Perfect Inhumane

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Finally 16

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Four years have passed since that day. Klara took a deep breath and picked up her bag. She rushed downstairs quickly to eat breakfast hastily.

"I'm finally 16," Klara muttered. "My birthday was a week ago and I needed to wait for the uniform to be delivered to me."

As Klara was almost done with her egg, she heard her phone ding. Digging it out of her pocket, she sees a notification from Shio. She opened her IChatte to see the message Shio sent her. 

[ Shio: Yo Klara, should I come and pick you up to go to school? I can help with your luggage? ]

 [ Klara: Don't worry. I'll be fine ] 

"You can now finally go to the top school in the world located here in our country Ghana. A school where children from prestigious families all over the world can enter. Harven International School," A woman said boldly. 

Before Klara was a tall Asian woman with short black hair and black eyes. She had a long scar on the left side of her face and had a crazy look of excitement in her eyes as she looked at Klara.

"You would show them that my experiment was not a failure," Hannah yelled before she hugged Klara. "However, you should have changed your gender. What if someone finds out? You know it's legal nowadays."

Klara wore a dark green uniform for boys. It had long sleeves and a pair of long trousers. And an insignia of the Harven International School. However, the way Klara had dressed she looked almost like a boy if not her feminine features. She was around 5'4 feet tall.

"Mother, it's not an all boys school. It's just the course I want to do that only accepts boys," Klara stated with a straight face.

"But changing your gender would avoid problems," Hannah said nervously.

"Mother, I would be your experiment, I would do all the things you ask, and I would learn everything you offer. But one thing I won't change is my gender. I love being a girl and your words aren't gonna change my mind," Klara stated firmly.

"You… tch. Do whatever you want but if they find out it's your fault!" Hannah grumbled before she marches away.

"Do your best, big sister!" A fair boy in his teens with a pair of golden eyes like Klara said, raising both his hands cutely. He had short blonde hair and a cute face. He smiled at Klara even though he was in his pajamas.

"I will, little bro." Klara smiled before walking out of the house. She took in a deep breath before breathing out. 

"I guess Sir Kevin has already asked for my stuff to be placed in a dorm," Klara muttered. She glares down at the message from Kevin. 

[ Kevin: Sorry Klara, I couldn't get a private dorm. Most dorms in my school are made in a way students can socialize. So, you'll have to share a dorm with some boys. Don't worry, in each dorm everyone has a separate room. You just have to be careful, okay? (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆]

[ Klara: I understand, sir. Don't worry- I'll be fine. ] Klara texted before opening an app with a car symbol on it. She orders herself a taxi and after a few minutes of anxiously waiting, it pulls up to the curb. 

"Where would you like to go, sir?" The taxi driver asked.

"Harven International School please," Klara recited before the car started to move. 

After a few minutes, Klara appeared before the pearly gates of the school. They are currently open to allow new students inside with plenty of security guards at their designated stations around the entrance.

Klara walked up to the gate carrying her backpack and stood in front of a security guard. 

"Student ID, please," the man said with a deep voice. 

Klara took out a green card with her name and other details on it. The security guard held a phone, scanning the ID before stopping. 

The guard bowed, stepping aside to make room for Klara to enter. "Welcome to Harven International School." 

As she entered the school, Klara noticed that the school was shaped as extremely huge rectangular buildings with embellished windows at each side. It reveals diligent students tending to their studies with thoughtful expressions. 

'If not for the label at the front gate, I could mistake this place for a 10 star hotel mixed with a shopping mall,' Klara thought dryly, surveying the polished halls and intricate classrooms. Her eyes linger on the courtyard shining outside of the window. 'The school is so extravagant but also maintains its greenery and neatness.'

'Even though I missed the welcoming ceremony. I'm still allowed to come to class,' Klara thought gratefully, forcing herself to continue walking through the halls. There were barely any students since they were all having class. 

