Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 111: 107

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Chapter 107: When Miss Green Tea became the love group controller(1)


In the vast universe, a silver-gray special metal behemoth was slowly advancing in the established direction.


It presents a very delicate and streamlined shape, the mothership is huge, the secondary ship is flexible, and the surrounding is covered by a layer of radiant film, which looks like a fish that emits light.


This giant ship was one of the common interstellar travel spaceships in the universe. It was loaded with a conventional hyper warp engine and is a common mode of public transportation in today's era, just like the ancient human beings who liked to "take a plane" thousands of years ago. Comfortable and fast.


Of course, its consumption is also relatively high, and it is difficult for ordinary families to afford the cost of interstellar voyages, so the ships belong to basically all rich or expensive businessmen or politicians.


In one of the luxury boxes, the table was covered with a star-like tablecloth, and the material on it looked like a flowing galaxy. Above the Milky Way is a ninety-nine-story dessert tower, which holds special desserts from different planets.


The crimson liqueur in the goblet has a captivating aroma, and the price per ounce of this ancient red wine is enough to pay for a family's year-round living expenses in the capital star of the Commonwealth.


The room was staggered, and the gorgeously dressed guests were showing off their newly bought jewelry, some were commanding the waiters to perform interesting shows, and some were discussing the recent political news.


"The federal government requires the propaganda department to encourage the combination of sentinels and guides in order to increase the birth rate of the next generation of sentinels and guides... After all, compared with normal humans, the chance of genetic mutation is small. Then the minister proposed a variety show plan, saying that it will use the largest public channel on the star network and play it."


"Ha... A typical political mission, although packaged as an entertainment project, the essence is to lure the poor guides to give up their fantasy and resistance."


"Shhh, keep your voice down! After all, there's got to be something to expect from those savage and rude sentries in the army."


"Speaking of which, the daughter of the Egbert family is on the announced guest list."


The two who were talking looked at each other, and then looked at the place where the noble girls gathered not far away.


In the center of the crowd, a blond girl, who seemed to be surrounded by stars, looked up at the person who was peeping at her. Her eyes were sky blue in colour, and her eyelashes were pale, as ethereal as her pale blond hair.


Her face seemed to be the creation of the gods' excessive favor, like a bottle of finely crafted glass, so that when she glared at the voyeur, raised her jaw with a frown, and turned her head coldly, the unpleasant appearance still made people to not look away.


The two "gentlemen" who were talking about her were stunned for a while before sighing:


"As expected of Egbert's heir."


"If I hadn't gotten engaged... I might have left everything behind to love Egbert."


As the first wealthy family of the Interstellar Federation, Egbert controlled a huge amount of rare mineral resources and is still a century-old family with a profound heritage.


It's just that the heir of this generation is a lady vase known for her beauty and willfulness.


People were talking about it in private, thinking that the Egbert family, which had been passed down through the generations, was likely to be destroyed by this eldest lady.


After all, they heard that this girl has an empty brain. Not only does she often share the life of a celebrity on social media and is proud of it, but she was also notified by the First Federal Academy to repeat her grades, which greatly disappointed the family who had high hopes for her.


But there are also more men of the right age who quietly come to the door, pouring out their determination to join the Aegbert family.


The eldest lady, who was gossipped by others, was sipping the juice one by one and seemed to have a lot of thoughts.


No one knew that she was talking to a voice in her mind at this time.


[Host, the plot has already been given to you, don't you feel good to start earlier?]


The girl lowered her eyelashes, covering the slight helplessness in her eyes: [The better it is now, the worse it will be later?]


In the blink of an eye, the interstellar era has come, and even Bi Ming, who is a skilled traveler, couldn't help but take a little time to sort out her thoughts.


According to the original book, this world is quite special. After genetic evolution, or mutation, human beings have differentiated into three types:


Normal people, sentinels, guides.


Normal people still occupy 60% of the society, their life expectancy is generally around 200 years old, and their physical fitness is much stronger than that of humans in the earth age.


Sentinels are cutting-edge combat powers in society, humanoid weapons, with extremely sensitive five senses, and superpowers. Among them, the especially powerful Sentinels of S-rank and above can use their superpowers to destroy a planet—or even a galaxy—like a click of a button.


The guide is the pacifier and controller of the sentinel. They have strong mental power and can purify the sentinel's mental riots through physical or spiritual union so that the sentinel can empathize with itself. A sufficiently powerful guide can even completely reconstruct the Sentinel's spiritual world.


