Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 55: 54

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Chapter 54 What should I do if the green tea floret really pulls on the top? (19)  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

On the top floor of Huo's house, the handsome young man in a black sweater looked down through the floor-to-ceiling glass window, and sure enough, he saw his brother leading the girl away from the porch, come in.


Recently, he noticed that his brother was in a very good mood, and he was completely different from the way he used to treat his work life with a straight face.


And he doesn't know if it's an illusion, but the girl's time to time coming to his house has become more casual, instead of following the once-a-week rule as before.


Going downstairs, he really met the intimate couple in the living room.


His brother put his hand on the girl's shoulder, lowered his head, and said something to her, and then saw the beautiful girl glance at him slightly, and then shook his head gently.


"Don't make trouble, Mingzhe. The new crew is very good, no one bullies me, and Teacher Xu is an acquaintance..." Her voice was as clear as pearls, and it sounded particularly moving.


"Your acquaintance is not a good person," the man said in a calm tone, but the content he said did not hide his sharpness, "The total investment in his drama is more than 200 million, and the salary for you is still the newcomer price, which was originally scheduled to be given to another person. The price of the female lead candidate is ten times higher than yours, and the abacus is quite loud."


Huo Mingzhe originally suspected that Xu Chengyang had bad intentions for his girlfriend but then turned to look at Bi Ming's new play contract and that thought vanished.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The other party gave a newcomer price of 20,000 yuan per episode, and after more than 50 episodes, it was only 1 million yuan, which is quite shabby compared to the starting price of 10 million yuan for popular actresses.


But in his eyes, his simple little fool is quite content: "It's more than double the salary of a love letter, which is good."


In fact, "Simple and easy to deceive" Bi Ming knows that there is no charity in the world. 

isn't this opportunity for businessmen?


Another competitor of hers, the big actress's salary is tens of millions. What's the use of investing 200 million in the whole drama, if one heroine can take up a quarter of it?


However, in the original book, Xu Chengyang still chose this big flower instead of Yan Qingxia. Bi Ming guessed that it should be a publicity problem.


"Summer Love Letter" was only broadcast at the end of the year, and "Yan Qingxia" is still a nobody. If she can play with the best actor or play the heroine, it is estimated that a lot of netizens will go crazy.


Bi Ming's reputation is too weak, and her popularity is too low, and Xu Chengyang dares to gamble on his own drama.


Looking at the girl who was lost in thought, Huo Mingzhe snorted with a smile, "Okay, Xia Xia, I think you were sold and I will help you to count the money."


Bi Ming didn't refute him, she just lowered her eyes and said calmly: "Mr. Xu is kind to me. If it were someone else, he wouldn't help me like this."


"He is your benefactor? Why don't you talk about the movie I recommended to you?" When she said "he is kind", his heart started to feel sour, but his expression didn't show it, "He's not helping you, but venture capital, he is investing in you, understand?".


The drama is on fire, with low cost and high return, Xu Chengyang can even reap Bi Ming's favor when he earns a lot.


It's really so refined that it can't be refined anymore, and only a sincere person of his doesn't understand it.


The girl frowned a little embarrassedly: "Mingzhe, it can't be calculated like this, he has to take a lot of risks... and the play you recommended is a plot of men fighting and killing, I have nothing to play. There is room for it."


Huo Mingzhe was helpless when she said: "Do what you want, anyway, if it doesn't work, I'll find you a better one next time."


Men are really not bad for money, and they don't mind spending money on their girlfriends. But Bi Ming shook her head with a serious face: "You don't need to do this, I will fight for a good script myself."


Huo Mingzhe was stunned, the little girl still has too much self-esteem, why does it need to be divided between "you and me"??


He raised his hand to caress the girl's cheek, telling her that she could rely on him more, but only halfway through the thin lips, he heard a light cough from the young man behind him--


"Brother, sister-in-law, Mom asked me to call you to the restaurant. Huo Mingzhe was a little startled, and when he looked back, he realized that the boy had been standing behind them and listening for a long time.


"Little He, why didn't you say hello when you came?" The man's voice sank, and he thought that fortunately he hadn't made out with his girlfriend just now, otherwise he would have been looked down upon by this kid.


For Huo Mingzhe, who grew up with a Western-style education, he attaches great importance to the sense of boundaries between people.


Sheng He is his younger brother, but he listening to his chatting with his lover like a spirit behind him makes him feel unhappy that his privacy is being probed.


The boy's skin color was different from his brother's healthy and sexy wheat color, the paleness that never saw the light of day. His pupils are black around white eyes, and he has an expression on his face that seems to be able to see through everything.


"You guys have been chatting for too long, I can't get in." His voice was like an ice spring, extremely cold.


The young couple was stunned.


Bi Ming suspects that this is a person was born from a stone, and he can't understand the atmosphere and is righteous.


Huo Mingzhe frowned and thought deeply. His younger brother's temper had always been so weird because of what he experienced as a child, and it was difficult for him to manage as a family member.


"Forget it this time, say hello next time." He finally just patted his brother on the shoulder, "Let's go, go to the restaurant." Deliberately slowed down and waited for the two of them.


