Pathfinder: The Sacred Order

Chapter 1: Prologue

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There were many secrets kept close to a person's heart, and in Chang-Li there were many left unspoken.

For government officials, they had to keep what they heard to themselves, or else face punishment by the emperor.

However, those secrets were still told. There was a famous saying in Chang-Li, 'No secrets go left unspoken forever.'

"We shouldn't meet like this, you know there are too many that know your face." Leaning forward in his seat, he stared across at the hooded woman.

She reached across the table gently placing her hand on his shoulder before looking around the tavern. The woman singing behind her on the table had a melodic voice capable of captivating a crowd. Which she did as everyone cheered and encouraged her to go on. No one was paying them attention.

"With you looking this serious no one would dare approach. Besides, you still need to give me a reply."

He sighed as he removed her hand in a loving manner. "You know I can't, even if I want to."

From the look she was giving him, he could tell she was unpleased with his answer. As much as he assumed she would dwell on about the matter, she just shook her head. "I'm bound for Resfelt. General Lincol has convinced the others General Shi has been harassing his men."

"Sounds like a problem. One I'm glad I do not have to deal with." He grabbed his pitcher of beer and drank to that statement.

"Be glad you don't. Things could have been different if you were with me."

He cracked a smile. "We both know that is not the least bit true. Just give them a good beating for me."

Underneath her hood, he could see her lips pursed upward. It was the only feature of her he could see, but he was happy to see it. "You know I always do."

She got up from her seat, then paused. A moment later she looked down at him. "I'm passing through Ravenwood, any words you want me to pass along?"

"No. I'm sure she is doing just fine." He assured her.

"Suit yourself." She flicked a golden coin on the table. The coin was enough to buy his drink plus nine other people.

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"May Nessa's light guide you." As soft as her voice was due to the distance between the two of them, he could still make out what she said with ease.

"May she bless us all." He raised his glass to that and watched as the hooded woman slowly meddled into the crowd.

Outside the tavern, she pulled her hood even further down. The capital was bustling today as it always was so no one paid her any attention, but she wanted to be a shadow. Slowly she walked along the edge of the brick buildings without drawing attracting anyone to her presence.

'Something smells terrible. I hate this stench.' No matter how many times she came to the capital, it was her least favorite place to visit. If it were left to her she'd rather never come here. But duty compels her.

Her gaze naturally wandered to the young child with the blackened eye sleeping on a pile of trash. 'Pitiful.' Down the alley were more just like him, and she had no remorse for them. Life wasn't kind to everyone, but everyone had a chance to make something of themselves. These people here just chose not to.

Moments after her figure was long gone, the young child drew in a big breath of air. As if he just came back to life. "Where am I?" He gazed at his surroundings.

His stomach roared demanding to be fed. It was not just his stomach that ached for food. His entire body felt weak and from a quick glance at his body, he could tell that he was malnourished.

'Got to find food.' He struggled so much to get up that he had to lean against the wall for support. All while the gnawing question in the back of his mind kept asking where he was.

Coming out of the dark alley his eyes shut swiftly as the bright light hurt. When his eyes were adjusted he noticed people staring at him and whispering.

'What is going on? Who are these people?' The clanking of chains caught his attention. Multiple people handcuffed and linked together were walking lifelessly. A man in full plate armor sat atop a horse and led from the front.

No one paid them any attention, except for the young child. His eyes were glued to them. 'Slaves? Criminals?' The question became even more confusing when the knight at the back of the line helped the chained woman up from the ground. The wounds on her body were dire and he was sure she would die at a moment's notice, but that did not stop the others from moving forward.

His eyes grew big as he noticed the insignia on the knight's uniform. A black shield with a golden dragon. 'The royal guard's armor from Pathfinder! But how?'

Closing his eyes for a moment, he felt a splitting pain as he tried to recall something. 'Status.'

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