
Chapter 27: 6

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“It’s My Life”

The two weeks passed in the blink of an eye. And on the day the legal wall opened up, I woke up much earlier. I stretched once and opened the curtains in my dorm room. The sky was clear blue, and the sunlight was oddly strong today. But this relaxing weather only made me feel more nervous. I left the dorm and walked down the stone-paved hill road. Aeon’s store at Park Row Street was still off-limits and blocked off with tape. The battle that began here will end today.

I descended the Christmas Steps, passed by the 8-Bit World, and walked alongside the police station that was filled with yellow and blue police cars when I saw a large building in the distance. It signaled the beginning of the Bristol shopping center, which acted as the focal point of Bristol and its various shops and restaurants. Normally, the place was mostly packed on weekends when people were out shopping, but today, it was especially packed, as everyone was awfully on edge. Down Pen Street, you can see a large billboard that says “Welcome to Caroline Circus.” However, the people didn’t line up for that. Instead, I realized they all came here to watch the events at the legal wall.

Their sheer numbers made it feel like all citizens in the center of Bristol had come here to gather, even if that wasn’t entirely accurate. And as I passed through the rows of people, I saw the white wall in question. The size and width must be around 6 meters, and the shape resembled a square. If memory serves me right, this was supposed to be filled with advertisements and other posters for the Caroline Circus. However, it was now a blank slate to be filled by graffiti, used as the item for the end of this war. Listening to the people whispering amongst themselves, it seemed like everybody knew this wasn’t just any random live performance.

If anybody were to write graffiti on this wall, it would definitely turn into an icon of Bristol. In this world, there exist singular moments that move the whole world forward. Just as Banksy’s Mild Mild West brought the battle between the citizens and the police to an end, this graffiti will surely deliver a conclusion to this invasion by London. This anticipation and anxiety filled the air here. Meanwhile, I looked for JF like a ship would look for a lighthouse. At times like this, JF’s height really helped. I quickly spotted his bearded face and passed through the crowd.

Some tape was set up around the legal wall so that nobody could get too close. Inside there, he stood. Lara was with him, looking as dignified as always, as she looked around the wave of people. The other people from Queen Bear’s Revenge stood around with tense faces. But, the fact that Aeon or Peni couldn’t be with us was definitely a painful strike.

I figured that the police would be keeping a close watch on the situation, but I couldn’t spot any. Maybe they were hiding amongst the regular crowd, or maybe they actually didn’t bother with this…I had no idea. If it was the latter, then there was nothing stopping the writers, which left me anxious.

“So you’re here, Yoshi. Come on in.” Lara saw me and beckoned me inside the tape. “Hey, Yoshi.”


“Where is Boo…?” She whispered into my ear.

“She’s not here.”

“Did she get in touch with you?”


“I see…” She lowered the one eye I could see.

I contacted Boudicia several times after that, but she did not respond. Not even I know where she is right now. It’s not that I don’t have any faith in her…But it’s a fact that Ghost isn’t with us.

“So the Ghost isn’t gonna be here, huh…Well, I had a feeling.” JF seemed anxious as he rubbed his hands together.

If Boudicia really doesn’t come here, then it’ll be up to him to write the new graffiti. And who could blame him for being nervous?

“It’s okay. We put this possibility into consideration. You can do this, Captain.”

“I’m still not used to being called that.”

Lara teased JF as she stabbed her elbow into his side, as his face distorted in pain.

“I wonder. If you’re the captain, what does that make me?”

“I don’t know…the Ex-Captain?”

“I don’t like that. Makes me sound like some ex-girlfriend or ex-wife.”

“Then don’t ask me…What about first mate, then?”

“First mate…That sounds good. Like your number one mate. But in most pirate stories, it’s the first mate who will betray the Captain, no?”

“Hey, Captain.”

“JF, you’re the captain now, remember?”

“…They’re here.”

Lara and I looked in the direction JF stared.

“Hey there, we’re here.”

The crowd of people split up, as a particular group appeared. Walking at the front of that was…

“So you’re here, Sugar.”

—A rainbow-colored unicorn.

“Everyone’s gathered, I see. Wonderful. This tense atmosphere…Uncomfortable, yet good. Because no masterpiece can be created in peace.”

Sugar flashed his usual smile, but his tone was definitely excited. And of course, Liquorice was right by his side. Sugar then turned toward the people and waved his hand. It was like he became the mascot of an amusement park. Then again, that might be how he feels about this town. Except he aimed to turn this amusement park into a layer of hell.

“And hello there, Yoshi-kun, Captain.”

He greeted us like we’d been friends for years, as he carefully inspected Lara.

“Hm, I guess I held back a bit too much. I didn’t expect you to be up and running this early. I thought everything was going well when you laid on the ground there.”

“Oh my. I’m the pirate who inherited Teach’s legacy. We’re not gonna stop even if you cut off my head.” Lara responded calmly but with determination.

She could stand here because Peni protected her. And yet, she showed no anger…because she knew the fight would be fought on the wall.

