Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 31: RWBY Arc: We are planning to bully a woman

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The morning sun shined its rays through the window and the new day began. Last night was spent playing around with Nepu-chan forcing everyone along. Suffice to say, it was time well-spent with everyone getting closer and shortening the distance between us.

With the expanded room size, the beds of the males and females were put in opposite ends of the room. Lilia-san and Nepu-chan were back and stayed the night, but Alyssa hasn’t come back yet, too busy to spread her web of influence in this world and take control for our needs.

“I know she said she was going to capture the bad guys and have them helplessly obey her like dogs, but there’s only so much a single person can do.” (Neptune)

“In Alyssa’s case, there is no need to worry. If one of her can’t accomplish it, then she’ll create a dozen more to do it.” (Lilia)

“You’re talking about… a method to clone herself? Like the ninjutsu of the ninja clans.” (Tanjiro)

“Fancy. And speak of the devil, here she is.” (Minato)

We all glanced at the still closed door wondering what Minato-kun meant. Presumably it was his intuition at work again and I expected Alyssa to appear from the door.

“Super Hyper Beautiful Journalist Girlfriend Alyssa has returned, milord!” (Alyssa)

A rowdy shout was heard not from the door, but from the windows as the handles snapped with the sudden intrusion of Alyssa smashing the frame off with her entrance. She ignored the gob smack reactions of the others and dashed into a kneeling position right before me.

“I bear fruit from my excursions and wish to report.” (Alyssa)

“You’re fixing that window when this is all over.” (Kaito)

I’m already feeling a migraine developing with her antics in the morning. Can’t you just enter normally?

“Right now, I finished cleaning up the backstreets and placed every corrupt politician and every person of influence under my control. Vale is already under my command, and there’s no one who can escape the web I weaved.” (Alyssa)

To my incredulousness, as well as everyone’s, Alyssa has done the inexplicable of keeping with her words of planting her roots in Vale and overachieving it by flipping the entire city under her feet.

“All of it overnight?” (Kaito)

“Weeeelll, I was doing it parallel during my time in the CCTS and upgrading its firewalls. I analyzed the virus and deconstructed it, created 15,000 antiviruses for it and any malleable variant. While that was happening, I hacked into the city’s security network and have reached into the newsletters, the programs playing on their televisions, the city infrastructure, you name it. It’s all here in my scroll, and with one press of a button, I can shut everything down in the city.” (Alyssa)

“That’s… amazing and very illegal, Alyssa.” (Kaito)

“Hehehe, it was a piece of cake.” (Alyssa)

She puffed her chest up with pride, and I just gaped at her ridiculous progress.

“Doesn’t this mean there’s no chance of us getting ourselves outmaneuvered in the political or indirect front since the enemy has lost all footing in the city and school? How terrifying.” (Minato)

Minato-kun was the most terrified of Alyssa being the only one who fully understood the sheer magnitude of her achievement. I felt bad for Lilia-san who already was worn out this early in the morning.

“Anything else you need us to aware of?” (Kaito)

“Right, as it turns out we’re moving the schedule ahead on capturing this Cinder Fall scouring the halls soon.” (Alyssa)

“Already? How soon?” (Kaito)

“Today.” (Alyssa)

Alyssa said it with incredible ease in her voice, treating it the same way she would going out for lunch and dinner.

“She’s lost all outside support and is now a trapped animal in this school in every side. The only thing she’s got is half of a Maiden’s power and her subordinates who aren’t much themselves.” (Alyssa)

Since Alyssa has already gathered enough information and seen this far beyond my expectations, then I can believe her words that this would be the best course of action to take.

“I can testify with our current capabilities; it won’t be difficult to capture her. Right, Tanjiro-kun?” (Minato)

“Un. I have confidence that we will succeed in defeating our enemy.” (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun perked up when his name was mentioned and nodded at Minato-kun’s assessment.

“Yesterday in combat class, me and Lilia-san planned a little warm-up with Cinder to measure her up. Knowing that she still needs to hide her little magic, I thought it would be fine to get Tanjiro-kun to square up with her first.” (Minato)

“And what was the result?” (Kaito)

“Tanjiro-kun is a lot quicker on his feet than I initially thought. And his skills with the sword were at a level even Minato-kun wouldn’t want to engage with in a swordfight. Coupled with his Aura further empowering him, she got off with a draw relying on ranged attacks.” (Lilia)

“If it’s you saying it then I have no reason to doubt it. Nice work, Tanjiro-kun.” (Kaito)

The charcoal-red haired boy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly at my praise.

