Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 124: 117.1

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Chapter 117.1: When Miss Green Tea became the love group controller (11)


Star Net viewers never imagined that they would be playing a big game as soon as today's show came up.


The moment the trio of Bi Ming was engulfed by the strange quicksand, the barrage was dumbfounded:


[? ? ?]


[What about people? Sink and sink away?!]


[…This is not a joke by the show crew, right?]


[@Official, speed up to save people, so scary!]


However, seeing the automatically tracked golden ball spinning in place, some careful netizens gradually calmed down—


[Something’s wrong, the S-rank sentinels are a group of monsters that can destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Can this little quicksand defeat them?]


[I recorded the screen when the fifth man and the first man were talking, and their expressions were very calm, I guess it's not a big problem.]


[Unfortunately, the radio effect of the camera ball is too poor, otherwise, we would know what they are talking about.]


[But the eldest lady seems to be in a hurry... She still wanted to pull people, did something really happen?]


[Don't discuss it, the program group has made an announcement → [link]]


In the Star Network area of "Eden", the official temporarily issued a notice:


"To all viewers and friends: Due to the sudden incident, the tracking flying camera was blocked by the sand and could not follow the guests into the underground ruins, so the live broadcast will be suspended for several hours. The program team is sending people to solve the problem. Sorry to all the viewers for the inconvenience. PS: According to the feedback signal from the communicator carried by the guests, their physical condition is normal, please do not spread rumors.”


No one was injured, and the result that they successfully entered the ruins made netizens breathe a sigh of relief, and then they began to complain about the inefficiency of the program group.


[Hehe, what are we looking at now, are we looking at the sand?]


[Why not put a few live drones in advance in the underground ruins? Today, they will definitely lose a large wave of viewers.]


[I hate it so much, just now the first male took the hand of the fourth female sister, right? It's too late to drink it!]


The Director and the team, who were watching the audience vent their grievances backstage, could only smile bitterly.


They naturally knew the importance of this expedition to the ruins, and it was precisely because of it that the three flying cameras were "forcibly" left in place.


The Sentinels didn't want information about the ruins to be exposed to public footage, and so veiled the flying live drone from continuing to track them.


The director, who knew the inside story and had many concerns, rubbed his temples, and could only let the public relations team try their best to guide the audience and evacuate the traffic to the other two teams.


Anyway, as long as the government doesn't speak out, he can't control those humanoid monsters.


At this time, inside the ruins.


Tang opened the way at the front, Christian was behind, and the girl who was invisibly guarded by the two looked left and right at the strange cuneiform writing on the stone wall, with a vague sense of familiarity.


"Testai, what are you looking at?" The blond man asked slowly behind her.


"I..." The eldest lady was about to speak, but suddenly remembered that she was still angry with this "Performance master", so she pursed her lips and quickened her pace.


Tang in front let out a brisk laugh: "Hey, Chris, it's too rude for you to look for someone if you don't have anything to say."


But when the girl beside them, surpassed them, Tang and Christian frowned at the same time.




"Don't go too fast."


But the eldest lady obviously didn't have enough vigilance about this passage, or the peace just now paralyzed her, and she was still a little stunned when the silver-blue light suddenly appeared in front of her.


The light was scorching hot and had strong radiation, and Tang's reaction was extremely fast, only with a "Tsk" he grabbed the girl's arm and pressed the person into his arms, and the incoming laser seemed to hit him. An air barrier automatically circled around them.


The remaining strong radiation lasers rushed towards Christian behind them.


The man raised his hand indifferently, waved it gently, and the aggressive laser disappeared into the air in an instant.


"Hmm..." The blond girl who felt that she was almost out of breath groaned. She had never been so close to a sentinel of the opposite sex before. At this time, the huge power gap made her panic.


"See, you didn't listen to me, and forcibly rushed forward, isn't this bad luck?" The other party's warm breath made her ears itch slightly.


"I see, can you let go?" Her hand stuck between herself and Tang with difficulty, blocking the distance between them.


"Little Bird, why are you so impatient with your savior?" The baby-faced boy's dimples got deeper and his arms tightened.


"Are you a pervert, don't talk into my ear," Bi Ming put his hand on his arm, and stepped on him in a hurry.


"How can you repay my kindness like this..."


"You're the only one who can turn saving people into bullying." Christian came over and pulled Tang's collar back.


Tang shrugged with a smile, and let go of the situation, no longer teasing her, and turned to look at the scheming friend who disturbed his good things:


"Chris, I'm glad you didn't get blasted to pieces."


The blond man sneered: "Your tone seems to be more regretful, lest I can't hear you gloating."


"Don't say that," Tang said with a brisk smile, "I trust you very much, Chris. Your space system ability, it's very powerful."


Christian glanced at the young lady who was still in a daze beside him, and sighed: "Are you sure you want to continue discussing abilities with me here?"


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"After all, she is our partner. She has seen my wind powers. Of course, she also needs to get acquainted with your powers." Tang didn't feel any guilt, but instead said confidently, "And you don't hate me, do you? You are a guide Miss, isn't it normal for me to take care of you?"