“And let me correct one thing. I’m not the Captain any longer.”

“…What do you mean?” Sugar showed a somewhat bewildered expression, as JF took a step forward.

“Yo, Sugar. My name’s JF. Captain JF, that is. I’m looking after Queen Bear’s Revenge. And I’m the man who will crush you today.”

Sugar looked at JF with one eyebrow up, only to sigh like he had seen through it all.

“Right. Okay. I see how it is. What a disappointment. Which mostly stems from you, Yoshi-kun. Some random nobody like him won’t put up the fight I desire.”

“You should decide that after you’ve seen my graffiti, dear Sugar.” JF stood in front of Sugar, glaring down at him.

Seeing this, Liquorice stepped forward, staring up at JF.

“You know what will happen if you dare to touch Sugar-san.”

“Yeah. Won’t happen as long as you know how to hold back.”

“That depends solely on your attitude.”

Sparks flew between the two.

“I swear…Playing pirates now, huh? Well, I do like outlaws. Can’t wait to give you a good beating.”

“Go ahead and try, punk.”

“Naturally. That’s why I came here.”

As they continued their discussions, the citizens watching from afar had gone completely silent. They were glued to every action JF and Sugar took.

“Sugar, let me state this clearly. If I win against you today, you have to leave Bristol.”

JF’s voice was directed at the citizens more than Sugar himself. In the end, the only thing deciding a battle of graffiti was the resulting quality. The air, flow, and message are what will decide the winner. That’s why JF declared this to the audience. And if Sugar truly sees himself as an artist, he can’t ignore this declaration. Because he’s an outlaw, he has to respect the laws that even outlaws possess.

“Hm…I see. Not bad, not bad. However, you’re only half-right.”


“What happens if you lose?”

“Then you can do as you please.”

“That’s so vague, though. Can I just take off your arms, for example?” He spoke with the expression of a child that looked at a cake.


Surely, he must have felt remorse at that. I know that JF isn’t as determined as he makes himself out to be. However, the way he stood tall like that showed none of that insecurity.

“But, I’m the only one who suffers. I’m the one fighting, so I’m the one losing. I’ll carry the responsibility.”

The crew members of Queen Bear’s Revenge mumbled amongst themselves. Everybody was ready to suffer the consequences. However, with Sugar’s arrival and the gang with him, it might turn into a battle for their lives. And as a writer, JF was talented. However, in terms of actual skill, Lara was above him, and he must be aware of that. If so, why did he push her aside to put himself in this position? But when I thought about it, it made sense. The slight discomfort I felt with the sound Lara’s spray made, only someone into making music would be able to tell…And, there was one more person other than me present who fit that description.

“JF-san, are you…”

He turned his head toward me across his shoulder.

“…Ah, so you knew, too? You’ve got good ears, all right. Well, that’s how it is. And you know the Captain. How many times do you think I listened to her?” He said and turned around again.

It was clear what JF was saying. Lara can’t write graffiti any longer. She may have managed to fool the majority of people in that short time, but she probably can’t keep that up for longer. And for that reason, JF decided to trade places with her. When I glanced over at Lara, I saw how she was staring at JF’s back. She must have realized, but there was nothing that could be done. All I could do was pray for JF’s victory.

“Haha, that’s good. Real good. I’m feeling a lot better now. Of course, I won’t just kill you, but I’ll make it so you wish I did. Because then, you’ll be able to write even better graffiti, I can guarantee that,” Sugar said and wrapped his arm around Liquorice. “You’re good with that, right?”

“Of course, as you wish.”

Liquorice signaled something to the gang members, who brought plastic cases to her, filled with countless cans of graffiti. In response, JF put down his backpack and gathered the spray cans. The two faced each other in front of the big wall. And then, they took step after step to move away. It was like I was watching an old wild west drama. But instead of shooting at each other, they aimed the spray cans at the empty wall. Right as their fingers reached the cap of the graffiti—GONG, a dull sound filled the air.


And then, JF collapsed. Both citizens and crew were bewildered.

“Oh dear, oopsy daisy. I’m sorry, my hand slipped.”

The one who suddenly stood behind JF was none other than Lara. She may have smiled, but her face was distorted in pain. And only then did I understand what even happened. Lara had smacked JF from behind, using the cast on her arm. Seeing that, Sugar burst out laughing.

“Haha! Good, good! Captain Lara, you’re not half bad!”

“Oh my, I will gladly accept this praise. But as I said before, I’m not the captain anymore. You’re talking about the person sleeping on the ground. I’m just the First Mate, the one who always betrays the Captain in a pirate story. And…” Lara picked up the spray can JF had dropped, throwing it into the air to catch it with the arm that had the cast on it. “I will be the graffiti writer fighting you.”

I regretted my foolishness. Lara said she had an idea, but to think it would be this.

“Lara-san, this is ridiculous! You can’t…”

I screamed, but Lara pressed her index finger to my lips.


The only person other than JF who knows that she can’t write anymore is me. Sugar, as well as Queen Bear’s Revenge, all believe that she’s doing just fine.

