Peters’ Crosses

Chapter 7: Decision

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Why are they here, in the middle of the night? No, I know why they’re here. I can’t deny that. But why go this far? My choice is mine to make alone, why do they have to try so hard to stop me? I even chose to leave at night so that no one would be in trouble because of me. I grit my teeth. Calm down, me. I need to relax myself. I just need a good reason, then find a way to shake them off.

“Just out for a midnight stroll,” I say, purposely avoiding their eyes. However, that half-baked lie doesn’t do the trick, as Pedro wastes no time to grab me by the shoulder and shouts:

“Do you think we’re gonna believe that crap? Answer us for real!”

“Calm down, Pedro.” Bea grabs him by the same hand that he’s holding me. “If you keep pressuring him, he’s gonna deny it even more.”

“Tch… Alright, I get it.” Reluctantly putting his hand away, Pedro clicks his tongue in anger and annoyance. Meanwhile, Bea dusts off my shirt, even though I’m sure there’s no dust stuck on it, to begin with. Staring me directly in the eye, she pleas:

“Peter. Can you tell us the truth?”

I can’t look away, not with her holding onto my shirt like that. Was that from before an act? Nonetheless, she’s good. Better than Pedro for sure. Now I can’t help but feel guilty if I lie, and turning my head away seems difficult. Looks like there’s no way out for me.

I raise my hands to the sky and let out a sigh:

“Okay, you got me. I was planning on leaving this place.”

“Why, Peter?” Bea asks once more, not letting go of my shirt.

“Because I’m not going to stay here and live out my life always being controlled by someone else.”

“Who’s controlling you?”

“Everyone. The teachers at school forcing us to follow the curriculum. The Angels enforcing this onto us. God, who is the cause of all of this. I’m going to break free from the chains pinning us down.”

“… Why do you say you’re being controlled? We’re still living our lives fine, right here, right now.” Bea hesitates for a brief moment, before giving out her question.

“Are we really? When every moment we’re still living like how we’re told? When every day we’re being drilled the same damn lesson, which may not even be the truth? When we’re constantly reminded that progress is a sin and that we should just stay still and know our place, like some kind of lowlife animal? No! I refuse to believe that! Humans are beautiful. United, we can achieve many great things. I know that. I watch everyone at the Cathedral every morning. Even when shackled, our value can still shine, and you expect me to keep letting it dwindle away like what we’re doing right now? Especially now that I have the power to change things, to break the mold that’s been set in stone for thousands of years?”

“Peter…” Bea clutches her hands, while her shoulders shiver ever so slightly. Are my words finally reaching out to her? Does she understand me finally, or is she all the more worried for me? No, there’s no use guessing her feelings. All that matters is that she’s wavering. I have to push forward even more.

“Don’t you find it true, Bea? How we aren’t meant to be held back like this?”

Bea starts to raise her hand towards me. I think I’ve done it. I knew she’d be the one to understand my feelings.

I don’t get to be excited for too long, however. In the heat of the moment, I’ve completely forgotten about the simple fact that I needed to convince two people, and not just one. And while Pedro lets out a smirk as he stops Bea’s hand from advancing any more forward, his attitude is anything but amused:

“Heh. So, you think you’re doing us a noble cause or something? That you’re some kind of hero who’s going to save the world?”

“No, Peter.” He continues, his voice trembles and his teeth grit, not for fear, but for hate and anger. “You’re just a self-centered, egotistic prick.” With each sentence, his voice turns louder and louder. “Do you think any of us asked for that? Do you think that everyone is living a miserable life, and just because we’re scared of the Angels that we don’t dare to fight? You’re wrong! Some of us enjoy the little things in our lives! We don’t need any grandiose freedom; we just want time to spend with our loved ones! Why can’t you drill that into that thick skull of yours?”

I know he’s correct. I know there are people like that. I can see two of them right here, in front of me. I get that. But I can’t agree with him. Just because he’s correct, doesn’t mean he’s right. With every moment that passes, I get angrier, but I don’t want to make a scene right now.

“What? Answer me, Peter!” Pedro shouts. “Do you have anything to say? Say something!”