“So what’s the plan? It’s cool that we know any of us can handle her when she’s not using magic, but who wants to go up against her when she’s left with no other choice? By the way, I nominate myself. I could clean house with her with minimal effort.” (Neptune)

Nepu-chan declared in an arrogant tone. She’s got a point, what was the plan we’re going for?

“Doctor has spoken with Ozpin, and we are given the greenlight to accomplish this in whatever way we see fit. I’ve already arranged the trap for her, and just like Nepko over there suggested we’ll take one person here to subdue her.” (Alyssa)

“So we’re going to decide who ultimately fights her.” (Kaito)

“Of course, Kaito-san isn’t an option in this case.” (Alyssa)

I scanned over the occupants in the room, imagining who was the most fitting to go. Recalling back to the that time with the Grimm overrunning Vale, I’d say Lilia-san, Minato-kun, Yelena-san, and Nepu-chan are the best options in that order.

“It’s just as you thought, I agree with that order of Lilia-san being the best followed with Minato-kun as runner-up.” (Alyssa)

“Don’t blatantly read my thoughts…” (Kaito)

“Now that it’s been said, I too sense that Lilia-san is far stronger than I am and that I wouldn’t ever win against her in a fight under any circumstances. How strong is she really?” (Minato)

Minato-kun glanced at Lilia-san, interested in her true strength she has yet to unveil.

“She is without a doubt the strongest among us. She can move at twice the speed of light and fight faster than that. But don’t worry, she doesn’t plan to use her real strength since that would obviously destroy the planet, and she couldn’t either because she’s hasn’t perfected the countermeasure magics to nullify the environmental damage it would incur.” (Alyssa)

“Twice the speed of…… light?” (Minato)

“Crazy……” (Neptune)

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“Destroy…… the planet!?” (Tanjiro)

Besides Tanjiro-kun who was panicking at the mention of the planet being destroyed, Minato-kun and Neptune paled at the absurd power of Lilia-san’s.

“You’re just pulling my leg, aren’t you? There’s no way a human can be that fast.” (Neptune)

“No, she is indeed that fast. I wear glasses that improve my visual perception speed to see speeds up to ten times that of light, and Lilia-san regularly spars with people on her level like Laguna-san and Eul.” (Kaito)

And just like that, Nepu-chan’s forced laughter went silent from hearing my words.

“What kind of insane world do you live in…… are the humans over there just as nonsensical as her? And what about Alyssa-san, is she just as crazy?” (Minato)

“That’s wrong. There’s no other human with bugged talents like hers. I do have a method of closing the gap for a short period of time, but I’m definitely not her equal.” (Alyssa)

Minato-kun scratched his head, struggling if he should feel relieved that there’s only one Lilia-san or be fearful that there are still others that could match her.

“This time, Lilia-san will take a step back since there’s no meaning in her fighting a scrub. There won’t be a need to use any extreme measures. Not when Cinder’s capture is a certainty. This is a chance for you guys to grow instead, so tell me if you’ve got any experience fighting people who use magic.” (Alyssa)

“It’s been a week since I woke up with amnesia. The only things I’ve been fighting were monsters and a white-haired weirdo with an unknown grudge against me.” (Neptune)

“I’ve been fighting monsters and had to deal with a group that’s ideologically opposed to S.E.E.S. for five months now. Facing human opponents is nothing new to me." (Minato)

“There have been times where I fought demons with incredible supernatural abilities, but I’ve fought Cinder once already, and I don’t know any exotic powers or possess the extensive experience like Minato-san does.” (Tanjiro)

The three each gave their own accounts and experiences. Listening to them with her eyes closed and arms crossed, Alyssa nodded once and opened her eyes, having already come to a conclusion.

“It’s decided. Minato-kun will take the job of facing her alone. We’ll have the rest of you surround the perimeters in case she has a trick up her sleeve to escape the trap I set. Doctor and FrostNova will be on their way here too for further support.” (Alyssa)

She finished the discussion on the battle plan with a clap, and we were fine with it with only Nepu-chan mildly accepting it begrudgingly. I sensed Alyssa’s intent to switch to another matter as she pulled out some thick books out of nowhere.

“Next, let’s think about how to improve this group’s battle prowess. I consider you guys will be long-lasting friends of Kaito-san’s, so there’s no issue in teaching you some of the magic in our world for the sake of future prospects. Especially you, Tanjiro-kun. You’re the only one who doesn’t know any magic.” (Alyssa)

“Eh? Me learning magic?” (Tanjiro)

He pointed to himself in great surprise at the prospect as it seemed unbelievable in his eyes.

