Player 0.4 [You have died.] [Reset in progress.]

Chapter 59: CH 58 – An Expedited Death (Part 3)

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The ride home took less time and had fewer obstacles than the way to grandma's villa.

"We're here." Blake held open the carriage doors for us. Only he and the twins' guards had returned back to the capital. Nirre remained with Mother.


I'm starving. That lunch was most unsatisfactory.

Leona grumbled from atop my head.

Unfortunately, the villa's cook only packed three lunches. So I shared my food with Leona to avoid the hangry phoenix from burning the carriage down in a fit of rage. However, by doing so, I didn't eat enough either and was in a rather unpleasant mood myself.

Ironic. I went for days without enough food in my original life, and I am now getting upset over having eaten only half a meal?

"We'll go to the Ashford Bakery momentarily," I told Leona.

Leona chirped in delight.

"..." Blake cracked his neck and looked wearily at me. "I suppose no point in getting changed if we're heading back out. However, let me report to your father first."

Blake mistook my words to be towards him. Not that it mattered. I needed a new guard to go into town, since Henry was dead.

Blake nodded towards the two guards of the twins and went ahead towards the manor to make his report.

I sighed.

Five days and I already had two people die on me.

The twins hopped out after me.

"I'm going to work on that medicine," Jarvis told me. He had a serious expression on his face. "It's going to take a few days to properly ferment, so I need to start soon."

"Thank you." I nodded.

At least with my younger brother's help, Jasper's illness will be taken care of. That's one less death I had to worry about.

"Well, I'm going to go to sleep." Elda let out a long yawn. Locks of red curls lay haphazardly and covered part of her face. She appeared too tired to bother putting her hair up now.

She had been reading the entire way home, nearly completing the enormous leather-bound book from grandma's library. From the few excited comments she made about what she uncovered, it was obviously another book on combustions and explosions.

And at least in this lifetime, Leonard Jarbez can help her out and hopefully prevent her from creating anything too dangerous that would get her killed.

"Young master Luca." Remlend appeared. "I was just informed that Kathy stopped by earlier today. She left a box for you."

I smiled at the news.

She must have finished making the first five types of needles I requested.

"Wonderful, have it brought to my room," I said.

I had intended to leave for the Ashford Bakery immediately, but it didn't hurt to have a little extra protection on me. The world was a dangerous place after all.



What a pretty red color.

Leona hopped around the red lacquered box that sat atop my desk. It was rather large and took up most of the surface area; however, when I lifted it, it was surprisingly easy to pick up.

I pushed the two golden clasps, and the box clicked open with a satisfying sound.

Mmmm. I'm going to have to put a locking rune on the box. I can't risk anyone getting into it and either accidentally killing themselves or killing someone else.

Inside, atop the lackered red compartments, lay a sealed pink envelope. I opened it to reveal detailed instructions from Kathy for each of the five needle types and how to apply the antidote for each of them should I accidentally puncture someone I did not intend to.

I smiled as I got to the last part of her letter.

Before you begin tossing around the poison-embedded needles, I recommend utilizing the batch of spares I included so you get used to the movement.

Inside, the box was compartmentalized into six sections, each containing a batch of needles and colored markings indicating what type of poison each was embedded with. The curvature on each of the five sets was also indented differently, with the spares being plain. Thus, it was easy to feel with one's fingers what needle was being tossed without making sure first.

I pulled out one of the needles with a small black top end and slid my thumb and index finger across the unique groves.


That's the blinding needle. Be careful not to poke yourself. I can't have you blind and unable to take me to the bakery.

Leona had read the letter over my shoulder faster than I did.

"I'm being careful," I said. "And besides, if I poke my finger, it'll take some time for the poison to spread to my eyes. I'll have plenty of time to take the antidote."

I gazed into the box and made a note of the tiny vials full of differently colored antidotes for each of the five poisons.

The first needle I had pulled was termed by Kathy as Blinding Ink, and it was a pretty useful one; Kleave had lent batches of it to me in my original life. The poison spread like a black puddle across the skin until it reached the eyes and covered the eyeballs in a dark veil. Based on where the needle was poked, it could cause instant or delayed blindness. If driven near the eyes, the effects were almost immediate. If poked on one's index finger, which I had accidentally done before in my original life, it took about half an hour before the poison reached the eyes.

I pushed the black-topped needle back into its compartment and ran my finger over the batch of needles with blue tops.


Those are muscle relaxant poison needles.

"Indeed," I said.

Termed Spa Day, this one was a needle type that I utilized pretty frequently in my original life. Wherever the needle was poked, the muscles in that region would relax immediately. It made it simple to avoid someone running off easily without bothering with all the usual restraints. It also helped when being chased. One flick at one's leg, and suddenly you have a collapsed pursuer behind you. It could also be deadly if poked into other, more sensitive muscles on the body.

I grazed my fingers across the yellow, red, and purple-topped needles.

Should I equip them now, or do so after practicing with regular needles first?

Kathy had made a good point; tossing needles without training was reckless. She couldn't have known I had experience using them, but it was quite some time, and I was out of practice.

I flicked open my status screen. My eyes landed on one of the stats in particular.

[ Dexterity: 35 ]


It hasn't improved at all. That means I haven't yet adjusted to this younger body well enough. I will have to practice more to get it back to my original level. But, regardless, having the needles on me is better than being completely defenseless.

Knock. Knock.

"Young master Luca," Blake called out. "I finished speaking with your father, and the carriage is ready. We can head out as soon as you wish."

"Peep! Peep!"

You are reading story Player 0.4 [You have died.] [Reset in progress.] at

Come! We go now! I can't wait any longer.