Stop shouting. I can’t contain myself any longer.

“I said…”

“Will you shut up for a moment?” Breaking out of Bea’s hold, I grab Pedro by the collar. “I know! I get it!”

“Then why do you keep on stubbornly leaving?” Pedro, while surprised at my action, takes no time to do the same thing to me. “Why do you insist on doing the wrong thing?”

“Why do you say it’s wrong?” I shout back at him, tightening my grip. “What’s wrong with wanting to be free?”

“It’s wrong when it concerns the people around you!”

“Well, to hell with those people, then!”

Only after the words leave my mouth do I realize how big of a screw-up I’ve made. Bea’s distraught face and teary eyes tell me enough. Pedro, seeing her like that, bursts into anger and, with his remaining arm, throws a straight punch at me:

“You idiot!”

The force would have been enough to send me flying a few meters, but since he’s holding me by the collar, I don’t get to leave the ground. Damn, that hurts. Where did he learn to punch like that? I know he’s strong but to this extent? Color me surprised, then.

I tighten my remaining fist as well, and, with the exact same movement, return the favor to him.

“Look into a mirror!”

I don’t know how much damage I did to him with that punch, and his dark skin along with the lack of light from the night sky isn’t doing me any favor. However, judging by his spitting out to the roadside, I can probably say that I did him pretty well. It must have been the adrenaline, for after punching Pedro back I don’t even notice the pain on my face right now.

Wait, it’s not that I don’t notice it.

I’m not hurt.

I was in the heat of the moment, but now that I think about it, my face did feel unusually hot. Instinctively touching my cheek, I can tell that there’s no pain, as if I was never hit in the first place. And the supposed wounded place is letting out a warm and humid feeling as if it was letting out steam from being punched.

“Don’t look the other way!” Pedro’s voice interrupts my stream of thought, and before I could react, another one of his punches hit me dead in the face. I don’t know when I let go of him, but this time, without anything left to hold me, the punch causes me to slide onto the ground like a beaten sandbag.

However, thanks to the punch, I can think more clearly and confirm my suspicion myself.

I am in fact healing at a much more rapid rate than normal.

As soon as my body hits the ground, tremendous heat runs rampant through my face. It’s as if my entire face is blinded by steam, but along with it comes a soothing feeling, like I’m being wiped with a damp towel. This time, it seems like the other two have also noticed the phenomenon, as Pedro’s voice turns doubtful as he stutters:

“Hey… why… aren’t you hurt?”

“Beats me,” With a confident smile, I answer. I know that I can win against him with this suddenly-found ability, even if I have no idea what it exactly is and how it works. “This will give me the chance to…”

I don’t get the chance to finish my sentence, as from afar, the sound of horses galloping towards us is getting louder by the second. Crap, did us yelling in the middle of the night attract attention this soon? Who’s coming? Can’t be the regional Angels, they don’t ride horses. The local guards, maybe? Can I break free from them?

“Looks like it doesn’t matter anymore.” Pedro lets out a smile of relief. “I win this round, Peter.”

Approaching us is a troop of armed people, around ten or so. Each of them wears a suit of shining armor, polished in every nook and cranny, and each has a sword on the side. Although their faces are covered by the helmets that they’re wearing, I can never fail to realize who they are, for the crimson symbol of a roaring lion in the middle of their chest says it all.

“The… Knights of the Round? Why are they here? And Pedro… why do you know they would come?”

Pedro doesn’t have to answer my question, as the leading knight pushes his horse forward and answers it for him, by asking a question:

“Squire, how’s the situation?”

“The target hasn’t made any moves, Sir!” Pedro crosses his right arm over his chest as a salute and speaks in a firm, clear tone. “However, please give me a bit more time! I believe I can handle the situation without having to bother your troops, Sir!”

“You’ve done enough, Squire. Now back off before the suspect does anything crazy.”

So many questions flood my mind, and I don’t even know where to start. Why does Pedro know the Knights of the Round? Did that guy just call him ‘Squire’? Does that mean he’s working for the Round? But I thought he was Bea’s butler? Wait… Bea’s face… she’s as surprised as me? Then does she not know Pedro works for the Round? No… Somehow, I don’t feel like that’s the case.