“It won’t be too much of an issue. Normally for people starting out with magic, many don’t have the aptitude for it and have zero latent magic power to speak of. But since you have Aura, I suspect that it is possible for you to learn magic.” (Alyssa)

“Aura? You consider that related to a person’s magic potential? But many people in this world don’t know magic and it’s completely separate from Aura.” (Kaito)

“I thought as much too, but the idea they are separate may just be a misunderstanding since the only cases where magic and aura exist simultaneously in a single person is from the Maidens. We don’t know how the two interact, but I did tests before and one simple application I’ve done was that my aura is dramatically bolstered when combined with my magic power.” (Alyssa)

“So that’s how it is…” (Kaito)

“If Aura really is an external manifestation of the soul as protection, then magic power which is theorized and studied to be another source of power from the soul in our world should also be able to harmonize with each other in theory. There’s also the matter of how Aura is really similar to Lilia-san’s special magic power, High Magic Power Density Constitution. How are you feeling with this power, Lilia-san?” (Alyssa)

When asked by Alyssa, Lilia-san spoke in turn with a considerable amount of thought into her words.

“It certainly does feel very similar on a surface level. While my constitution is far stronger in defense, I noticed the same thing when my it reinforces my Aura almost naturally. If I’m being honest, Aura just feels like another application of magic that’s been unlocked for me alike to when I first acquired my magic power.” (Lilia)

“Hmhm…… so without magic power, Aura turns out to be a budget form of Lilia’s constitution. I’ve got some other hypotheses needed to be tested, but I’ll shelve them away for now. I expect it will be easy for Nepko and Minato-kun to learn the basic magics from our world, so here you go. Tanjiro-kun, I’ll be using you as a guinea pig to see how magic and Aura will develop in a single person.” (Alyssa)

“It will be…… my pleasure?” (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun hesitantly said while taking a thick book in the cusp of his hands. Similar books are passed to the other two. Minato-kun looked earnest at studying the material, but Nepu-chan was not enthusiastic in the slightest. With that done, I took the moment to grab Alyssa’s attention.

“There’s been something I wanted to ask you, Alyssa.” (Kaito)

“Speak away and I will do my utmost to fulfill it, Kaito-san.” (Alyssa)

“I’ve been thinking about strengthening myself for some time since returning from Doctor’s world. So I want to be taught a few things and a plan to gradually get stronger.” (Kaito)

“…… Kaito-san, are you crazy? Do you understand what’s going to happen and how some will react to seeing you acquire substantial power?” (Alyssa)

Alyssa almost stuttered her tongue, her lips curled in a nervous smile while her face paled. Well… I understand her reservations and the consequences of the scenario of me having a lot of fighting power. That’s why I already took care of it beforehand.

“Don’t worry, I spoke with Kuro and Shiro about this matter before. We reached a compromise in how my body will automatically return to a state where I’m my usually weak self in Trinia, but for outside of it or for when I need to train, I can become stronger personally.” (Kaito)

“Oh, phew. In that case, there won’t be too much of a problem if there’s less protest against it. Although… considering your extreme lack of fighting talent……” (Alyssa)

“I know. But I figured out a method that works for me in gaining some fighting strength. The rest is for me to utilize the fields I’m good at.” (Kaito)

I looked down to the necklace I’m wearing filled with the magic power of Kuro’s. I felt it caressing my skin and let it slowly seep into my body in microscopic increments, adapting it to my own magic power.





Airhead Goddess: “There is no problem with Kaito-san taking this path. He won’t immediately grow into a stage where he is in no need of my aid and protection nor will he ever. Everything is good and will remain the same when he returns to Trinia.”

Doctor. M: “That’s right, it’s impossible for him to normally reach such heights of power without our support. I don’t want him to lose that cuteness of his when I can protect him and have him rely on me.”

Underworld King: “I’m so glad…… but aside from that, it wasn’t a really prominent detail before, but Kaito-kun’s body is perfectly compatible with my magic power, so much so that little bits of it clung to him when he first came to Trinia. There are no adverse side-effects to containing it in his body, rather my magic power is super affectionate towards him.”

Serious-senpai: “What I want to pay attention to is that next chapter will have more serious action. Minato will do me right and bring me the seriousness I crave!”

Lazy Heart: “This just in, the author has given me the title of the next chapter. It’s called, ‘Minato maliciously bullies a woman into helplessness.’”

Serious-senpai: “God freaking damn it!!!”

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