Chapter 26: 25. Pawn

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"You're working for Samir!"

Aaron demanded, but no reply came from the enclosed tunnel behind them. If Vulcan had said anything, the noise of the entire structure coming down had drowned it out.


They'd managed to find and lose their only clue on Samir, and by extension, Misha, in seconds. And Aaron had a nagging feeling that luck wouldn't repeat itself for a while.

Beside him, Mark rolled to the side to avoid another stone coming down, and Aaron called out to him, "Go," while he triggered the same techniques he'd sworn not to abuse just a few weeks ago– Chi reinforcement.

Chi rushed through his body as his skin burst out in a network of veins, filling him with the strength he needed to carry Sato on his back while he rose to his feet. Keeping the unconscious man steady with his free arm, he shot out a gust into the hallway that cleared it of debris, giving him and Mark a clear path.

As they ran, only ever managing to keep a few steps ahead of the ocean of falling stone and debris, they relied on Aaron's great memory to retrace their step.

Aaron never missed a turn once, and he attributed that to his many years of experience, but he reckoned it wouldn't mean much if they ran out of strength before they found safety.

Already, the strength was fleeing Aaron's muscles, and Mark looked like he was about ready to collapse.

It took a long moment for them to realize the shaking had stopped. When they did, the fear set in.

"Fuck," Mark was the first word out of Mark's mouth between deep gulps of air.

"What does your system say?" Aaron asked as he set down Sato, a small knot already settling on his chest.

Mark took a long moment before he called up his status screen.
"Looks like it's not over yet," he said, his face slowly gaining colour. "The system does not offer mission progress or something like that, but if my theory is right. He's still close enough for us to nab him."

If Aaron remembered correctly, the mission was to KILL VULCAN BEFORE HE COMPLETES HIS PLAN, so the parameters were somewhat flexible.

"We need to get back to the city and gather reinforcement," Aaron said before suddenly doubling over. He'd switched off Chi reinforcement before he bottomed out, but the technique still winded him.

"On second thought, we're near the exit. You think you can hurry back to the city on your own."

Mark nodded.

"I better. My ass is on the line."

Vulcan's POV
Vulcan never doubted he'd bury the Phantom and his midget apprentice. They were fierce, fiercer than they had any right to be, but he wasn't THE VULCAN for nothing. He'd faced off against entire squads of earth Kingdom mercenaries, Pirates, and even a combustion bender and come out on top. The fight would've gone very differently if they hadn't been underground.

Vulcan let out a long breath as he settled into a stance, pulled apart the rock in front of him, and compressed the chunks that poured forth. Half went into the walls to reinforce them, and the other half he moulded into thick pillars, ensuring the tunnel's stability for weeks to come.

The tunnel came out more narrow because he didn't have men to transport back the excess dirt and rock to other tunnels, but he was only digging for one now, so it wasn't as much of a concern.

Pain stabbed into his shoulder and sides as he completed the herculean task, and he doubled over, coughing blood.

"Curse that midget earth bender!"

The Phantom was dangerous enough, but it'd been that Earth bender that was the real problem. Each hit had been near fatal and made the task before him that much harder.

If they weren't in so much pain, he'd have dug up the chamber and melted his corpse out of spite.

Although his excavation method looked easy enough on the surface, it was anything but. Only a master of earth compression with an intimate knowledge of structural engineering could build tunnels as he did, and that was why General Gazon had asked him to make the tunnels in the first place.

It could've lied there for years without anyone none the wiser, and when it was time to burn the city to the ground, any Earth bender could dig the rest of the way to the top while most of the Earth Nation forces were occupied and flank them.

It was a genius plan, and he'd thought of it.

Gazon agreed to give him control of the lower city for his contribution and help with bringing down the walls of Omashu, giving him the title and political weight neither his bastard of a father nor dead mother would ever.

Everything fell apart when he met a man that called himself 'The Avatar of the Fire Nation,' Corporal Samir, at a meeting he'd scheduled with General Gazon.

Samir said he'd give him the entire city if he weakened Omashu on top of creating a tunnel and helping in the war. When Vulcan asked why Samir would give him the city, he said it was only right.

After all, he was practically conquering the city single-handedly
…and Vulcan concurred.

Whichever way he spun it, it made perfect sense to him. He was confident Samir would keep his word. He just had a great feeling about the kid, and his instincts had never led him wrong.

It was a shame the King caught onto his smuggling operation.
"What kind of Smuggler King gets caught?" Vulcan growled as he tore apart yet another layer of stone.

The damage was done. And if Vulcan had been as loud as he thought he had, half of the city should be up in arms, rushing to the Undercity. While they were distracted, he would complete the tunnel and sneak into the underground facilities.

If and when he encountered anybody that stayed behind, he'd melt them as he made his way out. If his body held out long enough, he'd even bring down half the city for bringing him this low.

"That'd make the invasion even easier," he chortled.

But then, Vulcan paused to consider it seriously.

He'd fulfil his side of the bargain to Samir, a darling of the fire Nation, and get revenge.

The grin on his face threatened to split it in half.

"That not a bad plan, not a bad plan at all."

