Picking Up The Rejected Heroine

Chapter 1: Prologue: After The Story Ended, I Picked Up The Rejected Heroine

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Prologue: After The Story Ended, I Picked Up The Rejected Heroine


The day I’ve been waiting for has finally come. This story... It’s finally reaching its climax.

But that thing won’t happen for a few more hours. I must wait patiently.

Staring at the equations on the board in front of us students, as our math teacher explained the lesson, I thought about the event that’s about to transpire. I didn’t know what to feel.

In this quiet room of ours, as everyone listens to the teacher, my feelings were in disarray.

Should I feel sad? Happy? Perhaps, angry?

It’s a complicated feeling, a mixture of all three combined. Perhaps I was just anxious.

Nevertheless, I’d already decided on this way back. I will not back out now.

I looked at the board once more, focusing on it for now.

I patiently waited like I’ve always done before.




Ding Ding Ding

The sound of the school bell rang throughout the school.

“Alright class, make sure you read the contents of pages 149-165 in your books for your lessons next time. That’s all, class dismissed.”

The class’ silence continued until the teacher left. After hearing the door close-


The man to my left shouted. He’s sat furthest from the board and is right next to a window.

I scoffed a bit before talking to him.

“Pft, no need to shout that loud dude. Everybody knows, it’s Friday after all.”

I said, cleaning up the books on my table and putting them back in my bag.

“Tsk tsk tsk, I already knew that too, of course! But this weekend is extra special! That’s why I’m also extra excited!”

“Heh~ you got a date or something?”

“Hah? Who do you take me for? A Normie?”

“Well yeah, you have 2 girls coming after you after all.”

“Shut up. It’s not like that. Anyway, it’s because the new volume of that manga is coming out! Besides, you’re more Normie than me, you know!”

“You think so?”

“Yes! People depend and talk to you a lot! You have connections with other classes and you’ve always given me advice about those 2 girls!”

“Sure sure, fine, I’m the normie here. Anyway, what are you going to do now?”

“Well... hmm... First, I have to go to the teachers and explain why I didn’t do my homework!”


“Then... I’ll have to answer the letter she gave me.”

I could hear a sudden shift of emotion from his voice. I suppose he isn’t very keen about it.

We were talking about a... letter our childhood friend gave to him, requesting him to go meet her at the rooftop of our building, saying that she wants to talk about something.

Considering the developments between the two lately, and how the letter was written, it’s obvious that it’s a confession letter.

“Ah... that letter, huh? Do you have any idea about what the contents might be?”

“Well... A rough guess, yeah.”

“Wow, I didn’t know you could see through it considering how dense you are.”

“OI! I’m not dense! It’s more like... I’ve been avoiding thinking about her like that. I just didn’t want her to see me that way... But I guess I can’t escape reality anymore.”

“I see... so you already have your answer ready for her?”

I asked him; he hesitated a bit until he finally gave me his answer in a low voice.


“I see...”

*‘It’s the same as that manga...’*

Concerned about his decision, he asks me a question.

“Well... do you think my decision is right?”

“Why are you asking me? It’s your life... you can do whatever you want. If you believe that’s the right answer... I say go for it.”

“...thank you”

“Well, just don’t regret anything afterwards, okay?”

“Wha-? Don’t do me like that, dude. Well, I’ll go to the teachers’ room now. Wouldn’t want to keep her waiting long after all.”

“Sure, I hope you trip on the stairs on your way.”

“Don’t jinx me like that!”

He shouted, exiting the classroom.

‘These events... They’re identical to that story even up to this point... I guess I really am living in that world, huh?’

Finishing my preparations to leave, I headed up to the rooftop to watch the climax of the story with my own eyes.

After all this time, the story is now nearing its end. And I... will finally be able to act freely.




Right after he left, I sneaked myself up to the rooftop. There are 2 entrances to the rooftop. They’re on opposite sides of each other, so someone waiting on one side won’t be able to notice anyone entering from the other entrance.

Normally, hoping that I wouldn’t go through the entrance that girl is currently waiting at would be left to luck. But, I’m no normal human. I can still remember every detail of this chapter in the story.

She’ll be waiting for him on the left entrance, therefore, I will sneak to the rooftop using the right entrance.

I already know when he will arrive, so I’m aware that I still have plenty of time.

But, I want to get there as early as possible. I want to see how she’s preparing herself for this...

Slowly climbing up the metals stairs, each step’s sound vibrated throughout the closed room, not leaking anything to the outside world. Eventually, I reached its end, slowly opening the door, I hid in the corner of the small room encasing the staircase.

Peeking through the side of the wall, I saw her. The beautiful, refined and smart lady. The person everyone calls “The Perfect Girl”. Fujiwara Misaki, she’s the woman everyone looks up to in this school.

But currently, this refined lady is waiting for a man with a sad look on her face, as if she already knows what the outcome will be. Her beautiful face, already filled with sadness.

Keeping her hand crossed together, hoping that what she’s thinking won’t become reality.

