Pitch-Black Paradise

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – Realm of Legends and Paradise

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“This area should be clear no-”

“Uh, sir, get out of there.” The voice was weirdly calm, as if trying to hold back her panic.

“What do you mean get out I just cleared out what should be the last powerful Drakker.”

“Sir, a B-rank dragon type had been detected but due to delays in the Haze network the information was slow to get to us. It would likely detect our base soon, you need to get out. We cant have you die out here.”

“But what about you?” This was turning into a disaster. The screeches of the damned Singer might have gone further than he anticipated and a B-rank had been hiding away closer. B-ranks never hid normally. It was how he had been sure it was safe.

“Its fine sir, better you than us.”

“To hell with that.”

He still had Haze Overdrive active luckily. If he had deactivated it his system would have gone into cool down mode making it impossible to activate for a while.

“I would distract it, try to get word out asap maybe a Zeta would be nearby.”


He cut them off, deactivating his comms.

“Hermione, Mami? You here?” The two showed up clearly worried for him.

“I suggest you both leave, there is no need to throw your lives away supporting me here.” He hadn’t needed them for that C-rank he would have for a Sphinx not having them for the B-rank was even greater suicide, but he figured that it was likely all three of them would die.

One look told him all he needed to know, they weren’t going to budge. Hermione staunchly folded her arms with Mami trying but failing to copy the look.

He smiled.

“I would make it up to you both. A couple of sweets should do no?” He laughed as they protested that he should give more.


He was buried deep underground. The damned dragon was playing with him. Never once going too hard on him but he could not even damage its barrier let alone the dragon itself. He witnessed firsthand the gap in C-rank and B-rank power. He really hoped not many existed out there.

The mountain sized creature patrolled the mountain range it had launched him in with a simple blast of its wings. He had tried to parry the attack of course. But it was simply too fast and with the distance his Vacuum Thrust was not capable of travelling fast enough to reach it in time. On top of that there was another element that ignored his counter. He assumed it had to do with its level of HLE. Now he was underground buried under half a mountain with no easy escape.

He had fortunately drawn it over one hundred kilometers from the base which should be evacuating right now. Hermione lay next to him along with Mami, neither had abandoned him even in this dire situation. He never had understood why the fairies stuck around him to this day and he suspected he never would.


“Captain? You still alive? Captain!?”

“Yeah, yeah I am alive, in a pretty bad situation though.”

“We can see tha-”

“What?! You still stuck around?”

“W-Wait, we received news that lady Jyllian is on her way.”

“Jyllian? Isn’t she on another important mission on the other side of the world?”

“Yes, but she is approaching this way, fast.”

“What about her team?”

“They stayed behind on the clean up of the last mission.”

“Then I don’t think it is a good idea for her to be here on her ow-”


He swore, thinking the dragon had finally found him.

Blasting out of the crater with Aerial Path he rushed through the air with Hyper Stride only to see the B-rank dragon fly against its own power through the air into the side of the mountain range causing an avalanche of epic proportions followed by the mountains themselves crumbling.

“Ah Drayton, I had heard you were in trouble.” She was as radiant as ever even more so as she was currently merged with her Frame as she stood in the air above him.

Literally flaming hair coming out of the golden helmet with decorations around the face shaped like a lion’s maw. Her burning white eyes glowed from inside smoldering the world in view with a glance. The golden armor that was her form inscribed with black lines, a large red cape flowed behind her.

She is gigantic, closing in on twelve feet with her merged form. She is six armed in this form, each carrying a large halberd, gold in color with black lines. Behind her what looked to be a miniature sun floated behind her black, eight golden spears stuck out of it evenly spaced out in a radial pattern, the tips pointing outwards. She was ready for war.

“Jy-I mean Lady Jyllian, I had thought you were too busy and you remember me?”

“How could I forget the strongest soldier in the world. Your contributions are greater than you think. And as I told you the first time we met, just Jyllian is fine.”

“Yes, Jyllian.”

“Just sit back, you have done more than enough. This won’t take long.”

How could he, he had to see how this ended with his own two eyes.

Which ironically was how he lost his eyes.

“I am fine Jyllian, I would help from a distance.”

She stopped for a moment, before nodding to him.

He was not far enough, a short while into the fight, a powerful clash between the two combatants had released such energy that his eyes had burst from being too close. He could never forget what he saw, Jyllian glowed like star against the darkness of the world itself, the dragon flailing, innumerable spears sticking out of its body.

A myth in form, the scene was burned into his being.



“Ah was just reminiscing, where was I? Ah yes A-ranks. Also known as Apocalypse rank. A country is done if Jyllian isn’t there before it causes havoc. I have an image of one known A-rank and we have only known of two recorded. The first was taken on by Jyllian’s team in much earlier days before I was even born. The other was beaten by her alone after her awakening as an Omega class Framer.”

