Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 117: 113

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Chapter 113: When Miss Green Tea became the love group controller (7)


The author has something to say: a small reminder before reading: The sand volleyball they play here is pure entertainment, there are no rules that are passed on, it is super casual.


Probably because the weather was too hot, Cecia wiped the fine sweat from her forehead and became more and more anxious.


Now it's the second game, they're down, and it's like a one-sided carnage.


She looked at the blond girl across from her who was being protected from the air by two sentries, and the sourness spread from the roots of her teeth to her entire body—


Why is the arrangement of the show team so unfair? Both Testai and Nina have two sentries, while they and Lilith only have one Tang... It would be nice if the roles were switched.


Just now, Tang's heavy artillery ball also created a chance for the two enemies on the opposite side to have a close contact. Cecia was embarrassed to find that the "Heartbeat script" she wanted was given to the opposite side.


Especially the scene where the blond girl is lying on the black-haired boy and confronts each other will definitely become the explosion point of today.


Cecia's hunch has always been accurate. In the live broadcast room of Star Network, the netizens who watched the whole process were so cute. They discovered many details from the perspective of the boy. For example, the face of the black-haired boy was much redder than before, and he was still hiding from the sight of the girl next to him. Another example, after the two had intimate physical contact, deliberately kept a long distance... These arrogant and delicate thoughts were almost invisible under the all-round live broadcast camera.


[Do you think that Sean played harder after serving again?]


[Indeed, the force of this ball is very fierce, and it goes straight to Tang's face - unfortunately, Tang hit back!]


[I dare to say that this is definitely avenging Miss Testai~]


[Hahaha, indeed, the second male's desire for revenge seems to be very strong, but the third male is much more calm.]


[Arnold has always been calm, and the timing of the lob and smash is well grasped. It is difficult for the opponent to receive such a technical ball.]


[As expected of the chief scientist, efficient and concise, the two young ladies on the opposite side are dumbfounded, how can they fight back?]


"What are you doing, there is no gentleman's demeanor at all." Cecia, who missed the ball again, only felt her scalp numb and looked at Arnold with resentment, but the man didn't seem to receive her brain waves, and he still buckled the ball mercilessly. 


Tang's always cheerful baby face became more and more serious as the score gap widened. His physical fitness and reaction speed are top-notch, but the two weak companions on the field make him unable to use his hands and feet at all.


Sean also slowly cooperated with Arnold, no longer fighting randomly, but began to cooperate tactically, because this can better protect the "mascot" among them.


Due to their height, the three of them were distributed in a concave shape on the court. Bi Ming, the shortest in the middle, found that it was difficult for her to reach the ball even when she jumped up, so he had to give Lilith a helpless look.


On the other hand, Cecia is still active. Although she can't catch the ball, her goal is not to win, but to have more physical contact with Tang, while showing her impressive body curve.


So even if the volleyball is far away from her, she will run over and jump up to look like she is about to catch the ball, and her bikini-covered part also bounces up sexy, so the consequence of "Distributing benefits" is that her live broadcast data soared rapidly, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was brushed into afterimages.


Different from the inexplicably fanatical netizens, when Tang found that there was always a distraction on his route, he, who had always been friendly and harmless, finally looked at Cecia with strange eyes for the first time.


Cecia thought that she was finally attractive to the other party, and a shy blush appeared on her face: "Why do you keep looking at me?"


This charming style is favorable in her past love history. After all, men are all predators.


However, Tang's reaction was somewhat unexpected.


"Just stand here and don't move, Cecia?" The big boy frowned, "If you run around, it will stop me from saving the ball."


Cecia was stunned for a moment, and then she was very annoyed—


This guy... actually doesn't appreciate her "Showing off" at all! What is more important than her compared to saving the ball?


Could it be that Tang is really the kind of dead straight guy who doesn't want to give a chance?


As a sea king who has raised a lot of fish, Cecia responded quickly, frowned, and lowered her head a little hurt: "But I want to help you too, the scores are so bad, shouldn't I be in a hurry?"


Lilith rolled her eyes from the side.


Bi Ming, who was far away, didn't hear the sound, but he could guess from the expressions of Tang and Cecia.