Leona buried my mind in a slew of complaints about her hunger.

"I'll be heading out now," I called to Blake.

I made a mental note that it might be wise to always have some food on me so that I wouldn't allow the young phoenix to go hungry for so long again. She was still a newborn, after all.

I swiped a few needles of each color and pocketed them with their antidotes. My fingers paused on the purple-capped needles before pocketing three.

Hopefully, I won't have to use one of these anytime soon.


"You're late, Luca Frey," Natalia Ashford said. "But I expected that. Especially with the great Ruth Arankagul's passing."

She picked up her ceramic cup of tea and sipped it.

It was little surprise that word of grandmother's death had already reached her.

I sat down across from Natalia beneath the wisteria tree. A sweet fragrance emanated from the hanging violet flowers.

"Please enjoy." The yellow-vested young man who had escorted me here placed on the table a three-tier stand stuffed with as many small sandwiches and pastries as it could fit.



Leona lunged at the stand and devoured two sandwiches back to back within seconds.

She chirped happily, filling my mind with words of bliss at the delicious food.

I picked up a blueberry scone and smiled when the buttery treat hit my tongue. I had to agree with Leona; good food makes life worth living.

"Your bird has quite the appetite," Natalia commented. She smiled and tapped her long purple nails against her teacup. "She appears quite intelligent. I've heard you bring her everywhere?"

I finished chewing the scone and took a sip of tea.

There was no point in providing unnecessary information about Leona. Not for any price and especially not for free.

"I have a couple of requests," I changed the subject and got to the point. I didn't want to run out of time before another of her appointments arrived.

"Mmmmm," Natalia smiled. "Well, let's have them. I presume you wish to exchange gossip like last time?"

I nodded.

"As you know, my brother and Princess Evelyn had an attempt on their lives," I said. "And I don't expect the danger to have fully passed. I know the Silver Eels syndicate was involved, but I'm looking to learn who ordered the assassination attempt."

Natalia smiled.

"It's not a secret that your family has many enemies," she said. "It will take some digging on my end."

"I am well aware," I replied. "However, not everyone is bold enough to attempt murder. Especially when it involves the crown."

"Very well," Natalia nodded her head. "I'll have my butterflies take a look. It will cost you a hefty sum. I expect a few butterflies to lose their wings. What do you have to offer in return?"

I picked up my cup of bright golden tea and inhaled its fragrance before taking a sip. It tasted of sweet vermouth and honey.

"This tea, it's from the United Republic of Nalas?" I asked.

"It is," Natalia said. "It's Golden Canary Tea, crafted from the golden-leafed camellia taliensis shrubs that can only grow in the Golden Canary state."

"It's good," I said and set the cup down. "What I will offer you will be more valuable than just my first request."

"Oho?" Natalia's eyes twinkled. "More valuable than learning who is behind the attempted murders?"

I nodded.

"Very well, I'll judge that when I hear it. What is your second request?" She sat back in her chair.

"I'm looking for gossip regarding the Selvine and Mentisun families," I said. "Specifically their relationship with the Frey Merchant Guild and any gossip that could indicate a strain."

I had made this request in the previous round, but the Ashford Bakery burned to the ground then, and I never got an answer.

It was also possible that my first and second requests were related. However, as Natalia Ashford pointed out, my family had a lot of enemies. Therefore, many would benefit from the Frey Merchant Guild stumbling.

"Hmmm…" Natalia smiled. "Very well. I'll look into it as well. Now, do tell, what is so valuable that could cover the costs of both of these? I have another appointment, so I'm afraid two is the most requests I will take at this time."

She leaned forward and intertwined her long fingers, resting her chin atop them.

I glanced at Leona, who was happily stuffed with sandwiches and pastries. She lay in the form of a round little puffed-out yellow chick.

I picked up the cup of golden tea and took another long sip.

"You should stock up on this tea," I said. "Golden Canary tea will be harder to obtain than the rarest jewels in three months."

"Oho?" Natalia smiled. "But isn't it already hard to obtain as is, given the embargo between the Adovorian Kingdom and the United Republic of Nalas?"

"No, it's going to worsen. The United Republic of Nalas is experiencing trouble containing their infected groves." I said.

"I heard." Natalia tapped her cup with her long purple nails. "But the infection is on the other side of the country from where the golden-leafed camellia taliensis shrubs grow. So the Golden Canary state shouldn't be affected."

I shook my head.

"Unfortunately, the infection has jumped. It's not public knowledge yet, but the infection will overtake half of the golden-leafed camellia taliensis shrubs in three months."

At this point in time, people hadn't yet figured out that the infection could spread through the burial of infected corpses. Usually, infected corpses were tossed into polluted forests or were buried not far from them. No one wished to move an infected individual for long distances, fearing the infection could somehow get to them.

However, when the youngest daughter of the Golden Canary state's Lord got infected while on holiday and passed away, the father ordered her corpse be moved back home and buried with the rest of their family. It was a stupid and emotional decision in hindsight, but no one knew how destructive the repercussions would be at the time.

"Oho…" Natalia said. "Well then, that is some valuable bit of gossip indeed. I'll be in touch regarding your two requests."

I finished the last of my tea, gathered Leona in my hands, and walked back inside the bakery. Inside I noted a hooded individual by the front desk, now being led by the young attendant to see the Gossip Queen.

Ah, it's that same one that likes their privacy so much.

I recalled them visiting Natalia Ashford in Round 6.


My eyes flickered up at a blue screen that appeared above their head. The Random Character Checker had started, and as the screen filled out, my fingers itched toward my pocketed needles.


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