Peters’ Crosses

Chapter 69: Our Avalon

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“Peter, what are you doing? Removing your own cross… are you daft?”

“I said it just now, didn’t I? Both Zero and Infinity… I’ll take it for myself. You won’t have to worry about anything.”

“If Infinity is taken from me right now, Peter, I’ll die.”

“You said it yourself, right? How the two together can even bring back life.”

“Even so, if you want to stand against me, what can you possibly do without your Demon?”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Bea,” I answer. “The cross might be important, but Excalibur and Galatine are still my own to command.”

“So, you’re willing to kill me in order to save me? Is that what you’re going with?”

“Maybe I am.”

“You’re too far gone, Peter,” with a shocked and saddened look on her face, Bea painfully shakes her head.

“I know. But this is who I am.”

I swing Excalibur forward. However, the blade doesn’t even connect with the girl before me, being stopped mid-air by a mysterious force that I fail to comprehend.

“Infinity’s nature is creation,” answers Bea. “I mean it when I said you could never defeat me without your cross.”

“Either way, I’ll try,” I grit my teeth and push the blade forward. But no matter how much I struggle, Excalibur is stuck in place.

Not giving up, I pull out Galatine and make a slash from the side. However, just like before, the strange wall of air blocks it away from ever reaching Bea.

“It doesn’t matter what you try, without Zero it’s useless.”

I take a step back and raise Galatine towards the sky. A shining light engulfs the area, making the already-lit room even more blinding to the eye.

“Even I’ve never shown this much affinity to Galatine…” exclaims Bea. “I’m kind of jealous.”

I follow up with Excalibur, raising it as well. A giant pillar of light erupts from the sword, piercing through even the ceiling, and reaching heights I’ve never experienced before. This is the strongest shot I can muster at the moment. A shot that I know will destroy any regular human being… no, even the angels if they dare to stand in my way.

I swing Excalibur forward, sending the blast straight to my opponent.

However, even I can’t expect a wall of pure black to appear in front of Bea. And as soon as the light touches that wall, it disappears, as if never existed in the first place. The strongest attack I could make… gone just like that.

“I’m part of the Royal family, Peter. It’s only natural that I knew how Excalibur worked, as well as how to counter it. A shame that Clarent is not with me, but something to absorb light and heat would behave just the same.”

I stand there speechless. In all of my life, never before have I felt so powerless. What do I do against someone who can block all of my attacks? Was she right all along? That I’m nothing without my cross?

I take a glance at the corner of the room. Balam’s cross is right there, still silently waiting for me. If what she said was true, then I couldn’t do it without Zero. But…

Is it right to use him again, when he betrayed me like that? Is it right to use him again, when I betrayed him like that?

No, what am I thinking? There’s no turning back now. It’s no time for some insignificant pride or regret. What I need to do right now… is to win.

I rush towards the cross, making a leap for it. Bea doesn’t seem to be stopping me at all. I can do it. With this cross, I can win.

“… And that’s the last one.”

As if time itself has stopped in place, my body feels like it’s dangling in mid-air. Before me appears the same young black-haired man from before, as he casually walks over to the cross like he was in an empty room, and put it on his neck without a care in the world.

“Give it back!” I shout.

“You chose to desert him in the first place, child of destiny,” answers the young man with a smirk. “So you’ve lost any right of having him back.”

“Crosses choose their owners. You can’t possibly get him to work with you. And what business do you have with him anyway, agent of God?”

“Agent of God? You must be mistaken. I never said I was on their side in the first place,” with a cunning smile on his face, the young man pulls out something I’d never expect.

The crimson sword Clarent is on his hand, but only for a moment. Without letting me have the chance to react, the young man has already thrown the sword towards me.

“Consider it a reward for your hard work. You know what to do from here.”

“Ryuuro…” Bea, seeing the act, seethes with rage. “You dare betray me?”

“Again, Princess,” the young man chuckles. “I’ve never said that I was on your side. But I did tell you that your actions might doom your own world. Now that everything’s been set, I shall take my leave.”

A courtly bow and the man is no longer here. But he has done plenty already. I’m without my old partner, but I now have the final piece for my victory.

