Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 43: RWBY Arc: A detour with one partner (1)

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The sound of flesh being severed by a cold blade repeated in the air. Bodies split into two halves fell on the ground with a lifeless thud.

Tanjiro-kun whipped his katana in a downward motion, but there was no residue blood to clean off from the blade anyways.

“You’re getting better at killing them. Doesn’t appear like you need a second or third swing to cut them.” (Kaito)

“Thank you. But there really is no end to them. My nose helps at detecting Grimm before an ambush, but it doesn’t have as much range as your Sympathy Magic.” (Tanjiro)

It was us two who split off from the team while Alyssa was observing us from a good distance away. Since our trek, we encountered savage Grimm and some snuck around aiming for us when our guards were down. Not a fatal situation occurred because I knew about their positions beforehand even if they were kilometers away from us.

“I can’t help but be mesmerized by your sword style. For a moment, I thought I had a glimpse of water flowing from your blade.” (Kaito)

“I studied the Water Breathing Style for half a year. It demonstrates fluidity and flexibility like water, and this goes the same for our movements.” (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun diligently explained. From what I learned of previous explanations by him, there are five main breathing styles demon slayers learn to harness their physical prowess into a higher level to contend with the supernatural abilities of demons.

Water, Flame, Thunder, Stone, Wind. After that there are derivative styles branching from these five.

“Breathing techniques themselves aren’t uncommon. Martial art temples teach you how to properly breath to move your body in an ideal condition, stabilizing the pathways in which oxygen flows and controlling the rate your lung takes in air.” (Tanjiro)

I somewhat understand. Breathing is an important concept since the human body can’t live without oxygen. Because our bodies are built to rely on it to live, managing how one breathes can bring out untapped potential in the body. This can range from improving your health and performing more efficient movements without wasting as much excess energy as necessary.

“There’s another breathing style I can use… although my body isn’t strong enough to withstand the burden. But I haven’t practiced it much since coming to this world, so who knows, maybe now I can handle it!” (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun clenched his fist with an enthusiastic face.

“While it’s nice to see you so motivated, I don’t want to see you collapse in the middle of nowhere.” (Kaito)

Listening to my words, Tanjiro-kun sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. We didn’t have time to relax anymore as three Nevermores loomed above us.

I reflexively took out my piko-piko hammer and threw it at them. The flat end struck one of their heads and then the hammer ricocheted away to smack the other two consecutively. It automatically returned to my hand, and I observed the three Grimm downed and knocked out. Tanjiro-kun finished them off by decapitating their heads.

My partner paused and looked at the weapon in my hand apprehensively.

“… What in the world is that toy hammer? Isn’t it too strong?” (Tanjiro)

“It’s a gift from Shiro. Apparently, it has the properties of forcibly determining the outcome of striking the target when swung. It doesn’t inflict damage if the target can feel pain, but it will for those that don’t and impose pain as well.” (Kaito)

“Terrifying…” (Tanjiro)

That’s quite the frightened voice he has. It’s not like I’m the type to abuse this thing nor will he likely be a target ever.

“Something’s coming. No… two from the air and ground. Where are these things coming from?” (Kaito)

Something that looks to be a Griffon is coming over to our area. Is it because of the disappearance of the Nevermores from earlier?

Another black creature burst from the ground and crawled up its hole. This one had the shape of a scorpion; the Death Stalker I presume.

Give us some room to breathe, please.

“Tanjiro-kun, how well can you take down that flying Grimm?” (Kaito)

“Not so great. But that was before learning magic. Please leave that one to me.” (Tanjiro)

Our roles were decided, and we focused on our enemies. Tanjiro-kun leaped up into the trees while I stood still and observed the hissing Death Stalker sizing me up. This one isn’t that aggressive. Maybe it developed some intelligence? Not that it matters much.

“Go, Bell. Destroy it.” (Kaito)

Jumping out from her capsule, the 20-meter sized, purple-furred behemoth warped her face with hostility and growled menacingly. Undeterred by the intimidation, the Death Stalker approached with a spurt to dig its claw into Bell.

It didn’t take longer than a moment. Bell caught the Grimm’s claw by crunching her fangs right through its hard bone-like plating. The Grimm thrusted the stinger behind its back to stab and inject its poison but met with an unfortunate result as it couldn’t even penetrate Bell’s armor. The poor thing got swung around and had its claws snapped from its body.

Its pitiful cries indicated it lost the will to fight. Looking at its retreating back, Bell snorted disdainfully at it before racking up magic power into her black horn. With a burst of power, black lightning shot out from the tip of the horn and raced through the air until it landed on the Death Stalker, shocking and burning it into ashes.

“Good girl.” (Kaito)

I rubbed the underside of Bell’s chin, eliciting a satisfied growl from her. Climbing up on her, I settled on sitting on her back and watched Tanjiro-kun weaving across the forest to eliminate the Griffon.