The three of them walked towards the restaurant in a silent atmosphere.


Bi Ming was a little curious, this pair of brothers grew up and the other was young. The elder brother was mature and stable, and he was as cunning as a fox, but why did the younger brother look like an autistic person who could not be approached by strangers?


"Little He's younger he going to college in Shanghai?"


Sheng He pouted at her calling him "younger brother".


"He majored in computer science in Fudan," Huo Mingzhe explained to his girlfriend next to him, "Usually he would come home if he doesn't have any classes."


Bi Ming gave a small "wow": "He turns out to be a scholar."


Looking at her eyes suddenly became bright, Huo Mingzhe sighed, he knew that the girl was full of longing for the university in her heart, and when she heard that his brother was studying in a famous university, she would naturally be full of admiration.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Why do you only ask about him and not me?" He quietly took her hand and gathered her thin fingers into his palm.


The girl who was holding hands in front of Sheng He's face was blushing, her hand was struggling a little, but she didn't succeed: "You, you went to college more than ten years ago, right?"


Sheng He saw them sticking together as soon as he turned around. The hand of the man is very strange. It turns out that his brother, the straight man of steel also has such an interesting side.


And looking at the stickiness, it is estimated that the day when the girl becomes their family is not far away.


Thinking of this, he also felt a sense of anticipation in his heart for some reason, so he stopped being silent, but took the initiative to say:


"Sister-in-law, my brother was also a very powerful scholar back then."


"Huh?" Did he just take the initiative to speak to her?


"When he was seventeen years old, he got admission notices from Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Stanford, and Columbia at the same time. It's just that he was full of rotten copper stench. After skipping grades at Oxford, he couldn't wait to return to China to make money."


Huo Mingzhe, who inherited one of the largest comprehensive groups in China at the age of 23, was also in danger at the time. At the critical juncture of the turbulent international financial crisis, he abruptly pulled the shaky group back on the right track. The company is on the fast track of development.


When Father Huo watched his son turn the tide, he simply gave up his position to him. Since then, Baoli Group has made great progress at home and abroad and has now become a giant in the business world.


Huo Mingzhe smiled and stared at his younger brother: "I was raised in a heap of copper stench, what do you dislike me now?"


Sheng He was stunned by his brother and suddenly stopped talking.


Bi Ming looked at the boy's profile, and suddenly asked unintentionally:


"Brother, as a freshman, have you participated in NOI before?"


NOI, which is the National Youth Informatics Olympic League, was the result of Bi Ming's hard work last life. She wanted to hear about it.


Huo Mingzhe raised his eyebrows and raised his lips: "Yo, Xia Xia, how do you know this kid's great achievements?"


Bi Ming looked up at her boyfriend in confusion, "What do you mean?"


Sheng He interrupted his brother: "It's nothing, hurry up, Mom has been waiting for you for a long time—"


But it was useless to change the subject. In the eyes of beautiful women, Huo Mingzhe mercilessly exposed his brother's past:


"He participated in NOI in the third year of junior high school. He joined the training team and was selected by the Qingda University Top Innovative Talents Selection Camp Summer Camp. People saw his good grades and said they would sign an admission agreement with him in advance, but this kid refused."

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Sheng He:"..."


"Why?" Sure enough, Bi Ming cooperated with a shocked expression, "Such a good opportunity."


Sheng He looked at his brother, and a trace of annoyed thin red finally appeared on his fair face: "Brother, stop talking."! 


Huo Mingzhe showed a smile that belonged to him:


"Someone said at the time that if he wanted to go to university so far from home, he would rather die."


"Brother! "The kid is stiff, this is the dark history he doesn't want to recall.


However, Huo Mingzhe also added: "Originally, the family also planned to let him study abroad, but he refused and insisted on staying in the Shanghai market. And he didn't like living in school..."


"It sounds so cute, like a child. Same." Bi Ming sighed softly.


The teenager pursed his thin lips, and his face turned red as he watched the pair of men and women unite to "bully" him.


"You—" Huo Mingzhe grabbed his girlfriend's soft little hand and smiled meaningfully at his younger brother:


"Little He, don't be angry, anyway, this is your sister-in-law, she would know sooner or later."


Bi Ming twisted her wrist, but the man held it tighter: "Why Huo Mingzhe, your brother is watching..."


"Let him see." Huo Mingzhe led her forward with a light tone, "This kid is 18 years old and hasn't talked about a girlfriend yet, we just happened to teach him a lesson, let him see what a fair lady and gentleman is. Huh."


Sheng He's eyes couldn't help but stop on their entangled hands again.


Is skin-to-skin so interesting? He was a little confused and a little curious.


If there is a chance, he can try it himself -

He really wants to know what magical power this "sister-in-law" has, which can make his resolute elder brother become so clingy.


And Bi Ming, who was dragged forward, was also thinking about one thing in his mind:


How did Sheng He develop his character of being extremely family-loving and dependent on his family?


Normal teenagers can't wait to break free from the shackles of their families as soon as possible, and from then on, to be completely free.


And the mental state of the young man is obviously very abnormal.




