Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician

Chapter 9: 9

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 The two women who seemed to be Silas' subordinates dispersed into the forest after hearing Silas' words.

 It can't be what else could be causing this?

 I've lived in this forest for many years, and I've never been in any danger.

"Let's go, Gil-kun. We don't have much time."

"Ah, oh...!"

I follow Silas, running as fast as I can towards the sound of Yuffie's screams.

 Now is not the time to be thinking.

 We're in danger.

 It can't be that far away...!

 I had no idea that Silas had placed his men in the forest.

 What was the point of all this? I'm sure it was some kind of strategy.

 The two sorcerers also seemed to be quite useful, though not as much as Silas.

They were probably the first members that Kuro had detected.

Silas, realizing my suspicion, opens his mouth.

"It's pointless now. ...I was going to let them attack you."


What the hell is this guy talking about?

You wanted them to attack me? And you went to the trouble of telling me this?

"What's the meaning of all this――?"

"I thought that by hunting you down, I would be able to identify the vampires ... or the sorcerers who might be under their protection....I've failed. Now that you know they're with me, I can't let you think you're in pinch anymore."

Silas... he's a man of means, despite appearances.

 If Kuro knew about this, she would have killed you...

"We could've pushed forward with us being the villains, but we didn't... no, now that Yuffie's involved, I don't think I can continue to make that decision.


 To humans, vampires are a myth, a menace, no different from any other magical beast.


Silas, who was in charge of hunting monsters, felt more sorry for us than he did for hunting vampires.


After all, he has a rather lenient disposition for a monster hunter.




"The search for vampires is important, but the most important thing right now is Yuffie's safety. And that scream... we can't rule out the possibility that it was a vampire."


"...Honestly, I'll always remember how you tried to intimidate me. I'll never forgive you."


"Hahaha... I guess so.".


"But right now, Yuffie is our priority. Let's hurry."


"Ah...I'm the one who got us into this mess. I will bring her back unharmed...!"


At that moment, Yuffie's short cry echoed from nearby.


"Almost there...!"




 I jumped towards the voice.


Then I see Yuffie falling back on her butt on the ground in front of me.


 When Yuffie noticed my voice, she turned around, tears streaming down her face.


"Gil...!  Silas-san...!"


"Yuffie! Now――"


I was about to run up to Yuffie, but Silas forcefully held me back.


"Hey, what's wrong with you?!!"


"Calm down ... this is ... really bad ...!"


 Silas's face was clearly tense.


 His face was pale, and an unsuitable amount of sweat was running down his forehead.


"What are you talking about?"


 Silas slowly pointed forward into the sky.


 There, a black shadow with huge wings was slowly circling.




The shadow just circled slowly and seemed to be staring at us.


 It was as if it was waiting for something.


 It had a huge body the size of two people and a sharp beak.


 Its mane swept in the wind, and its claws shone eerily.


The figure...


"A griffin!"


 Silas nodded.


"But why...? Griffins are only supposed to live in the mountains further east than here."


"I don't know why, but the griffins are coming down the mountain...this is bad. It'll take 20 regular knights or 10 sorcerers to defeat the griffin. Even if I call Minella and Karen back, I'm not sure we can defeat it..."


"We don't have time for this! We've got to save Yuffie right now!"


"You have no idea how dangerous a griffon can be! It's definitely waiting for us to jump out now. It's a cunning hunter who's trying to use Yuffie as bait to lure us in!"


"That doesn't mean we can leave her alone! If it seems that we're not moving, it'll definitely come down! To it, humans are nothing more than that!"




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 At that moment, a gust of wind blew through.


 The griffin, which had been circling, suddenly began to plummet.


"Oh no――!"


As Silas froze in shock for a moment, I jumped in front of Yuffie with great force.


 I can do it...!






I held one hand out to the griffin in the sky.


Griffin... At this distance, the general magic I can use is still not powerful enough...

I don't want Silas to see the unique magic.


Then――Dragging it down to the ground...!


With Elena's chain magic――


"Light Binding: Two Chains..."


 At the same time as my magic was activated, countless chains of light flew out from the ground and jumped at the griffin at once.


 The griffin, sensing the danger, stopped suddenly and flew back into the sky with great speed.


 --But once released, the chains of light would never let their prey escape.


As soon as the griffin dodges one chain, the second chain attacks the griffin.


 The griffin turns and dodges the chain's attack, but in the face of the overwhelming number of attacks, the timing of the chain's attack gradually begins to shift.


 One by one, the chains entangle the griffin, and when the last one is connected to the griffin, it is completely locked in place and slams into the ground with great force.


The griffin, now completely restrained, could no longer move, but only roared.




 I put my hand gently on the griffon's head.


 Then, gently, I release the Fire magic.


 The flames spread out from its head and enveloped the entire body of the griffin, and it burst into flames, emitting a roaring sound and heat.


 If I fire at close range, I can incinerate it one-sidedly, even with my current weakened magic.


 It's quite a gruesome way to kill, but it can't be helped.


--That's a relief.


 I ran over to Yuffie and gently helped her up.


 Yuffie muttered a short thank you and stood up, but her eyes were glued to the burning griffin.




Silas walks up beside us and, like Yuffie, stares at the burning griffin.


"I'm not sure what you are ‥‥‥‥‥‥. And now the magic... hahaha... I don't know what's going on."


 Silas grabbed my shoulder excitedly.


"Wow...You are so talented...!"


Silas shouted excitedly.


 I'm sorry, but even this magic is beyond the scope of modern magic...?


"No... Silas could have done it without me getting ahead of him."


"That's not what I'm talking about. I still can't believe it...Grimoire...Maybe because he's self-taught, he's flexible... No, maybe..."


Silas mumbles something to himself while he thinks.


"He's a strange one..."


That stuff is not that praiseworthy.


 Light-binding may be a little bit special, but fire is an elementary general magic.


A kid who can use the application of general-purpose magic isn't exactly a surprise....maybe.


 But after seeing Silas's surprise, I'm not so sure.


I hope I don't get in trouble


Yuffie was still stunned as she watched the burning griffin.


 It was indeed too much stimulation for a child.


"...don't just disappear on your own."




"--But I didn't think there were any griffins, either. ...Let's go home for today."




You can find story with these keywords: Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician, Read Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician, Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician novel, Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician book, Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician story, Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician full, Perfect New Magician Enrolls in a Magic School in the World 1000 Years Later, the Legendary Strongest Magician Latest Chapter

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