Planet Destroyers inc.

Chapter 1: Do we have a deal?

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Samuel takes the letters out of the mailbox but this is the kind of message he was not expecting. The letter was decorated in gold letters and sealed with wax that no one uses anymore for many decades. He returned home and gently opened it with a letter knife and began to read.

Dear Mr. Samuel Malak
As a result of your 'good' and unusual actions, you have been acknowledged and recognized by our wonderful corporation.
That's why we are offering you a job as one of our junior staff members, of course, if you prove yourself and operate with such a great work ethic as before I believe you will quickly climb the ranks of our organization.
Please make your confirmation verbally to our representative as soon as possible ,who will visit you in the near future.
Refusal will not be accepted.

With best regards Azazel Fallin
Head of Human Resources Department

It's..It's strange I haven't made a job offer anywhere and I certainly have no intention of quitting my warm hospital job and working as a doctor and certainly won't be working for a corporation. 

Someone is making a joke of me, or maybe he has lost track of time and stayed with his thoughts in the last century looking at the letter thinking that such words will convince me. He thought as he looked through the last letter sitting on the sofa in the preparation room.

Disregarding the message of the letter, he put it down on the table in the middle of the room to later throw it in the shredder when he had finished with the more important things he had to take care of now.

He went to the nearest bathroom and began to wash his hands the surgical way, thoroughly washing every dirty nook and cranny almost pedantically. He rubbed his hands so thoroughly until his skin began to turn red and showed slow signs of peeling like that of a snake.

When he had finished his thorough cleaning it was time for clothes. He put on a long white doctor's surgical gown tied backward and regretted not having a nurse assistant of his own to help him tie it. Immediately afterward, he reminded himself that he would not trust anyone but himself to do it as well as he did, and of course, you could hardly find a medical staff as broad-minded and dedicated as he was. 

He then put on a blue cap under which he carefully tucked his long black hair, taking care not to let a single hair stick out. He did not want the hair to fall off during the operation and enter the body of the operated person.

Continuing, he put on a white mask covering his entire face except for his unprotected brown eyes which he immediately covered by putting on white protective goggles. Not wanted to repeat his mistake of a week ago when his patient's blood gushed into his eye blinding him for a moment and making his last operation not as perfect as he would have liked.

He completed the outfit by putting on long white nitrile gloves that reached his elbows. Thin enough that he could feel the blood flow in his patient as he would touch him.

Thus dressed, he headed for the basement of his house when he used the key to open the locks of the door downstairs.

There was already someone waiting for him downstairs and he couldn't wait to get to know his new 'patient' more closely already.


The wooden staircase crackled with each of his steps as he slowly approached the operating table where an elderly man lay bound with seat belts and metal chains with his mouth sealed with duct tape. 

Let's see, Harry Smith age 47, widowed, no children, brain cancer, we'll see what we can do" said Samuel smiling from behind his mask.

As he read the information he had written down on a piece of paper next to the operating table, the man woke up a moment ago by the loud footsteps of his future perpetrator began to panic. Not that he had been calm before when he realised the situation he was in.

He tried to stand up, but the four chains attached to each of his limbs held him back enough to prevent him from moving even an inch. Samuel was already experienced in such matters and knew what it would take to hold a man of his stature in place so he didn't bother with what the man was doing focusing on disinfecting the tools he was about to use.

His repertoire included a variety of useful items such as saws for wood, bone and muscle, which hung quietly on the wall, scalpels, surgical instruments used in hospitals and liquid acids for destroying evidence after the fact, and the recently added holmium laser, which he 'borrowed' from his former workplace for an unspecified period of time.

Knowing what kind of illness he was dealing with, Samuel approached the side of the bound man's head and started to wipe his sweat with a cloth to gently lift his 'patient's' head to start slowly shaving it.




It made the sound of a razor and with each swipe of his hand a clump of short brown hair fell to the floor. There wasn't much of it due to the fact that the man was starting to go bald.  

When he had finished Harry was left with nothing but baldness and a buffed scalp that would have glistened in the sunlight had he been outside now.

In a last attempt to free himself Harry used all his strength and tried to stand up but his body refused to obey him because not only was he restrained enough but Samuel had made a habit of giving his 'patients' a muscle softener before starting any operation.

Seeing that his efforts were to no avail he then stopped and began to beg and plead with his torturer for mercy. Although it was difficult to understand even a single word that came out of his mouth because they were sealed with tape.

Unfortunately for him, the 'merciful' doctor Samuel was deaf to such requests and carried out his stipulations regardless of the cost.

Once he had swept up all the hair and made the floor clean and shiny as before, he began the operation with undisguised pleasure, fulfilling his vocation.

Samuel started gently as usual with a slow scalp incision with a scalpel which he guided in one stroke from the front of the forehead to the end of the neck cutting right down to the muscles splashing blood onto his googles. He guided the next cut from the forehead through the nose circling the mouth ending at the beginning of the neck.

Satisfied with the almost perfect symmetry of the division of the scalp into two flaps he wiped away the oversized blood with a towel that might have prevented him from seeing what he was about to do next. 

He undermined the scalp slightly with his finger and began to cut all the connections between skin and muscle with the scalpel, trying not to damage the exposed muscles and eyes he would be using in moments.

