Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 90: 90 Unending Barrage

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I turned around and victor's body looked more and more distorted, like the sort of static you see on an old TV. Shortly after, his body disappeared, and in an instant he appeared next to us.

"Saint-Class Spatial Magic: spatium UNCARIO" muttered Victor Translation: Spatial Distortion

Suddenly, the space around me started to look like a static tv, I couldn't focus on anything. My Head was feeling dizzy and I couldn't see Victor or the kid anywhere

He can distort the space too...?

But how do I get out of this...? Ah, I could do that.

I stomped the ground with both of my legs, while I chanted something. And the moment I finished, ice spread from my leg onto the ground.

When it reached the ground the ice started to spread at a fast rate. It reached victor's legs in no time, but before it touched him, he teleported

At the same time I used 'deprehendre' and tuned up magic perception to the max. Like slightly see the distortions in the air, I know where he's gonna come from

Right when he teleported, I created a lance while fake chanting, And I propelled it straight at the next place he'd show up at

Like I had predicted he showed up a few feet away from us to the side. My Lance was fast, not only that, but I'm sure not even he expected me to succesfully predict his next location, so before victor even noticed, the Lance was right in front of his chest

He didn't have enough to time react, so he took the hit head on, causing him to drop down in lack of power.

"I got him..."

Or so it seemed, once again, distortions occurred in the air, next thing I noticed, Victor was less frozen than before, as if the attack hadn't fully hit him, but I knew for a fact that it hit

"Spatial distortions" He said as if he was trying to hint something at me

"I see... So that's how it works." I replied showing that I understood

He can create distortions in the space around him, He slightly distorted the attack causing it to partially miss at the last second.

If he can do that, how will we even be able to hit him?

While we thought of our next attack, all three of us continued chanting. One thing I noticed was that victor was starting to pant. He was getting tired

All of those saint class spells and constantly teleporting himself, suddenly that gave me an idea.

Victor can't teleport if he can't move, he needs to be able to jump through the distortion in the space every time he does. So all I need to do is restrict him. But how...

Oh, I see...

Right when I was about to use my plan on him, He suddenly teleported behind the boy who, in that moment, tried leaping away.

But victor followed, Spikes rose up from the boys shadow and were aimed straight at Victor, Right as they were about to pierce him, he seemed to have finished a chant which he had started the moment he had jumped.

In a swift motion, victor in the middle of a chant grabbed on to the boys cloak and was about to cast something else, when all of the sudden, the boy slipped right out of his cloak. At the same time he rotated his body to face victor while he chanted something

You could tell that he was annoyed by the fact that he was getting pushed back.

But before he could activate his spell victor suddenly appeared over his head and slammed him on to the ground, cancelling out and interrupting his chant

"Do you give up?" Asked victor with his arm stretched out pointed towards him as he chantted

The boy was currently on the ground, victor's slam didn't seem like it did much damage to him, but right now, victor had the upper hand. He had finished his chant and the kid had no other options but to give up, he didn't have enough time to chant his way out of this attack from their distance.

And even if he did, victor could just teleport again

"Tch, I give." Said the boy as he lowered his head

"One participant has forfeited he will now be teleported" Said the teacher

"Good fight" Said Victor as he stretched out his hand

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The boy casually shook his head, denying victor's kind act. He must have still been sore from the loss

Shortly after, the boy was teleported out

"Now it's our turn..." I said before I started to fake chant

Or so I said, but I'm not sure if this plan will really work, and wasn't he running out of magic? How did he do that to the boy?

"From now on, I'll give it all I have." I said before jumping up

I jumped as high as I could using velox to propel myself higher and higher, thanks to velox, I got lifted up pretty far off the ground, I was around 35 feet in the air

"Gravitas... X 20"

Victor was being hit by 20 x gravity, it was a bit weaker since I was pretty far from him, but it should have still been around 10x normal. He stood completely still, and the ground was starting to crack falling a small crater due to the pressure

"and then... Magnum Gla-"

Right before I cast glacies I suddenly stopped. I heard victor say the words

"I give up" Muttered Victor with an unsatisfied expression


"Are you sure?" Asked the teacher

When she did, he suddenly fell on his knees. I had dropped back down to the ground so the gravity pressure must have gotten stronger.

The teacher seemed surprised by what had happened

"Ah! Sorry!" I said as I approached them cancelling out gravitas

"No problem." Said victor as he got up and brushed the dust off his robe

The teacher looked at me as if she couldn't understand what had happened

"Why are you giving up?" I asked

"I ended up using too much power so now I'm out, I'll let you have the win, for now." he said with a smile as he stretched out his hand for a handshake

I didn't know he could smile like that. Maybe he's not such a bad guy, after all.

"Yeah." I replied as I shook his hand

Shortly after he was teleported, I felt relieved, After watching him fight, I felt like my chances of winning were slim

"What's your name?" Asked the teacher

"J-John, John Fox" I replied

"This is an announcement, the last man standing on the first group, is John" Said the announcer

I thought about how the other group was doing and asked if I could check on them

"Follow me" Said the teacher as she lead me to the other side of the platform where the other fights were happening

As we walked the teacher seemed like she wanted to ask me something, before I could ask what it was she spoke up.

"How did you do that?" She asked

"What...?" I Replied

Did she realise?!

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