Player 0.4 [You have died.] [Reset in progress.]

Chapter 33: CH 32 – Jasper’s Illness (Part 3)

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I shooed Remlend out of the room after he finished helping me dress in a dark suit, detailed with shimmering black alligator skin.

"Young master Luca, you need to leave soon to make it on time," Remlend reminded me.

"Yes, yes. I'll be out soon," I said and promptly closed the bedroom door on him.

I needed a moment alone to talk with Leona.

While I had been getting dressed, the little fuzzy yellow chick had spent her time fluttering about my room, inspecting every inch and detail. She finally settled onto the window sill and gazed out into the courtyard.

"Leona, what did you mean about my eyes being called phoenix eyes in your ancestors' time?" I asked.

It bothered me. I didn't know anyone with eyes like mine, and this phoenix was saying there might be something to them.


Leona turned her bright golden eyes towards me.

What's not to understand? 'Phoenix eyes' referred to the golden eyes of phoenixes and certain humans back in the day.

"And you asked if I had any special abilities?" I asked. "How does my eye color relate to that?"

I'm uncertain. However, every human with phoenix eyes was born to one or two parents that did something incredible and worthy of a place in history. And the ones born with phoenix eyes typically had an uncanny talent in one or several areas. But, admittedly, there were a few that were simply insane.

I frowned.

Did either of my biological parents do anything particularly noteworthy to be placed in history?

I knew my biological mother had saved Mother's life in the past, and the two became close friends. However, unfortunately, she left this world when I was still a toddler. I didn't even remember her, except for a few details like how soft her long black hair felt and a tiny mole below her right eye.

I didn't know anything about my biological father. Father and Mother didn't know anything about him either.

Perhaps he did something noteworthy?

Knock. Knock.

"Young master Luca?" Remlend called through the doorway. "The carriage is ready. Your brother and mother are already in it."

Damn it. I had to go. I had so many more questions for Leona, and I didn't even get to talk to the System.

"I'm coming!" I called out.

Leona fluttered from the window sill and perched herself in my black hair amongst the glistening strand of jewels that Remlend placed atop my head.

"What are you doing?" I whispered. "I need to go to the ball. You can't come."

I'm not in the form of a phoenix. This should be fine, is it not?

I sighed.

"No. You are still too conspicuous. No one brings a bird to a ball. So you have to stay here."

But I am bored of this room already. I suppose I can explore the city you live in. I know nothing of this time period. It's too different from what my ancestors experienced.


An image of a fuzzy yellow chick fluttering around the dark streets of Adovoria came to mind. I didn't know what a phoenix was capable of, but it didn't sit well with me to let a newborn wander around the dangerous streets.

Who knows what danger she might fall into?

"Fine. You can come," I sighed. "Just don't wander from me. It's not safe."

I already had a poor reputation as it was. So, what difference would it make if I attended a ball with a fuzzy yellow bird nesting in my hair?

Wonderful. I look forward to what this 'ball' event entails.


Micah and Mother both stared at the top of my head.

The carriage rocked softly as it moved through Genice and up to the castle where the ball was held. The castle sat on the tallest part in the western part of Genice, overlooking the entirety of the capital of Adovoria.

"That's an unusual hair accessory." Mother opened her fan and fluttered in over herself. "I thought you said you wouldn't pull any pranks tonight?"

In this round, she was dressed in a long shimmering red gown with a dramatic slit down one side of her legs. Her long blonde hair was up in a series of pearl pins and golden chains.

"It's not a prank. She just hatched. I can't leave her alone," I explained.

"Oho?" Micah smiled. "Is there anything special about her? She does seem rather intelligent. Look how well she's staying still atop your head."

I thought I saw in the carriage window's reflection Leona's yellow fuzzy chest puff out in pride.


I like this blonde human. He has a good eye.

"She is special," I agreed.

I considered telling Micah that she was a phoenix but decided that it was something I could leave for a more extended discussion at another time. There were more pressing matters at the moment.

"Did you manage to find the waiter's daughter?" I asked.

Micah nodded.