When he had finished Harry didn't have a single bit of skin left on his head. He looked like a grotesque creature with muscles on top dripping with blood.

Wanting to take a break before the next long stage of muscle removal and skull bone sawing, Samuel went back upstairs to make himself something to eat because he wouldn't have a chance later in the race against time. For now the 'patient' will survive and he is getting very hungry from all the effort

He returned up the stairs by which he had arrived and locked the door behind him with many padlocks as before, not allowing any mistakes that someone would come inside without his knowledge.

As he made his way to the kitchen, out of the corner of his eye he noticed a strange man sitting in an armchair in the room he had been in not long before the operation began. 

Another strange thing on the same day, thought Samuel confused about how this man had ended up in his house without setting off the burglar alarm.

Disregarding the possible danger, he approached the man and sat down on the sofa opposite him as he went through his letters clearly bored. 

He looked old-fashioned dressed all in black with a cylinder on his head, an old suit on his shoulders and a pair of old leather shoes. He was dressed like a gentleman from the 20s or 30s completely out of keeping with the motley rest of the room.

You were in no hurry, he said, but I admire you for your meticulousness the man interrupted their moment of silence. 

No, I'm always careful what I do," confirmed Samuel, thinking he meant going to the cellar.

But never mind, let's get to the point. Do you agree to join our corporation he asked Samuel lazily.

What corporation? Or are you confusing me with someone because I didn't apply for any job. 

Ehhh...Sighs the man. Fucking marketers and their stupid ideas, he whispers under his breath. 

Here, read this, agree to it so I can get it over with, okay? he handed him the ornate letter he had read earlier.

Refusing to take it in his hand, Samuel said coldly I have read it and I don't want to belong anywhere. And you can leave my house I don't recall inviting you.

Another fool , so we do it as usual. He put the letter in his pocket and got up from the chair heading for the door at the entrance leaving only the last words behind him. 

You are reading story Planet Destroyers inc. at

I will see you again today.


Unconcerned about the earlier meeting, Samuel checked the alarms and, seeing that someone had switched them off, set them off again, then ate his lunch quietly.

As soon as he had finished he immediately headed for the basement to continue the operation, as his patient might have already started to get impatient.



His intention was interrupted by the sound of a knock at the front door. He immediately went up to it and looked through the peephole in the door, curious to see who it might be. Outside stood two armed policemen starting to get impatient, not wanting to arouse suspicion he opened the door immediately.

What is it, gentlemen?

Samuel Malak?


You are suspected of committing a murder. Turn around and do not resist or I will be forced to shoot. Said one of them with his hand on his pistol holster.

His worst suspicions had come true.

Have I fallen in? Samuel thought, but not wanting to lose his last hopes and possible chance for life, he gave up easily, handcuffed. The policemen then escorted him to the police car and began to keep an eye on him as the rest of the policemen previously out of his sight began to search his house.


Minutes passed and with each passing moment Samuel knew that things were bad , very bad. Unlucky, he thought, if they came in the evening there would be no more evidence. 

I'm always left entertained by a lifetime in prison he thought trying to make himself feel better.

He turned his head to the left and saw an angry policeman looking centrally at him approaching the vehicle with fast steps.

I think they found my 'patient'

The policeman opened the door of the police car in which he was sitting pulled out a gun from his holster and started pointing the weapon straight at Samuel's head.

Before the man could even say a word....


The policeman fired straight into his face piercing his head through and killing him on the spot he had no chance of surviving.

The last thing he managed to see before he died was a placard on the front of the policeman's uniform signed....

Jon Smith

I think I am really unlucky today that I even got to see the family of the 'patient' were the last words before he died.

What where I am? Shouted a surprised Samuel finding himself in a room filled only with white.

Immediately he noticed two chairs on one sat him and a familiar man across from him. The man he had spoken to earlier in the flat.

I told him we would meet again. He wanted to answer him but could not, his mouth was blocked.

So will you finally agree to join us? Seeing that Samuel was not responding he continued.

You choose us or hell your choice. Just nod your head.

For the last time I ask will you join us?

Following the man's wishes Samuel affirmatively nodded his head.

Good now you can ask questions.

When he regained his ability to speak Samuel was confused even what question to ask or rather where to start.

What is this whole corporation I joined?

Planet Destroyers inc. for short PD the man started the conversation. And that should be enough for you if you want to know more climb the ranks. Next question.

Why me?

Ah yes the famous question. The answer is very simple we need people like you to do the dirty work.


Not sadists, murderers, marginal psychopaths. What differentiates you from them is your meticulousness, your cool-headed analysis and your relentlessness in pursuing your planned objectives, whatever the cost. One could say that you are a one-in-a-billion person, because apart from you we have only found 3 people from your planet.


You don't need to know that for now. The man said indifferently.

And what task do I have to perform? asked Samuel puzzled

Destroy planets sometimes alone sometimes with others but mostly alone.

And how do you want me to do it?

That's up to you, but I'll give you a hint: just say System.

System? he said and a screen appeared before his eyes

Name: Samuel Malak Access level: 1
Current Species: Human? Current Skills: None
Division: Destroyers of planets Difficulty of the current mission: None

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