Pissed Off Loli

Chapter 8: Chapter 5: How Is Fighting Easy!?

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Darren and Black met their first obstacle shortly after leaving the room. What would that be? Well, the hallway they were trying to cross was full of traps. Not really your typical traps such as landmines and the such, no, but massive spiky black swinging pillars, about twelve of them, moving at a rather unreasonable speed. Seeing this, it is understandable why they are staring at this with their mouths wide open...Wait, does Black even have a mouth?

"Just what...what is this?" Darren asked, her-his blue eyes scanning the traps with disbelief, "How am I suppose to get past this!?"

"Well, we could see if there is a way around?" Black suggested, "I mean, this place, from what we've seen and can gather, is huge. There must be another way."

"Well...yeah, let's do that," Darren replied, slowly backing up.

And so, the two started searching for another way. They didn't look long. Just, you know, aboud six hours until they returned back to the trap room. See? Not long at all.

Regardless, it was needless to say that Darren's eyes were no longer light blue. 

"You know, it would make sense for a dungeon to only have one entrance between levels or whatever, and for that entrance to be trapped," Black stated, causing Darren to cast them a sideways glance.

"Bull-...No, you're better than this Darren. You're not just some idiot who curses every time he talks," Darren reassured himself before turning around to face Black.

"While this may be a dungeon, I doubt I killed all the goblins on this level, which means there must be some way the goblins can get around without having to risk their life crossing this entrance of death"

"Well, that much should be obvious but," Black quickly added before realizing that Darren wasn't angry at them, "...They also work for the dungeon, so the dungeon probably opens the secret passage for them or it only opens for them."

"So you're saying that the dungeon is intelligent then," Darren asked, sitting down on the ground with a sigh of resignation. 

"Most likely. I mean, why would they put 'this' in front of an entrance if they weren't smart?"

Darren nodded in agreement, observing the swinging pillars, trying to find a pattern that didn't exist. It was random which speed each pillar went, and there was no pattern to the ones that suddenly change speed. The only pattern would be the fact that none of the pillars swung in a different direction.

"You know, they kinda resemble a kanabo," Black said suddenly, breaking Darren's concentration.

"A-A...a what?" Darren asked, trying to remember where he has heard that word before.

"A type of Japanese weapon that looks like that."

"What kind of weapon is that? Isn't that just a big fat spikey basebat?" Darren asked, unaware of the heresy she was spouting.

"You uncultured swine," Black said, causing Darren's head to snap around in confusion.

"What the-? What was that for?" Darren asked. Black was about to respond when Darren's eyes widened and she took a step back.

"What? Did you finally realize your mis-" Black began, turning around to be smug but stopped when they too saw what Darren saw looking at.

In the doorway they just went through were around twenty to maybe even thirty goblins are wearing expensive-looking red, grey, and white armor. Most of them were wielding weapons such as spears and glaives from different cultures while the others carried with them either a cutlass or a sword. If Black and Darren had to describe them, they would say they looked like the goblin version of the The Old Guard, except they're actually ready for war.

"Black...were these like the goblins I killed from earlier?" Darren asked, his voice more meak than he would have liked it to be.

"Well, yes...and no. These seem to be the elites," Black observed, backing up slightly.

"You know, people always make goblins seem so easy but, if one were to think about it, them being able to breed and grow up so fast doesn't explain why there are so many.'

"So...you think it's because goblins aren't as dumb nor lacking in skills and leadership as everyone always says they are?" Black asked, backing up some more until they were floating directly above Darren.

"Well, considering the fact that they formed a spear wall, the 'leader' is clearly not dumb, and I think they ambushed us, I would assume so."

"Gnarv! Gnarvack So Si Dapicici! Urga fifine tur durvarn, as tis va awfor."

Darren blinked and, if Black could blink, they would have too at the language the leader suddenly shouted at them. Judging by the way the two looked at each other, yes, Darren can tell, they couldn't understand a word he was saying.

"Well, we could always talk th-" Black started before realizing that the goblins probably didn't understand them. Oh, and four goblins were approaching them.

"I think they want us to fight them," Darren said, something inside him feeling a thrill at the thought of a challenge. Unfortunately, something told him that this is a fight he won't be able to win.

It was an odd feeling. He knew that she-he could win, but not in he...not in their current state. They knew too little about themselves, and his own mind will get in the way of defeating their foes. That simple thought and feeling alone was driving them crazy, yet not crazy enough to become truly enraged. So, after sizing up the four goblins approaching, they agreed on the best course of action.

With a mighty hiss that even caused the goblins to pause, Darren jumped-





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....And the bloody idiot landed right in the way of an incoming pillar, nailing her and crushing her against the wall.

Black and even the goblins winced as the poor undead loli monster slid down the wall, leaving a trail of blood. Before Black could fly over to her, the four goblins moved first, walking forward and ready to finish Darren off and completely ignoring Black. As Black was about to give them a piece of their mind, as well as body slam into them, Darren staggered to her feet, just narrowly getting out of the way of the black pillar as it swung back down. The four goblins didn't chuckle. They kept their straight faces as they approached. If it weren't for their armor and weapons, as well as the fact that they are goblins, Black would think them samurai.

