
Chapter 7: Because the fight scene was tiny and I guilt trip myself

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Research log894: Hatching day, Batch (0)

What a nightmare

Two years of dedicated incubation, the better half of a decade coding the genes, and the result is a janitorial issue. They ate each other. Their first act on hatching was to consume all competition. The entire batch is wasted… is what I thought when I checked the cameras this morning. Imagine my surprise when, checking the footage, egg 7 was different. Calm, passive, and almost peaceful until bitten, and even after what I can only call a bloodbath, it didn't finish them all, or even finish the scraps, but instead used a completely unexpected flamethrower mutation to cauterize the wound. Shows uncharacteristic intelligence, potentially trainable mentality, a potentially mutant genome, and is somehow male in an all female species. Curious. 

Requesting further analysis before additional testing [DENIED]

Requesting full spectrum gene sequencing [ACCEPTED]


Research log 895: The results

It's been two months of calculation and cross analysis, results attached, but as a summary:

No significant genetic variation, no signs of genetic tampering or internal espionage compared to the others or the template. Subject 0-7 (We are not calling it Lucky or Bond or James) is just different. 0-3 and 0-8 show no signs of ending their frenzied behavior, but appear to hunt as a strangely dysfunctional pack in the presence of abundant prey, indicating possible partial success on pack bonding. 0-7 has been isolated for safety concerns.

For the record, I am opposed to the activation of batch 1 prior to locating the unexplained mutation. [NOTED, FLAGGED AS POTENTIAL PROBLEM] 

Requesting soft tissue scan to check neuronal folding and density. [DENIED]


Research Log 1384: Hatching day, Batch (1)

Total failure. They're even worse than batch 0, not even worth risking an introduction. I'm keeping the survivor, Egg 2, as a reminder and a reference, maybe even a test for the augmentations, but there's no light in their eyes, just hunger. Its metabolism is so overwhelming, it consumes metric tonnes of meat daily and simply digests any tranquilizers tested against it (Note: Test dropped after 1 gram of carfentanil showed no effect). Oh, and thermal imaging shows its resting temperature to be a balmy 60 degrees Celsius. It should, by all rights, be dead. Based on 0-7, they clearly have the capacity for intelligence, with even 0-7 showing signs of C1ND3R alteration now that I’m looking for it, but none of the others have shown any signs of thinking beyond where to poop and their next meal. Maybe it’s just a matter of training. 

Side note: switching from semi-natural incubation to the assisted cybernetic tubes ARIA donated from Project C1ND3R for faster incubation times and easier augmentation.

Requesting research data on related C1ND3R formula to try to find why it’s wrecking my babies. [FLAGGED]

Requesting brain scans to determine short and long term repercussions of exposure to C1ND3R formula in developing embryos [INCREASING PRIORITY FLAG]

Requesting internal audit to locate saboteur who altered batch 0 with C1ND3R formula [THREAT FORWARDED TO CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND RESPONSE]


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Personal Log 10: Brian scan (date unknown, written on a small collection of post-it notes)

0- 3 and 8 cooked each other while my little Stevie was getting scanned

1-2 melted the scanner. And the personnel.

there's no control group to compare with :( 

We'll just have to agree that steevie is just special ❤️. 

Next batch will need a better daycare and a caring parent. 

We can't have my little ones wake up all alone :(

Yes, don't you worry Steven, mommy's going to make you lots of wonderful little sisters for you to go Alabama on. 

Oh, I can't wait until we find out if they're viable ❤️.



by Dr. Hastings, Project Riptor Principal Researcher under the late Dr. Gupte

During the Hatching day of the second batch, Doctor Erin Gupte successfully attached the learning apparatus to Riptors 1,4,7, and 9, presumably to transfer a training and pack-bonding program to each of them. Regrettably, due to an unexpected power surge, faulty door locks, as well as extensive blood and tissue loss, she failed to exit the hatchery in time for medevac. Three of the four programs have been copied, and will now be administered via androids with the augmentations for future batches. Regrettably, the program for the fourth, Codename Delta or 2-9, was lost.



by Dr. Hastings, Project Riptor CEO

Unit 1-3 expired during transport, with the mortician noting excessive electrical burns, 20X the lethal dose of the entire toxicology screen of opioids, and acute lead poisoning in the cardiac and ocular cavities. Involved ex-employees all suffered “tragic lab accidents” at site 19, due to mishandling nuclear material, regrettably violating the terms of their contract. Note: Riptors are now proven to be immune to small arms rounds outside of the ocular cavity, but remain susceptible to .950 caliber armor piercing JDJ rounds in case of containment breach. 

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