Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 106: 104.1

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Chapter 104: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (End Part 1)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The backstage of the All-Stars these two days was always lively, with popular players getting together, and the atmosphere of chatting nonsense was hot.


"Woody, there is PG's lounge over there, let's go in and say hello?" The little assistant Svenwen, who was beside Woody on the BU bottom, pushed his glasses, "That guy Shi Zhong didn't have any activities in the morning, so he should be in there."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Woody, who had just stepped off the stage and hadn't changed into Ezreal's hero costume, tugged at his neckline to relax his choked neck: "Okay, look at him. That kid is now majestic, the first in the competition area. A double crown, I haven't congratulated him yet..."


Although the tone of his speech was slightly sour, the smile on his face was not half false.


As soon as the two of them entered the door, they saw the black-haired man slumped on the sofa with his legs crossed, with a pleasant smile on his handsome and plain face, and his black sweater with a high collar made his skin as white as jade.


Woody tutted in his head, and thought that his former teammate really deserved to be ridiculed by the outside world as an "E-sport's face", and he could scare most little girls with just his face.


"Shi Zhong—" He called out his name, and then strode over.


The man who turned back saw Woody and their faces clearly, and his brows suddenly relaxed: "Brother Wu, Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"


"Came and stopped by," Tao Xiao, who was behind Woody, supported the glasses he was wearing, "BU's lounge is next to yours."


"Welcome, come and sit," Shi Zhong pointed to the seat beside him, "Whatever you want to drink, take it yourself, you're welcome."


Several other people in the room also took advantage of the situation to exchange a few words.


Woody's sturdy body squeezed directly beside Shi Zhong, and looked at his old teammate at will: "It's not me, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are getting more and more arrogant."


Shi Zhong: "?"


Woody smiled and pointed to his collar: "I remember that in the past, you were like a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and you had to button all the buttons to the last one."


"People always change." Shi Zhong touched the collar with the second button unbuttoned, his expression was still indifferent.


This sentence made Woody have a subtle taste in his heart: "That's true."


The teammate who used to keep pace with him was now the number one honored player in the LPL, and he...even the position of the first ADC had to be given up to the juniors.


"By the way," Shi Zhong seemed to remember something and asked, "You've stepped down, have you seen my teammates?"


"Lin Nan?" Woody tried to recall, "She was surrounded by photographers and a group of hostess backstage to take pictures."


In Shi Zhong's mind, the embarrassment of people around Bi Ming dressed in Akali appeared, and he couldn't help laughing: "Why are you all around her?"


Woody pushed his arm and gave him a blank look: "Brother, stop pretending, do you know how much other teams are jealous of you... Speaking of which, your Lin Nan's contract is one year, right?"


"It was originally, but... the manager just renewed it for two years," Shi Zhong's lips tugged deeper, "You guys have no hope, don't try to dig your feet."


Woody's teeth were a bit itchy, and after a year, the old teammate has become more and more hateful.


Tao Xiao, the assistant next to him, also approached Meng Dongliu who was playing poker to talk.


They are all big boys in their twenties, and they have a lot of topics in common.


Tao Xiao and Meng Dongliu, who were close friends, quickly muttered a lot.


"Are you and Brother Wu just here for your team?" Meng Dongliu seemed to just ask casually, "Didn't you see anyone else?"


"Coach and the others are next door." Tao Xiao shook his head. "Our top laner went back to Korea for a vacation, and the jungler hasn't been officially announced yet, so you know."


"No," Meng Dongliu lowered his voice: "Is that Chen Zeyang... still on your team?"


When the name was mentioned, the BU assistant's expression froze, and then slowly returned to normal: "Well, he was transferred to the second team."


"Didn't you come this time?"


"How is that possible?" Tao Xiao quickly denied it, with contempt and impatience in his brows, "He won't come."


This time Hainan All-Star, and most of BU came, but Chen Zeyang was still excluded from the big list.


After all, who would be willing to carry a "Time bomb" that can't be sold, and if placed in their team would affect the atmosphere of the team?


But soon, Tao Xiao noticed Meng Dongliu's focus and comforted: "Don't worry, he probably won't have the chance to see Lin in the future."


Meng Dongliu coughed twice: "Cough, I'm just curious, it has nothing to do with Sister Lin."


Tao Xiao thought about it for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "By the way, I happened to be in the same group with her in the exhibition game at night. Does she like to walk with her assistants as a jungler?"


Meng Dongliu stared at him, his eyes suddenly changed from friendly to a little subtle.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

This guy is really lucky, he can't beat himself in the number of votes, but he is on the same team as her.


Thinking that Bi Ming would be linked with the boy in front of him tonight, Meng Dongliu was suffocated and said casually: "Fortunately, it depends on her mood."