It’s too bad, because only a few minutes later, her expectations will be confirmed, and she will become the rejected heroine of this manga.




My name Matsushita Masato, and I do not belong in this world. I lived as a normal teenager in my previous life.

After a normal day in school, as I was walking back home while reading a manga I just bought, I was suddenly hit and killed by... a motorcycle.

In my previous world, I was neither a loner nor a normie. I was normal, average, if you would.

I would interact with others if necessary. Keeping a presence in class is very important to avoid trouble. That’s why I leaned more on the talkative side, but at home, I do the thing I love the most. Doing my otaku hobbies.

Being social gives you more chances to make others owe you favors for doing simple things. And using those favors can help you live much easier.

“If there’s a way I can avoid trouble, I’ll always take that route.” Is my motto. One of the best ways to avoid trouble is by using favors. So although I don’t like interfering with others, as long as it’s just something small and doesn’t hinder my plans of consuming the media I love, I’ll do it.

Taking over someone for class duty? Sure, I can listen to audio books and stuff while I clean and go around the school. Helping someone study for a bit? Why not? I can also study along with them. I get pretty good grades despite my hobbies, and studying with someone to improve those grades doesn’t sound bad. Maybe I’ll even be friends with the teachers, which can be a massive help sometimes.

Well, you probably get it now. Going to karaoke with friends is a no go. Helping someone with a physical task like choosing presents and helping someone cook too. Anything that needs my full focus without being able to multitask with something positive in it for me will make me disagree and not go.

Even after reincarnating in this world, I applied the same philosophy.

Well, there are some people exempt from such rules. Like my friend Nishida Yuichi, the guy Fujiwara Misaki called to the rooftop, our childhood friend and the main character of the manga this world is based on.

You are reading story Picking Up The Rejected Heroine at novel35.com

This world I am currently in is based on a romantic comedy manga. The main character, Yuichi, first met Me and Misaki in 4th grade after he transferred to our elementary school.

At that point, everyone already calls Misaki “The Perfect Girl” and nobody wants to approach her because she’s “Beyond their reach”. Well, no one besides Yuichi.

I was also there, but the author only added my character as some sort of guide, so Misaki never thought of me as someone special. If anything, she’s probably only thought of me as a brother-like close friend. She’d never consider someone like me as a romantic interest.

Back to Yuichi. Him approaching Misaki surprised her. No one has ever done this before. And that’s when Misaki first developed feelings for Yuichi.

After that, Misaki started working even harder than before, to impress Yuichi and make him rely on her more. But Yuchi never noticed how she’s doing it specifically for him.

In fact, he’s so dense and oblivious to why people call Misaki the “Perfect Girl” that he hasn’t changed a bit on how he talked to her, which only made Misaki like him even more, as she realized that Yuichi didn’t become her friend just because she’s smart or popular.

But, in middle school, things slowed down. Yuichi realized how perfect Misaki really was, though he still wasn’t aware of how she’s doing this all for him. Thinking that the average him doesn’t deserve to be friends with such an incredible woman, he slowly distanced himself from her.

By the time we graduated middle school, I was the only one barely connecting them together.

But everything changed because of Yuichi’s fortunate meeting with a girl. Halfway through our first year of high school. He met a girl named Hoshino Kou. A petite girl with a smaller figure than most her age. Short pinkish hair with gold eyes.

If Misaki, who has a slightly taller figure than most, light chestnut hair which reaches near her waist on the back only a bit shorter in the front, eyes the color of ruby with a pinkish tint, and is more mature in other places such as the chest area and her bottom, gives off a refined aura, Hoshino Kou can be considered as someone who gives off a cute aura.

Of course. Misaki can be very cute too, but that isn’t important here.

Misaki and Kou are classmates who somehow became friends right after school started. Their personalities are completely different since Kou is very carefree and cheerful while Misaki is more reserved, so it surprised many when they found out that the two were friends.

After that, they became the two princess’ of this school. The cute school idol Kou and the Perfect Girl Misaki. She could not escape her title even after moving up to high school.

Anyhow, throughout the school year, they stuck together a lot. Sometimes, Misaki would invite me to eat with them, but... I always refused. The stares of the other guys will be too much and... I didn’t want to alter anything before the story actually begins.

And speaking of the story, it starts when Kou and Yuichi first meet before summer on a train. Kou was the one who first started the conversation. Surprisingly, they hit it off, and Yuichi asked Kou if she could help him make up with Misaki since he already knew they were friends.

Kou agrees since Misaki also wants to make up. And when they try formulating plans, they often held meetings in cafes and malls... At that time, they didn’t care and didn’t even notice that it looked like they were on a date.

Nevertheless, their plans actually worked as Yuichi started hanging out with Misaki again. The three would often make plans together to hang out. Well, I was also invited to hang out with them, which I agreed to, since the Masato in the manga also did.

Not wanting to deviate from the original story, and fearing it could make things unpredictable or even destroy this world, I resolved myself right after finding out I reincarnated in this story that I will not change anything from the original story’s timeline.