Sentinels make up 30% of the society, while guides are only 10%, the proportions are deformed, and due to social prejudice, guides also prefer to start families with normal people.


This is not fair to the Sentinels, but fortunately, the Federation will regularly distribute [Guide Elements] to appease their mental riots, so the society is relatively stable for the time being.


It's just that in recent years, people have been very resistant to Sentinels who have superpowers, slaughter, irritable or eccentric personalities. The Federation saw that the sentinel connection rate continued to decline and couldn't sit still, so it was determined to change the status quo.


So the top priority of the original work - the love survival variety show "Eden" was born.


As a marriage-promoting variety show hosted by the official, with extremely high specifications and huge traffic, the quality of the male and female guests it wants to invite must also be top-notch.


The heroine of the original work is a modern time-traveling woman. In her past life, she became popular in the entertainment industry through love variety shows. Naturally, she does not want to miss this good opportunity to become famous overnight in this life.


As a well-known fishing queen, she is charming and affectionate and has superb methods. In the recording of "Eden", she shocked a large number of interstellar netizens with her long-lost earth makeup skills, and she talked about the common sense of the ancient earth. She is regarded as the "Master of Ancient Culture" by netizens. Moreover, she did not hesitate to show her femininity. All kinds of see-through clothes and sexy swimsuits came into battle and successfully won the most attention. The male guests also seemed to be trapped in her sexy and lovely figure, and they sent her a message inviting…


In the words of the original book: "She will restore the long-lost Blue Star makeup, restore ancient Blue Star dishes, and learn about the incomparably difficult Blue Star archaeological history. At the same time, her bold and sexy attire is also different from other female guests. His attacking style and superb flirting skills made netizens go crazy—"


"In contrast, her 'sister' is more like a vase with arrogance and self-discipline."


That's right, in this Love and fishing literature, Bi Ming has once again become the cannon fodder in the control group, the heroine's half-sister, the waste eldest Miss Testai.


The eldest lady, who has been spoiled since childhood, is not restrained even when she comes to the show. She is willful and squeamish. Every time she does a little housework, she will complain "Why do I have to do this kind of thing", which makes netizens dislike her and call her a "Princess Syndrome lady".


Under the intentional design of the heroine, every time the eldest lady's favorite communication objects are deliberately cut off, making her annoyed and dazed. Once she couldn't help but counterattack the heroine, but the matter was pulled out, and she ended up in the arms of the heroine and was used to putting on a good show.


Under the brainwashing of the first impression, netizens saw the contrast between the heroine's silent grievance and the eldest lady's counterattack smile, and they all insulted the eldest lady as a "Green tea bitch" and "Interventionist".


Since then, the heroine successfully completed the process of stepping on the eldest lady with the help of abusing fans.


The most coincidental thing is that with the continuous broadcast of the show, the eldest miss's father also paid attention to the heroine, and found that it was a romantic debt when he was unmarried many years ago, so he made up his mind to take the heroine back.


The Egbert family also believes that a smart and scheming heroine is more worth nurturing than a stupid eldest lady under the public opinion on the internet.


So, amid the group's ridicule, the eldest lady, who was the control group's cannon fodder, watched helplessly as the female protagonist stepped on her to reach the pinnacle of her life.


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After reading it, Bi Ming had only one feeling: [The original owner has all the good cards in her hand.]


Just as she was thinking, the chattering voices around her brought her consciousness back to reality.


"Testai, are you alright? Why are you in a daze all the time?"


"Honey, has it been bothering you about being on the show?"


"If I had to have blind dates with so many sentries, I would also feel a lot of pressure."


The expressions of the noble daughters surrounding her were all gossipy.


"Thank you for your concern, but I'm just thinking about what jewelry to match for the dinner party to compliment my skin." Bi Ming straightened her back and spoke according to the original owner's response, and her swan-like slender neck looked beautiful and arrogant.


The girls around looked at each other and decided not to pierce through the "Pretence" of the eldest lady.


[Sentinels are all beasts or monsters, Testai should be very scared, right?]


[She is so pitiful, little Testai.]


No wonder people think so, after all, sentinels with superpowers are like weapons that can explode at any time. As long as they fall into a state of madness, and there are no unmatched guides or the [Guide Element] provided by the Federal Ministry of Science, there could be a terrible accident.


So the Federation actually wants five Sentinels who are likely to have reached S rank and four precious female guides above A rank to stay in one place for the whole month—


Compared with sweet love, the crowd is more worried that the guide will be killed by the sentinel who could suddenly enter into a violent state.