“Why…?” I whispered in a quiet voice.

She should know that she can’t win, so why? Yet, she answered me without hesitation.

“If I don’t do this, JF would never accept it, right?”

Countless people watched this battle, with the future of Bristol on the line with held breaths. The result would be given in an instant, and quickly spread across the town. However, if she were to take this battle all by herself, then the Captain of Queen Bear’s Revenge would not have lost, strictly speaking. She has no intention of winning this battle in the first place.

“Lara-san, this isn’t…”

I must have looked like I was about to break out in tears because Lara smiled at me with a grin as bright as the morning sun.

“No matter how beautiful or alluring the graffiti, it will disappear eventually. And one day, I won’t be able to write anymore…After all, writing on the street isn’t anything to admire.” She said and gently caressed her arm with the cast. “But even so…there’s something I can do.” Lara looked around, and I did the same.

Many gazes focused on her and Sugar. They were waiting for them to start drawing.

“The writers of Bristol will continue to write. That’s what we have to show them. I raised the writers of this generation as I watched their backs, so now it’s time for them to watch my final work.”

A gust of wind blew past us. Her beryl-green hair swayed, as she faced Sugar. She looked like a captain standing proudly on their ship.

“Also, Yoshi, you seem to have the wrong impression about me.”

“Huh?” I was bewildered by her words.

“I’m a woman who can’t easily give up, see.”

Before I could ask what exactly she meant, she already stepped forward.

“Now, Sugar. Let’s start, shall we?”

Sugar responded with him clapping his hands.

“Wonderful. You have a truly alluring gaze in your eyes. Now I’m getting excited.”

“Oh my, thank you for the wonderful praise. However, you had to do it in the cruelest of ways. And that is as sinful as it gets.”

“Don’t humiliate Sugar-san,” Liquorice grumbled, but Lara didn’t seem too bothered.

“Liquorice, was it? Don’t you realize you’re just making things worse?”

Liquorice seemed close to leaping at Lara to beat her up, but Sugar stopped her as he raised his hand.

“Liquorice-chan, you know.”

“…Yes, Sugar-san.” She handed him the regular chocolate, wrapped in purple paper.

“Ahh, this is great.” Sugar put this into his mouth, not even bothering to remove the wrapping.

The entire place was feeling tense.

“Now, let’s do this.”

“Of course. I’ve been waiting this whole time.”

The two once again turned toward the wall. Silence filled the air. You could tell that the red thread holding this situation together was being pulled to its utmost limit. It stretched, and stretched, and stretched, and stretched, and then…reached its limit as it snapped. Immediately after, two separate spray cans started spraying on the wall. Sugar’s graffiti was created at immeasurable speed. The trails of his spray ran along the wall beautifully, yet came to life with such a simple movement, as more and more colors appeared on it. And the spray cans were gradually exchanged with new ones thanks to Liquorice.

Meanwhile, Lara’s graffiti was steady and sincere. He carefully controlled the spray, as a beautiful image was slowly being created. Her strokes moved in a confident rhythm, and at first glance, it looked like she was writing the same way as always. However, I could hear that the spray lost its cadence, as her hand began to shake. Sweat began building up on her face, and that was definitely not just because of the strong sunlight.

Finally, after some time had passed, the two pieces of graffiti were done. Looking at these works, the citizens talked among themselves. Lara’s work was beautifully done. The letters formed the words “Queen Bear’s Revenge,” shaped like the waves of the ocean. On top of that was a boat, carrying several pirates on it. The pop-ish taste was definitely something that Lara would do. The graffiti connected the image of Bristol as well as the meaning of her own crew, which was very fitting as graffiti here at the shopping mall. She even managed to hide her insecure lines, so this could definitely be called a masterpiece.

However, Sugar’s graffiti surpassed reason altogether. His graffiti depicted hell. The usage of colors created a toxic and grotesque image and made it feel heavy on the stomach. They looked like candy and jelly beans, but they took the shape of animal bones. Looking closer, you can’t even see the spray trail, and from afar, it might even look like the real deal. On top of those was an arch that read the word “Sugar.” Put in simple terms…it was death reincarnate. As well as beautiful.

The image it portrayed contained so much violence and the impact that you couldn’t tear your eye away from it. And even the citizens who whispered amongst themselves now had fallen back into silence. You were forced to accept that this graffiti had the power to move hearts. Sugar was more talented than anybody else. I grit my teeth, thinking that maybe Lara would have had a chance if her condition wasn’t so bad.

“And that’s all, folks.” Sugar looked around the citizens, opening both his arms as he approached Lara.

He didn’t seem too proud of his victory, only acting like this was the expected result.

“Now, it’s time to keep your promise. What should I have you do…Maybe I can just leave you to my gang. They’re used to handling girls like you. They’ll make you feel good, at least. And then, you’ll think you’d rather be dead. That’ll be the beginning of it all. Your crew will be able to write beautiful graffiti.”

“Yes, a promise is a promise. You can do with me as you please. However, I think we can leave that for later.”

“…What did you say?”

