Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 102: 102 Luxury

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"Let's go over the basics of magic. As most of you should know, a chant is a prayer which can be heard by a spirit. Depending on the aptitude you have, you will be able to borrow power from a certain element of spirit when chanting. 

For example, this is a simple chant. 

Spiritus igne vocem meam da ignes. Elementary Fire magic: flamma" Translation: Spirit of fire, heed my call, grant me your flames. 

A flame was formed above his hand, it was like my ignis but I could tell that it was weaker. But more importantly, I understood every word he said, why wasn't I able to understand chants earlier? Could it be because of her? No... Now that I think about it... Don't I always name my spells in a different language? 

What language was it again? Ah... I can't remember, I just sort of know... Don't tell me from the beginning, I already knew the chant language...? Does the same go for Ariel? 

I looked over at Ariel and she seemed to be doing fine, but a bit shaken 

"As you can see, this is a basic fire spell, by sending a prayer in the magic language, which I'm sure you all already know since you're in this class, you'll be able to cast spells. 

The higher level spells require longer chants, but it's not a problem if you're able to fast chant. Also don't forget to use silent cast when casting your spells so someone else doesn't steal the chant, although it's difficult, it's possible." 

Silent chant? Those guys that I fought said the same thing... Judging by the name, I'm guessing silent chant is a chant that's silent and doesn't need to be heard by others or doesn't need ot be too loud, as for fast chant, I already know what it is, a shortened and faster version of a normal chant... 

So silent chant is the reason why everyone believed me when I fake chanted... I'm glad to know this exists, School life should be a lot easier as long as the teachers don't ask me to show a chant directly 

However, judging by what happened in the exam, I don't think they're allowed to... Each student's knowledge and unique magic should be theirs to tell or not. 

"Alright, now that's the basics. Now for some history on magic." 

The mood got less livelier 


"And that's all for today. Stand" said the teacher 

Everyone stood up 

"You are dismissed" 

When he said that, everyone walked out with a relieved expression, and they were no longer tense 

"Hell starts tomorrow huh..." 

"Yeah... Hell..." 

"We came in 1 week earlier, I wonder how those new students will react" 

"It'll be more fun if they find out on their own" 

The students which were here before us, started chattering before they left 

Hell huh... 

"John, what are you waiting for?" Asked Serena as she waited near the door with Ariel 

"Bye, john" Said victor as he left 

"Ah, See you" I replied 

His socialness was making me nervous... 

"Do you need anything?" Asked the teacher as he wiped the board 

"Yeah sir, actually..." 


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As we left the school and went over to the dormitories, I noticed that the sun had set and we also met up with Eleanor on the way. 

I simply followed quietly as the girls had their talk. Or rather, I was distracted and focused on what the teacher told me. 

"John, are you okay?" Asked Eleanor as she turned around 

"Hm? Ah, yeah, I'm fine, why?" 

"You have your head in the clouds" 


"Ah, the path splits..." Said Eleanor 

The dormitories were opposite to each other, so we we'll be going separate ways from here 

"Yeah... see you tomorrow" I said before heading down the right path 

"See you" Said Ariel 

"Make sure you sleep well" Said Eleanor 

"Mhm, bye" said Serena 

I waved at them as I walked over to the boys dorm. Shortly after, I had lost sight of them, I arrived. 

There were many other boys coming in as well, but aside from those who were friends, everyone was minding their business 

As I entered the dorms, the secretary which was a guy as for my identification card. We were given ID cards after the tour was over, they had been specially made based on the information we wrote on the sheet after the exam. 

I handed him the ID and he gave me a key with a room number 

"This is your room, Alpha class members get rooms to themselves, you can also choose who you'd like as a roommate if you'd really want one, but that's optional." 

The key showed room number 1O3 

"I see, thank you" I replied before searching for the room 

I followed the instructions on the wall and assumed that because there was a 1, that it'd be on the first floor, but it was actually on the third because of the 3. 

The O of the alphabet represented the O corridor where my room was at, and the one was the room number. 

"Why is it backwards? Couldn't they have made it 3O1... I spent like 20 minutes searching..." I muttered when I was finally in front of my room. 

I entered and turned on the lights, and was surprised by how luxurious everything looked 

A Single double kings bed with top tier ceiling lights and a great view of the school and sky from the window, It was an amazing room. 

"What is this a hotel?!" I asked 

The lights seemed to be powered by magic, I almost thought it was electricity for a second. If only I was an engineer... 

As I walked over to the bed, I noticed that there was luggage under it 

"Oh, that's my luggage, we were told to hand them in before lessons, so they brought it here... Now I feel more relaxed..." 

AS I looked around the room, I even noticed that there was a toilet 

It's nice to know I have a room here waiting for me. Just knowing that I can rest gives me hope. 

"Now... It's time to go to hell"

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