Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 94: 94 Consuming Dark Flames

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"Regnum Glacies" 

Without even bothering to fake chant, I cast the spell and in that moment 

*Crackle* *crackle* *crackle* 

Crackling sounds resounded as the floor began to freeze, Walls made of ice began to rise as I felt magic being poured out of me as if the seal of a cap had been broken 

Without bothering to dodge, she just watched and waited for me to finish my spell 

After the walls had risen around 15 meters, it started to close off on the roof 

It didn't take long for it to be completed 

Ice kingdom, a spell I had thought of, after the tournament, within those 2 days I practiced in secret, and it wasn't that hard to learn it. 

All I did was simply mix 'Ice wall' with glacio and this was the result 

We were inside of my 'ice kingdom' the inside was freezing, and the ice had strange contorted shapes. 

Without dropping her guard she waited for me to attack. She didn't even question how I managed to create all of that without chanting, and I was grateful. 


I gathered wind under my legs and propelled myself straight at her, I cast levite to make myself lighter and moved at the speed of a canon 

I went straight at her, with both daggers ready to strike at any moment 

In less than a second, I had reached her, and right when I was about to swing my dagger, she took a step to the side and completely evaded me 

But I knew she'd do that 

Without wasting any more time I rotated my body mid air and propeled my self at her again, 

Right before I reached her, I had frozen her legs so she shouldn't be able to dodge 

As I swung my dagger, she bent over backwards and dodged it, while at the same time, kicking me straight in the face as she somehow freed her legs 

But I didn't stop there, before she could create distance between us, I imitated the black-haired guy's move. Spikes began to rise from the ground and they were all directed at her 

However, none of them hit, she had managed to dodge them all, by leaping away and tilting her body in the last second 

"Then... positumque loculum glacies" Translation: Ice coffin 

As she stood a few feet away from me, I decided to try out a new move I had recently learn. I wasn't able to use it on the exam as it was too risky, but it should be effective on her... 

Walls rose from the ground around her, they were around 10 feet tall 

Without trying to dodge it, she waited to see what was going to happen 

The roof and the walls closed off with her trapped inside, in that instant, Spikes extended from the inside of the small room I had trapped her in and were directed at her 

I couldn't see what happened, and couldn't hear any screaming so I was about to retract the spell when all of the sudden 

The spell broke apart, or rather... in an instant, It was cut to pieces 

As she stood in the middle of the broken spell, waiting for my next attack, I knew that I had chosen the right person, 

That was also when I noticed her daggers, they were engulfed in a dark flame 

What is that? 

"Tired?" She asked 

"Nope, not at all" I replied 

I was panting heavily, casting all of those spells and reinforcing my body really took a toll on me, 'Ice kingdom' is mana heavy 

I'll pour everything, into this last attack 

I propelled myself up using velox and while I was barely under the roof, I cast 'Gravitas' 

"Gravitas x 10..." 

She stared at her body, as if she realised that there was an increased amount of pressure over her, but didn't look like it was fazing her that much 

How about 

"x 20..." I muttered while slowly descending from the air 

The ice beneath her started to crack, yet she still stayed standing as she stared at me 

"x 30..." I muttered as I slowly ascended, 

Anymore than this and I'll run out of juice 

Again she didn't fall, but i could tell that she couldn't move, she most likely wouldn't be able to evade this next attack. 

I couldn't waste any more time, Gravitas sucking out all the magic out of me 

"Mag...num... Flamea Glacies..." 

The ice which began to gather underneath me started to glow, It's size increased and it's shape changed 

Unlike magnum Glacies which was a giant version of a normal Glacies 

Magnum Flamea, was not only a forming out to be a giant version of the normal Ice spear, but it's shape was changing 

The end product was something I had never expected 

It looked like a spear, but it had ice stretched out on the sides which gave the expression of wings, the tip of the spear was glowing a blue light which gave me chills, the air around it, because visible as if it was so cold, it was freezing it 

Without a second thought I propelled it at her, while using Velox to increase it's speed 

At the same time, I felt all my strength disappear, I was out of magic 

As I slowly fell from the roof to the bottom, I heard her say 

"Tenebrae perussi flammarum" Translation: Dark Consuming Flames 

After that, I saw her swing her blade, and flames erupting from it, causing my attack to get split in half and evaporated. 

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Before I could see anything else, while midair, I fainted 


I opened my eyes, and was once again greeted by an unfamiliar roof 

The moonlight passed through the windows and lit up the room 

As I moved my body I noticed that it was sore from the fight 

"I Lost... I guess that means she won't teach me..." I muttered as I looked around 

I nearly screamed when I saw her sitting beside the bed, I couldn't tell what sort of face I was making, but I was very surprised 

��Eh... ah..." 

I didn't know what to say, I thought she would have left me there, could she actually be a lot nicer than she looks...? 

"Did I pass?" I asked 

As if she had nothing else to do, now that I had woken up, she headed to the door without replying. As she opened it and was about to leave, I heard her say 

"Lessons start tomorrow at noon" 

After that, she closed the door 

Meanwhile, I was so happy, I shouted "YES!!" as I punched the air 

"Now, I'll finally become unstoppable..." 

[Do you want power?] 


The next day, I went home and got yelled at by serena, Ariel as well seemed pretty annoyed at me, for ditching them. I explained to them that I felt the aura of the person who saved us but they just treated me like some sort of idiot 

"How harsh..." 

As for eleanor, they brought cake for her and got her to get out of her room, but by the time I got there, I couldn't see her, I plan on sneaking into her room today after training 

Wait, doesn't that make me sound weird...? 

Ah forget it, I'll worry about that later, now I'm more excited about what sort of training I'll go through 


I still remembered what the trace of her magic felt like, so I had no problems catching it now 

She's somewhere different today, that's not the field we were at before 

Speaking of which, what happened to the ice kingdom I left there? Surely nothing bad. 

I rushed over to where deprehendre detected her, and was surprised to see it was another open field 

"This city sure is open..." I muttered as I approached her 

"Take off your shirt" She said as she looked at me 

"Eh?" I replied 

"Take off your shirt." She repeated 

M-My shirt? W-Why? 

I did as she asked and took it off 

I hadn't realised earlier, but my body barely had any bruises, only a few scratches, also my muscles were starting to get defined, and I was starting to get a 6-pack, It made me happy to think that my daily exercises weren't in vain 

She stared at my body before she said 

"1000 Push ups" 

"What?" I asked 

"1000 Push ups" She repeated 

Eh? 1000? Moreover strength training? 

Without questioning it, I got in the push up stance, believe it or not, I had been doing 100 pushups every day for the past month 

"1... 2..." 

"No magic" She said while watching me 

"1000 without magic...?" I Asked 

"Is there a problem?" 

"N-No! 1... 2... 3..." 


"98... 99..... One... H... Hundred..." I muttered before dropping to the ground 

I hadn't realised how weak I was... I'd always keep my body reinforced with magic, and even when I trained, I did it subconsciously 

"30 second break" 



"Nine hundred and... ninety eight... Nine hundred... And ninety nine... One... Thousand..." I mumbled before collapsing 

I could barely catch my breath, My arms felt like they were about to drop off at any moment 

"2 minute rest, then 500 squats" 

"U-Understood..." I muttered while holding in my tears

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