“What would you call it? The main dish? Climax? Ah, I remember it now…” Lara said and turned around. “…The cherry on top.”

Suddenly, I could hear mumbling. Past Lara’s gaze, there stood—

“Hah, sadly I’m not gonna be some cutesy cherry, though!”

It was a blonde lion.

“I swear…You had me waiting a bit too long for my taste!”

“Call it being fashionably late.”


It took me a moment to realize that Boudicia stood right there. She had lost her cap somewhere, as her hair wasn’t tied up into a ponytail, it swayed left and right. Her clothes were messy, looking like she had just returned from the battlefield. Not to mention that her clothes were covered with graffiti remains and her backpack was full of holes, allowing you to see all the graffiti inside.

Colored Version by https://twitter.com/UroborosDoragon

“Just where…where have you been this whole time?!”

Before I could think, I ran toward her. And despite me getting emotional, she bluntly responded.

“Hm? Paris.”


“Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, and a few other places.”

“What were you…”

“Writing graffiti everywhere.”

I almost passed out from the shock. Looking at her, it was evident she didn’t even live properly for the last two weeks. There’s no way she would bother getting a reservation at hotels. She must have camped outside that whole time. How dangerous of a thing to do. What would she have done in the case of an emergency?

“I was worried about you!”

“Geez, I’m back here just fine, right?”

“Would you really call that fine…?”

I looked at her, and how much in tatters she was. Looking at her hair alone, she hadn’t taken a shower for quite some time. And yet, amidst all of that…Her eyes shone brightly like crystals.

“Why are you…”

“Yoshi, you were right. I had no idea what I wanted to write. I had no soul after all. I was just doing everything half-baked. I probably never had one, to begin with.”


Her eyes…amidst all these people, she only looked at me.

“Yoshi. I was scared. Scared of losing you. And that fear is what left me unable to reach for anything.” She looked directly at me and smiled. “That’s why I wanted to be alone for a while. Separated from you, and Bristol, too. So that I could become free. And without anybody around, I just thought about graffiti. I had to stand there with my own two feet.” She looked up at the sky, which was reflected in her clear blue eyes. “But…Now that I tried it, it was all so simple. The reason I couldn’t write isn’t because I was fulfilled. It’s because I was too reliant on you, who looked just at me. Not as a graffiti writer, but as a normal person.”

“Boo-san, I…”

“She smiled and didn’t let me finish my words.

“Yoshi. You stand right there and watch me write my graffiti.”

Hearing her say that…I couldn’t stop her. And after she took a step forward, Lara was already waiting.

“I swear…what do you mean by fashionably late? If this was a date, I would have gone home by now. And buying time definitely wasn’t fun, either.”

“Oh, zip it. I was hurrying back here, okay!”

“…Can I leave this to you?”


The two looked at each other. And then, Boudicia slapped her left hand onto Lara’s right hand. A shrill sound rang out, and Boudicia turned toward Sugar.

“Sugar, let’s finish this.”

“Of course, that’s what I’ve been waiting for.”

“Wait a moment. Queen Bear’s Revenge has already lost against Sugar-san. We won’t stand by idly as you break your promise.” Liquorice intervened.

Expectedly so, you could say. This battle had already been decided once.

“Huh? The hell are you on about? Why are you lumping me together with them?”

As Boudicia pointed at the girl with her beryl-green hair, Lara shrugged once. Everyone else was just as bewildered.


And yet, I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s because I realized what Boudicia tried to do…What she intended to do. And that was just so ridiculous, I couldn’t control myself. She glanced over at me and grinned, declaring exactly what I expected.

“I don’t belong to Bristol’s Queen Bear’s Revenge, nor am I a part of London’s Sweet Tooth. Didn’t I just say so? I came from Paris. Thus, I’m the Ghost of Paris…Actually, what’s ghost in French, again? Whatever, um…bonjour, I guess?”

The Ghost of Paris—Le fantôme de Paris.

The Ghost of Amsterdam—De geest van amsterdam.

The Ghost of Berlin—Das Gespenst von Berlin.

The Ghost of Copenhagen—Københavns spøgelse.

As she went around all these places, she became all of those…yet none at all.

“I’m the Ghost. I’m not related to anybody. I’m everywhere…and nowhere at the same time. I’m just a Ghost.”

“What ridiculous logic…!”

Liquorice had remained calm thus far, only now to fume with anger.

“I’m not joking, you know?” Boudicia said with a serious tone as she placed her ripped backpack on the ground, took out a spray can, and shook it with her left hand.

“I’ll overwrite both your graffiti at the same time. And if I win then, you’ll both be the losers. I’ll have the right to do with all of you as I please. Ain’t that right?”

No, it’s not right at all. However, as flawed as that logic may be, the power it possessed was indisputable. Everybody gasped in anticipation, wondering just what graffiti she would present to them. And with everyone burning in such excitement, not even gang violence could interrupt it. Of course, Liquorice was aware of that. And, it was none other than Sugar who wanted to see what Boudicia would write.