And image of what looked like a colossally large Anglerfish appeared. Twenty kilometers in length. Forget the dragon, this thing was nigh impossible to imagine.

“I believe its body, now as bones, is somewhere far in the west. Jyllian had to drive it far off from civilization over two thousand kilometers before landing the finishing blows.”

“To be frank I cant give you much information about fighting these monsters, the best I can say is that the battle goes beyond what can be observed as a standard beyond even that of Theta and Zeta monsters.” He paused reaching to a cup.

Instead of it being refilled by the machine like for Professor Samantha, another fairy, blue in color appeared and filled the cup with water that just appeared from nowhere.

“Thanks Mami. Even all of the current Zeta classes fighting these monsters would lead to a few losing their lives, thus they are a danger that truly threatens the entirety of humanity itself hence their classification as Apocalypse.”

“Again, however, only two of those have been noted in the entirety of history after The Expanse and so we must hope that they stay as infrequent. Or if possible, never appear again.”

“Have we never seen or classified anything stronger then?”

Drayton thought for a moment, before looking like he was going to answer and then stopping. He took a deep breath.

“There have been some…observations but nothing concrete. And we hope that we never do or else…we are all doomed.” Silence, his grim face then took on its usual smile.

“Now I would teach you about some specific E and D rank Drakker and typical tactics you would use. While individual powers are far more important amongst higher levels teamwork with people at higher levels also tends to being out even greater results…”


“From now on you are cadets of the Institute, you still have a few first lessons to do within the week, but you are officially a Framer under us in completing this first day.” He nodded to each person as he spoke.

“You are dismissed for the day, good day everyone.”

Lunch had been pushed back to the end of the day for an early dinner due to how packed the day had been and so everyone was heading to the cafeteria.

Constantine and Stella joined the usual two-person company as they were now grouped together and it seemed the rest of the class had done the same.

“So, what did you guys think?” Constantine began the conversation.

“About what specifically?” Tey asked.

“Well lets start with the teachers.”

“Hmm, my favourite was Nicholai.” She answered nonchantly.

“Huh? He wasn’t one of our professors though.”

“I like his vibe. Only Drayton comes close.” She shrugged.

“Why, because he is handsome?”

“Ha.” She narrowed her eyes at him her fork up threateningly.

“A joke.” He had his arms up in surrender. “What about you guys.”

“Personally, I don’t really care. Though I guess Professor Sam was interesting.” Parth leaned back contemplatively.

“What made her interesting?” He could swear Tey’s grip on her fork got tighter, that would break if she was not careful even if it was made for Framers.

“Well her entire attitude, most humans are far too terrified of us to stay in a room of twenty Framers on their own. She is brave.”

Constantine nodded in agreement.

“I guess that is the same for me. Stella?”

“Oh, uh. M-Miss Isabel, I. guess.” She spoke in a stilting manner.

“Why her?” Tey’s tone was curious.

“W-Well, sh-she is v-very confi-fident in her st-strength.” She looked away in embarrassment.

“That’s fair, she almost seems too confident, but she is a Theta class for a reason.” Constantine said.

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“I suspect there is more to it.” Parth commented. He was referring to what Professor John had said in regards to their combat class instructor.

“So I believe we are all in agreement that Professor John is just too weird.” Constantine remarked with nods from everyone to confirm his hypothesis. The man was understandably creepy.

Not long afterwards they were finished with dinner having gotten to know each other better. Though Constantine never ate and thus never took off his mask.

Parth was walking with Tey to their usual point where the met and separated to their respective dorms.

“So, want to go into the city tomorrow after our class? It is only The Expanse history course we have.” She was inviting him to look around Mesa.

After thinking for a moment.

“Sure, I had wanted to do so myself anyway.”

“Great, it’s a date then.” She smiled mischievously as she walked away.

“Date?” What was she thinking.


An oppressive light, cloying and ever present. Parth could not find his way out of this infinite void.

“-in danger”

“World on the verge of extin-”

“The far side of the plane-”

“-falling moon”

His only company being voices in the background that he could barely hear but as if thousands of voices were talking in panic and growing in number. He put his hands to his ears as they overwhelmed him. His abilities came to life, the dark mist covering him as if to hide him further.


A woman’s clear voice shouting pierced through the veil reaching him.

“Over here!” He did not think he recognized this voice, but what choice did he have?

He still was not sure where he was going in this unending void but he could move and he could follow the voice.

“Yes, this way!”

A doorway, the door itself made of dark stone and adorned with a large crimson eight-sided star.