Then, Darren looked up. She was the literal definition of cute. Her eyes were back to being light blue and swirled around, like a rough river, and tars sprang from her eyes as she was on the verge of full-blown crying. Her face was so captivating that Black and the goblins almost didn't miss the fact that the gaping hole in her chest was slowly closing.

'Well, this is a problem. I don't know how long these samurai-like goblins will be amazed by her cuteness, and I have a very strong feeling that Darren won't be able to fight. What can I do...I know!'

Black rushed over to Darren, stopping themselves before they ran right into her. She looked up, confused, and opened her mouth to say something. Of course, part of the plan that Black has wasn't to let her distract them. So, before she could utter a word, Black slammed themselves into her stomach, causing her to kneel over. At once, her eyes snapped to focus and flashed red for a brief second.

"Black," Darren growled, slowly looking up, "Just what was that that for!?"

"Well, you were out of it so I had to help you out," Black explained, purposefully stating it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Surprisingly, Darren didn't seem to get as angry as they had hoped she would. Sure, her left eye twitched, but that was it.

"For the record, I was not out of it and tapping me on the head would have worked just fine!" Darren snarled. If she had a tail, Black imagines it would most definitely be swinging around.

"Well, that ain't my problem. It worked just fine," Black retorted.

"Oh, I am going to make you ca-" Darren began, raising one finger, only to quickly dart to her left upon seeing and sensing danger. 

The goblin that attacked him seemed surprised that his attack missed, yet he was ready for Darren's almost instant counter-attack. The goblin smoothly blocked her swipe and was surprised when he couldn't parry the attack. Darren's strike was heavy and fast, hitting hard enough that it caused the goblin's knees to buckle. 

Withdrawing his arm, Darren began to circle the goblin, the two eyeing each other. Both he and Black were surprised when the other goblins didn't join in, instead choosing to watch the fight. As much as Darren hates to admit it, he realizes that he will have a much better chance at fighting if he followed the instinct telling him to get on all fours, but he refused. He was a man and a human, not some kind of caveman or animal.

Of course, like the pool little girl she now is, she is about to find out the cruel reality of his foolish mindset unbefitting of a loli of her type.

The goblin attacked first, darting to his right before darting forward. Even in his awkward yet "normal" position, Darren was still an agile person...loli-no, not that, man...monster....or whatever, and managed to jump out of the way. He was not, however, fast enough to avoid the strike completely, and that may be due to his rather untimely thoughts about what he is.

He let out a hiss of pain and retreated a couple of steps back rather quickly, much quicker than he would have thought possible...until he realized he was on all fours. 

With a shout of alarm, Darren sprang up, looking at his limbs in disgust. Surprisingly, the goblin did not advanced forward, instead sharing a look with his leader before focusing back at Darren, who now was staring at something...though what isn't clear.

Of course Darren is looking at Black, who had thought of an idea.

"Well well well. How's the fight going, you useless loli?" Black asked, getting closer and closer to her left ear as they talked.

While it is true that Darren is a useless loli, and also is losing this fight, Black forgot one thing about Darren. They quickly learned that when Darren whirled around, reaching for them. Black dodged her first strike, but never got the chance to enjoy their victory when Darren casually snatched them out of the air in the next second.

"Black," Darren growled, their eyes slowly turning from a dark reddish blue to a dark red, "Just what did you call me?"

Black knew that they were connected to Darren, and they if she were to die, they would too. However, they had a funny feeling that Darren might try and find a way to kill them. Still, they came this far. They can't give up now!

"The goblin's about to grope you!" Black shouted, causing Darren to turn around to check.

Call it what you want, dumb luck was clearly at play here. The exact moment Darren turned around, the goblin decided to tap her shoulder, hoping to get back to their fight or, at the very least, try and negotiate terms of surrender. However, because of the sudden turn, the goblin accidentally tapped her boob instead. Black knew it was an accident. The goblin knew it was an accident. Even the other goblins knew it was an accident...

....Darren did not know it was an accident.

In an instant, Darren's eyes flashed bright red and she twirled and spun, forming a tight little ball, and kicked the goblin like a horse faster than the goblin could blink. He was sent flying back into the wall where, with a sickening crunch, he slowly slid down and fell in a motionless heap, the chestplate demolished where Darren had kicked it.

Silence filled the room. The goblins stared at their fallen comrade, Darren staring too, while Black watched the goblins nervously. No one moved a muscle. Then, the goblin leader took a couple of steps forward.

"You...are not the same beast that we were sent out to kill," He rasped, his voice deep and like gravel, yet somehow not that unpleasant to hear.

"When you are...you, we shall come again," He vowed, pointing the tip of his spear at Darren.

With that, the goblins picked up their fallen comrade and left, leaving a stunned loli and a black floating thingy. When they got out of sight, a loud mechanical noise filled the room and the sound of the large swinging traps stopped.

"...Oh you gotta be kidding me," Darren spat out, not sure what she-He should be feeling right now. He knows he should be grateful but some part of him felt utterly humiliated. They were given mercy, and it was because they were a failure. Because of his own stupid mind. He had long thought he knew what his pride was, but now he had no idea. This felt even worse than accepting the fact that he is a little girl, which he has yet to-wait, no, that he will Never Do.



You have fought an enemy not enraged. You have gained 4 experience points! Daily Needs Met! (2/3)



Keep going. You're almost there...for now at least.

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