“Let her be, Liquorice-chan. She’s finally motivated again.”

“But, Sugar-san…”

“Hey now, I thought you’d know that better than anybody else, but…” Sugar gently embraced Liquorice. “…You won’t listen to my words?”


Sugar put strength into his arms. Even though he was a regular human, it almost looked like he could snap her back in two. Finally, Sugar let go, and although Liquorice didn’t seem too satisfied, she stepped back. Meanwhile, Boudicia put her hand on the wall, closing her eyes. Nobody here could fathom what graffiti her mind was writing right now. But that’s exactly why she’ll write. She slowly opened her eyes, reading the spray. And then, she began to overwrite the two large graffiti on the wall. I’ve watched her write this whole time. From the moment she began writing with her left hand…to the moment she acquired a new style. And yet, this sight of her right now didn’t match the one in my memory.

Put simply, her movement was far too natural. Every person breathes in, breathes out, walks, and grows. But her movement didn’t look like a sequence at all. It was all one connected form, depicting nature itself. Like you would look at a blooming flower at the side of the road while taking a stroll, or looking up at the clear blue sky. Not even her thought process of what to write was present. She was just there and did as she wanted. And…while doing so, she smiled.

So far, she always wrote her graffiti while having a conflicted expression. Obsessed with victory or defeat, concerned with the quality of it, always facing her own graffiti head-first. I know that more than anybody else. And yet, that radiance in her eyes made my heart flutter. Her legs slowly but steadily moved up from the ground. Finally, she floated in the sky, as her arms wandered from one end of the wall to another, giving the wall a different image. Bristol, London, being alive, dying, loving, being loved—she was free from all and every weight—In the truest sense, she was like a Ghost. The spray acted like a gust of life, and from the trail, I could see Bristol’s scenery.

The Wills Memorial Building.

The Bearpit.


The Mild Mild West.

The Clifton Suspension Bridge.

The Giant’s Cave.

The Clifton Observatory.

The Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.

River Avon.

Bristol Temple Meads Station.

The Ark.

The Millenium Square.

You are reading story Overwrite at novel35.com

The Caroline Circus—

Everything she wrote was so vibrant and cheerful. Oh yeah, this is what Bristol has always been…That’s the strength this graffiti emitted. Finishing the smaller scenery, she returned to the center of the wall. And finally, she wrote letters in the space left there. Lines turned into beautiful surfaces, only to then turn into lines again, as all we spectators were deceived with each step until the graffiti was done. And written there, it said—Now and here.

“All right.” Boudicia faintly muttered as she walked to the corner, adding her signature.

For a moment, nothing but silence filled the air. Everyone’s hearts were entranced by the sight in front of them…By the beauty of the graffiti that she had created. There was no deeper message she conveyed. However…the scenery of the town in front of us…It just existed. And the beauty of that was visible on the wall. Finally, someone started clapping. It was only scattered at first, but more and more people joined in, as they began cheering. And then, they started chanting—We are Bristol. Right now, everyone’s hearts become one. At the beauty of this city, the feelings we share. I found myself in a trance, only to be pulled back to reality when Boudicia stood in front of me.


“Yoshi, what do you think?” She seemed a bit flustered, as she asked for my opinion.

“Just look around you. That’s all the answer you need.”

“Yeah, sure. But, I want to know what you think.”

I thought of what to say. But, I couldn’t. All the emotions inside of me filled my throat. No matter what I might say, it wouldn’t be enough to express how I feel. That’s why I gave on conveying with my words…and embraced her. Boudicia snickered and wrapped her arms around me, tapping them on my back like you would do when soothing a child. From that, we slowly separated again.

“I went to see all sorts of places after that. But, no matter where I went, or what I did, I couldn’t find what I wanted to convey, or even a reason to write. In the end, I don’t really have anything I want to tell others.”

Her golden hair shone brightly. Her translucent blue eyes looked straight at me.

“But, no matter where I went, all I saw were walls. I looked for graffiti, found one, and overwrote it. In the end, it was all so simple. I knew from the very start. I like graffiti…and I like Bristol, too.”

The cheering suddenly felt so distant. Almost like Boudicia and I existed in our own world, away from everyone else.

“Sure, those feelings might change one day. What I have left from yesterday, what I wanna do tomorrow…Hell do I know about any of that? But that’s also why…” She breathed in and showed a warm smile. “…I want to write the things that I like right this very moment.”

“That answer is very much like you, Boo-san.”

After all the struggle I went through to push a few words up my burning throat, this was all I could manage.

“Hey, Yoshi. I could write all this because you told me that I had no soul back then.” Boudicia said and offered me her left hand.

She then realized something and pulled it back to wipe it off with her hoodie, pushing it toward me again.


I took her hand with my right one and then tightly pressed it. That’s right. We’re always looking for the existence of our soul, but…that’s something you search for. You have it from the very beginning. But, it just so happens that you tend to forget about it once in a while.

“Boo-chan…This is a true masterpiece. Well done.” Sugar stared at the graffiti written by Boudicia. “So, let me be clear. If I manage to overwrite this, then that means it’s my victory, right?”