"Brother Tao, you must know that the tacit understanding of Ye Fu's cooperation is not so easy to practice." Meng Dongliu had a small smile on the corner of his lips, which looked a little intimidating.


Tao Xiao could sense the smell of gunpowder in the other party's words.


"Well, I know, she's your jungler, I don't dare to think about tacit understanding," the thin boy sighed, "Just worried that I will hold her back."


As soon as he heard "your jungler", the teenager seemed to be scratched, his dark brown pupils slightly widened, and then he responded a little tangled: "Actually, it's not impossible to work with you..."


Meng Xishang looked at his younger brother whose face was cloudy and now turned sunny and wanted to laugh a little, but when he saw Woody in the distance, he also had a bad sympathy for his younger brother.


To be honest, tonight's grouping was really unpleasant.


At noon, Shi Zhong finally waited for Bi Ming, but the collar he quietly opened was sorted out in advance by the team leader of the caring team.


"The Big bear said that there will be Big bosses coming over in the banquet hall later, so pay attention to your dress." The team leader babbled, unaware of Shi Zhong's frozen expression.


"Need not worry…"


"It's alright, stand up." The team leader, who is often dubbed "Mummy" by the team members, shook his head and helped him close his neckline, "Also, remember to put on the All-Star team uniform and have lunch on the first floor of the hotel. In the big restaurant, people from all major teams will come.”


Shi Zhong replied absentmindedly and glanced at the girl who was wiping purple lipstick with a wet wipe in front of the mirror.


Small depressions burst in the air like bubbles.


She didn't seem to notice his collar at all.


This sentiment continued until mealtime.


Bored, he turned on his phone and found that his WeChat had received two new replies, they were two photos.


He clicked on the first one, and his breath suddenly stopped.


In the photo, the girl's dark purple wavy long curly hair is pouring down like a waterfall, and the black roses were in full bloom on her head and waist. When looking down at the camera, the curled eyelashes seem to have jewel-like twinkling stars.


The second was a close-up of her face. The black lace eye mask covers her entire eye area, but it sets off her delicate jaw and purple lips for a more amorous look.


Shi Zhong stared at the two photos and swiped repeatedly, and finally saved them in the album, and then typed in the message box:


[These are all for me? Does anyone else have it?]


After sending it out, he raised his head and looked at Bi Ming not far away.


The woman picked up the hair from her ear, tapped her finger on the mobile phone that suddenly lit up with a message notification, and then smiled.


She raised her head, and there was noisy chatter and laughter across the staggered round table, looked at him, and then lip-synched.


Shi Zhong stared at her red lips, his heart beating little by little.


She was saying to him - "Only you".


Very good, this means that what he carefully saved in his mobile phone is indeed his own "Sindra" that no one else can spy on.


However, Bi Ming was soon interrupted by the call of the twins beside her.


"Sister, why did you choose Akali?"


"Next time there is this event, can you consider a female police officer, Sister Lin?"


The boys with similar faces looked at her resentfully.


"There are only a few sets of clothes prepared by the organizer," Bi Ming shook her head gently, "In the end, only Akali was left."


In fact, at the beginning, they chose Syndra's Dream Rose suit for Bi Ming, but because the skirt part was too long, it was easy to trip, and Bi Ming finally asked to change to Akali's outfit, which was easier to move.


Before changing clothes, thinking of Shi Zhong's small request, Bi Ming decided to easily satisfy him.


It's just that she didn't expect that the effect of these two photos seems to be...a little big.




At night, with cheers, the grand All-Stars came to an end.


The Bi Ming team defeated the Shi Zhong team 2-1.


Although it was an exhibition match, everyone played very relaxedly, but the level of competition was still very high.


According to the words of netizens, "Top players don't need to run in."


And Bi Ming's performance tonight was also worthy of the title of the league's Top jungler. The three games she played were all with unpopular heroes, but she still pressed her enemies to the ground and blasted three games.


The lost game was still stealing the home game. At that time, Bi Ming and her teammates were already demolishing the highland tower. Unfortunately, the top lane of the home was held by Shi Zhong's Syndra in a single second, and Meng Xishang's Policewoman was full of firepower to delay which turned around the whole game.


But even if she lost a small game, the blame was definitely not on Bi Ming.


On the contrary, Bi Ming's performance tonight also made everyone see how much she adds to a team. Woody said directly in an interview after the game: "Every team hopes to get a player like her."


The assistant Tao Xiao felt the same: "Lin as a teammate gives people a strong sense of security. She can ensure the lower limit of a team, and can also raise the upper limit of the team."


And the center of public opinion has another focus, Shi Zhong.


"Three consecutive selections, is the world champion addicted to Syndra? 》


"Clock wants to win too much, but the famous hero still can't save him from defeat"


When people watch the exhibition match, they naturally expect the players to be unique, but when Shi Zhong came up, it was Syndra in all three rounds, which really made the onlookers laugh crazy.


