Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 25: 25 Chapter 26: Rage

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No matter how hard I try to remember, nothing comes up. My previous life was empty, having been homeschooled most of my life and only introduced to high-school after turning 14 made me a very socially awkward person.

More like I wasn't able to interact properly with kids my age. Adults, people who knew me would always say, things like 'He's so smart' or 'Wow, I wish my kids were like this' But honestly, I hated it.

More like, I hated my self. I wasn't very good at making friends, Even when I'd go to the park to play with kids my age, I'd always somehow manage to annoy them. Even now I can't remember why.

Eventually, I stopped trying. The only people who were actually close to me were my cousins and uncle. Aunty was always a bit quiet, but she deeply cared for us. My 2 cousins who were in their 20s were like older siblings to me.

Honestly, I lived with uncle and aunty by myself but my cousins would occasionally visit. It was thanks to them that only recently at school I started interacting with people more often and I felt as if I had finally made a friend.

Now that I think back, I may not have been depressed, but I was pretty lonely at school. I thought if I studied hard, my parents would be proud of me and I'd be accepted into society. So I studied, and studied, and studied.

Sure it was stressful, but as long as I thought about what it would result in, my drive continued to grow, and as I was living at the best I ever had, it was then that I lost it all. A car accident, just like my parents. Ironic, isn't it?

When I first came to this world. I met Ariel, I didn't have any trouble talking with her, and back then I wasn't sure why, hell I'm not even sure now. But since we've met she's continued to amaze me. She works hard, faces her fears. She did things I wasn't ever able to do in my past life.

The more time I spent with her, the more I realised how fun it was to have someone close to you, experiencing many new things with you. Because of her I never felt alone in this world.

I guess she was like my first true friend? I might've had one in the past, but I can't remember.

I always wanted to ask her why she would sacrifice herself for me? A stranger she's recently met.

Seeing Ariel, nearly die. Seeing the same powerless feeling return, the fact that I wasn't able to do anything. I felt something inside me snap

"I'll kill you..." I muttered

The spider let out a loud shriek as it noticed me approaching

"Hey spider, do you know what that feeling is called? The feeling where all your hope is crushed? That feeling is called despair. I've felt it quite a few times in my life, especially after my parent's death. I wonder what sort of sounds you'll let out, once I crush your hope." I said

"What's wrong? Are you tired?" I asked

The spider let out another shriek as it tried to stab me with its right front leg. But I also evaded it by slightly jumping forward

"Be quiet." I said as I wordlessly cast 'Magnum Ventus'

2 of the 10 Magic stones I got from Ariel, were broken and in that instant, An insane amount of wind pressure cit off the spider's front leg. Shortly After the spider let out a shriek which was different from the others. It was a shriek of pain

"This could have been avoided," I said as I wordlessly cast Magnum Ventus Again

Another two magic stones were broken and I had cut another right leg. The spider who was having difficulty balancing its body let out another shriek of pain as it had both of its front legs and only had 3 legs remaining. There were 2 on the right side left and 1 on the left.

"Do you get it? I'm purposely leaving your only left leg intact, so I can see you struggle. I could've killed you at any moment. But I won't instead I'll hear your screams of pain as I continue to dismember you." I Said as I wordlessly cast another 'Magnum Ventus'

Another two magic stones were broken and I had cut another of its right leg. The spider let out another shriek of pain as it only had one leg remaining on each side of its body, it could barely balance its body.

"Oh, what's wrong? Did you drop a coin? It looks like you're having a little trouble standing up, need a hand?" I asked as I raised my hand

Above it, a Small blue flame appeared. The size increased Considerably after 1 Magic stone broke.

"John! Stop!" Said Serena as she hugged

When did she get here?

"Let go." I coldly said

"No... It's enough john. Just stop..."