His sharp tone cut through the air.

“Yeah, of course.” Boudicia said, yet she seemed calm and composed.

And yet, Sugar wasn’t done. He looked at her graffiti and snickered to himself.

“The time has come. It worked out so well. So surprisingly well. Isn’t that right, Boo-chan?”

“What are you on about, Sugar?”

“To overwrite something, you need to create something that is harder to achieve, or something that boasts itself in greater quality, right? But think about it. If I overwrite your work and everyone admits that mine is better, then that means I win. That’s why I will overwrite your historical piece.”

“Go ahead, then,” Boudicia confidently said. “I’m a writer myself. If your graffiti’s that much better, I’ll accept it.”

Sugar raised his hand that held the spray can. Everybody swallowed their breaths, watching over Sugar.


“Sugar-san?” Liquorice seemed worried as she called out to Sugar.

“Why…can’t I write…!” Together with his scream, the spray can fell to the ground. “I waited for this day! For this day I could overwrite Boo-chan’s true masterpiece…! Everything worked out! So why…won’t my hand move?!”

The rainbow colors drifting around Sugar fell to the ground. I understood what was happening. No matter how flawed, Sugar is an artist. He has to accept that the graffiti in front of him is something he can’t beat, no matter how much he might try…to the point it touches his very soul. Like a broken doll, Sugar began laughing. He laughed, and laughed some more, to the point that I felt a chill run down my spine, even though the sunlight was so strong today. Something’s not right…

“I have to lose something again. This isn’t enough. I must get closer to death…And the closest thing…is to give in to its sweet embrace. In other words…” Sugar said and took off his hoodie. “…I just have to become the graffiti myself.”

Through this, he revealed several cans wrapped around his body. Upon that sight, my body began shivering. It’s because I understood what I was looking at—TATP. It’s the same explosive that burned Aeon’s shop to the ground. And before the crowd realized and could raise screams, Sugar declared.

“What do you think? It’s stylish, right? Also, if I even see one person trying to run, I’ll press this switch here. You should really be careful not to cause a ruckus…because this baby here has enough power to blow up all the people present here. Which includes me, of course,” Sugar showed the switch in his right hand and laughed.

Now, everyone was controlled by Sugar. They all stood face-to-face with death, yet they couldn’t say a word. Even a single finger must feel heavy as lead. And this craziness of his now turned into absolute power.

“I’ll overwrite it…Your graffiti, with an explosion and blood. Then, I myself will become graffiti. Sacrificing my own life to finish it…There can’t ever be a masterpiece greater than mine! Isn’t that right, Boo-chan?!”

“Stop it, Sugar! You’ve crossed the line of graffiti and overwriting!”

“I guess we just think differently. What I’m concerned with…is if it’s art or not. But, Boo-chan, you’re also putting your life into your graffiti, right? This is the exact same.”

Oddly enough, I wasn’t scared. I was the only one who was free from that absolute power. Sure, Sugar has gone completely mad. But, he still is an artist. He’s determined more than anybody else, more strict and sincere when it comes to art, and more blessed than most people, yet still a single artist at the end of the day. I know that. And then, I remembered Gabriel’s words. If I really have that talent he saw in me…then I should be able to understand what Sugar is thinking.

I looked around. The citizens, the gang members, the crew members of Queen Bear’s Revenge, the collapsed JF, Lara as she held her hands in front of her mouth, Liquorice just quietly watching over Sugar…and Boudicia standing next to me. I looked closely at all their expressions. If there is one thing that could stop this madness…one method only…if I can find the path to salvation amidst absolute darkness…then I don’t mind becoming a snake.

“Boo-san.” I quietly called out to her.


“Do you trust me?”

“Why is that a matter of discussion right now?!”

“Do you trust me?”

I kept my eyes glued to Sugar while reaching for her hand. The absolute passion coming from her left hand ran all over my body. This is the same hand that wrote that g graffiti. She seemed surprised for a moment, but then closed her eyes and let out a snicker.

“…With you, even hell sounds like a walk in the park.”

That’s what I wanted to hear the most right now. I pulled her closer, and ignored the faint shriek she let out. Then, I embraced her.

“What’s this, Boo-chan? I didn’t think you were the type of person to die in the arms of a friend.”

“Y-You’re wrong, this isn’t…”

“That’s right. This isn’t quite what’s happening.”

I put strength into my arms to ensure she couldn’t go anywhere. Then, I reached into my pocket to remove the cap from the pen I received from Lara. In return, the sharp tip ended up in the open. I closed my eyes once to take a deep breath…and then I took out the pen, pointing the tip at Boudicia’s neck.


She looked at me in shock. I could feel her body quivering in my arms, but I pretended not to realize it.

“…What are you plotting?” Sugar glared at me with such intensity it was even stronger than when he pointed the gun at me.

“Throw away that switch and raise both your hands. If you don’t do that…” I declared without showing any emotion. “I will kill Boo-san right here, right now.”

The people watching gasped.