As a green tea who has learned micro-expressions, Bi Ming noticed that Cecia was in a standard state of showing weakness. The slightly drooping head and graceful shoulder and neck line were all showing inadvertent temptations, which made it hard not to make men soft-hearted. 


And Tang, who was opposite her, just blinked: "So I told you not to move... This will affect me a lot."


This sentence sounds ambiguous, but the real meaning is only clear in Tang's heart.


An unconscious trouble and obstacle that really affects his performance.


Cecia subconsciously regarded this sentence as a flirtation, and the corners of her lips curled up: "Where did I influence you?"


"Stop, stop," Lilith interrupted their conversation speechlessly, "Can you serve the ball quickly, the other side is getting impatient."


"Sorry," Tang looked back at Lilith with an apologetic smile, "I'll serve."


Cecia, who was disturbed by "good things", looked at the pink-haired girl and couldn't help laughing: "You are in a hurry."


Lilith made a cut, showing a sweet smile: "I'm not in a hurry, at least I have self-knowledge and won't drag others down."


The mutual targeting of the two also made the live broadcast room more lively, and there were many dog blood lovers in the audience, and they all shouted for excitement.


As the center of the controversy, Tang also unknowingly stabilized his Playboy character.


In contrast, the off-field team was much more "harmonious".


Nina, who was drinking juice under the shade of the tree, basically didn't interact with the other two men beside her, and kept looking at the blonde girl in the field worriedly.


Phoenix and Christian whispered about their tactics after the game.


"They'll be bored if they keep playing like this." The red-haired man wearing a half-opened vest, revealing charming chest and abs, glanced at Bi Ming, who couldn't catch the ball, and said softly.


"Indeed, it's just an entertainment game. It's boring to play too seriously. Do you have any ideas?" Christian, who was beside him, shrugged.


"Agree with our opponent to control the power, and each serve must be hit after passing in half court, otherwise no points will be scored."


"Sounds good." The blond man squinted meaningfully, "But...she doesn't seem to like sports."


"She just gave up before the ball," Phoenix's voice was calm, "You don't understand."


Christian's teeth tickled, but he didn't argue.


And Nina didn't pay attention to what they were saying, just afraid that Tang would hit the ball again and hurt Bi Ming.


As the research specialist of the Science Department, no one knows the difference between the sentinel's physical data and the guide better than her. The sentinel's five senses and strength are too strong, and for the guide it is physically impossible to compete with the sentinel except for mental attacks.


So at first seeing that kind of speeding ball, Nina was nervous to death, but fortunately Sean rescued her in time.


Soon after, due to the lack of cooperation of his companions, Tang, who was alone, lost the second game by a huge margin. At the end of the first round, Group A failed.


Next came Phoenix and the others. During the break, Nina took Bi Ming for a drink, while Arnold and Sean looked at the "opponents" in front of them and raised their eyebrows in surprise.


"Serve the ball first and then pass?" After hearing Phoenix's message, Sean's eyes flashed with excitement, "It's interesting to control your strength."


"I don't care." Arnold leaned on the tree trunk indifferently, hugging his arms, and there was not even a trace of sweat on his face. Obviously, the amount of activity just now was too light for him.


"Testai, what do you think..." Phoenix looked sideways, just in time to meet the blond girl drinking juice with a straw.


The girl's lips were soft and shiny, and they were attached to the cherry-red straw, and they sank softly. It looked particularly tempting to take a bite. Blonde hair stuck to her sweaty cheeks, as well as those wet eyelashes, her blue eyes were hazy and confused, like a lost animal.


"Sen?" Because of the drink, she was slurring her words.


Phoenix suddenly regretted calling her. The eldest lady in this posture looked defenseless and was too bullying. She should hide it from being discovered.


But it was too late. Following his soft call, other men followed his line of sight.


Turtleneck tights still have their unique charm, with rounded shoulders tightly wrapped in a piece of fabric, as well as towering, unmanageable double peaks, and a slender waist that, under close observation, It's easy to fall into endless fantasies.


Although the girl was holding the juice in her hands, which had blocked part of the scenery, the squeezing of her elbows made the outline of her body clearer.