[Don't be like this, Shi Zhong, we all know your main hero is Syndra, don't come up and you can't afford to play like this.]


[Hahaha I am speechless for Lin on the opposite side. She was playing the unpopular, and Shi Zhong was playing the version popular one, it's really a dog within a dog]


[Aside from all this, Clock's three rounds were played with the skin of Youmeng Rose, but I remember he liked the original skin better in the past]


Speaking of this, CP fans are not tired.


"As we all know, Dream Rose is Syndra's Valentine's Day skin."

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"As for our brother Shi, this skin is only used when the opposite is Sister Nan."


"In this round, he has been sending roses to Sister Nan, tearful [Pulling a handkerchief]"


"↑Don't mislead newcomers, isn't the rose flower Syndra's attacking sphere?"

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"The more roses, the more intense the battle, hehe... I'm really just describing the game objectively~"


"And our Xiaoxiao, as soon as he saw my sister, he made a little bee cry, which was very funny."


"After all, the success rate of Lin's gank is too high, and Xishang, who is in a radical position, is really frightening."


"He shouldn't be afraid, it's Xishang who can't help but act cute when he sees his sister."


The 18-year-old champion with a cold and stinky fart public impression, the new "China's first ADC" Meng Xishang, only has such a lively and youthful side in front of his sister.


On the way back to the hotel after the game, Bi Ming asked Shi Zhong beside him with a smile, "Do you like Syndra so much?"


Shi Zhong and her eyes met: "Well."


Meng Xishang, who was one step behind, frowned slightly, always feeling that they were playing some kind of riddle.


When he returned to the hotel, he exchanged a few words with his brother and went to Li Dingbei's room.


"Why did you come here suddenly?" Li Dingbei looked at the two teammates in front of him, puzzled.


"Came to play with you, by the way. Let's chat." The twins raised the drinks in their hands and laughed harmlessly.


"Nothing goes without going to the Three Treasures Hall," Li Dingbei let them sit on the carpet, "If you have something to say, just say it."


"So indifferent, little Bei—" Meng Dongliu threw him a bottle of iced coffee, "Here, the brand you like."


Li Dingbei put the coffee aside and felt a little headache.


"Don't try, you can all guess, I don't drink coffee much."


As soon as he finished speaking, the twin brothers in front of him laughed together.


"That's true, brother Bei."


"That's not what you said in the training room..."


Li Dingbei was not afraid, but looked at them with arms crossed: "What about you two, is it useful to pretend to be stupid in front of her?"


The laughter stopped abruptly.


The room fell silent for a while, the three of them were not fools, and the changes in the relationship within the team were already well known.


"Are she and Brother Zhong together?" Meng Xishang was the first to tear apart the appearance of peace.


"I don't know." Li Dingbei took out two cans of beer and put them in front of the twins. "Don't look at me like that. Didn't you guys confess to her at the villa that day?"


"Damn it, you were peeping from behind, right?" Meng Dongliu felt a chill.


"Go away." Li Dingbei snorted, "I was doing morning exercises in the gym. When I saw her leaving the first floor, and then the two of you left quickly, I guessed what you must have said to her."


The twins looked at each other and shrugged.


"Brother Bei is amazing, you are an expert observer."


"It's normal for you to be tempted to tell her on her birthday that day." Li Dingbei pressed the pull tab of the can, and the bubbles of the beer began to bubble up.


Not to mention these two goods, even he himself couldn't help but test it once with the jade bracelet passed down from his family.


"Looks like we all failed." Meng Dong gritted his teeth unhappily.


"Except Brother Zhong." Meng Xishang replied.


The air in the room became dull again, except for the thud of the three men drinking beer.


After a while, the twins suddenly laughed.


"Actually, it's not impossible."


"Do you remember that when the leader gave a speech at noon, he came to our table and said a few words to Brother Zhong?"


Li Dingbei glanced at them: "What do you mean?"


"Little Bei, Brother Zhong's family..." Meng Dongliu sighed in a low voice, "That's a famous family."


Meng Xishang patted his brother's head and motioned him to stop talking: "Brother Bei, ignore him, just guessing there."


Li Dingbei didn't say a word, and after a while, he said slowly, "So you all know it."


Meng Xishang raised his eyebrows in surprise.


"I met his brother and his sister-in-law, and they came to Shizhong at the end of last year." Li Dingbei pondered his words, "They said their names. I checked them online and found that they are quite famous."


The couple were the leading biomedical experts in the country.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Moreover, Baidu Encyclopedia also introduced their families, which are big guys who often appear on news channels.


However, Shi Zhong was the only one missing from the list of family members.


After listening to him, the twins were even more sure of one thing: "Then Brother Zhong is out of the game."