"What are you talking about? We need to kill that thing. It hurt Ariel!" I shouted

Serena continued to hold on without letting go

"I know, I'm angry too, but you need to calm down John. If you keep going like this, you won't be able to return!" Shouted Serena as tears started to flow down her face

"Boss, why didn't you let me purify that kid?" Asked the priest

"What are you talking about?" asked the red-haired lady

"The kid, I'm sure you noticed the dark miasma around him. He was cursed by a monster." Said the priest

"Shut up and watch." Said the red-haired lady

"What are you talking about I'm ca- Huh... What's going on with me... Why am I crying..?" I asked as tears began to stream down my face

The giant Ignis which was formed above my right shoulder slowly began to disappear

"It's alright john... Ariel's fine now... " Said Serena as she stroked my head

As my anger began to slip away, I was overcome by the emotion of sadness and joy

"What... Happened to me..?" I asked as tears streamed down my face

"I'll explain later..." Serena muttered as she continued to hug me

"That kid, the miasma, it disappeared... he managed to get rid of the curse on his own!" Said the priest

"If that kid wants to get far as an adventurer, He can't let a weak curse manipulate his mind. Now, I suppose it's my turn to head in." Said the-red haired lady as she lept towards us

She reached us in barely any time at all.

"Hey kid, you did well getting rid of the curse. Leave the rest to us." Said the red-haired lady as she patted me on the head

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"Thank you..." I said as I bowed

Serena whose face was still red from the hug also bowed and said "Thank you"

The lady gave us a smile before she headed towards the spider. After she reached the motionless, weakened spider. She drew her sword and cut it in half. Had my vision not been enhanced thanks to magic strengthening I wouldn't have seen her movement at all. That's how clean it was.

Her skill was definitely top tier. I'd stand no chance if I were to fight her. No, in fact, I wouldn't even be able to react.

The moment the spider died, A big Green magic stone, at least 30 Cm in diameter was formed and the door to the next floor opened.

The lady picked up the stone and carried it over to me and Serena before saying. "Here's your reward."

Me and Serena looked at each other with a confused expression before saying. "Eh?".

"Your reward." The Red-haired lady repeated

"No, I don't get it? We can't accept this, you were the one that finished it." I said

"Stop being such a brat. Your teammate fought for this and deserve it. I'm not so petty that I'll steal someone's money, or do I look like that kind of person?" She said as she glared at me

Her attitude was bad, but she seems nice

"O-Of course not," I said

"So take it. Don't forget that you could have finished it at any time. I just did it so that you could get rid of that curse." She said

"Curse?" I asked

"Yes... When you were fighting, there was this dark air around you... It was going to possess you so before it did. I stopped you." Serena said

"That's right, if this girl hadn't stopped you, you would've been possessed." Said the red-haired lady as she handed me the Green magic stone

"I see... Thank you Serena" I said as I showed her a bright smile

"I-It's fine." She said as she looked away.

"Um... regarding that stone. How exactly will I be able to carry it back?" My magic toolbox is full" I said as I pointed at the toolbox who was stuck to my waist.

"Oh, that's fine. We'll carry it for you, while we accompany you back" Said the red-haired lady

"You'll accompany us? Wait more importantly, where are we?" I asked

"You don't know? We're on the 10th floor of the dungeon. How did you guys get here?" She asked

"We fell into a trap," I replied

"I see... You can give us the details later. For now, let's go check on your friend." She said

Why is she offering to help a random party she just met? I don't really get her...

I don't get her but... When she arrived, I was really happy.

After reaching Ariel and her squad, I checked to see how she was doing

"How is she?" I asked with a restless look on my face

"She's fine, she's just sleeping right now." Said the priest

After hearing his words, I felt my eyes start to tear up, and a giant load of weight get lifted off my chest.

"You're quite a cry baby aren't you?" Asked Serena

"Shut up... Something got in my eye..." I said as I covered my face

"Sure, sure," She said with a grin

Despite her teasing, I wasn't annoyed like usual, I was actually relieved and happy, we could still play around and joke like always.

"Hey, Serena..." I said

"What is it?" She asked

"Thank you for protecting us while Ariel was injured, and I'm glad that you weren't injured," I said

"W-Why are you being so kind all of a sudden, it's creepy..." She said

Creepy... Me...?

"Ah... I see..." I said with a sad face

"Cheer up, I was joking, I'm glad that you're doing fine too, wait, weren't you injured?" She asked

"Oh yeah... That's right... OWW!" I shouted in pain

The adrenaline which allowed me to handle the pain had finally run out. Seeing this the priest who had healed, Ariel rushed over to my side and started to heal my wounds.

"You shouldn't push yourself, especially after that fight. I'd like to know how 3 kids were able to weaken the spider that much. And that blue flame you created, can you show me again?"

Please don't ask me these things when I'm on the verge of fainting...

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