Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 56: 56 Chapter 4: Antidote

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I made sure to cast furtim while we flew there so that they wouldn't notice, and once we finally reached them, i decided to keep it activate and observe the situation

Before we came, he was keeping the wolves at bay by casting and chanting Fire Wall spells and attacking them with flame blades, he was running out of power but their numbers were drastically decreasing.

Whenever the wolves sustained enough damage, they would disperse into thin air. There were around 20 and now only 10 remained

"Advanced Fire magic:: Flaming Sphere" He muttered

I was surprised. Not by the fact that he formed a sphere of flames which engulfed around 4 of the wolves, or because he still had that much energy in him, but because he called it 'Advanced Fire Magic'

Magic spells are given ranks... Then i wonder what my Ice Sphere would be... Probably advanced Ice magic... What about Glacies... Elementary magic? As i thought of such things, the man suddenly collapsed

"And that's our cue." I muttered

The wolves slowly approached the man with caution, they seemed smarter than they looked. They had also lost the majority of their group...

As we were about to move in to save the poor man, A girl came out of the back of the carriage, She wore noble clean clothes and had long golden hair. She seemed to be around our age if not older.

The three of us just watched as she stood beside the man and began chanting.

"Young Lady, It's dangerous...." He muttered

Now that i got a closer look at him, The man didn't see like a magician or adventurer at all, in fact, he wore a black suit which gave him the appearance of a butler.

It was just the two of them here, i couldn't feel the presence of anyone else

As she was about to finish her chant, 3 Of the shadow wolves jumped straight at her

"Young lady!!" Shouted the man on the ground

"Glacies Murum" Translation: Ice Wall

A wall of ice was formed right in front of the trembling girl who had her chant interrupted. The Shadow 3 shadow wolves hit directly at it which formed a giant crack.

"Ariel, Serena, Let's go." I said as i leapt straight at the 3 wolves which were about to go around the wall.

The teary girl looked around to find the source of the voice of the one who saved her

Once Serena and Ariel Left my radius, they became visible and the girl looked at them with a confused expression but didn't question it. She began chanting her spell again.

I deactivated furtim and me and her made eye contact as i swung my dagger at the shadow wolf. it wen't straight through.

"Physical attacks don't work on them!" Said Serena as she cast ignis and propelled it to one of the 3 shadow wolves which were on her and Ariel's side.

"And you only tell me this now?!" I said

The wolf which my dagger had gone through, tried biting on to my hand so i decided i'd let it.

"Glacio." I muttered as i moved my hand to avoid it's bite and placed it on it's head.

Shortly after, the head of the wolf froze up and it disappeared into thin air

"That's one..." I muttered as i looked over at the other two in front of me.

The wolves began to growl as they jumped straight at me.

Their jumped at me, but i could tell i wasn't their target, if i had dodged it, they would have gone straight for the girl who was chanting. So instead...

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"Gravitas." I muttered

I stopped the furthest one from moving and jumped straight at the closest one, As it opened it's dark mouth with objective to lynch on to me, I cast Glacies and propelled it, straight at it's head.

Without being able to avoid it, it was hit head on it the face and ice slowly engulfed it and spread through it's whole body before it dispersed

As i was about to end to last one which was stuck without being able to move thanks to gravitas, The girl behind me had finished chanting

"Intermediate Holy Magic: Holy Light," She said

A bright light radiated from her hands and made the remaining Wolves Screech. While they were distracted, The three of us, ended them. I finished off the last of the 3 in front of me with glacies.

Serena and Ariel finished off the 3 on their side shortly after, I hadn't been watching their fight, but they were doing well, they'd either use Ignis or Ventus against them and after around 3 hits they'd go down.

Shortly after that, the girl fell on her knees beside the butler and began to cry

"Don't die, Alfred... Please..."

"Of course i won't *Cough* I won't kick the bucket until i get the young lady back to the city... I promise your father, after all..." He muttered as he struggled to get up

The butler didn't look like he collapsed just because he used up too much magic... Magic doesn't make you cough out blood

"What's wrong with him?" I asked as i approached her

"I don't know... He was bitten by one of those wolves a while back and started growing weaker..."

The man looked like he was in a lot of pain... Poison?

"Hm, i'm guessing he was poisoned" Said Serena as she got a closer look on him

"No..." She muttered as she grabbed on to his hand

"I'll be fine... *Cough*" He said

Fine? How? You're coughing out blood, you clearly don't look fine

"I have an antidote i can give it to you if you'd like" I casually said

They're not that expensive, and there's a chance that it won't work, but it's better than nothing, i'm curious to see how healing potions work in this world too. If he dies we won't be able to gain any information

"Really?!" She asked

"Yeah, I have more than necessary"

"T-Thank you! I promise that i'll be sure to reward you and your friends for this. Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Eleanor Van Mira, Thank you very much for saving us." She said as she made a noble gesture or at least she tried

It didn't seem like she realised she wasn't wearing a dress as when she motioned her hand to slightly lift it up, there was nothing but air

"No problem..." I said as i pulled out an antidote potion from my magic tool box and gave it for him to drink straight away

Let's hope this works i guess... But why do i feel like i'm forgetting something...

As the man drank the contents of the potion i felt a chill go down my spine. I turned around and instantly cast 'Glacies Murum' and 'Sphaera Glacies' with haste as i felt my heart skip a beat

Everyone was surprised by my sudden action but they'll shortly know why.

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