Coming from such a high class, marriage is definitely not free.


The twins are well aware of the twists and turns of high society, so they don't think about how far Bi Ming and Shi Zhong can go.


"This is not necessarily," Li Dingbei pondered, "Shi Zhong is a very assertive person, I don't think he will be controlled by the family."


The twins grunted in dissatisfaction.


"Anyway, our family is fine."


Li Dingbei shook the beer can, drank the last sip of wine, and said a heart-wrenching sentence: "She doesn't like us, what you say is useless."


And separated by a wall, a man and woman who are suspected to be young lovers were also whispering.


"Wait," Bi Ming felt that he was close to her lips, so she had to nudge him, "Are you sure you want to retire at the same time as me?"


"Well." The man couldn't touch her lips, so he had to settle for the next best thing, kissing the side of her neck, "Can't I?"


Bi Ming rubbed the tips of his ears: "Actually, it's not necessary, you can keep playing for a longer time."


Shi Zhong shook his head: "The healthy development of a team will inevitably usher in the alternation of old and new."


Bi Ming's eyes lightened, and her fingers were slightly forceful: "Tell the truth."


"Sincerely," Shi Zhong clenched her fingers, feeling that his pinched ear was numb, "It's actually very simple, my life focus has been deviated."


Bi Ming thoughtfully: "Because of me?"


Shi Zhong didn't say yes or no, just lowered his head and exchanged a lingering kiss with her.


When the lips and teeth were separated, his voice was extremely gentle: "If you met an eighteen-year-old me, I would definitely stay away from you."


"What's the reason?" Bi Ming became more and more interested.


"Because at that time I didn't want anything but the championship." He said slowly.


At the age of 18, he was determined to win the championship and had no intention of falling in love.


At the age of nineteen, he fell into failure and was riddled with injuries.


At the age of 20, he has a turbulent contract and an uncertain future.


Only at 21 years old, the championship and love came as scheduled, and everything came just right.


He smelled the light mint aroma on her body and revealed a very clean smile:


"Lin Nan, now I care more about you."


Tonight, Bi Ming finally learned a lot of stories about his family.


He was from a powerful family, his family members had high authority, and he was a man who was not understood by his elders. And he wanted to play e-sport so he had to run away from home.


"Our grandparents to grandchildren all graduated from prestigious schools," Shi Zhong explained, "I went to the juvenile class of the University of Science and Technology of China at the age of thirteen, and graduated at the age of seventeen. At that time, I was addicted to games and did not apply for graduate school. After a while, I ran away."


Bi Ming raised her eyes in surprise and looked him up and down. So he was still a highly educated person.


"They said that video games were 'Drugs', I couldn't explain it to them, so I came to the Shanghai market alone, went to an Internet cafe to spend the rest of my pocket money, played League of Legends for a month, and was picked up by the youth training manager of BU and didn't go back."


"For this point, I don't actually hate them." Shi Zhong chuckled twice, hugged her tightly, and the heat covered her ear again, "People's hearts are changeable, they want to maintain that cheap contract, I can understand. "


After thinking about his chaotic contract year, Bi Ming couldn't help but ask, "Did you mind when the BU staff said you're 'Ungrateful' and 'Raised your price'?"


"The price PG gave me is indeed higher than the market price," Shi Zhong said in a low voice. "Many old clubs couldn't accept it, so they joined forces to lower the price, and found that after I signed a contract with PG, they were going to use public opinion to destroy me."


"If you hadn't got good grades this year," Bi Ming recalled the original world plot, "They would have demoted you to nothing."


Shi Zhong was slightly stunned.


However, the more Bi Ming thought about it, the more interesting it became. In the original work, Chen Zeyang and Mu Yu had a stable relationship. The BU team was in full swing and entered the World Championship smoothly. However, Shi Zhong and PG fell again and again and became the stepping stone of BU.


From a certain point of view, she has changed the fate of the original owner, so why is he not changing his?


"I didn't think about losing." When Shi Zhong saw her bright eyes twinkling, he was in a happy mood, "And with you in PG, how could we lose?"


He believed in one thing more than anyone:


Meeting her was the luckiest thing in his 21-year life.


Bi Ming looked at the luster that seemed to flow in his eyes, in which both heat and gentleness coexisted.


"Shi Zhong, I think you have to thank me very much." She caressed his back casually, the thin and strong muscles tightened on her fingertips, very cute.


Shi Zhong tried his best to control his bad thoughts, but when she kissed his Adam's apple, his will collapsed.


"How do you want me to thank you?" His voice was hoarse.


"I think you could—" Her lips moved a little bit closer to his ear.


At night, the lights went out, and the moonlight came in from outside through the window, leaving only a splendor of light.


In the sweet and painful breath, the little prince who ran away from home eventually became the captive of the witch.

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