In order to alleviate public anxiety, the Federation issued a statement on the social platform of Star Network:


1. The sentinels invited are currently mentally stable, but just in case, the Federation will configure them with wizard elements;


2. Equipped with double S-level sentry bodyguards during the recording process to block at any time;


3. There will be no compulsory pairing. Dating, labor, and exploration within the scope of "Eden" activities are all voluntary.


Bi Ming logged into a social media app according to the memory of her original body, flipped through her social platform account, and she saw a lot of photos showing off her wealth in "Everyday life" - although it was just a little girl's innocuous vanity, it also became her future evidence material for attack.


But Bi Ming didn't plan to delete it, because as long as others want to scold her, they can always find an excuse.


After thinking about it, she first changed her social account picture with a cute white dove avatar.


Because the spiritual body of the original body is a white pigeon, it is chubby, and it will "coo coo" all day long, and Bi Ming likes to use it.


Then, in accordance with the previous style, she took a panorama of the afternoon tea, and also attached a moving picture of her fingers holding the ear handle of the teacup, but shivering because the teacup was too heavy.


Caption: "Black tea with strawberry soufflé, I feel warm after drinking it."


As the daughter of a top tycoon, Miss Internet celebrity, Bi Ming found that the account has a lot of active fans.


Comments started to pop up soon below:


[I am the dog of the eldest lady: Such a luxurious dessert tower, please support ww]


[Nicholas Zhao Si: Oh my honorable Miss Egbert, looking at your elegant ea-drinking gesture, I can't believe my eyes! My God, how delicate your hands are shaking gently, I think I'm going to be dazed by you!]


[Albert, my husband: ↑The terrifying ancient translation upstairs is going to make me laugh to death so who will inherit my Starnet Federation account?]


[Earth and Greasy King: Hold your teacup firmly, be careful not to burn such a beautiful hand, otherwise I will feel distressed.]


[When will Lian Zong broadcast: What happened to the girl who was going to scold the evil rich girl, but she suddenly turned so  silent in the back?]


White and slender fingers like tender lotus root grasped on the heavy porcelain cup full of black tea, the knuckles were still red, trembling and pretending to be elegant, so that netizens who have seen it have a trace of wanting to laugh.


A weak, pitiful young lady who still wants to be stubborn. An opinion seems to be slowly taking shape of her in their mind.


Bi Ming doesn't plan to change too much of the original owner's style, after all, Miss Tsundere, the idiot... she's already cute enough.


And this face that even makes up too much for her personality is really annoying.


When the female cannon fodder was arguing with the original protagonist in the show, there is a high probability that she could not stand the shame of being overwhelmed by the original protagonist.


At the same time, somewhere in the capital star.


"The technology is really good now, and instant delivery is so cool." The girl who got a series of online shopping clothes from the delivery robot outside the door sighed in surprise.


She has soft black hair mixed with brown and gold highlights, wearing a close-fitting tennis skirt with a low neckline and a high skirt, looking at her pretty and clean face in the mirror, her charming cat eyes slightly raised.


In her previous life, her congenital appearance conditions were not so good, and she was hardly able to dominate the crowd.


With such a good foundation in this life, she really felt that the other female guests were a little out of luck.


"There's no way, it's unlucky for you to meet me." The girl put a homemade rose lipstick on her lips and thought easily, this interstellar world is really wonderful—


Women don't know how to put on makeup, or the human beings of the new age have long forgotten this skill.


As a make-up expert, Cecia felt obliged to tell them that make-up would become one of the three major sorcerers in Asia, and it was not something that was blown out.


In addition to gaining fame with makeup, Cecia also came up with a good idea-cooking.


To be honest, the interstellar age's thirst for ancient culture really surprised her.


When the "Garden of Eden" starts broadcasting, can she consider showing off her cooking skills? Although she did very ordinary things in her previous life, she broadcasted a live show some time ago, which can be said to have detonated traffic and made her a new Internet celebrity in one fell swoop.


And a place like a kitchen is a good place for the escalation of ambiguity. She is almost invincible here, and she has won the hearts of many innocent boys.


Thinking of this, Cecia couldn't help showing a winning smile.


She is confident that she will not lose to any competitor.


The author has something to say:  The world setting of the MC will be an arrogant, willful, and a bit stupid cannon fodder, and the guests in the next chapter will appear one after another. Share direction, the MC is still a heartthrob (passive skill).

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