Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 70: 70 Chapter 18: Targe

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"Where am i..?" Muttered alfred as he opened his eyes

He lifted up his body from the bed and looked around and was surprised by someone's sudden reaction when she realised he had woken

"Alfred!" Said Eleanor as she hugged him

"Young lady..?" Muttered Alfred with a confused tone

"Why didn't you tell me?" Asked Eleanor with teary eyes

"I humbly apologise, but i had no other option." Said Alfred

"Your only option was to keep moving on without telling me that you were poisoned?!" Asked eleanor as tears fell on to the bed

"Young lady, I would gladly give my life if it meant saving yours. yet you ended up saving mine, i do not deserve such kindness" Said the butler with a smile as he gave Eleanor pats

Eleanor seemed to calm down after receiving pats, seeing this was heartwarming

"Alfred... What do i always say..?" Asked Eleanor with an annoyed expression

"A... A thank you would be better..." Alfred said

"That's right..." Said Eleanor


Alfred was interrupted by eleanor who said "Not me, them." As she pointed at us

i waved at him, While Ariel and Serena were moved by the heartwarming event and had a teary smile formed on their faces.

Even serena? Was it that touching..? But i'm not crying? C-Could it be?! I'm insensitive!?!

"John," Whispered Ariel

"Y-Yes?" I said

"is everything okay?" Ariel asked

"Yeah, why?"

"The expression you were wearing made you look deeply worried" Whispered Serena

"Is my expression that easy to read?!" I said

"They are..?" Alfred asked

Crap... I was too loud.

"They're the people that saved us..." Replied Eleanor

After Eleanor said that, in nearly an instant the butler bowed, while he was still on the bed and said "Forgive me for not realising sooner, I am greatly indebted and hold deep gratitude to you three for saving our lives!"

"You don't have to be so formal..." Muttered Eleanor

"Mr, Alfred. There is no need to bow to us, you also risked your life and fought for el- The young lady, she also considers you her saviour. For your efforts and dedication, I thank you."

Was that too formal..? Was i supposed to thank him for saving a stranger? But she's not a stranger at this point right..? Ah maybe the last line was unnecessary...

Alfred who heard my words stared at me for a few moments before facing eleanor who said "That's right, Alfred is also my saviour." with a happy expression

Alfred who had thought that he wasn't able to be of help, was deeply moved by Our words, so much that he covered his face

"J-Just a moment, young lady." Said Alfred as he covered his face and faced the other direction

He's crying, he's definitely crying.

A few seconds after, he wiped his face and got up.

"You don't have to get up." Said Eleanor as she tried to stop him

"do not worry young lady, I've made a complete recovery." Said Alfred as he got up

We hadn't changed his clothes and he was still wearing the same clothes from the time we fought against the shadow wolf

"How long have i been out for? And where are we?" Asked alfred


I explained to alfred how he was out for 3 days and that we had reached Xoleria and ended up finding an inn which is where we are now.

"I see... Where is this inn at?" Alfred asked

"Just a random inn near the entrance"

After i said that Alfred made a worried expression

"How long has it been since sun set?" Alfred Asked

The sun had already set, and it was getting late, We didn't do much before he woke up and we didn't have an opportunity to get cake.

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"It had set recently, right before you woke up."

What a coincidence...

"Then it's not too late..." Said Alfred as he began to prepare himself

"Um..? Alfred, what are you doing?" Eleanor asked

"Young lady, you must prepare your things, We must go to the master at once."

"Eh? But the sun already set, shouldn't we go tomorrow?" Eleanor asked

"That is precisely why... The master gave me clear instructions to bring you to him the moment you arrived, no exceptions." Said Alfred

"Alfred! We're staying here, until you get enough rest!" Said Eleanor

"But my lady, it's not safe." Said Alfred

"Alfred, get some rest. This is an order, There is no reason to get meet father straight away." Said Eleanor

"No, he's right." I said

Everyone's attention in the room turned to me

"What do you mean?" Eleanor asked

"Just trust me. Serena, Ariel, we're heading out." I said

"Understood" Said Ariel as she nodded

"Give us a break..." muttered Serena as she sighed

After that, the two began to prepare her things

"Can someone please explain to me what's going on?" Asked Eleanor

"We don't know either, but john's good at sensing danger, if he says something's wrong then he's usually right," Said Ariel

"Although i hate to admit it." Said

"O-Okay, I'll go get ready." Said Eleanor


After everyone was ready, we left the inn and got on the carriage, I made sure to pay the inn keeper in advance so there we no problems, Eleanor was still confused, but she could tell that something was wrong, probably from the expression on my face

The one who drove the carriage this time was Alfred, Me, Serena and Ariel were at the back with Eleanor

"The lamp posts sure are pretty at night" I said

The lamp posts illuminated the roads, you could see people both the human and other races walking around, either going for a drink or whatever they had to do

"Yeah, beautiful in fact. Mind telling us now why you made us come out at night?" Serena asked

"Sure, Deprehendre"

Eleanor was watching when i muttered deprehendre, but you can't really tell that i cast anything without chanting since deprehendre doesn't show any cool effects after i use it.

One.. Three.. five...

"Basically, We're getting chased right now, and the one they're after is Eleanor" I said

Alfred seemed to already know that, which is why he was trying to get us away from here. In other words reaching here dad's how would be the best option...

After i said that, the only one surprised was eleanor

"You two already expected this?" I asked

"Obviously" Said Serena

"I believed that john had a reason for doing all of this, and she was being targetted by the shadow mage, so..." Said Ariel

"Yep, that's right, I'm not sure if these guys are like the shadow mage since they're not able to hide their presence like him, but i hope i'm wrong..."

"How many?" Asked Serena

"5... There could be another one hiding his presence, I'm not sure." I replied

After i said that, both serena and Ariel readied their staffs

"W-Wait a second, are we really going to fight them?" Eleanor asked

"No, our job is to get you to your residence safely. Moreover, we're in the middle of a city, there are people nearby, i doubt they'd atta-"

I stopped once i noticed that they revealed themselves and surrounded the carriage

"Nevermind, looks like we're going to have to fight our way through."

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