“Commander Keith, why are you here in this town?” Before I can make out anything, Bea has already asked. However, it’s not the fact that she asked first, but her question itself, that surprises me the most.

“Wait, Bea… Beatrice, you know him as well? Who… are you?”

“Your Highness, I’m terribly sorry for not informing you.” The leading knight, now Commander Keith, humbly bows to apologize. “But I’ve received intel that a menace to our kingdom has appeared here, therefore, I had to dispatch a troop as fast as I could without consulting your opinion first.”

“Intel? ...Pedro, did you do this?” Beatrice glances over where Pedro is standing, who shivers from fear of her piercing gaze. Almost losing his nerve, he answers:

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“Lady Beatrice… I’m sorry, but I can only think of this… I don’t want him to choose the wrong path…”

“I know that, but why do you have to drag in the Round?” Beatrice’s voice soon bursts into anger. “What if other people see them? And worse, what if Peter gets wanted as a criminal?”

“My Lady, considering our current situation, you can’t possibly…”

“I don’t want to lose anyone I care about, Pedro! Not you, not Peter, nor anyone else in this land! There has to be another way!”

The conversation is slowly slipping out of my reach. I should feel grateful that they’re not noticing me right now, but I have to know.

“Beatrice… Can you explain to me, what exactly is happening?”

“I guess I can’t hide it anymore, can I?” Beatrice lets out a sigh, raising her hands as if giving up on everything she’s done so far. Taking a deep breath, she gives exactly the answer I was afraid of:

“My last name, Bakere… is a lie. I had to hide my true name to live a peaceful life in this town. Mother didn’t let me stay in a place like this, however, so they gave me a small troop of the Round and Pedro to act as my protection.”

“As for my true name, I guess you can already tell, but let me reintroduce myself once more.” The first rays of dawn shine down on her silver hair, making her glow a divine light. “I’m Beatrice Bedryant, First Princess of England.”

“… First Princess?” I repeat in disbelief. “Why… Then why did you hide it from me? How long have we been friends?”

“Shut up, you idiot!” Pedro quickly punches me in the face for a second time. “Do you think her Highness enjoys hiding it from you? How can we be sure you wouldn’t tell anyone else?”

“Do you really think I’m like that?” Frustrated and angered, I throw a punch back at him, knocking him over like he just did to me. “I get that it’s a big secret! But have some faith in me damn it!”

“You acting like this is exactly why we didn’t trust you in the first place!” Pedro, not wanting to be outdone, hits me for the third time, in the exact same spot. As I fall down onto the ground, he jumps forward in an attempt to subdue me, but his actions are soon stopped by Beatrice, who still remains silent even as the fight ensues.

“Enough, Pedro. That’s a direct order.” Her voice turns serious and firm for the first time. Upon hearing such words, Pedro immediately loses any intention of continuing, as he slowly backs off, kneeling on his feet and crossing his arm to show respect.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Now, all Knights of the Round, return to your position. I won’t stand you appearing in public anymore.” With a wave of her hand, Beatrice ensues another order. So, this is her true self, huh? A presence powerful enough to strike fear and respect in everyone…

“B-but, Your Highness, we can’t possibly…”

“Silence!” Beatrice shouts in anger, the first I’ve ever seen her do so. “I’ve told you how many times, not to interfere with the matter of the people involving me?”

“B-but, he…”

Once again, her shout rocks the space around her. “Return to your positions! I’ll handle the rest! And as for you, Pedro! You’re relieved of being my retainer, as of today! Return to the Rounds, and proceed with your training!”

“Your Highness!” Pedro exclaims, distraught and heartbroken. “Please, reconsider!” His wrinkled face says it all about how terrified he is, so much that even I have to feel bad for him.

“H-hey, don’t you think it’s too harsh?” Not wanting to bear the scene anymore, I slowly raise my hand to voice my opinion. However, as fast as lightning, my voice gets shut off.