The atmosphere of the sentries became a little subtle, their eyes wandered, and most of them did not dare to look closely, but their spirit beasts were extraordinarily active.


The phoenix bird made a low cry on the top of the tree, and its wings spewed out a beautiful fire, almost burning the branches below it.


The scorpion was digging a hole in the sand and seemed to want to bury itself in it.


The white fox swayed its tail, jumped lightly to the ground, and hovered near the girl, the tip of its nose seemed to be smelling something.


Bi Ming lowered her head slightly, found the little fox close to her, and took a few steps back, "Christian, what's wrong with it?"


Sean stared at the fox and let out an annoyed sneer: "Someone's in heat."


"It just runs around when it's in a good mood," the accused man retorted, calmly ordering his spirit beast, "Come back."


The fox reluctantly turned back three steps, and finally jumped back to its master's side.


Nina hesitated to speak, but she knew the habits of these spirit beasts, and their state could reflect the emotions in the owner's heart, including expressing excitement, embarrassment, and even closeness to the owner's partner.


Because the white fox felt the excitement in the owner's subconscious, it would unconsciously approach Bi Ming, which is normal.


The blue-haired girl pondered, and glanced at the idol who closed his eyes and rested not far away—


Dr. Arnold was also a little weird today, playing too seriously.


Logically, he should give water to Cecia, the object of his information, but the doctor doesn't seem to care.


"Could it be that Dr.Arnold is really going to be an single?" Nina suddenly remembered what everyone in the institute had said about him, and shook her head.


After the break, everyone with different thoughts returned to the venue to continue the game.


Perhaps because of absent-mindedness, the anger in this game did not come out, but there was a bit of tacit understanding.


After Nina received the ball, she passed it to Phoenix, and the red-haired man's golden brown eyes turned to Bi Ming and hit a lob—


The ball seemed to have its own navigation and fell steadily in front of Bi Ming, and she could hold it as long as she stretched out her hand.


The blond eldest lady's eyes were bright like stars, her face was blushing, she took a step forward excitedly, and finally received this unhurried, and the very smooth volleyball, was resolutely passed from her hands.


Arnold looked at the ball that was flying towards him a little crookedly, the corner of his lips raised a rare arc, then jumped in place, slapped it steadily, and let the ball fly past.


"Crack!" The volleyball landed.


"1:0, Group B scores!" The mechanical voice broadcasted next to him.


When the silver-haired man landed, he met the girl's gaze, and her blue eyes were full of smiles, just like the nine suns in ancient myths were cast in them, which was extremely dazzling.

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"Good pass." He looked at her and blurted out the compliment.


The girl raised her chin in a reserved manner, with a little smugness in her flying eyebrows, she took this compliment for granted.


The vivid expression and her slender figure were imprinted in the man's cold gray eyes, which made him suddenly feel the warmth of this island, the noisy insects, and the sound of the waves hitting the reef.


Group B and Group C were so harmonious that it seemed like they were playing match-fixing, and Tang, who was resting on the sidelines, also said "Tsk": "It's a good game."


Cecia curled her lips: "I think this group is too casual, not as intense as when we fought."


Lilith was very envious: "You don't understand, this rhythm is just right, everyone can receive the ball and participate in it. Wait, let's play the same way with Group C?"


Tang chuckled: "It's a bit difficult." It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that Phoenix and Christian from Group C might not be willing to cooperate.


The two men controlled their power to the extreme, just so that the girl opposite them could enjoy beach volleyball to the greatest extent possible.


It seems to be evenly matched, but in reality they are all acting.


Tang glanced at the two chicks in his team and shrugged. He didn't think they had such a charm that they would be willing to play with them.


In any case, the gameplay of Group B and Group C is indeed easier than before, and everyone on the court has a very happy expression, especially when they see the eldest lady learning to jump up and play smash, the flying blonde hair with a small face full of blush, which has become the most beautiful scenery under the sun.


[Let her win.]


Everyone on the field naturally had the same thought.


The audience in the live broadcast room also thought so.


[We can't mess with it, I feel like I'm going to be fascinated by such a young lady!]


