Player 0.4 [You have died.] [Reset in progress.]

Chapter 64: CH 63 – A Lovely Cup of Tea to Start the Day (Part 3)

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The remainder of the day went by in a daze. Not just for myself but for everyone who had been in the room with Jasper when he passed away.

Denise excused herself from her day's duties after breaking down three times while working. She remained shut in her room for the rest of the day.

On the other hand, Jarvis threw himself into figuring out what had happened. He insisted that no one be allowed into Jasper's room, and guards were placed outside while Jarvis collected samples. And then, once he had completed all there was to collect, he had the body taken down into the cellar for additional examination.

I considered offering my help but supposed that given how we had trained staff within the manor to do a proper autopsy, there wasn't any need for me to reveal having this skillset.

The one I felt most sorry for was Leona. Jasper's violent death was not a sight a child like her should have ever seen, and it had clearly shocked her. And to top it off, it's not even the first death she had witnessed since being born just ten days ago.

To take her mind off Jasper's passing, I agreed to tour the capital city and take her to the best eateries in town. Unfortunately, with Jasper's untimely death, only a select few people were allowed to leave the manor. Jasper ordered everyone else to remain within the manor walls.

Blake had left with Father, so one of the twins' guards attended to me instead on my outing.


This cake is less tasty than the ones in the Ashford Bakery. Or the royal ball. It's most unsatisfactory.

Leona fluffed up her yellow feathers and nudged away from the remaining food on her plate.

To think that Leona, of all living creatures, could lose an appetite.

I poked the chiffon cake with a fork and placed a piece in my mouth.

We sat outside a cafe on the West side of Genice. I remembered this cafe as being famous for their cakes in the future that I lived through, but clearly, they weren't all that remarkable in this period.

It wasn't bad. However, there wasn't anything special to it either. Leona was right; it didn't compare to what the Ashford Bakery provided, nor what the palace served.

"Well, the Ashford Bakery has burned down, and it's not like we can waltz into the palace merely for a slice of cake," I said.

"Who says you can't?" A familiar voice sounded behind me.

I turned around and faced Julius, Princess Evelyn's mage guard.

Ah yes, the ridiculously powerful but, unfortunately, overwhelmingly stupid mage guard.

I remembered that the Random Character Checker had calculated his Intelligence to be a mere '4.'

How can someone that stupid even exist?

The most extraordinary aspect was that it was impossible to tell just by looking at him. His back was straight, his head held high, and his black wavy hair parted neatly down the middle. His dark eyes appeared brooding with intellect. Julius looked like a proper royal mage guard.

Who'd have guessed? You really can't judge on appearances alone.

"Are you suggesting I can visit the palace for some cake?" I asked.

Julius nodded his head. "Princess Evelyn had informed me that you could come by anytime. You are her betrothed's brother, after all."

"It would have been more beneficial if I was informed of this as well," I laughed.

"Ah." Some sort of realization seemed to cross over Julius's face.

Don't tell me…

"Well, in any case, I have informed you now," Julius said. He pulled out a crumpled-up letter with a golden royal stamp and handed it to me.

Just how long was this in his possession?

I opened it to reveal a letter with a formal invitation—or rather, as formal as Princess Evelyn was the sort to get. Her writing style was as casual as her last conversation with me.


Are we going to the palace? Will we have cake? Good cake? Let's go, human!

I gazed down at the chirping Leona with amusement.

Look at this silly little thing. I somehow managed to spoil her taste buds so much that she doesn't see any problem with going to a royal palace for no other reason than to eat cake.

"Well, I suppose we could eat cake at the palace. Why not?" I stood up from the table and placed Leona atop my head.

If it helped get Leona's mind off of what she witnessed earlier today, that was a win in itself. However, I was equally intrigued about visiting Crown Princess Evelyn. I had a few very short conversations with her in different rounds, but that was the extent of our relationship.

I ought to get to know my future sister-in-law, should I not?




"Right this way." Julius motioned me towards a large door. "I have already informed Princess Evelyn about your visit."

He had taken us through a maze of opulent hallways, with hanging chandeliers embedded with glowing yellow stones and paintings of past rulers and landscapes. We passed many guards but no other court attendants.

I presume this section of the palace is off-limits to them.


And the cake?

"And the cake?" I asked Julius on Leona's behalf.

"It will be brought over shortly," Julius responded and opened the door for me. My personal guard remained behind in the hall.

I entered a circular room with white bookshelves on all sides and a large crystal at the center growing out of the ceiling. A round pond was below it, filled with rainbow goldfish and floating lilies. The fish were in a flurry, coming up to eat the food that Princess Evelyn dropped into the water.

"Ah! I was wondering when you'd come!" Evelyn smiled across the pond and tossed the remainder of the fish food into the water. The pond exploded in movement as the fish fought over their feast.

She wore a flowing white silk dress with golden detailing. It worked beautifully against her crimson-red hair that poured past her shoulders.


That's a lot of jewelry with protective mana stones that she's wearing.

I had noted the same thing. Princess Evelyn was dripping in golden-encompassed protective mana stone jewelry. And on her left arm, a large protective runic tattoo ran from her wrist and up to her shoulder.

