Peters’ Crosses

Chapter 49: The Royal Vault

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Just as Pedro has said, our job as Knights of the Round really doesn’t have anything. But to actually experience it for ourselves is truly a sad state. For defenders of a nation, all we’ve been doing for the past week are only limited to taking casual strolls within the Palace, doing meaningless patrols on the streets, and studying useless scriptures. Is this really how a kingdom should be functioning?

We can’t have that, of course. But as the foreigners we are, the only thing that we can do is to gather more information and continue to patiently lie in wait. And thus, this sickened routine is something that we still have to follow. Today is no exception, as Peng and I once again aimlessly roam the streets.

“A flower for you, m’lady,” the mischievous thief, now donning a full-plated armor, snaps a flower by the wayside and offers it to me.

“Don’t you have better ways of fooling around, P… George?”

Even after my disdain for the act and my head shaking in disappointment, Peng doesn’t let up. In fact, he even leans closer to me as if wanting to tease me even more.

“Why, my fair knight in shining armor, only with this can I truly express myself in front of your dazzling beauty.”

Naturally, this is all an act. The absurdness of the situation will make a natural mask for whatever information we want to exchange.

“I’ve found a secret passage connecting the Royal Palace with a local bakery,” the whisper of the theatrical young man is the real prize he wants to give me.

“Does the owner know? Can we use it?”

“It seems like he’s an old retainer of the First Princess, so he knows about it. That means a bit of a problem to us though; since I doubt that he would just let us use the passage so easily.”

“Can’t we use our position as the Round?”

“Impossible. You’ve seen this nation’s situation, right? That brat Eliza didn’t properly ascend to the throne; she’s just there because the First croaked. The people’s disdain for her is rising by the day already. It would be a dream for her ‘supposed’ retainers to be granted access to it, and not to mention the fact that we’re not from here anyway.”

“Guys! Focus on the work!” A voice from behind sends us to disarray as Peng instantly takes a leap backwards, while I do the same in the opposite direction. Turning around to see Pedro’s rather upset expression, I try to explain:

“We’re still doing our job, nothing to worry about!”

“I don’t mind a bit of flirting around, but we’re still on patrol, you know.”

Calm down, Petra. Don’t try to conjure your spears. He doesn’t know, and that’s the point.

“Haha…” I reply with the most awkward and stiff laugh I can muster. “We’ll be more careful.”

My partner for the day, however, doesn’t seem to know how to shut up. “Oh, definitely. Isn’t that right, my fair maiden?”

“Do you want a spear to the face? Or through the gut, I can do both.”

“Easy there P… Jeanne, it’s a joke; a joke,” waving his hands without a shred of sorry on his face, Peng lets out an audible laugh.

Before the conversation can boil any further, from behind Pedro, another voice sounds:

“Captain, it’s time for your audience with the Queen.”

“Is it time already, Miss Pelle?” Asks the young knight.

“Indeed. I’ve received a message from Lord Gabriel.”

“Ah, I see. Then, shall we go?”

“Lord Gabriel and the Queen only ask for your presence, Captain,” Pelle answers with a polite bow.

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“Is that so? … Alright then, I shall be there at once. Farewell for now, my good friends!”

A wave goodbye from the knight in question, and soon after he has already left the scene on his steed. And as if waiting for the moment, Pelle turns to us immediately afterwards:

“I assume that you’ve found the secret passage to the Vault?”

“How did you know?” Only after the words have left my mouth do I realize I’ve come to a conclusion too soon. Fortunately for us, however, the woman standing before us really is on our side, unlike her hobo of a partner.

“You can trust us fully… Me and Gabriel, that is. And this is why I want to ask you this first.”

“Ask us… what?”

“Stop… Arthur. I don’t know what went over him, but as soon as he returned from patrol with one of your friends, it’s as if he’s gone ballistic. Your friend was knocked unconscious, and is currently resting in the castle, while…”

“Raymond was knocked out?” I raise my voice, unable to believe my ears. Benkei is arguably the strongest among the three of us in terms of overall combat prowess, how could he be knocked out so easily? By some hobo swordsman without a cross, no less?

“I don’t know, but he’s planning to raid the Vault on his own. We have to stop him, or else everything we’ve been working on, both for you guys and us, will all go to waste.”

“I think you’re overthinking this, lady,” answering the plea is Peng with a smirk on his face. “No matter how strong the guy is, there’s no way that he can possibly raid the Vault all alone, right? I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve infiltrated up to the final steel chamber. The security there is tighter than anything else I’ve seen before, from well-trained guards to even magic barriers, there’s no way he can…”

“No, you don’t understand! Peter, he’s…”

“… Wait, what did you say?” In the midst of an emergency, Pelle’s defenses finally crumble, and the piece of information she has accidentally revealed is much more shocking news to me than to everyone else.

The name “Peter” might have been a title to mean people chosen by the crosses like us, but for me, there’s only one “Peter” that I know of.

Pelle, meanwhile, has also recognized her mistake. But no matter how much she’s trying to cover her mouth; she can’t retract the words she has said.

“… Damn it! Okay, fine, I’ll explain on the way! For now, just follow me! I can get the owner to open the secret passage!”

The four of us rush forward as fast as we can, and soon enough, a small bakery shows itself in front of us. The shop itself is nothing special, save for the rather unusual name of its owner – Bakere.

“Welcome, dear customers. How can I…”

“Owner, listen carefully. I’m a friend of Lady Beatrice, and she has entrusted me to protect this kingdom from ruin,” not letting the owner ask any further, Pelle instantly answers. “A great disaster will befall this land unless we manage to stop it right now by using the passage to the Vault, so I implore you to let us in. If you’re still doubting us, here’s proof.”

The owner’s eyes widen before the jeweled sheath that Pelle has taken out from her grimoire. “That’s… Galatine’s sheath! But then… that means Lady Beatrice is…”

“… Truly dead, unfortunately. But owner, we don’t have time! If we don’t hurry, then…”

A giant explosion rocks the earth underneath us, and along with it comes a shining stream of light, enough to blind anyone unfortunate enough to be outside right now.

“No… we’re too late… He’s finally snapped…”

“The passage is completely blocked off,” the owner, opening the trap door hidden behind his oven, shakes his head in regret. “I’m sorry, but whatever that was, it was faster than us.”

Without another word, the three of us leave the bakery and head towards the Palace, hoping to finally have an answer to everything.

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