Klara picked up her pace and checked her phone. [ Klara: Class A-1 ]

'Throughout these 4 years I have been exercising to give myself a muscular build. Unfortunately I wasn't able to become bulky but my body is toned. Even though it's still feminine, I'm glad I bought a fake muscle suit. With my make-up, artistic and design skills I was able to blend the muscle suit with my body,' Klara thought as she spotted ladies staring at her and some almost looked like they were going to drool. 

'Success, I'm able to blend in as a handsome boy. Slightly uncomfortable but it would do,' Klara thought as she patted her chest and stood before the Class A 1's door.


"Everyone, I would like you to welcome Klara Aswidu." 

Klara walked into the classroom briskly but kept her elegant stride. She takes the time to give the class a cursory glance, noting that there are only about 15 students which makes her number 16. They all sit on lavishly designed chairs and tables. Not a speck of dust could be seen in the wide classroom. 

At the corner of the walls were two AC's which were inside the walls and we're blowing cool fresh air into the class. There were windows at the side of the class which revealed the beautiful garden beside it. 

The fair blonde-haired teacher is dressed in a luxurious suit and smiles kindly towards Klara to continue the introduction. "He's a scholarship student whom you would be having classes with," the teacher said and Klara smiled at her, causing her to blush. 


"OMG! He's so beautiful," some girls squealed in joy. 

One of the male students’ sneers, leering towards Klara as the girls chitter. "Doesn't that sound like a girl's name?" 

"Who cares you're just jealous," A girl spat back. 

"I hope you can all treat me nicely," Klara said with a smile which captivated everyone.

'Sons and daughters of rich people from the business world. My step into building trustworthy relationships. Pawns to help me achieve my goals,' Klara thought as she glanced through everyone. 

The boys wore a green shirt with long sleeves, while girls wore a long green dress with beautiful flowers on it. And both genders had the school insignia on their chest. 

Kevin's words flashed through her mind. "Remember, Klara, people aren't pawns. Make good friends." 


After going to various teachers to join their class, Klara was a bit exhausted as she trudged through the halls. It’s getting increasingly difficult to ignore the looks of admiration and some of jealousy as she passed by fellow students and even a few teachers. 

"Klara?" Shio called out as he met Klara in the hallways and tapped on her back. 

"Yes, Shio?" Klara turned to see an extremely beautiful yet handsome boy with long green hair tied into a ponytail jogging towards her. He has a pair of lovely yellow eyes. His smile was gentle and catchy, causing all the ladies to squeal in joy and some guys to chuckle. When he stood next to Klara he was some few inches taller than her and he had a slightly muscular build.

"It's still hard to believe that it's you. How does your body look so muscular?" Shio muttered in a low voice into Klara's ear. "Did you have surgery?"

"No, I'm wearing a muscle suit," Klara tipped on her toes and whispered in his ears. 

This sudden gesture caused Shio to step a few inches away from Klara, his face red as a tomato.

"That's– good in case -someone asks you to strip to check if you're a guy," Shio stuttered as Klara looked at him confused. 

"If you're done blushing, can you escort me to the dining hall? I need to eat," Klara said bluntly and stared at Shio with a straight face.

'Damn she's so harsh,' Shio thought and he clenched his chest as though he was in pain.

Noticing Shio’s tenison, a girl walked up to him with a furrowed brow of concern. "Shio, are you alright?" she asked quietly.

Instantly, Shio banishes the tension to pin the girl with a charming smile and wink. "I'm alright now, because your beautiful face has eased the pain in my heart," he said flirtatiously. 

"Kyyyaaa!" All the girls in the hall squealed in excitement but Klara just rolled her eyes. 

'Even though we're best friends, I always find his flirtatious phrases so cheesy,' Klara thought as she looked at Shio smiling at the girls with a straight face.

Klara narrows her eyes coldly on Shio, unamused at his dramatics. "If you're done, can we go and eat now?" Klara said coldly as she stared at Shio. 