"Princess Evelyn's people already apprehended the waiter and informed him that we have his daughter," he added.

"Good." It felt good having gotten ahead of this issue. "Do you know who was behind it?"

Micah raised an eyebrow.

"No, not yet. You don't know?" He asked.

"How would I?" I replied. I had lived to see him survive the assassination attempt. I also knew the faction behind the kidnapping, but how was I supposed to figure out who the mastermind was? "If I knew, I'd have told you already."

"Mmmm, that's true." Micah rubbed his chin. His face contorted into a slight frown.

"Luca, I think I may have caught that white and violet cat of yours," he said. "Someone will bring it by the manor tomorrow for confirmation. In the meantime, I've taken additional precautions against other cats in the city."

I blinked in surprise but quickly countered myself.

Actually, why should I be surprised? Micah probably caught on to the cat issue himself. Perhaps he might even know more about it than me.

"Thank you," I replied.

Micah flashed a bright smile. "If you have any other troubles, feel free to reach out to me."

His green eyes glanced up at Leona.

The fuzzy yellow bird squirreled deeper into my hair.


Scary. I take it back. He looked at me like he might roast me for dinner.

I wanted to comment that roasting a phoenix was probably impossible, but what did I know about phoenixes anyhow? And besides, I couldn't be talking out loud to her in the presence of others.

The carriage swayed to a stop, and one of the attendants opened the door for us.

"Remember, enjoy yourself, but be—"

"Careful. Yes, yes," I cut off Mother. It was my second time hearing her word of caution. "Don't worry. I know the nobles can be obnoxious. But I'll be fine. And Micah will be fine as well."

I jumped out of the carriage first.

"Well, then, if you say so." Mother tapped her fan on my shoulder and walked ahead of us inside the glamorous entryway. "I will go on ahead to meet with a few friends."

Incredible! Humans have certainly improved since a couple centuries back. Look at the beauty of this building!

I felt Leona stirring in my hair, looking around the glittering walls and ceiling embedded in millions of mosaic mirrors. It was probably the most extravagant ballroom of the three rounds I experienced.


What friends? Those backstabbers?

You are reading story Player 0.4 [You have died.] [Reset in progress.] at

Mother was heading towards the Selvine and Mentisun families, standing near the ballroom entrance, just like in the previous two rounds I lived through.

Micah gave me an odd look, looking me up and down as we walked inside the glittering giant room.

"What is it?" I inquired.

"You had a rather sour expression when looking towards Mother's friends," he said. "Our family does a lot of business with the Selvine family, so you might want to watch your expression. Unless you care to explain what displeases you?"

I sighed.

Micah caught on quickly to my displeasure, just like the first time we had attended this ball.

Does nothing get past him?

"They're not to be trusted," I said. "They will backstab us when they get the chance."

"Hmmm, is that so?" Micah picked up a glass of wine from a passing waiter. "I'll look into them then."

I looked up in surprise at him.

"You believe me?" I asked.

"Of course." He swished the dark red wine in his glass and smiled. "I told you, no matter what, I'll be on your side. I'll believe you, no matter how ridiculous something might sound."

I chuckled.

Micah was overestimating himself. I doubted that even he would believe that I had been turned into a 'Player' of some strange game administered by an all-knowing 'System.' He was more likely to think I had lost my mind. Any normal person would. But I appreciated his words.

A shrill laugh sounded behind me.

Ah yes, her highness Anastasia of Genuiver. Laughing on cue like usual.

"Let's get to business." I turned and walked over to the buffet.

I grabbed a small plate and tossed a few pastries on it.

Princess Evelyn is probably starving on the balcony, like in the first round. Why didn't she just have one of her guards bring her food? Weird.

"I assume Princess Evelyn couldn't identify exactly who I had drawn out?" I asked Micah and headed towards the balcony before I could begin overhearing Lord Blanch's loud boasting about the damned necklace for the third time.

"No, she told me she narrowed it down to a few guards. She'll need you to identify them." Micah followed me outside.

"Aha. You must be Luca." A familiar bright voice sounded.