“Peter, don’t get any funny ideas,” Bea, meanwhile, shows a clear sign of worry on her face. “Whatever you do, don’t activate…”

“Don’t try, Bea. I know about Rhongomyniad already. If there is any way for me to take Infinity, then this is the only choice.”

“No, you dummy! Rhongomyniad is an incomplete recreation of Zero! If you manage to activate it, then it’ll destroy…”

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Excalibur on my right hand. Galatine on my left hand. Clarent held by my teeth.

I activate all three swords at once.

On my right shines a pillar of light. On my left, a radiant sun. In my mouth, crackling storm and thunder. The three forces blend together, melding into a force I’ve never experienced before. The shocking feeling of lightning. The burning heat of light blinds the eye. The sensations rocking my entire core, making me feel as if my spirit itself is leaving my body.

The three swords slowly disappear, and in my hand is now a small cloud of yellow and red energy. The miniature storm forms a handle, then the shaft, and finally the pointed tip. An oversized golden lance is now firmly in my grip, ready to pierce through anything in its way.

“Get ready, Beatrice! This is my all!”

“Don’t do it!”


The lance shines stronger than anything else I’ve seen, as a blast of energy fires straight at my foe. No walls are able to hold it in place now, as I can finally feel Bea’s layers and layers of defense slowly but surely breaking apart.

Finally, it hits her. But at the same time, I can feel something wrong with my body. Why does it hurt when the attack has connected? Why am I feeling like every bone in my body is shattered? Why are my eyes getting blurry? Why am I feeling more tired by the second?

I look down to check on myself, only to find out that my legs are no longer there. Like with the original God, they’ve already disappeared into nothingness, leaving behind only a trail of gold dust that’s slowly eating its way to the rest of my body.

“So this is why she told me not to use it… damn it…”

I let out a bitter laugh as the last of my consciousness falls into darkness.


Before me is a scene of pure white. But it’s not due to any light, nor it is blinding to me. No, everything here is… void, in a way. Just like the deep abyss that one would see when they’re asleep, but this time, it’s bright and clear to see.

From afar, I can hear footsteps. Hurried, worried footsteps. And before I know it, a hand has already smacked me in the head.

“Peter, you big dummy! I told you, didn’t I? You can’t use Rhongomyniad! It’s an incomplete version of Zero, so once it’s activated, the user is dead!”

“… My bad…”

“And what’s with all of that anyway?” Bea continues to vent her anger on me with a series of punches on my chest. “Killing me then bringing me back! Did you not realize how little sense that made?”

“I… I’m sorry…”

“And all of it could have been prevented if you had just listened to me!”


“… Hahhh…” in the end, she only lets out a sigh. “I know it’s hard to accept the fact that I suddenly became God, but at least hear me out beforehand, will you? And yes, while it’s partially my fault that my ideas came out wrong, but…”

“You don’t owe him any apologies, Lady Beatrice,” another familiar voice sounds. “This dumbass is just stubborn like that… Well, not like I’m any different.”

“… Pedro?” I exclaim in shock. “Then, does it mean…”

“We’re all dead, genius,” Pedro shakes his head. “Took you long enough.”


“Don’t bother apologizing to me. My death was my own fault anyway.”

“But still, I pushed you towards that way…”

“Yeah, you and that ego of yours. But it’s my fault for falling into it, just like how it’s your fault that you chose the path that you took.”

“Well, in the end, I’d say all of us were too caught up in the moment and let our powers get the better of us,” Bea lets out a sigh and shakes her head in disappointment. “Maybe the original God was right after all, and that power should have gone to that guy in the first place.”

“… You’re right,” I reluctantly nod. “But now what? We’re all dead, right?”

“Look at it this way: don’t we have all the time in the world now?” Bea lightly chuckles. “You’ll have plenty to make up for us.”

“And this time, we’ll make sure to reign you in whenever you go out of line,” Pedro adds with a playful wink.

Seeing the two of them like this… warms my heart, even if we’re no longer alive.

“Can I even go out of line this time?” I laugh as well.

“I don’t know. With you, anything’s possible,” Pedro shrugs at my claim, with Bea giggling by my side.

“Haha… I guess that’s true. Well, let’s go then.”

“Go? Where to?”

“Wherever our hearts desire.”

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