"Sorry, I almost forgot that you get cranky when you haven't eaten," Shio apologized, scratching his head. He waves apologetically to the girl with another charming grin before walking down the halls with Klara. "All eyes are on you," he notes in a soft undertone when catches sight of the stares from both men and women in the halls.

"Same for you," Klara commented.

"But you're more beautiful than me." Shio chuckled. "You really look like a beautiful person from an anime."

"Haha thanks. All the anime cosplayers on TikToka have helped improve my disguise skills." Klara tried to laugh but it almost sounded robotic. 

"I like it better if you were a girl, but this is even better. I don't want boys to be ogling their eyes at you," Shio said thoughtfully. He hugged Klara and patted her on the head.

"Hands off before you get a black eye," Klara said coldly. 

"Yes ma'am! I mean yes sir!" Shio saluted before following along.

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At the front of the dinning hall was a serving counter like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Neatly placed and managed by people who stood behind each food to serve the students. Hundreds of students were walking up and down, each collecting their food and sitting down to eat. 

At Klara and Shio’s entrance, however, a few of the students’ turn their attention to the two of them with rapt attention. 

Ignoring the stares, Klara and Shio walked to the serving counter and took some ceramic plates with utensils on an already made tray. They collect their food silently. 

Once they were done, they sat around one of the glass tables.

"Let's just have our lunch," Shio said as he was about to dig in. 

Clasping her hands together, Klara bows her head. "Bless our food, oh Lord." 

With raised brows, Shio stalls in stuffing his face to watch her. His brow wrinkles. "You still go to church?" he asked.

"Of course. Whenever I go to church, I just feel peace," Klara explains calmly and she took a bite of some nicely cut steak. 

"He's probably not real, you know?" Shio said, referring to God.

"I don't care. Going to church just brings me peace, which I never got when I didn't know the church," Klara said, causing her to remember her mother's words in the past. 

'You shouldn't be going to church, it's just a waste of time and your talent. You could be learning right now or even training!'

Noticing Klara's face was more straight, Shio realized she was slightly upset. An uncomfortable pit forms in his stomach at the notion of upsetting her, so he playfully asks, "Klara, could you please feed me?"

Startled at the abrupt question, Klara nearly drops her fork. She casts him a scathing glare. "No!" 

Shio dramatically grasped his chest "Straight rejection, how cruel!" .


"Have you heard about it?"

"There's a new scholarship student. We've never had a scholarship student before!"

"What's more is that he's doing most of the courses in the school." 

"Today alone I heard he had gone to the music class and surprised the teacher with his awesome rock and singing skills."

"Surprise Mr. Guweis? That's impossible!"

"I'm telling you the truth! And that was just this morning,"

"He later went to try out for the school's football team and had the coach begging for him to be part of the team."

"That's crazy! Coach Kwesi? He's known to be ruthless when picking people to be part of the team…"

"All that happened in a span of two hours. Now, I heard he's going to try out for the martial arts class after lunch."

"What? You mean Miss Mable's class?!" 

"Come on. Let's go!"


In a large room with a smooth wooden floor stood Klara before a slightly muscular, fair female teacher. She looked middle aged. She has frizzy red hair and an air of cool red eyes. She wore a white karate clothes as she stood there with her arms crossed. A worn black belt is cinched tightly around her waist.

"You wanna be part of my class?" the woman asked with a cheeky grin and her hands crossed.

"Yes ma'am," Klara said calmly.

"Well, then, if you manage to land a hit that would cause me to stumble, you pass," the woman stated. 

Klara immediately dashed towards Mable. She placed both her hands on the floor as she used her legs to swing around in a quick motion and Mable managed to stop them with her arms but she didn't stumble. 

'To use such a complicated move. He's not an amateur,' Mable thought as she watched her quivering hands and missed. 

Klara then threw a punch at Mable, but when Mable was about to stop it Klara twisted her body in the air and kicked Mable in the head causing her to stumble. 