The katana in his hand seems to have blue Dust laid on its surface. The sword was swung, and an arc of blue light soared towards the Griffon. Not a feather was clipped from its wing, but from the slashed area sprouted a mass of ice encasing the limb.

Tanjiro-kun ran towards the falling creature and made a front flip motion to slash its head off in midair. Damn, that was so cool to watch.

“Let’s move on to our destination.” (Kaito)

“On my way!” (Tanjiro)

We made progress, encountered some Grimm, and killed them. We were doing the motions as these monsters were mostly fodder. They don’t make for interesting game either since they never leave behind a corpse and dissipate into thin air.

“You deal with that one.” (Kaito)

“Yes, I won’t fail you!” (Tanjiro)

“Go kill this one.” (Kaito)

“Yes, I will kill it!” (Tanjiro)

“I’m leaving that to you.” (Kaito)

“Yes, I won’t disappoint you!” (Tanjiro)

When splitting up our targets, Tanjiro-kun would always obediently follow my orders vehemently. He’s so eager to do his best and gain my approval. I’m getting a bit concerned that he might become someone similar to Bell.

“Watch out. There are two Beowolves heading this way.” (Tanjiro)

Just like he said. Two aggressive Grimm snarled as they ran towards us. I signaled for Tanjiro-kun to lower his sword since I’m craving for something new.

“No worries. I’ll handle them personally.” (Kaito)

My partner widened his eyes in surprise when I pulled out a sword of my own. He must be thinking to himself; this sword must have a special ability rather than something to be used for swinging and slashing knowing my abysmal handling of weapons. He’s in for a surprise.

I calmed my nerves and exhaled slowly, gripping the handle of the Tenseiga. My mind thought back to the movements and breathing patterns of Tanjiro-kun. Closely tracing them, my Sympathy Magic synchronized with those movements, and I sent that data to my Auto-Pilot magic.

Feeling as if I became another person, my stance reoriented itself to mimic Tanjiro-kun’s and my breathing pattern became his as well.

My footwork was far more graceful now as I met the two Beowolves. Faster than they could react, the strength and speed of my two slashes through their necks was more than sufficient to kill them instantly.

“A-Amazing… it was like I was looking at myself just now!” (Tanjiro)

“Auto-Pilot is useful. But used together with my Sympathy Magic and it lets me copy the movements of those I’ve seen. Only, if my body can handle such movements.” (Kaito)

That was the limit to the kind of martial arts that can be copied. So long as the ability of my body can allow it, most human-oriented martial arts should be viable for me. Still, there’s a difference between a copy that moves like an efficient machine and someone with actual skill and experience.

“It took me months to perform that kind of footwork… but you were able to learn it in an instant! Your magic really is incredible!” (Tanjiro)

“No, it’s not like my body memorized them. Everything is done mechanically… ahh, but I suppose the distinction isn’t that important to you.” (Kaito)

“You are still full of surprises, Kaito-san. I’m lucky to be friends with you.” (Tanjiro)

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The best decision here is just to accept his honest praise. No point trying to downplay myself anymore.

On another matter, Tanjiro-kun really likes my Auto-Counter type magic. I’m keenly aware of it since his emotions are so blatant for me to notice.

“Hey, Tanjiro-kun. Do you want to try using my Sympathy Magic and Auto-Pilot Magic?” (Kaito)

“Eh? Is that something you can share with others!?” (Tanjiro)

“Mm. My Semblance has opened new avenues in how to apply my abilities. It’s like a thread connecting us, and this allows me to share my powers with you.” (Kaito)

“Truly!? Awesome! Let’s hurry and do this right away!” (Tanjiro)

What intense excitement. Oh well, it is nice to see him acting like a kid sometimes. Without further ado, I connected myself with Tanjiro-kun so now he should be aware of what’s being sent to him.

“So this is what Kaito-san has been experiencing this whole time… with this I think I can perform the Hinokami Kagura without breaking myself!” (Tanjiro)

What kind of name is that? That sounds so badass! I wanna see it immediately now!

“Let’s go find something for you to test it on.” (Kaito)

“Yeah, let's!” (Tanjiro)

As we were about to move our feet, we noticed a subtle tremor beneath us. Or more accurately, the entire ground was shaking. We exchanged glances and Tanjiro-kun rushed to the top of the trees to see what might be causing these tremors.

My immediate thought was that the culprit had to be a living creature rather than some seismic activity. I knew this because there’s a giant body moving so slowly that recently came into the edge of my detection zone.

I relayed that information to Tanjiro-kun wordlessly with my magic and that’s why he acted swiftly. He dropped down shortly after, most likely having verified what it was.