[Who is not interested, I just want her to keep laughing like this [crying]]


[Look at the way Phoenix feeds her the ball, it's too gentle.]


[Christian, this scheming person, winked at Testai when he passed the ball, why don't you just give the score to others?]


[Aw, Nina posted it with our eldest lady when she was picking up the ball, and she even pinched her face, envy me to death—]


This round has been played until the third game, and finally Bi Ming's group B won by a narrow advantage.


According to the victory, the champion has appeared, and the final set of the AC group game is also after consulting everyone's opinions, and only one game will be played to determine the outcome.


Lilith also held Nina's hand expectantly: "Can we fight like we did just now?"


Nina pondered for a moment, then shook her head in embarrassment: "It shouldn't be possible... When they were watching the game, they said they wanted to teach Tang a lesson."


"Why, why?" Lilith's eyes widened in surprise.


Nina kept her mouth shut, she couldn't say that it was because Tang's hard hit almost hurt Testai's hand, right?


When Bi Ming fell to the ground before, she could clearly hear the click of the red-haired man's fingers and his sneer.


Tang, who was on the court holding the volleyball, was still waving at the other two sentinels: "Hey, you guys had fun just now!"


Phoenix glanced at him, his indifferent eyes and his crimson hair stood against each other, like a ghost.


"It will be interesting to wait, Tang, hope you can cheer up." Christian smiled politely, "I will do my best."


The boy raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then smiled even brighter: "Okay, it's really exciting."



As they put it, the last game was "intense".


Even the volleyballs and the nets were devastated and turned to ashes.


On the white sand, the phoenix's fiery breath almost scorched the air, and the volleyball was slapped by the fox's sharp claws, and lay shriveled on the beach.


Lilith, Cecia and Nina, who had already quit the battle, drank juice with Bi Ming under the shade of a tree.


"The sentinels are really scary, fighting without saying a word." Lilith hugged her shivering little rabbit.


"I don't understand, is this also a game?" Cecia, who was gripping the golden ball and complaining to the program team, was rarely pale, "My hair was almost burned by the fire of that phoenix!"


"The breath of the phoenix only hurts those who harbor evil thoughts," Nina reminded. "It is the legendary fire of justice."


Cecia, who originally planned to smash a few more spare volleyballs and steal the victory in the chaos: "…"


Bi Ming was licking the chubby pigeon's hair beside them, her face calm: "Anyway, we are the first in the group, I really don't understand what the two of them are fighting for."


Cecia was obviously very annoyed by Miss Versailles' behavior, but she didn't dare to be too obvious.


On the field, due to the addition of spirit beasts, Tang, who was weak and weak, was a little embarrassed to avoid. He sighed and finally whistled, calling out his spirit beast from another dimension.


Bi Ming heard the whistling of the wind and the overwhelming shadows that seemed to cover the entire beach—


Huge wings appeared in the sky, and each feather looked like a gilded color, and when it flapped, it was like a hurricane, and the sand was surging, blocking everyone's sight.


Bi Ming covered her face with her backhand, preventing the sand from blowing into her eyes. After a while, she felt the wind fading away.


When she slowly opened her eyes, she saw a behemoth with a eagle head and a lion body standing proudly on the beach. Its huge wings seemed to cover the sky and the ground. Except for the brown and black lion claws, the rest of the body seemed to be made of gold. man of Steel.


"It's amazing," Nina whispered softly next to her, "This is the legendary beast species that only the most outstanding warriors in the legend have, the griffin."


Under the sun, the baby-faced boy with flaxen hair raised his hand, and the arrogant griffin bowed his head respectfully, allowing him to stroke.


"My spirit is too big, I didn't want to call it out." He sighed and turned to look at the phoenix spreading its wings in the sky, and the white fox with nine tails swaying in the clouds, "But you are all hanging up, I can only protect myself."


Cecia took a breath, grabbed the golden ball and wanted to press the "emergency call" button, she was afraid that the whole island would be turned into ruins by these sentries later.


However, the program team sent a temporary alert to everyone at this time: "The level II fluctuation of the spirit beast has been detected. Please stop all fighting behaviors immediately, otherwise you will lose the qualification to participate in the program."


