Chapter 3: 2. The Falcon

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Hai Bei wasted no time ferrying them to the meeting spot. He breezed past locations Aaron had only read about in his studies– the cursed wood where Koh lived, the tree of time, the spirit plains, and several dominions of some minor spirits.

Hai Bei came to a sudden stop at the mouth of a misty valley with a misshapen tree at the center. With an affectionate rub, Aaron asked, "what's wrong?" the bear gave no audible response, but its fidgeting was sign enough that it would carry him no further. So he skipped off, bowed to the kind spirit, and trode the misty valley until he came to the tree's base.

"You made it," a baritone voice called out. It was smooth and powerful and was a sharp contrast to the genial face that spoke. The man sat in flowing white and gold robes, thick with embroidery that showed his culture, and wore a large jade bead with the Airbender insignia at the center. He was the only thing unshrouded in the valley.

"When you met the rough Rhinos, I feared you might not come."

"You saw that?" Aaron scratched his head as he approached.

A wave of spirit energy filled him, higher than the ambient richness that suffused the air of the spirit world as he stepped past the farthest tree root and entered the man's domain.

He had to fill his lungs with air in the physical world to steady himself.

"I keep a close eyes on all my Grandchildren," he said. "Come, tell me, how is your studies progressing?"

"Don't you know?" Aaron asked with some hesitation.

"I do know; nonetheless, it's been months since I've had you with me. Indulge an Old man."

Aaron thought his request odd. Grandfather could see every moment of every Airbender's life. Wasn't that why all Airbender kids thought he was all-knowing?

"Um.. okay," he said. Thinking over his next words carefully. "I'd say I've internalized all of the basic techniques you've left for me, and I am well on my way to mastering the Wind palm," he said. Sensing nothing from the man, he added, "Although I suspect I will be swiftly getting better as I join up with the Avatar."

There was a pregnant pause before Paku smiled. His wrinkly lips pulled back to reveal a full set of teeth.

"You underplay your achievements. I would say you are more skilled with the Wind palm than most of the children of your generation."

It was great praise from his Grandfather, but everybody else in his generation was a year younger, except for Misha.

"As for your remaining forms and techniques, they could use some work, but so could everything potentially," Grandfather waved dismissively.

"The return of the Avatar is nearly upon us, Aaron, and now more than ever, you must be strong, patient, and decisive," Grandfather's voice rose an octave with every word.

"You must remove all obstacles from his path through whatever means necessary and win him over to our cause. The end of the war is coming sooner than most people think. Ozai will make his move within the year, and the Air nation and Avatar must end what Avatar Roku began before then."

His deep blue eyes fixed on Aaron, unsettling him so thoroughly that he felt his meditating body tremble.

Suddenly, Paku's iron softened.

"Don't fret, young one. I would not pit you against the world without arming you with everything you need to succeed. Come closer," he urged and placed a finger on Aaron's spiritual forehead.

Aaron felt a sudden pain, and the knowledge thoroughly overwhelmed him, but his mind cleared quickly enough. Airbending techniques he'd only heard whispers about like Flight, asphyxiation, and advanced air shaping, revealed themselves to him.

For now, the secrets were meaningless scribbles to him, but over time, he reckoned, it'd be enough to make anybody a force to be reckoned with.

However, his most startling discovery had been knowledge of--chi Bending.

His mind snapped back hard in place from the shock, and he vibrated even as he bowed. "Grandfather…I…thank you for the gift."

"Nonsense," he said with a wave. "If anything, you should be thanking Wang Shi Tong. I formed the base of my knowledge by reading from his library. Besides, all of you earn this knowledge, eventually."

Aaron stood there for nearly a minute, processing, until inspiration struck, "Should I teach the Avatar these techniques?"

"Some of it," Paku said slowly "Teach him Chi bending and how to meditate into the Spirit world after you've mastered them yourself. Everything else is for you to decide."

Paku suddenly looked into the distance. "We have run out of time, young one, but fret not, we'll be seeing sooner than you think," he said, noting the look on the young man's face. "You only need to learn to meditate to find me."

"How long do I have?" he asked.

"Half the year. You will feel it in your spirit when young Aang reemerges, and you must travel to him when that time comes."

Aaron simply nodded, standing up. He noticed Hei Bei bounding into the groove once more, and he looked over at his grandfather one last time. Questions churned in him, but he gave no voice to them.  He already knew most of the answers, everybody in his generation did, yet he found himself yearning for something deeper.

"Grandpa Paku?"

"What is it, child?" he asked with his thoughtful blue eyes and genteel expression.

"I…Thank you for the guidance," he eventually said and offered a deep bow.

"Anytime, Aaron."

Aaron mounted Hai Bei once more, but not before giving him a good scratch, and departed the glade.

Aaron found that the only time he wasn't nervous about meeting the Avatar was when he was guiding Chi through his body.

Aaron's chest rose and fell as he took deep breaths, using the breathing technique his Grandfather had shown him as he cycled through the Feather Fist Kata.

It started in small circular movements that exploded in devastating high kicks, round houses, spinning kicks, and other powerful chi-enhanced strikes. He worked through each one at an excruciating pace, bleeding out most of the momentum he'd spent the better part of two years drilling into himself. Chi breathing made everything so much more difficult.

Ever since he started, he'd noticed a marked increase in his stamina, perception, and flexibility. It brought up everything it seemed.

With a sudden twist, he sped up and drove the heel of his palm hard into the tree behind him.

