Pissed Off Loli

Chapter 1: Prologue: The Pissed Off Loli

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The heroes party was currently having a problem. None of them really expected, nor wanted to be summoned to a fantasy world to save the world. Still, they had their duty to attend to. The five members, each representing a different class were Erin, the Knight, Sasha, the Rouge, Mike, the Archer, Rose, the Mage, and Felin, the Priestess. Together, they have overcome many challenges. Now, they face two challenges they can't get over. The current one is the large group of bandits that have them surrounded. They were on their way outside the Kingdom to help defeat some demonic monsters that have been terrorizing a town when they were ambushed. Their escorts were quickly killed and they were now fighting for their lives. Well, they all were except one. That person looked to be a little girl about seven years of age who was sleeping next to the carriage, the hero Felin tending to her with a worried look. 

The heroes have been fighting for hours against the hundreds of bandits. There was no doubt that someone was paying these bandits a lot of money to kill the heroes. Who the heroes didn't know. They were fighting for their lives and had no time to think about such a thing.

Now they were at a standstill. The heroes were utterly exhausted yet could still go on while the bandits were only down to a hundred and twenty from their around six hundred numbers. It seemed, even after all the sacrifices they made, the bandits have finally got the heroes exactly where they want them. As such, the bandit leader stepped forward.

"J-just give up, kids. We'll either capture you or, if you want to keep on struggling, we'll kill you where you stand. Either way works with us."

The blue-haired hero, Erin didn't back down but didn't say anything either. He knew that he and his group were at their wit's end. If they kept on fighting, they might make it out alive, but the odds of that are extremely low. They'll probably all just be killed. He also knew that his teammates all looked up to him as their leader.

Well, except one of them who wasn't even a hero.

He knew he couldn't let them fall into harm. Maybe if he stayed here and the others focused on breaking out of the entanglement, maybe the others could escape. But, will they safely be able to take the sleeping girl safely with them? Then again, she'll be fine without them.

The bandit leader followed Erin's gaze and saw the sleeping girl and let out a chuckle. Even being a child, she was quite the looker. He wasn't above having fun with her. 

"Well well well. I didn't know you were escorting a child. Hey little girl, wake up!"

Before the heroes could do anything, the bandit leader cast a water spell, creating a water ball that smashed into the little girl. The girl woke up with a gasp, her eyes flashing red for a brief moment before turning aqua blue. It happened so fast the bandit leader thought it was simply a trick of the eyes. 

The girl looked around, her eyes widening in terror, or so the bandit leader believed. Finally, her eyes met the bandit leader.

"You know, I don't know what a little girly girl is doing hanging out with the heroes group nor why the hell could you sleep while your guardians were being slaughtered but you're going to come with us and we'll show you a good time."

The bandit leader pointed his sword at the now trembling legs and arms of the girl.

"I mean, you're quite short even for a kid. What are you, four point one or maybe three point six? I must say, you are very small. But you sure do have some curves, just not any bust."

The bandit leader started laughing and the girl started trembling faster and faster. Finally, she stood up, her face darkened. The bandit leader stopped his laughter and was about to tell the girl to stop crying when he noticed that she was indeed crying...and she was crying red?

The girl's face lit up and the bandit leader took a step back. The girl's eyes were red and had seemed to be made purely of liquid. They were swirling around like a whirlpool.


The bandits all gave the girl a stunned look but the girl continued undisturbed.


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The girl disappeared in an instant and the next second the bandit next to the bandit leader had a clawed hand through his chest. He was lifted above the girl's head all while the girl looked up at the bandit leader, a twitchy smile and insane look in her eyes making him shudder. He swung his sword at the little monster and she let it happen. His sword broke upon making contact with his skin.

"Aww. What's the look for mister? Red says it is because you broke your sword while blue says it is because you are stunned by my beauty. Can you tell me actually, because those two are always confusing me," The girl ended with a serious tone, a look of confusion on her face.

The bandit leader didn't respond and watched as the bandit the girl had stabbed with her hand slowly slid down, getting cut by the girl's hand. With one final sloosh, the bandit was almost cut in half, his brain showing. The girl looked at the bandit and then at her bloodied hand before letting out a giggle.

"See, White? My skin is perfectly sharp."

The girl turned to look at the bandit leader and when he still didn't give an answer, she frowned and shrugged.

"Oh well. Time to keep to my words!"

With that, the girl began slaughtering the rest of the bandits. Lightning, fire, ice, acid, water, and magical weapons darted around, attacking the bandits. They didn't kill them right away either. No. Instead, they gravely injured the bandits and gave them fatal wounds but allowed them to live and suffer, unable to do anything, until they died. Of course, the girl was also in the mix, tearing off limbs with her strength, biting chunks out of bandits with her sharp teeth, or slicing them up with her razor sharp silver claws. It took only a minute and twenty seconds for her to slaughter all the bandits. The entire battlefield now looked like a hellish landscape, bodies littered everywhere. The girl was standing in the middle of it all, coated head to toe in blood and laughing to herself. Next to her head floated four lights. One blue, one red, one black, and one white. The girl was currently licking her left hand clean from all the blood that was on it. Her eyes locked onto the bandit leader and she started slowly walking towards him, taking her time to enjoy the look of despair on his face.

The bandit leader tried to run but found that his feet were encased in ice. He didn't know when that happened. As he was taking in how screwed he was, he also took in that during the whole fight, the girl never said a single incantation. Not a single cast word. The magic just appeared. He also noticed that part of her hair was in tuffs to make it look like she has silver animal ears, which was useless to know and most of her silver hair was currently coated in blood. 

When the girl arrived in front of the bandit leader, her pupils turned blue. Her eyes started to glow in intensity and she slowly put on hand on the chin of the bandit leader since that was all she could reach him with, even standing on her tippy toes. 

"Now do you want to keep pissing Me OFF!?"

Before the bandit leader could respond, which he couldn't since he was still in shock, the girl tore open his throat with her claws. Leaving the dying bandit leader, the girl turned to look at the shocked heroes and gave them a little wave.

"Hey, guys. You once again failed to defend yourselves," The girl spat out, walking past them and opening the carriage door. Just as she was about to climb in she stopped, as if something had paralyzed her.

"Aw Fuuunnnnnk! I should have just let the bandits kill them! ACK!"

With a groan of frustration, she climbed into the carriage and slammed the door shut behind her, nearly taking it off its hinges again.

This was the second problem the heroes were facing, and one that has been with them for a while now. An insane easily angered loli who a certain wisdom God warned them about. A ticking time bomb whose reason to be with them was so she can meet the Gods who reincarnated her and kick their ass and, for a reason she has yet to give, kill the heroes...with somehow her plans always failing either due to her anger, her making an obvious and stupid mistake, or because she isn't that smart even if she is apparently over two hundred years old. Well, there is some other reason why she is following them but she isn't talking about it.

How did it get this way? Well, you have to start when this loli was reincarnated. All the way back two hundred years ago...Yes, this loli is an actual legal loli, but don't get any ideas since she'll rip your heart out.


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