This message has its own voice, repeated several times, obviously in a hurry.


On the beach, the men looked at each other, and the original fighting intention was finally suppressed by a colder reason.


"Ah, I haven't started yet." Tang was a little upset, and the griffin next to him also let out a deafening screech.


"Forget it this time." Phoenix looked at the sky, and the firebird above quickly became smaller, flew back, and stopped on his shoulder.


And Christian also shrugged lazily, the nine-tailed spirit fox in the cloud quickly degenerated into a single tail, and its size returned to the size of a pet, and slowly appeared in his arms.


Forcing out Tang's spirit beasts today can be considered to have achieved the goal.


After all, they have to get along day and night, and the sentinels are extremely sensitive and guarded. Tang, who does not announce the spirit beast, is particularly suspicious.


This is also the reason why the program group did not stop them from fighting in the first place.


"Can't your griffin shrink?" When Tang came back, Bi Ming was suddenly curious.


"This is what it looks like at its smallest." The flax-haired teenager grinned at her, revealing his snow-white teeth, "Its complete body can cover a planet."


Sean sneered behind his back: "What's the matter, it's like we can't."


"The spirit beasts of the S-rank sentry are all powerful." Nina nodded in agreement.


Bi Ming picked up his little fat pigeon and shook it with an innocent face: "Can you?"


The fluffy stupid pigeon tilted its head and looked to the other side with a guilty conscience: "Gu Gu Gu."


"Stop dreaming, Egbert." Sean smiled sarcastically. "So far, no spiritual beast of guides has ever had this kind of potential. This is the gift of a sentinel born for interstellar warfare."


"Prejudice." Bi Ming gave the nemesis, who had suddenly become unlovable, a look of contempt, "The universe is so big, why can't the guide have such a big spiritual beast? Right, Nina?"


"Although I want to support you emotionally," Nina coughed in a low voice, "But according to the research, he is right. The division of labor between guides and sentries is different, which also determines the fundamental attributes of spiritual beasts."


"..." The eldest lady showed an unpleasant look, and the little fat pigeon she was holding rubbed her hand as if to comfort her.


Nina couldn't help her itchy hands and touched the little guy: "It's so cute."


Sean looked at the blue-haired girl angrily, as if he was looking at some pervert: "Don't you have your own spirit beast, why are you touching other people's?"


"My spiritual beast is the Nightmare Tapir," Nina shook her head. "It usually only appears in my dreams, or in its space."


Bi Ming looked at her in surprise: "No wonder I haven't seen your spirit beast."


"I rarely see it either." Nina sighed, and looked at the white dove with its little wings with pity, "That guy is cold, but you are cute."


Bi Ming smiled and lifted the stupid pigeon up: "I'll touch you then."


Sean next to her suddenly became depressed: "Egbert, are you a pig?"


"Huh?!" The eldest lady's smile has been deformed. "Sean, will you die if you don't find fault for a day?"


"That's your pigeon, how can you give it to others?" The black-haired boy was so angry that his eyes were on fire, as if his territory had been violated, "Don't you know that the spiritual body is equivalent to the incarnation of the soul??"


"Just to remind you," the girl's blue pupils enlarged a little, as if she had a stress response, "Wouldn't it be more extreme that you stole my pigeons on the first day you saw me?"


"I—" Sean choked, and his voice became lower, "I don't count."




"You touched my scorpion too."


"Pay attention to your rhetoric, it's obviously standing up on its own."


"I don't care, it can only be regarded as an exchange of equal value." The black-haired boy folded his arms and showed a strange smile, "Now we have both touched each other's souls, which is fair."


"Vernal," the eldest lady took a deep breath and glared at him without a smile, "You really know how to argue."


"Thank you for the compliment, but as far as I know, idiots always like to blame others when they are wrong." The young man replied with a smirk of the same style.


"You..." It's not that the enemies don't get along, it's just that after a few words, the smell of gunpowder between the two is about to overflow.


Nina, who was watching, hesitated: Should she persuade the fight first, or should she take the opportunity to touch the little pigeon first?

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