“And you! Peter! Don’t think you’ve gotten away with it! Trying to leave the country is a terrible offense! As for your punishment…” She pauses for a bit. However, none of us could ever expect the words coming from her mouth afterwards.

“I now declare you, Peter Pendragon, to be under my strict supervision as my new escort for my trip around the world!”

“I… wait, what?”

Did I hear it wrong, or not only did she allow me to leave, but she also just force me to bring her along on my journey? This girl… I thought I was the crazy one here, but it turns out no one could ever hope to beat this rash princess in terms of hot-headedness.

“Your Highness, but what about…” Pedro voices his concern, but like everyone’s opinions so far, it’s quickly shot down by Beatrice.

“Don’t worry about it.” She waves her hand in refusal. “Mother always tells me to broaden my knowledge, and I just consider the experience part of it. That’s why I got to live in this town in the first place, remember? If I tell her this trip is mainly for that, she wouldn’t mind. And even if she does protest, well… that’s what you’re there for, right?”

“You mean… The fact that you’re forcing me back to the Palace… is because…”

“Do me a solid this time, okay?” Bea lets out a cheeky smile and puts her hand up to signal a plea. “I know I can always count on you.”

“I… okay, fine. If it’s a direct order from the Princess.” Pedro, finally calming down, lets out a sigh of disappointment. As our eyes meet afterwards, I can already tell his message to me, even if we don’t exchange another word.

“Keep an eye on her, with your life.” He speaks with his gaze. With a smile on my face, I message him back with my own. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect her.”


As the Knights leave the town with Pedro following them on their horses, Bea, finally reverting back to her cheerful, carefree tone, smiles at me and asks:

“Well, what do you think? Was I princess-y enough for you?”

“You scared me half to death, geez!” I exclaim. “When those Knights came, I thought I would at least be put into the dungeon!”

“We don’t use that anymore.” Bea chuckles at my claim. However, her smile soon retracts as she comments. “I do feel bad about Pedro though. I think he’s the one that doesn’t want you to leave this place the most.”

“All I see is that the guy hates my guts, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I shrug at her words. “But what does that make you? Were you in approval of my leaving from the start?”

To my surprise, with a gentle smile and a shake of the head, Bea answers. “I was originally planning to force you to take both of us along, actually. And it was the perfect chance too, with you suddenly making that speech and all. Knowing Pedro’s personality though, I knew that the Round was on his mind, but to think he’d actually resort to it… I’m just glad I at least thought of some sort of backup excuse.”

“Well, all’s well that ends well,” I say, stretching myself after a stressful night.

“So… we are we going?”

Bea’s question soon drags me back to reality. Only now do I realize I never had a destination in the first place.

“Allow me to answer that, my King.” An all too familiar voice suddenly sounds.

“Balam?” I ask out loud and turn around reflexively, disregarding the shocked expression from Bea upon seeing me talk to myself. “Where are you?”

“You don’t need to search for me, my King, for I am still inside of the cross.” The voice sounds once more in my head. “Now, first of all, since we’ve officially become partners, I can now directly talk to you via telepathy like this.”

“Telepathy? Does this mean I don’t have to say things out loud to talk to you?” I think. To confirm my theory, the voice answers:

“That’s right. Secondly,” Balam continues. “Excalibur also has a healing property. Your body will regenerate must faster than a normal human being as long as you keep it on your side.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” I smile at the thought, but Balam is quick to cut me off of my high horse:

“However, since you’re still not used to its power, you can only recover from minor injuries, like from this little squabble you’re having with your friends right now. Don’t oversell it, my King.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind,” I answer in my thoughts.

“And finally, as for the problem you’re currently facing... Well, it’s a long and arduous journey ahead, so first, we need more power.”

“You mean…”

“That’s right. Finding the remaining Peters takes priority. Unfortunately… we Demons can’t sense one another’s presence without awakening first, so as of right now… I can only tell you about one clue.”

“Well, that’s better than nothing,” I comment. “What is it?”

“A little while ago, I sensed something to the southeast of your location… France.”

As Balam’s voice soon dissipates into my mind, I turn to Bea with an awkward smile on my face.

“Hey, so… you have a boat?”

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