For a split second, the forest was still before the tree erupted as splinters shot off. He heard the entire forest groan before the tree tipped over and shook the forest floor with a crash.

Aaron winced at the sight.

"Hai Bei is going to be pissed at me," he muttered. "I'm sure everyone in a mile radius must have heard that." It was only his second week in Senlin, and the villagers were nice enough, but that was before he started exploding trees.

He feared the mild-mannered village head might actually say something when he returned from training, but the threat of a mild scolding didn't keep back the grin threatening to split his face in half.

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He'd been working on the Force Palms since he was ten, and this was the first time he could say, without a doubt, it was powerful enough to deal lethal damage. The heavy dose of Chi certainly helped!

"I'd like to see an armored soldier shrug this off." Heck, he didn't see the Firelord surviving this to the face or groin! He almost broke out in a laugh until he took a single step and toppled forward.

"Damn it," he groaned. The move still drained him every time. With nothing to do except lie there, he chose to work on his breathing once more. He was on the second cycle when he heard a branch snap, and he shot to his feet and stealthily drew one of the dual Daos he'd hidden beneath a bush.

His heart raced as he approached his target, carefully tiptoeing around the source to flank it.

Had someone seen him use the palm? Or was it a Fire Nation ambush waiting around the corner? His month was almost up. If the Rough Rhinos were to show up now…

It took a great deal of self-control not to behead the young child that he spied him in the brush.

He was about 10 years old, soaked in sweat, and shaking all over. His eyes nervously darted back and forth as he searched for Aaron. Judging by his reaction, he'd clearly seen too much. Aaron didn't bother stifling his groan as he revealed himself.

The boy jumped, doubling over, and raised both his balled fist in a poorly copied Feather fist stance. "Stay back," his voice trembled. With a punch, he sent a chunk of Earth at Aaron's head.

The latter dodged it with a single step and a second one brought him to the kid. His hands shot forward, and in a blink, he'd flipped him over, tucked both hands behind his back, and held him there.

"Don't you know it's rude to chuck earth at non-benders? What if I was too slow or something? You could've brained me."

"As if, you monster. I saw what you did to that tree. You're some sort of bender, but you're all wrong," the boy yelled.

'At least he didn't figure out I was an Airbender,' Aaron thought.

"What would you know about 'wrong' bending? You're not even ten yet," he said with an exaggerated snort.

"I know enough. I felt something when I copied you. No non bender would be able to do that!"

'He's not totally oblivious,' Aaron sighed. 'It could be a problem if he started opening his mouth.' For the briefest moment, Aaron considered…killing him.

Grandfather had said the future of their Nation depended on him...and the Avatar. He couldn't afford to be soft.

And the child was a problematic one. He briefly considered explaining his disappearance as some misguided journey to seek out an Earthbending teacher. The Child seemed desperate enough for it…

Or he could just scare the crap out of him and leave it at that.

He was still a kid, after all.

His sudden disappearance would also draw suspicion to Aaron, and that would mean less privacy to practice his techniques, which meant he'd have to leave the town or ramp down training.

Neither was ideal.

Looking down, Aaron regarded the boy with some curiosity. His panicked pasty face was near purple as he strained his neck to get a clear look at his captor. 'He was stubborn, alright, but it was like starring at the mirror of his nine-year-old self.'

Life was very different back then.

With a loud sigh, he eased up his grip, and the boy squirmed away, rubbing both wrists, but he did not run away.

"So, you're staying?" Aaron said with a mischievous smile that made the boy flinch back.

"It's my village forest. I-I can do whatever I want." The child stammered and folded his arms.

"Have it your way." Aaron shrugged and turned back toward the glade he cleared for himself. The boy stayed back.

"You know," Aaron began as he settled into a basic stance. "Before I learned to do all the cool moves you spied me doing, I started with the basics of the basics. The 10 Katas. When you're a non-bender, you need every advantage you can get. It's doubly so when you're a bender. You don't have the luxury of being underestimated."

Some of the mirth left his face as he finished.

In slow movements, he drilled the Katas his father showed him all those years ago, keeping every move exaggerated for the young man to glean.

"Think you caught all that?" he asked.

The boy offered no answer and finally did the responsible thing– stuck out his tongue and ran back towards his village.

Aaron chuckled at the sight and went back to practicing, but he kept an eye out for peepers and intruders.

It wasn't until the third day that the boy turned up again. He stepped into the clearing with a frown on his face and a rock hovering over his head.

"No sudden moves, Mister."


The Earth Nation boy blinked.

"It's my name," Aaron continued as he fished a rag from his bag and wiped his brow. "What's your name?"

"Igi," he said with some hesitation as he watched Aaron settle back into the basic stance. He'd been drilling it for three days now, hoping to lure the boy, and it had worked.  "Don't think I won't use this," he said, lifting the block above his head even higher. "I am not afraid of you."

Aaron raised a brow at the small bolder hovering Igi's head. "How long are you going to keep that chunk of earth raised above your head? Rocks and threats have no place in my classroom."

The boy's face cycled through half a dozen emotions before he finally let the rock crash down to the ground. "If you do anything suspicious, I swear I'll tell my father."

"He's the village chief, right?"

Igi nodded.

"Excellent," Aaron rubbed his fingers together. "I'll have to see him about your tuition."

Igi's jaw dropped. "Wait–-What?"

Aaron chuckled. "You didn't think I was going to be doing all this for free, did you?"

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