Yun Zhen recently received an endorsement for a luxury jewelry brand.


For this reason, she did not renew her original jewelry brand contract, even though the brand's partnership with her has always been stable.


People around did not understand her decision, because Yun Zhen's old brand endorsement conditions are much better than the new brand.


But Yun Zhen is very insistent because, in the original book, this luxury brand should have been an opportunity for Yan Qingxia.


As a book transmigrator, she is too familiar with the rise of the heroine plot. At present, Yan Qingxia should still be entangled with the boss of her company, and Xu Chengyang will soon help her and sign her into his studio.


Before the launch of "Summer Love Letter", they shot an advertisement for this jewelry brand together, and during the broadcast, the advertisement was launched and spread on a large scale in subways, shopping plazas, and other places, because the pictures are so beautiful and romantic, causing many passers-by to look at it, they might think that Yan Qingxia and Xu Chengyang were a couple.


In order to avoid this situation, when Yun Zhen signed the contract with this brand, she specifically requested that she and Xu Chengyang shoot the same series of advertisements, and the brand side could not find other actresses to partner with Xu Chengyang.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

This kind of requirement is also unheard of for the brand side, but after weighing the pros and cons, they feel that it is okay to give the green light to a top-notch actress like Yun Zhen.


Xu Chengyang is their global brand spokesperson, and if Yun Zhen wants to sign, she is the brand spokesperson for China. Although they are one level apart, they are a good match.


The profit-seeking brand originally wanted to shoot a series of love-themed advertisements. If Xu Chengyang, the top male star, and Yun Zhen, the top female star, had deep cooperation, would they still worry about the popularity?


In the end, Yun Zhen achieved her goal, at least Yan Qingxia never had the chance to shoot that well-received commercial with Xu Chengyang.


And tonight, the navy and the fans are already in place, and the topic #YunZhen endorsement# quietly made it to the hot search list.


The topic started with the advertising video released by the brand. A woman in a sexy champagne-colored dress smirked in front of the camera, her fingers fell on her collarbone, and the jewelry brand's new season's new styles were on her, the gorgeous elegant jewelry shimmered under the lens.


At the same time, the same marketing copy appeared simultaneously on a certain sound and Weibo:


"Yun Zhen's new endorsement! Join hands with Xu Chengyang to interpret the romantic summer, look at them smiling sweetly at each other! "


Then the accompanying picture is the picture of Yun Zhen smiling at the camera in the commercial, as well as a screenshot of Xu Chengyang's previous jewelry promotional video.


Although they are not in the same frame, the costumes and backgrounds of the two are the same color, and it looks like they are sweetly dating in the same scene.


This is the shooting scene specially designated by Yun Zhen, and the jewelry is all selected from the same series as Xu Chengyang. The brand is very cooperative. They think that if they can stir up the CP of the two spokespersons, Yun Zhen and Xu Chengyang, their co-produced commercial will definitely stimulate the public's desire to buy.


Soon, another topic #YunZhenXuChengyang# was quietly added to the hot search.


The protagonists this time are the marketing accounts that have previously released soft articles.


The replies under each marketing account are very watery, such as "Bless them", "Really good match", "Love love"... 


The tone is similar, the content is the same, and it looks like a robot army is dispatched.


The real passers-by who clicked in were puzzled: "What is this? Isn't it just an endorsement of the same brand? I thought it was really something..."


Fans of the two would also click in to see, and couldn't help but clarify:


"Take away Zhen Zhen, I'm not familiar with rude people. Thank you."


"A certain top female star's navy is here again, can you please not bother my brother."


Once there are a few irrational fans among the fans, it is easy to cause a tear-off war.


Soon, this CP topic was opened up into a new battlefield by Du Wei, who had a strong fight on both sides. All kinds of ridicule of each other's celebrities coming and going in the real-time square pushed this hot search up again.


Yun Zhen was very satisfied, she was not afraid of only fans quarreling, but was afraid that no one would pay attention.


The rule of CP marketing is whether it is true or false, and only fans can interact with each other.


There is a lot of fun, and it arouses enough discussion and attention.


She knew that she and Xu Chengyang didn't have any chemistry in "Summer Love Letter", so she could only take action in advance, tying the names of the two together to build momentum in advance.


It's just that her proficient CP thread-embedding routine has gone wrong.


Because that night, Xu Chengyang's new drama "This Heart Uninhibited" released a makeup photo and officially announced the cast list.


In the heroine column, three words were displayed: Yan Qingxia.


Yun Zhen widened her eyes in disbelief, and stood up from the sofa: "How could it be her?"


In the original book, this play is clearly Lan Ning's cake!


Yun Zhen naturally coveted this next year's drama king, but Xu Chengyang was the producer, and secondly, she thought she couldn't compete with Lanning, so she gave up.


So why - Yan Qingxia will get this opportunity?


Of course, it wasn't just Yun Zhen that exploded tonight, there were also a group of netizens watching the excitement, fans of the male lead who couldn't believe it, and fans of Lan Ning who became angry after being scammed.


There is only one question left in everyone's heart: Who is this sacred Yan Qingxia?

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