Christian: …Trust him?


However, it can be seen from the opponent's ability to refract the light that this harmless guy definitely played with his abilities.


Change the medium of air and calculate the refraction angle of light, so as to achieve the purpose of avoiding damage... Most likely it is the ability of the natural system.


A few guesses quickly flashed through the blond man's head, but he was soon interrupted by the girl's exclamation.


"What a big stone statue." Bi Ming murmured while looking forward.


The three of them looked at the end of the passage, where there was a door, and a stone statue guarding the door, and the laser was coming out of its mouth.


Bi Ming only felt familiar, and then thought, isn't this very similar to the style of the primitive tribe?


Ancient and mysterious, but also with the power of science and technology, people have a sense of confusion in time and space.


They waited for a while, and after making sure that the stone statue did not continue to emit laser light, they slowly approached it.


Tang was the most courageous. He directly touched the head of the stone statue and determined the material: "This is not an ordinary stone...but a metal mineral, which looks like one of the main materials of ancient weapons."


"The laser attack just now is not weak, but it is not common," Christian pondered, "And it may be because of disrepair, only the last bit of energy is stored."


Bi Ming took a step back and seemed to be observing the shape of the stone statue.


"What's the matter?" They turned their heads to look at Bi Ming, who was moving around, with a teasing smile, "Did you find something too, Master Jewelry Appreciator?"


After announcing her career, although the eldest insisted that she was a "Jewelry connoisseur", her true identity - "The family heir of the No. 1 interstellar giant Egbert" was also exposed, but the netizens still preferred to use "Eldest miss" to call her.


Of course, the sentries knew her identity, so they didn't feel that they could get any useful information from her mouth, but it didn't prevent them from teasing her.


After all, the girl had a serious face at this time, and it was just too cute that she seemed to have discovered some great secret.


Bi Ming glared at them, and then said softly, "This is Sphinx..."


Christian was slightly startled, while Tang felt that the stone statue under his hand suddenly began to vibrate—


The sphinx seemed to suddenly come to life, slowly standing from its lying position.


The sentries sank and were about to retreat with Bi Ming when they heard a mechanical voice in the space:


"The key is correct."


"Please answer the password immediately: what, walk on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night? Thirty seconds time limit."


Bi Ming sighed in her heart, and her little system laughed in her mind: [Host, how does it feel for it to be so easy?]


In the original book, the heroine discovered the underground ruins on the eighth day. At that time, her two partners, Arnold and Christian, suddenly fell into quicksand. The heroine, who was about to press the emergency call button, remembered the strength of the sentinel, and took her hand on a bet, and followed the Sentinels into the quicksand.


Then there's this adventure plot, the same plot, the same statue, the same problem.


Cecia once again showed her talent as a "Master of ancient culture" in front of Arnold and Christian. After successfully answering the mystery of the Sphinx that everyone on earth knew, the door opened, revealing the group of relics inside.


Because the ruins were too large, they couldn't find the key hidden in the depths that day. Later, after returning to the seaside hut, everyone shared the information together, and it took another two days before the key was discovered by Cecia.


All in all, this is a highlight moment for the original heroine.


The only thing that Bi Ming, who was holding the script, did not expect was that the two sentries would be so scheming, deliberately left the golden camera ball behind.


What do they want to do?


"Please answer the password. Time limit starts: Thirty, twenty-nine..." The stone statue has already begun to count.


Tang stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Bi Ming: "Eh, I'm back, do you know the answer to the question?"


Christian looked at them calmly from the side.


Bi Ming lifted Tang's hand away, straightened her back, raised her head proudly, and turned on the mocking mode: "Why can't you think of it, what about your brains?"


The next second, Tang couldn't help the itch in his hands and pinched her cheek: "I'm sorry, smart lady, please tell us the answer."


Bi Ming, who was suddenly pinched on the cheek, covered her face with anger in her blue eyes, but she still managed to maintain her demeanor, but took two steps back: "Please be polite, Tang."


"Sorry." He blinked, recalling the delicate and soft touch of his fingertips, as if he was saying "Next time, I don't dare".


"Thirteen, twelve, eleven..." At this time, the countdown was running out.


Christian let out a low cough, reminding them to hurry up.


Bi Ming glared at the "accomplice" and then whispered the correct answer.


"The password is correct." The door slowly opened.


Tang whistled and bent down to match a gentleman's movements: "Thanks to our great prophet - the embodiment of wisdom - Miss Testai!"


Christian also smiled in the back.


Ignoring Tang's rainbow fart, Bi Ming took the lead and walked into the group of ruins.


In their sight was a tall, dilapidated temple, with a statue of the goddess in the center which had fallen into ashes, and the surrounding slates and beams were covered with moss.


It was amazing that it was not dark there, but bright as day.


"There are actually stairs?" Bi Ming looked up at the dome, it was too high, and the spiral staircases were winding up layer by layer, and the light was leaking from above.

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