Pitch-Black Paradise

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Combat

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A violent gale seemed to pick up around Everleigh…calling it a wind was an understatement it was turning into a full-on miniature tornado. A wind manipulating ability then.

“You would regret messing with me!” She yelled before charging at Tey to his side.

He couldn’t watch what happened between them from then on as he had to dodge what appeared to be jets of water from the twin in front. Except they created small craters wherever they landed.

Luckily Parth was best known for his speed even before he was a Framer. Becoming such a being only further enhanced that trait of his allowing him to bob and weave between the tendrils of water. The other sister hadn’t made a move yet and thus he decided to go after the attacker.

Moving with a sudden burst of speed he zig zagged towards the foremost sister blocking some attacks by spinning his scythe defensively. He almost seemed to glide across the floor with his movements as he closed the distance in an instant.

He brought down the haft of his scythe towards her head in an aim to knock her out. Only for a wave of water to appear around her forming a defensive bubble that withstood the attack bouncing him back. He flipped through the air landing on his feet.

The sister in the back had her hands up, it seemed she provided defence for the attacking one. A curious combat style. He turned to her as the barrier started dissipating, running towards her instead, scythe at the ready.

Smoke made itself known behind him, blocking the sight of her sister so that she was unable to aim at him. She could even end up hitting her sister.

It worked as he heard her try to get past the smoke, but it wouldn’t be that easy. The smoke would cloy to her and swirl around her causing her to struggle to escape it.

As he approached her a swirl of water was forming in between them and merged into a human torso that floated on a whirlpool above the ground. It had three claw-like fingers at the end of its arms and something resembling a malformed head without many discernible features.

A summon type ability, he had seen a couple of Pre-Alphas capable of that. She was quite talented to be able to do both of these things as an Alpha-1.

Brandishing his scythe he was able to use its lethal edge this time. The creature swung at him and he ducked under the attack his scythe spinning behind him slashed up its head and as it swung with its other arm he twisted his body to dodge the attack and follow up with another slash that took off the offending arm.

With one arm gone he continued on the offensive while also noticing that his opponent behind had managed to break free of the smoke with a few water tendrils slashing through. He continued to spin his scythe creating a whirl of death around him body and obliterating the summon with multiple slashes across its entire body turning it into a small lake of water.

The girl in front of him had taken distance but he was faster. Dashing directly at her he slid to her left sweeping his leg around to trip her. In the meanwhile, more tendrils came after him but he positioned himself in such a way as to put the grounded twin in between him and her sister making her struggle to aim.

As he went to finish off the grounded sister with the butt of his scythe a shift at the edge of his vision caught his eye. The mass of water on the floor was making its way towards him forming the claws and then arms of the creature he had just defeated. It seemed it could reform so he would have to take down the summoner who was now forming a bubble around herself.

He covered the creature in a sphere of smoke but found that it was still able to fight him through it as if it did not need its eyes to see. Looking at the summoner as she watched him intently he figured that its vision was based on her sight instead.

All of this information formed a plan in his mind. He pressured the summon as its master took distance, making sure to still push towards her and keeping said creature in between himself and her sister as she tried to find a good shot on Parth. Eventually she figured she would have to circle around but the rectangular shape of the arena meant that she had to get closer as she moved in for a good angle. Exactly as he planned.

He had never shown his full burst speed until now. Planting his feet on the ground he moved with a sudden pushed off the ground in the offensive sister’s direction she wasn’t even able to react as he closed the distance landing a powerful kick in her midriff and knocking her back. As suspected while the water barrier was protecting one person, she seemed unable to protect another. He wasn’t finished either. The smoke he had surrounding the summon moved on to her sister covering the barrier and as suspected the summon appeared to be blind in its chase after him.

He sent his scythe spinning horizontally at the elemental cutting off its flailing arms and head in the process. As it flew past towards the sister behind.

“Kura, dodge left!” The twin screamed with a gasp of air.

Her sister followed without hesitation escaping the scythe’s path. He had hoped she would be too winded to help but she was tougher than he gave her credit to be.

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He had to end this now however.

His hand-to-hand skills were far beyond hers and he manage to pin her to the ground in time for her sister’s barrier to wear out his cloying smoke.

She saw him standing over her sister, knocked out as her face turned purple with anger.

“Get away from Kiaria!”

Her summon reformed itself once more charging at him and in her rage, she did not notice his scythe coming back around and behind her. He could control it like his smoke since it was made from the same substance.

The scythe blade cut through the barrier alerting her, but it was too late. Its haft slammed into the back of her head taking her down.

“Good job.”

He turned around hands on his hips to see that Tey was done on her end. Her opponent was shivering on the ground tied up in crimson red shimmering chains attached to what looked like a red whirlpool void in her left hand.

“I did not expect you to be able to defeat them on your own.” She said in surprise.

“I aim to please.” He replied dryly.

It hadn’t been his plan either, was it possible…that he was in fact strong.

In his Pre-Alpha training there had be multiple types of trainings ranging from practice against basic dummies as well as Virtual reality and Augmented reality spars. His time spent fighting against the gangs let him know that while they were good they barely allowed you to experience what it actually felt like to fight in real life. And so he had never taken the results he gained from them very seriously.

He could also see how it affected these girls. They had good control over their abilities but their inexperience in a real fight was obvious. Including how they had next to 0 physical combat ability.

It made sense. He doubted they had ever been in a fight before they gained their Framer mutation and the new abilities they gained further put them into a hubris of invincibility. Just like the lady from the day before had said about Legias.

He looked back at Everleigh who was still twitching and shivering on the ground.

“What did you do to her?” He hoped she was okay. It would suck if he took a beating from the faculty member.

“Don’t worry, like I said I crushed.” She noticed he looked even more worried after that. “She is fine, just regrets her earlier behaviour is all.”

Her smile terrified him.

“Okay…as long as she’s good, I don’t really care.”

He needed a break

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