I suppose I'd also be covering myself in protective gear if I barely escaped an assassination attempt.

"And I see you brought your bird?" Princess Evelyn walked over and smiled broadly at Leona, who sat atop my head as usual.

She motioned us to sit on a curved white sofa.

"What brought you here today?" Princess Evelyn plopped down and sat in a relaxed manner against the cushions.

You are reading story Player 0.4 [You have died.] [Reset in progress.] at

"Cake?" I said, half truthfully, half joking.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" She laughed brightly at my response. "Well, if cake helps me get to know you better and we become friends, I don't have any qualms with it being your motivation for stopping by."

"Besides, I know just how good our pastry chef is." She winked.

"Ah, the cake wasn't my only motivation. I hope to get to know you better as well since you'll be my sister-in-law soon," I said.

"Oh, but see, I don't wish to get to know you better just because of Micah." Princess Evelyn's hazel eyes stared at me. "It's beneficial to me to get to know you better because you are you."

I blinked.

She was being serious.

But there isn't anything extraordinary about me. Sure, Micah might have dropped a good word or two about me, but the poor reputation I had garnered over my teenage years preceded me.

"Why?" I asked.

"My father has been ill as of late. It's not completely public knowledge, but his passing date is nearing." She tapped the sprawled-out scrolls, letters, and documents between us on the couch. "Much of his duties have already been transferred over to me. Along with some knowledge that is only passed on from one crown to the next."

Princess Evelyn gazed back up at me and met my eyes.

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked.

I knew the King had about nine months left if I went off the timeline of events from my original life. However, with the premature deaths of Jasper, Henry, and even Queen Yadana of the Daylan Dynasty, I wasn't quite certain about the future.

"Golden eyes. One bit of confidential knowledge passed along between the crowns is regarding the talent that those with golden eyes, or as the ancient texts call, phoenix eyes, possess."

Princess Evelyn didn't have her characteristic smile. She was serious.

I felt the hairs on my arms stand up.


She knows about phoenix eyes! I told you the name used to be different.

"Not that someone in possession of the eyes always shows talent, but those that do, have proven themselves time and time again throughout history of being capable of impacting the continent significantly."

I remained silent. She didn't mention any of the other things Leona had told me about, so either she didn't wish to reveal it or didn't know. Either way, I decided to remain silent.

I'll ask her more detailed questions when I become more comfortable with her.

"I prefer that we be friends with that in mind. I'm certain we can benefit one another considerably in the future," Princess Evelyn said. Her painted red lips smiled. "Especially given how you have one, or perhaps even two other golden-eyed talents near you."

Her hazel eyes stared up at Leona.


What does she want with me? I mean, I know I am talented. I am a magnificent phoenix, after all.

I figured the other talent she was referring to was Leonard Jarbez. My family had done well in hiding him and his mother from prying eyes, but this being Micah's fiancée and the kingdom's crown princess, it made sense that she'd know about him.

Knock. Knock.

The large door into the room opened, and two maids rolled in a trolley with a whole cake and tea.

"Peep! Peep!"

Leona chirped away happily with excitement at the sight.

The two maids set down the cake and tea on a small table near the rainbow goldfish pond, bowed, and walked out of the room.

"Come, sit." Princess Evelyn motioned for me to follow her.

Not that I needed any additional incentive. Leona had already fluttered over to the table and was busy chirping away into my head.


Human! Come! Cut me a slice!

I walked to the table and sat down. However, just as my left hand reached for the cake slicer, a blue screen appeared, and my left hand flung itself outward.

[ Hindsight Reflex Skill Activated 1/1 ]


My left hand flung the white chiffon cake topped with berries off the table and into the pond. The cake's frosting dissipated and spread its white residue throughout the water. The fish snapped happily at the cake bits.



Leona released a flurry of angry insults into my mind. It was a miracle she didn't turn into a flurry of fire.

I stared wide-eyed at Princess Evelyn. She also stared back at me across the table, waiting for an explanation. However, I didn't know what to say to explain myself. I was certain there was a reason my arm moved the way it did, but I didn't know why.

Perhaps there were strawberries in the cake?

Unfortunately, the system provided no justification on its own, and I couldn't ask it right now to understand what had just occurred without looking even more like a madman.

She turned to gaze at the ruined pond. The fish had managed to eat a significant part of the cake, but there was much of it that they left behind.

"I apologize for wrecking your pond," I stammered out. I had nothing else I could offer.

"Hmmm." She picked up the teapot and poured herself a cup of freshly brewed tea. However, instead of lifting it to her mouth, she tossed the tea into the pond.


The water slowly turned dark and bubbled. A reaction of some sort ensued. Then, one by one, the fish plopped up to the surface, belly-up. Every single one of the fish had died.

Leona's chirping ended. Silence engulfed the room.

Princess Evelyn sighed.

"I'll have to let Micah know the fish he gifted me all died." She placed down her empty tea cup. "Well, that's twice that you saved my life."

Her hazel eyes moved to meet my eyes.

"Or perhaps it was your own life that was spared." She tapped her jewelry. "Unlike you, I am well protected against most poisons."


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