“Through the doo-”

“No! What do you think you are doing?!” Another woman’s voice coming from the same place. He felt like he recognized it but just could not quite place it.

“Don’t come through Parth, just stay where you are. You will be fine. You aren’t ready.”


“For what?!” He yelled back, he just wanted to get out of here. This black void did not feel safe.

“For the truth. There are more layers to this world than you realize.”

He ran up to the door and tried to push it open.

“See. He wants to come in.” The first voice, sounding smug.

The door did not budge.

“You should not have showed up, how dare you.” The second almost recognizable voice admonished the first.

“Parth please forget this ever happened. When it is time, you will know everything and I am sure you would make the right choice. Bye, for now.”

The void turned crimson, a massive red eye appeared above him, looking down he could see the world. The entire planet, the half the humanity had managed to salvage. And a hint of the other half, the dark side of the planet.

The eye seemed to lord over all and it consumed everything leaving path alone in darkness once more but without any of the voices including raving first thousand. It felt like paradise.

He opened his eyes.


Parth lay in bed, eyes staring up at his ceiling. He felt like something was missing. His dreams as he remembered were always with him sitting in darkness.

A lot of people might have found such a dream disconcerting, even scary in a sense. But for a weird reason  he found it comforting, almost like a paradise which was weird as he was never doing anything particularly fun. Just sitting in pitch darkness.

But he felt like something else had happened in that dream, something different than usual. He could not remember no matter how hard he tried.

A knock on his door.

He opened it to see Constantine. His usual black mask over the bottom half of his face. He had already changed into his uniform.

“Need something?”

“Hmm, well, just wanted to talk quickly. Sorry if I woke you up.”

“Its fine come in, I had been awake for a bit.”

“Excuse me.” Polite as ever the man walked in and followed Parth’s indication.

He sat at a table and Parth took the opposite chair.

“So, what did you want to discuss.”

“Straight to the point, I see.”

Parth blinked. Remembering his brother’s advice.

“Ah sorry, want anything to drink?”

“No, don’t worry about it I showed up unannounced after all. And I like that you are straight forwards in that sense haha.” Constantine scratched his hair with a hand.

“I wanted to talk about your fight with Everleigh and the twins.”

“Ah yes, that did happen.” Parth frowned.

“Good fight by the way, I am glad to be on your team as you clearly have experience and are smart in how you use your abilities.” Constantine nodded with mirth before becoming a bit more serious.

“I want to discuss our team member Tey’Ra.”

“Yes, I never got to see her fight, Everleigh did not look like she was in great shape.” She had not needed to go to the infirmary however, so ignoring her weird behavior ever since. She had seemed fine.

“That is exactly the problem. Her fight is kind of spotty in my mind.”


“I remember bits, like how she used those red chains of hers. Terrifying by the way, they appear to be able to seal and bind people and even abilities. But unlike your fight which I can remember all the way through. Her fight almost seems to leave gaps in my memories.” He leaned back looking at the ceiling.

“Huh, that’s weird.”

“Exactly, honestly she makes me a bit nervous. I hope I don’t sound like I am trying to tear apart your relationship. You two seem kind of close, so.”

Parth tilted his head.

“I cant exactly say we are close but I can see why people would think that. Also, well you are not wrong to feel that way about her. She is certainly…a character. Though I guess I don’t actually mind even if she is somewhat up to something.” He did not particularly feel any particular way about it.

It was hard for him to see the situation affecting him negatively, he had already promised to help her in her ambitions. He would hope she has something up her sleeve. He had never been a paragon of justice after all.

“Interesting.” Constantine replied, his golden eyes almost seeming to take a brighter glow as he observed Parth.

“Oh, a question from me, it might be personal so you don’t have to answer.” Parth said.

“About the mask?”


“Sure, I owe you for bringing up what could have been a dangerous topic.” Constantine reached for it, pulling it off from his right ear.

He revealed his mouth which was lined with rows of very sharp teeth, four of them protruded out of his mouth much longer than others. A pair from his upper mouth and the other from the lower. It seemed his own mutation was one of the more terrifying types compared to others.

“I see. Must have given you trouble.”

“Ha, like you wouldn’t imagine.” Constantine smile making for a scary picture.

He stood up to leave, turning around to face Parth.

“I hope we make a good team.”

“Same here.” They both walked to the door and as Constantine turned around once more.

“Oh yeah I planned to go to town after our single class today, wanna come?”

What a coincidence thought Parth as he remembered that was the plan with Tey. He suspected that she wanted it to just be the two of them but imagining her disappointed expression made his decision for him.

“Of course, Tey and I were planning on doing the same thing.”

“Ah, if I am interrupting-”

“No, no its fine. We should invite Stella too, make it a team outing.”

“Good idea. See you later then.”

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