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Only the King was powerful enough to stop him, but Vulcan reckoned turning half the Residential buildings in the upper Ring to Lava would distract him long enough to make his escape.

The same strategy would likely work for other surprises like an Elite Soldier.

"Only a Phantom would ignore thousands melting around them."

Thankfully Vulcan had already buried one, and he wasn't particularly cold. And everyone knew you never saw more than one Phantom in a place unless there was war.

He was in the clear.`

The more Vulcan thought about it, the more he realized this should've been his plan from the start.

"Watch me, Father!"

Vulcan laughed even as blood leaked from his lips as he tore apart yet another layer of stone. He didn't even bother with the plaster this time around.

Ren banked low, dipping from the cloud with his glider as he finally approached the city of Omashu. He'd spent every second since the Solstice rushing from his station in one of the principalities surrounding Ba Sing Se, where he waited for word from his spy in the Dai Li. Since the incident with Wang all those years ago, he'd been the sole correspondent with the Earth King.

But when word came that his nephew might be in trouble, he was glad that his father sent him to the only person with information about his captor.

Menma, the Sage, was taking his place as spymaster.

While he wasn't one for fights, he certainly had the talent for it. He was certain their interests would be protected, at least.

Ren tugged on the air around him and blitzed past the gates and guards, moving faster than their eyes could follow. He closed his glider as he came down on the highest garden in the King's palace. Dozens of exotic plants spread out in manicured plots, and strange animals skittered between them, nibbling on the weed shooting out of pots. Why the King allowed rodents free roam in his prized garden was beyond him.
He noticed a great white mound rise and fall in the far corner. For a long moment, all he did was watch the beast.

The last time he'd seen a flying Bisen, he'd been a boy. The beginnings of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, before he sensed the King tip toeing down the adjoining passage, trying to sneak up on him.

"Majestic beasts, aren't they?" King Bumi announced, and Ren grunted.

"He's a living relic. Every air bender of our civilization used to get one of their very own when they come of age."

"Appa is a real treasure, all right. Too bad he eats more food than a quarter of the staff combined!" he said. "If I have to entertain him any longer, I might have to look into growing hay." Bumi broke into a long laugh, complete with snorts, and Ren stared at him, stone-faced.

"Where are Aaron and Mark? I have much to discuss with them."

"The Phantom and the kid? I'd think you'd be more excited to meet the Avatar," Bumi said. "Isn't he the reason why you're spread all over the world, like little spiders?" Bumi had a crazy look in his eyes as he wriggled his fingers to demonstrate.

'Everything they say about him is true,' Ren thought. "I will see him and his gaggle of friends in time. Now, where are they?"

Bumi peered at him, rubbing his chin. "Are you sure you don't want refreshment or rest? You know, the first time I met you was on the battlefield over forty years ago, and throughout the battle, I never saw you sweat. Now, you have bags under your eyes."

Ren considered throttling the King, and almost went through with it. He didn't know whether the lack of sleep or his father's silence on his nephew's capture made him worse. And now, the King was keeping his child from him?

"Did something happen?"

"Ah…no," Bumi said, but Ren fixed him with a withering stare, and he amended.

"I sent him and his apprentice to fix a small smuggler problem I had in tUndercityty. The Firebender was notorious for melting people, and given his track record, well, I figured."

Ren grappled with his emotions for a quick moment, reminding himself that his Son was a far better bender than he was at his age and that Mark showed prodigious talent. Instead, he focused on the last bit the King said.

"You have elite soldiers. Why not send them?"

"I did. Five of my best. The kids are the backup."

Ren grunted. He supposed it was safe enough. "Very well, take me to the Avatar then."

"Of course, your highness," Bumi laughed and bowed, and Ren waited for him to finish. You know, "the King mused, "I see where your son get his brooding demeanour from. Right, this way then."

The King led him through the garden and down a hallway of earthy green and yellow frilings lit by gemmanite.

The entire palace shook slightly when they came to the courtyard. Vases rattled on their pedestals, and the central fountain bubbled without heat.

Ren shut his eyes as he sank deeper into his One-with-the-world technique. With his chi signature acting as the center, he focused downwards, then outwards, wading through the thousands of signatures that buzzed around the city. He found a particular signature in the deepest levels of the palace, and he spoke without ever dropping the technique—a feat very few could manage.

"You have a lava bender crawling around your palace."

"A Lava bender? That's impossible." Ren felt the King's immense aura flicker for a moment before he gained back his composure.

The King summoned his guards and started barking orders, while Ren continued to search.

When he found no sign of the children, Ren spread outward, past the palace walls, down to the city and past it. His chi sense scanned every tree, rodent, and trader until he found Aaron's Chi. It was weak, weaker than he should be after a long spar and a training session.

This was the kind of fatigue that came from Chi-reinforcement, and not far from him was Mark, who was racing towards the city as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Ren's eyes shot open, and this time, he couldn't keep himself. The rage oozed off him as he spoke.

"This is not over."

"I didn't mean-"Ren did not catch the rest of the apology. He was sprinting towards the garden, body wrapped in air. In a blink, he was in the air, and in another blink, he was far above the city, flying with his glider as he raced toward the direction of the collapse.

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