under me. If you agree to it then prostrate yourself," as she heard my words her body fully knelt, letting go of my hand.

"Now look at me Laura," I placed my hands in front of me as her gaze hovered at me.

'Hopefully, I can find something to help her, class page.'

Puppeteer Class:

Appoint an army general:
Appoint an expedition leader: Fafia
Appoint an expedition leader: Eyon
Appoint an expedition leader: Anita
Appoint a resources leader: Mielle.
Appoint a resources leader: Alrich
Appoint a resources leader: Andrew
Appoint a resources leader: Lumby
Appoint a crafting worker:
Appoint a crafting worker:

'Hum? I expected an expedition leader slot, but there's only a new one called army general and crafting worker?' I glanced at the girl in front of me whose eyes were like flames ready to engulf the world, it contrasted fiercely with her snow-colored skin.

'Well, I'm no longer able to predict the future. However, I'll trust my instinct and luck as I've always done, and in return, if it works as it used to in my past life as a devil, misfortune shall befall my enemies.'

Throughout my experiments, I received positive feedback from those I had handpicked. They had told me how their bodies felt stronger and overall better, whenever I had appointed them. At times, their skills would receive a minor buff, thus I could only hope the highest position in my class to do wonders.

"I shall appoint you with the highest possible rank my magic possesses as an army general, capable of commanding every soldier under you to war! Laura!" I screamed her name and a bigger than usual indigo aura surrounded me mixed with the darkness from my dress, engulfing and scaring the girl making her scream in terror, reliving the time her kin died in front of her, forcing words to leave her mouth from the shock.

"Ah!" She panted, shivering, unlike her usual calm self. Her flames looked at the floor as sweat dripped from her forehead.

"What's... this?" Laura looked at the aura surrounding her confused and terrified as she had never seen anything like it.

A golden light then fell on me making the girl in front of me recover and admire me further saying, "so beautiful."

I saw Bernard walking toward his daughter, hugging her from behind crying as he heard her voice after 170 years.

System: The title Elusive has been received.

Admin: The administrators are now evaluating the devil who performed an unlikely feat.

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