That’s why I’ve always stayed neutral throughout this life, only helping Misaki when necessary. I was afraid that if things deviate from the original story, the world might collapse or something.

But now that the story is ending, and the story between the three will soon be over, I’ll be able to act as I please. I will be freed from the prison I put myself in.

Watching as the pressure from her parents destroy Misaki’s mental health as a child and how Yuichi pulled her out of the hole that her parents put her in. Seeing her lose hope once again after Yuichi becomes similar to other people around her, slowly distancing him away from her after he realised how perfect of a girl she is, thinking he doesn’t deserve to be close to her.

It hurt, watching it all happen in the sidelines, not being able to do anything, as I watch the girl I admire get hurt over and over again, pushing herself to her limits just to please others.

Her hard work and determination is what made me like her in the manga, and now that I saw it with my own eyes after reincarnating into this world, I’ve learned to admire her even more.

But, if I get hurt just from watching her, I’m sure she’s had it way worse... She’s a strong girl, having the power to push through all those years.

And now that she’s regained that once lost hope again, after rebuilding her relationship with Yuichi...

No, she herself knows this.

She’s well aware that his hope of hers, is unfortunately false.

As Yuichi and Kou’s meetings continued, Yuichi’s relationship with Misaki did too. Giving Misaki false hope that she might have a chance again with Yuichi. They started having study sessions with the three of them. We 4 started hanging out together, but usually. I’m always being left out by the three as they go on their own worlds.

Unfortunately for Misaki, the continuous meetings between the two made them conscious for each other, eventually falling in love without noticing each other’s feelings.

Misaki finally noticed the intimate relationship between the two last week. And now, it’s December 3, not wanting to run away anymore, He gives Yuichi a letter... she will be confessing to him today.

Yuichi, who has already figured out his feelings, and noticed Misaki’s feelings too, faced her head on.

And thus, the story reaches its climax.

That’s where we currently are.

A few minutes after I arrive, the door on the other entrance opens. There comes out Yuichi. Clenching his fists, resolved on his answer.

Misaki notices how he already knows why she called him here and... his answer.

It was obvious, after all. Kou was much more on the offensive while Misaki only stood there, waiting for Yuichi. And the atmosphere between the two, it’s special. It isn’t like the one she and Yuichi have.

She already knows, Yuichi loves Kou.

Even so, she still wants to convey her feelings properly. Just knowing what his answer is won’t stop her, even if it’s a rejection.

Finally, they start.

“Yuichi-kun... It seems like you already know why I called you here.”

“Yes... I’m sorry...”

“It’s fine, Yuichi-kun. It’s my fault anyways!”

Misaki said, trying to form a smile on her face, which she could barely do.


“Let’s not beat around the bush, shall we?”


“Yuichi-kun, I love you. Ever since elementary school, I’ve always loved you. You pulled me from the hole I was in... You were my hope...”


There was a brief silence in between Yuichi’s words

“I-... I am so-!”


Misaki stops Yuichi. His lips being forcibly shut by Misaki’s fingers.

“I already know your answer, Yuichi-kun.”


“That’s why, why don’t you confess to her right now? The girl you truly love. It’d be the perfect time, you know? Today, you can finally let out all your real feelings from your chest in one go.”


“No buts, okay? Go... please. Make my friend happy.”

“...I’m sorry.”

Yuichi said, turning to his back slowly.

Then he ran. He ran at full speed; he ran towards her. Kou.

His heavy steps down the metal stairs could be heard from the door that was left open.

Misaki was left alone in the cold.

Finally, losing all her strength, she drops to her knees and-


Her loud cries vibrated throughout the rooftop.

“My parent’s approval, friends, and now, my love... I wasn’t able to get a single one... why...”

Her voice, which became lower as she spoke, broke a bit at the end.

“All I’ve received in my life is attention I never truly wanted...”

Sitting on a corner, she puts her head to her knees and sobs uncontrollably.

“I hate this... I hate how I never get what I wish for... why are you doing this to me, god...”

Unable to hold myself back anymore, I approached Misaki.

Seeing her sudden burst of emotion, something popped in my heart. The feeling that’s slowly developed after watching her as a friend for ten years, the feeling I’ve been suppressing for a while now, I can’t hold it anymore. I’ve fallen for her. I like Misaki. From now on, I want to be the guy she can always rely on.

I want to be with her, be alongside her through hardships, and help her get away from them. I don’t want to just be her childhood friend anymore; I want to be something more special.

Throughout this life, there were multiple moments our relationship should’ve changed to something more than just “Childhood friends”. But, nothing happens after said events. She remembers the events, but talks like a robot when describing it. Almost like her emotions for me were locked.

Maybe it was fate stopping our relationship from progressing further for the story. But now...

“Sup Misaki, need some help standing up?”


But now that the story is over, maybe the lock has been removed... and if not...

“Come on, this time, I’ll be the one pulling you up.”

I said, reaching out my hands to her while making a small smile.

Then, I’ll unlock it myself, I’ll defeat “fate”.

I’ll do anything to give this girl what she truly deserves.

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