“It’s a Goliath. That appearance reminds me of elephants from the west I’ve seen depicted on picture scrolls. And it’s huge! About 20 stories tall.” (Tanjiro)

“Oh… I think I’ve seen images of those briefly during class… I wasn’t paying much attention.” (Kaito)

“That’s no good! Knowledge is important, so you must keep your head high during class!” (Tanjiro)

“I see… I mean, you were the only one who seriously listened to Professor Port’s lecture.” (Kaito)

It was no surprise that he’d be lecturing me about paying attention to class no matter how boring it was considering his personality.

Regardless, that’s a serious threat even pro huntsmen avoid. It was obvious we’d be encountering them at some point now that we’re deep in the forest and far away from civilization. These things stay away from the city knowing that it would be a waste of effort to attack, proof of their intelligence. And because they’re long-lived, their power must be unfathomable.

“Alright, let’s go kick its ass.” (Kaito)

“Yes, we’ll retreat right now and—eh? We’re not running away?” (Tanjiro)

He looked back at me in confusion. Looks like we had different thoughts about dealing with it.

“Don’t worry, we can eliminate it with our combined strength. It may be scary for the people of this world, but we don’t fit in their standards. Besides, you wanted a target to use your Hinokami Kagura, right?” (Kaito)

“That thing is still too huge! Can human techniques even kill that thing!?” (Tanjiro)

“And here I thought Breathing Techniques were created to kill the inhumane. Trust me, there isn’t any danger at all.” (Kaito)

If it comes down to it being ineffective, Bell can just crush it anyways.

I was already on my way on Bell’s back. Tanjiro-kun was still stunned on the spot and caught up to us a few moments after.

Finding an exit where the trees are parted, we came upon the area where the Goliath was. Its massive size was no joke. Fortunately, I don’t think it’s noticed us yet, so this was a prime moment for us to take action.

“What are you waiting for? Hurry and do it.” (Kaito)

“Can a sword alone really take that down!?” (Tanjiro)

At this moment, that thing’s head veered to the side, glancing down on us with its imposing red eyes. Uh oh.

“It knows our positions. And I’m feeling a lot of aggression building up from it!” (Kaito)

There was a slight panic in my voice. This monster reared its trunk and swung it around threateningly. Oh no, it’s going for a charge.

“Kuh! I’m left with no choice!” (Tanjiro)

“Remember, Tanjiro-kun! Picture the movements in your head and my magic will play them out using your body. A vivid image is all you need!” (Kaito)

My friend’s figure simmered into a blur from ramping up his speed. He came right towards the Goliath’s trunk being swung towards.

Normally, his body should’ve been broken into pieces coming into contact with that violent appendage. But because he’s being guided by my Sympathy Magic, all his nerves and muscles respond in accordance with the enemy’s emotions.

Beyond what his conscious mind could do normally, there is no longer a gap between what he wants to do and how he can move. All of the waste movements in his actions vanished, and Tanjiro-kun directed his sword to that needle-like area where it needed to go.

Smoothly, part of the Grimm’s limb was cut off like butter against the cold blade. The monster wailed in pain and panic from how ineffective its most destructive weapon turned out.

Not wasting that moment where the monster is faltering, Tanjiro-kun inhaled a sharp intake of oxygen and used the trunk as a platform. For just a brief second, I could make our tongues of flames extending from the katana.

And to finish the Goliath, Tanjiro-kun executed a 360 degrees slash, producing rings of solar flames from the force of his swings, and cleanly splitting its head in two from below its mask and straight through its skull and brain.

“Haha… yeah, there’s no way I can copy that. My body would break first before even finishing one technique from that Breathing Style.” (Kaito)

A forced laugh passed my lips from pure amazement at the spectacle. It was so beautiful to watch, as if Tanjiro-kun became the spirit of the sun and embodied it inside his body.

I motioned Bell to jump in the air and grab him, pulling him into safety. Good, his body doesn’t appear to have any injuries.

“How was it? Think you can work with this?” (Kaito)

“Without a doubt! This time it doesn’t hurt as much, and my body can last much longer. With your magic, I can perfect the Hinokami Kagura much more!” (Tanjiro)

“That’s what I like to hear.” (Kaito)

I shared Tanjiro-kun’s bright smile as his excitement grew from the prospect of attaining even more strength.

Time went on as I helped Tanjiro-kun learn and performed his Breathing Style more efficiently until we stopped at the marked location to switch partners.





Serious-senpai: “Ohh, so this is Tanjiro’s chapter to draw in the spotlight.”

???: “These Breathing Styles are impressive within the realm of what’s possible for normal humans. However, those effects such as when Tanjiro-kun produced the sun’s heat waves are almost like illusions only for people who are adepts can see. If it were me, I’d find a way to make those things become actual phenomena that occurs.”

Serious-senpai: “You could actually do something like that…”

Lazy Heart: “That’s cool and all, but the new partner who gets to have a turn with Kaito next chapter will be me!”

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