Clutching her head, Mable stumbles backwards. She chuckles wearily, her grin sharpening. “Haven’t you ever heard of respect towards a lady?”

"I believe in gender equality." Klara clasped her hand together as a sign of respect.

"Tch, well, I can’t argue that.” Mable chuckled. “You're now part of the martial arts class." 

"Thanks." Klara smiled before walking away.

Everyone who stood at the window outside of the martial art hall stared in utter bewilderment and shock a the battle they had just witnessed.  

"OMG! He's so perfect!" one of the girl’s squealed and feigned a swoon. The other girls surrounding her chittered and laughed, but murmured their cheeky agreements. 

"Don't you find the way he's perfect to be creepy?" one of the guys asked with a frown.

"You're just jealous," another girl retorted at the boy. 

Hearing the words, Klara nodded to herself. 'Being perfect. Yes, that's my mum's goal. Because of her, I'm alive today, so I shall do my best to achieve her goal. To be a perfect human. Father Lord, please lend me your strength.'

After the school day was over and it was evening. Klara tapped on her phone and Shio appeared a few minutes later. His typical charming grin is in place and he eagerly takes his place at Klara’s side.

"Let's go to our dorm. I'm sure you're gonna love it!" Shio beamed and Klara just nodded. 

After taking a small taxi to their school, they arrived at a luxurious mansion. 

From the outside the mansion looks luxurious and extravagant. It was a wide rectangular 3 story building. It looks like it has been built and bricks covered in render and has gray plant decorations. Large, square windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added to the house in a mostly symmetric way. 

The roof is low and pyramid shaped and is covered with black roof tiles. Two small chimneys sit at either side of the house. A few large windows let in just enough light to the rooms below the roof. The house itself is surrounded by paved ground. 

There was a balcony on the third floor which could be seen as Klara entered the house. 

Upon entering, Klara noticed the floor in the house was made of ceramic and after some few steps she was greeted with a massive living room that could hold about 15 people. 

"This is so cool, right?" Shio asked as he looked at Klara but she was expressionless as ever. 

There was so much furniture in the house including fancy lamps hanging on the ceiling on each floor as they explored.

The house is equipped with a small kitchen and 12 luxurious bedrooms, a large dining area which has a luxurious circular glass table with 20 chairs.

Upon entering the kitchen they were met with a lavish black quartz counter. The sink was beautiful and coloured black as behind it stood materials for personal hygiene.

Beside it were refrigerated drawers and warming drawers to keep food warm or cold. On the left side of the kitchen were beautiful glass cabinets of various glassware and ceramics all placed neatly. 

Beside it was a high tech refrigerator which Klara fidgeted with a little find out it was a touchscreen, camera, a semi transparent door, smartphone based temperature management and it was aesthetically pleasing. 

On the right side of the kitchen was a luxurious chef based stove. Coloured black and used an electrical gas system. 

A chandelier hangs from the roof of the kitchen lighting up the place beautifully. 

Once they left the kitchen a group of ten boys were already standing before Klara and Shio, some smiling, others with a straight face.

The boy closest to Klara takes another step towards her with a bright smile. "Welcome, Scholarship Student, to the dorm of the top 10. You now make 11. I’m Adrien."

"Nice to meet you,” Klara greets plainly, already pivoting on her heel to head towards the stairs. “Good night." 

Pulling out her phone, Klara checks the messages from Kevin to discover that Kevin has already asked his staff to deliver her luggage to her new dorm room. 

The sound of rushed steps behind her, Klara glances over her shoulder to notice that Shio has followed her up the stairs. "I'm tired, I'll be sleeping for some hours."

Laughing, Shio scurries to her side. "Well, what do you expect after trying most of the activities in the school?" he jests lightly with a snort. "I told you that your body won't be able to handle it!"

Klara waved her hand behind her dismissively. "I can handle it," she muttered petulantly as she arrived at her room.

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