Pitch-Black Paradise

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Overwhelming strength

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Parth recognized the use of HLE and instinctively grabbed Tey to pull her away from the battle. It seemed the fight was taking on a more serious tone.

The swordsman flashed forwards, drawing his blade for the first time. Its tip was not pointed but squarish at an angle, like the entire blade was a long trapezium. The large man simply threw his fist forwards, a dark purple type of flame surrounding his fist.

Just before the opponents reach each other a heavy pressure descended on the entire pathway forcing everyone to the ground. In between them a person had appeared. She was tall. Almost as tall as the large man and had two pairs of large antlers on either side of her head. She was dressed in a black suit and trousers, which did little to hide her obviously well-trained body and prodigious chest. In her right hand she held the blade dead and in her left the fist.

She was standing in a small crater that she formed as she had landed from out of nowhere. Shaking her full head of long curly green hair, as she scanned the surroundings taking in each of the students. Parth couldn’t move, not just because of her own aura but her wide grey eyes gave the feeling of a giant looking down at an ant.

She had to be Theta class.

“That’s enough, it wouldn’t do for any of you to kill each other before the lessons have even started.” She smiled, giving no room for protest. As she said that Parth noticed her eyes had locked with Tey’s before moving on.

The woman’s smile was wide and terrifying filled with promised violence if things went any further. The swordsman blinked at his blade held in her hand with no injuries and the large man lifted his head as he was held up by her left hand. She let each person go a moment later.

“I would do my introduction now if it wasn’t for the fact that you would all be seeing me in a couple days time.” She tilted her head to the side as she let the pressure up.

Parth’s swimming vision was gone as he started to stand as did the other students. Tey seemed to struggle so he pulled her up, it seemed that the woman had paid special attention to her.

As the unknown woman turned away, past the swordsman to walk down the path there was a shout. It was the large man.

“Stop! I can’t just let you walk off after doing that to me.” He growled.

Was this guy a dumbass? That was the first question that came to Parth’s mind. She was obviously a Theta class Framer. This man, while strong was only Alpha class and likely only at the first level. Though he seemed to have a body much stronger than the average Alpha class Framer at said level.

Then again, this was the first time Parth had seen a Theta class Framer. There were stories about how you would need multiple enhanced marine squads to put one down but nothing concrete. After all most war time and mission info was shrouded in misinformation and secrets. It was hard to imagine such a large group of hardened veterans struggling to take care of anything. And this man and the swordsman were both very strong. He had to admit that they were likely stronger than him in direct combat after all he never received formal combat training until the Pre-Alpha facility although even before he became a Framer he had always been a decent fighter.

Still after that showing of HLE, he was certain he would not want to tangle with her. Not to mention that couple meter wide crater. He supposed she likely used her ability to form it, whatever it might be.

She stopped for a moment, back still to him.

“I would pretend I did not hear that.” She continued on her way.

“I said, STOP.” He rushed at her.

She turned to a purple flaming fist slamming straight into her face. The bang was deafening. Did he want to kill someone? And not just anyone, she was clearly a member of staff. The shockwave was felt even from the fifteen-meter distance pushing students slightly form the epicenter. The pavement cracked where the punch had landed sending a spiderweb like pattern across the ground.

Parth opened his eyes as the dust cleared to show the likely gruesome result of the punch…only to find the completely opposite. The man’s still flaming fist was on her face, completely frozen.

She was perfectly fine. Her face still smiling, though there was a cold fury in those eyes of hers. The flames extinguished themselves to reveal his now destroyed fist. Bones sticking out of a bloody mess of an arm.

Parth noticed the swordsman was a few meters away and her left arm in the end of a sweeping motion. She had pushed him out of the way.

“Legias, I suppose this would be your first lesson.” She tilted her head to the side as she stared at him, he stepped back clutching his ruined arm in pain.

Parth had to give him credit. He did not make a peep. No one ran, everybody wanted to see what would happen.

“I am sure you were top dog in you Pre-Alpha training. You probably saw a couple of Alpha class Framers there to help you control your abilities. Saw that you were not that much weaker than them despite not being in their class yet. Hell, maybe you were just as strong.” She continued now walking towards him slowly.

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“This was probably the same in the cooldown period after your training and you were notified to be Alpha class. You were likely at the top in whatever town or city you come from.”

“I am telling you now, that that time is over. I am sure for all of you, you have heard stories of the classes above you; Theta and Zeta class.” She was looking around as she said that, still walking to his retreating form.

“The difference between each class is night and day, we aren’t in the same dimension. This would be your first demonstration, much earlier than it should be.” She looked back at him.

“Form your Hyper Logical Frame.”

A collective shocked gasp reverberated through the surroundings.

The reason we were called Framers. HLE with its outburst for the first time and for a moment forms a weirdly robotic creature called a Hyper Logical Frame. After the first time Pre-Alphas could never form it, however Alphas were able to form parts of it. Mostly a limb. It is much tougher than the Framer themselves and it was also very dangerous. For this reason, doing so was for any unauthorized reason was illegal. If found out, anyone doing so was in big trouble.

The man hesitated.

“What are you waiting for? Oh, you don’t think you have permission? Don’t worry I give you permission, if there is any trouble it would fall to me. This is for education after all.”

“D-Don’t regret this.” The man grunted.

Forming a HL Frame used a lot of energy, it was why Pre-Alphas could never do it again. Simply not enough HLE. Alphas used a lot of their energy to do so.

A moment later the outline of a colossal robotic left arm three meters long appear, before filling out in black and purple colors. Its clawed finger stretched out and clenched into a fist.

“Come at me.” The woman challenged.

The man charged her, the arm following his left side as it swung.

The woman raised her right arm showing no use of HLE. She blocked the strike entirely, stopping it dead as another shockwave made rang out.

She simply pushed the large arm away, before spinning into a kick. Her left foot outstretched as it slammed into the gigantic arm…and completely destroyed it.

The spectators gasped once more. The HL Frame was not easy to break, you would need something on the level of a powerful grenade to even damage it and she had done that with her foot.

The kick did not stop, it hadn’t even been slowed down. It slammed into the man’s side breaking his left arm and sending him flying into the garden where he destroyed various plants and hedges before smashing into a small stone monument.

The monster put her foot down.

“That ends your impromptu lesson for the day, Theta class Framers are at a completely different level than you all. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you have power as you go about forming your little groups and cliques. We would allow you to do as you pleased mostly in this institute. But you still answer to someone at the end of the day. And I am one of them.”

The smile stayed on the entire time. That was until she put a hand to an ear.

“Y-yes sir?...You are back?...Sorry, I would be there right away. Y-yes, he is still alive…I think. D-Don’t worry I would have the garden fixed…O-Out of my pocket?!…Yes sir…” She had a sullen frown this time as she walked away with a sigh.

She stopped and turned.

“S-Someone take him to the infirmary.” She stammered out in embarrassment, then continued on her way.

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