I turned and saw Crown Princess Evelyn standing up from a bench. She was as breathtaking in this round as in the previous two. Her crimson red hair was in an intricate braid that swirled around into a bun atop her head. This round, she wore a glittering white gown of feathers and gems. She looked like she was wearing a very luxurious and expensive cloud.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your royal highness, Crown Princess Evelyn," I nodded my head towards her. I didn't bother with any bowing I did in the previous two rounds.

Instead, I handed her the plate of pastries. "I assume you must be hungry."

Princess Evelyn raised an eyebrow at Micah and took the plate from me. "Micah, your brother isn't just a life saver but a mind reader. I am absolutely starving. I've been busy getting everything ready on top of the assassination plot on my and your brother's head. I forgot to even eat."

She graciously took the plate and stuffed her cheeks with the pastries.

I smiled.

She looked just like a hamster, not the future queen of Adovoria and my sister-in-law.

"I've heard quite a lot about you from your brother. And now, I can understand where he gets such a high opinion of you," she mumbled through her stuffed mouth.

The wonders that food can have on people.


I want some food too! I haven't eaten all day. And the food here looks delicious.

Do phoenixes eat human food? They don't eat worms or something? Then again, it's not like Leona is a regular bird.

"Micah says you need my help in identifying the two guards?" I asked, ignoring Leona's request for food for now.

"Ah, yes indeed." Princess Evelyn swallowed the pastries.

Micah used a handkerchief to wipe a few crumbs on her face and handed her his glass of wine to wash down the food.

"I managed to narrow it down to a few guards," she said after finishing the wine. "Luca, dear, would you be able to go down to the dungeon and point out the ones responsible?"

"Of course." I nodded.

"Wonderful." She smiled and waved towards Julius, the guard that was about as intelligent as a rock.

"Julius, dear, please take Luca Frey down to the dungeon. He'll point out the two conspirators. The moment he does…." She sliced her fan across her neck.

"Ah, do you mind if I handle the execution?" I interrupted. I didn't want to deal with exploding bodies again due to Julius' stupidity.

Princess Evelyn blinked. "If you wish so, I don't see why not."

"Great. Do you happen to have two daggers you could lend me?" I gazed toward Julius and the other guard.

To my surprise, the princess pulled out two silver daggers from who-knows-where on her dress.

"Do you need more? I can give you more," she suggested.

I shook my head in shock and accepted the two daggers.

This is the crown princess? The one Micah is going to marry? I will need to stop being surprised by her at some point.

I tucked the daggers inside my dark suit jacket and moved my hands up towards Leona on my head. "Leona, please stay here with my brother, Micah."

The little ball of yellow fuzz shuddered in my hands.

Why? Why are you leaving me with him? I'm telling you he wants to eat me.

I ignored her dumb fears.

"Micah, Leona is starving. Could you find some food for her? Please take extra good care of her," I told him and handed Leona to him.

Leona scrambled up my arms.

"Peep! Peep!"

No. I'm going with you! I'll eat later. I'm not that hungry!

"Leona, I can't take you with me." I sighed. I didn't feel right about taking Leona to watch me kill two men. She was probably more knowledgeable than me in many ways, but she was also still a child.

"Micah, can you promise not to eat Leona or hurt her in any way?" I asked a ludicrous question of my kind brother to ease the fears of this silly phoenix.

"Of course, I will take extra good care of her," Micah smiled brightly. "I promise."

I gave Leona a look.



Fine. I'll trust you this one time. Come back soon.

Leona fluttered up into Micah's outstretched hand and hopped atop his right shoulder.

"Shall we?" I nodded toward Julius. "Please lead the way."

I wasn't about to make the same mistake of leading the way to a dungeon I shouldn't have known anything about yet in this lifetime.

I made a mental note to myself to ask the two Bobs for their actual names.

If there's a next time, I'm going to write their names instead of trying to draw them out so that I never have to go down into that disgusting dungeon again.

[ Intelligence : +1 ]

[ Intelligence : 38 ]


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