“Wait, Yoshi?! What are you thinking?! Why would you…”

“Please be quiet, Lara-san.”

I could hear Lara’s scream and Liquorice step on the ground. Both were pretty far away from us. I could pierce Boudicia’s neck much faster, and they knew that.

“Have you gone mad from the fear and terror of death?” Sugar asked while laughing.

However, I could tell he was shaken.

“Not at all. I’m fairly calm and absolutely serious.”

“Also, there’s no way you could possibly kill Boudicia…”

“Should we try it, then?”

I put more strength into my grip on the pen. The tip slowly began to bite into her thin skin.


Her face distorted in pain at that.

“E-Even so, you both will die soon. What meaning is there in doing this?”

“I’m just trying to help you, Sugar-san.”

All eyes were on me. Their ears were waiting for my next words. I could feel absolute control over their breathing.

“You said that you want to surpass the graffiti you created on that day. You managed to write something so inspiring because you lost someone close to you, right?”

Sugar didn’t respond, but it didn’t matter since that wasn’t the crux, so I continued.

“Then…Let me kill Boo-san. If so, you’ll be able to write something even better than before. For that, you’ll sacrifice everything, right? That’s how you acted so far. Because if all that was a lie…” I stopped for a moment, and then pulled the trigger. “…Then you’re not a true artist.”

Sugar’s eyes opened wide and he burst out laughing. He laughed in such a grotesque way, his body bent forward. And after he laughed for a long time, he spoke up.

“What you’re saying is true. I’m a true artist. Thank you for reminding me. So, do it. That will allow me to create the greatest work imaginable.”

“Then, I’ll count to five.”

“A countdown, hm? Wonderful. And once it turns to zero…I’ll press the switch.”

“I will kill Boo-san.”

“Let’s count together.”


The crowd couldn’t handle it anymore, as people began screaming. Roars of anger and terror reached my ears. Footsteps trying to escape sounded like earthquakes.


Some people from the gang already had their backs turned toward us, running. They tried to drag Liquorice with them, but she wouldn’t move.


Lara screamed as she wanted to run toward us, but the people from Queen Bear’s Revenge restrained her. Others carried JF’s body away.


The smile vanished from Sugar’s face, as his cold eyes made my body shiver.


Using my open arm, I gently embraced Boudicia, whispering “I’m sorry” into her ear.


She didn’t say a word and just turned her neck to look up at me—smiling. That’s right, the ending arrives sooner or later. I was reminded of the movie we watched together. Even if this is the end, and even if destruction awaits…I want to welcome this ending together with her.


And then, the countdown reached its end—Silence followed. Nothing happened. The crowd stopped their movement, too. With the gang at her back, Liquorice slowly began to move. At the same time, Lara’s tears began to dry on her cheek. The hand of Sugar holding the switch was shaking. Meanwhile, I kept the pen pressed against Boudicia’s neck. She had her eyes closed, tightly wrapping her arms around me. After a moment passed like this, I spoke up.

“Sugar-san, I knew that you couldn’t press the switch.”

His long eyelashes cast a shadow down his face.

“Because if you really went with this method, then you’d have to accept…the fact that you can’t beat Boo-san when it comes to graffiti.”

His shoulders twitched.

“And if she were to die here, you’d have lost forever. And I wanted you to realize that…even if I had to take a grotesque method like this.”

I mostly relaxed my body, but Boudicia still clung to my arm. I don’t blame her, considering what I did. The black dot on her neck was still thick.

“No! I can do it…I can…” Sugar howled like a sulking child, as another hand appeared on his.

This hand belonged to Liquorice.

“Let’s stop this, Sugar-san. I understand how you feel.”

“Liquorice-chan…” Sugar looked into her black eyes with shock, returning to his senses. “Why…? I can still press the switch, and you’ll be caught in the explosion. Aren’t you scared?”

“I am scared.”


“But, not of me dying. I’m scared that you will die, Sugar-san.”

“What are you…”

“I’ve always lived on the street, forced to join the gang if I even wanted to survive. I was always suffering, always tired of living…Sugar-san, do you remember the day we met?”

“Yeah…I do.”

“You saved me when I wanted to jump in front of the underground railroad. And then, you told me—That my desire to die made me beautiful.” Liquorice tightly grasped Sugar’s hand. “I was really happy. Nobody has ever said something like that to me.”

Sugar looked down, running his hand through his hair like he had gone insane.

“No…I never had any interest in you!”

“That’s perfectly fine.”

“How could that be fine?! You don’t understand!”

In the face of Sugar’s outburst, Liquorice just calmly smiled.

“I do. Sugar-san, you like Ghost-san, don’t you?”


“That’s why you want her to write. You wanted to overwrite her. I realized that long ago.”

“Then why…”

“I was fine just being by your side. That woman from London…the Ghost of Bristol…I’m fine being nothing but a substitute. That’s why I was happy every time you used me.”

At some point, the audience had turned quiet, listening to their conversation.

“Sugar-san, you are the greatest artist in this world. That’s why you must save more people. Just as you’ve done with my own…No, my very soul. Back then, I died once. But now, I will live for your sake…Right now, and from now on…forever.” Liquorice gently embraced Sugar. “Sugar-san, I’m all yours.”

“…Even if I don’t feel the same way?”

Liquorice faintly smiled.


Sugar tried to say something and opened his mouth. However, no words followed, and he tightly closed it again. He then looked over at Boudicia.

“You know, Boo-chan…I was always jealous of you. I wanted to beat you. And, I don’t know if that’s what Liquorice-chan was talking about…But, I’m sure that I was thinking about you all this time.”


“You changed, right? You’re not the same Boo-chan as I knew you before.”

“Yeah. I…wanted to change.”

“I see.”

Oddly enough, Sugar seemed satisfied.

“But, he was gonna kill you, right? Are you sure about that?”

“Well, I believe Yoshi. And, sure, I was hella scared and it kinda hurt…But, it felt like I wouldn’t mind even if he killed me.”


“Didn’t you say so before? People always die. And Aeon keeps saying how life is like a never-stopping trail of spray. That’s why I bet on whatever he tried to pull…So that I wouldn’t regret the result.”

Hearing Boudicia’s words, Sugar looked up at the sky.

“Ah, I see. That’s how you could write something like that.”

He looked at Boudicia’s graffiti. And then further above, at the clear blue summer sky. If you go beyond there, you won’t be able to come back. Nobody could know how he must feel, but…I really hope the person he sees in his eyes is smiling back at him.

“…Boo-chan, I lost.”

As these words reached them, the audience cheered. The people from Queen Bear’s Revenge jumped for joy, too. Lara began crying again, as she leaped at Boudicia. JF even woke up but was completely lost on what was going on. Sugar began quivering, only to be supported by Liquorice.

“…As promised, you can do with me as you like.”

“No, let me take the blame. Whatever you want Sugar-san to do, I’ll do it,” said Liquorice.

Boudicia thought about it for a moment and then spoke up.

“Once Aeon’s feeling better, come visit. That’s all I got.”

Many different expressions flashed up on Sugar’s face. Surprise, anger, acceptance, and…a bit of gratitude.

“And then…I’ll make sure to overwrite your graffiti here.”

“Yeah, go ahead and try.”

More gang members arrived to take Sugar’s shoulder. Waiting for them were police officers wearing yellow safety vests.

“This is the Avon-Somerset Police. You know what’s waiting, right?”

Sugar said and nodded.

“Let’s go, Liquorice-chan.”

“Of course, Sugar-san.”

Sugar stepped into the police car first, with some of the other gang members following.

“…Um, Liquorice-san?” I called out to Liquorice, who wanted to follow after Sugar.


“Thank you very much.”

When I thanked her, she gave me a dubious look.

“Did I do anything that would deserve your gratitude?”

“Back at the tunnel.”

Liquorice’s eye twitched as she heard that.

“You were the one who wrote the letter, right?”

“…Yes. I’m sorry, I used my gang to find out where you live.”

Clearly, it couldn’t have been Boudicia who wrote that. And other than Sugar, there is only one person who could know where Boudicia was headed—Namely, Liquorice.

“I don’t get it. Why would you give me that letter?”

Liquorice looked down and went silent. She then whispered in a quiet voice to make sure nobody but me could hear her.

“…Will you keep this a secret from everyone?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Even from the Ghost?”

I made sure that Boudicia stood away from us and nodded. Liquorice faintly bent her back to move closer to my ear.

“I was jealous. Jealous of Ghost-san. That’s why I wanted you to come to meet her. Because…I thought Sugar-san would come back to me, then.” Liquorice moved away and showed a faint smirk. “Actually, I’m not satisfied just being a substitute.” She said and walked away.

That might have been the first time I genuinely saw her smile.

“Hey, what did she tell you?”

I heard Boudicia’s voice, so I quickly turned around.

“Huh? You were watching?”

“Well, duh.”

“Um…It was about the letter…Actually, never mind.”

“What? Is it something you can’t tell me? What letter? When did you get that?”

“It’ll be a bit hard to explain…But anyway, I promised to keep it a secret, so I can’t tell you.”

“Huh? Does it have something to do with me?”


“Then…does it involve you?”

“Quite possibly.”

“But…she didn’t invite you to anything, right?”

I barely contained myself from bursting out laughing. But at the same time, I wanted to tease her a bit.

“Who knows?”

“What the hell?! Tell me!”

“But you just said you trust me, right?”

“It still hurts, okay?! I really thought you’d off me!”

“Then it worked just fine. It had to be authentic.”

“What if this leaves a mark?! I can’t get the ink out of a wound.”

I looked at the black dot on her neck.

“I’m sorry…But, I’m glad you’re okay.”

“…Right back at you.”

I found myself selfishly wishing that this mark would remain there forever, just like the graffiti on the wall. But, even if this wish doesn’t end up being granted, it’s not like everything will disappear. For now, at least. I gently touched her neck, to which she relaxed her shoulders—and we shared a deep hug.

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