Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 59: 58

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Chapter 58 What should I do if the green tea floret really pulls on the top? (23)


On this night, people finally realized that a new generation of florets was born.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Her dress made up of thousands of broken diamonds glowed all over her body, allowing the galaxy to flow on her body.


Just like the holy goddess walking on the red carpet, every inch of her hair was telling the love and compassion of God for the world.


Everyone was praying that the red carpet would last a little longer so that the cameras could capture this moment for eternity.


After being silent for a long time, the barrage finally ushered in an explosion-


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"




"Help, I'm crying, why is she so beautiful..."


"Don't post the barrage, don't, don't send a bullet screen to block me!!!"


During the red carpet, the screen time of one person was less than one minute, accompanied by various background music, and was sent to the entire internet at lightning speed.


People have forgotten what is gorgeous and not, and now they just want to watch this beauty who is destined to amaze the world go on like this and never stop.


On the stage, Yun Zhen, who was standing in the middle of the two male stars in a red dress, had a beautiful smile, and her team had already taken photos and prepared to send some marketing announcements related to CP.


But at this time, all eyes were focused on the girl who was walking towards the stage.


Yun Zhen's heart was beating violently, the other party's outfit was absolutely made of real diamonds, and it was like stars twinkling under the spotlight on the red carpet. In addition, the girl's makeup looks today-light-colored eyelashes, thick and curled, and amber-textured eyes clear and empty, and the end of the eye is thin small rhinestones, like the finishing touch, instantly bringing out the almost transparent crystal texture on the girl's originally flawless face.


This set of makeup sets off the whole face like a work of art, and the girl's own face is smooth, so she can't catch any dead spots at all.


Her skirt is very large, and when she walks slowly, it looks like a galaxy swaying on the red carpet, with a half-exposed and well-proportioned back, and a butterfly bone that is about to fly, like a creation carefully carved by God. It has been a blessing for three lives to have a glimpse.


The reporters holding their cameras in the back had no idea who was coming in at the back.


It was enough to make people forget the person who came before her.


Yun Zhen on the stage had not yet woken up from the shock in her heart when she saw that the two "escorts" beside her had already greeted the girl in advance.


As we all know, when the skirts of female stars are very long, they are easy to trip over when going up the steps.


Xu Chengyang and Lu Yu are both old fritters who are used to walking on the red carpet. Seeing that Bi Ming is about to climb the stairs, they subconsciously walk over to help carry the skirt corners.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Brother Chengyang, let me do it."


"Little Lu, you weren't so active before." The men looked at each other, tacitly understanding each other, and clicked until the end.


After a while, Bi Ming, who finally slowly came to the front of the steps, raised her eyes and looked at them, her expression was so radiant that it was impossible to look at them.


"Mr. Xu, Mr. Lu, what are you doing?"


At this moment, Lu Yu was completely like a young puppy who best fits the definition of a star-chaser, with a bright smile in his eyes:


"Qingxia, I'll help you carry your skirt."

Xu Chengyang said with a gentle smile, he ignored the behavior of little fresh meat's peacock's wings, and looked at Bi Ming attentively:


"The steps here are steep, let me help you up."


"Thank you." Facing the two of them, Bi Ming showed affection, but there is no embarrassment and shyness of newcomers, but generous acceptance.


Xu Chengyang was mature and gentle, while Lu Yu was young and cute. One stretched out his hand to lead her up the steps, and the other held her skirt behind him to protect her from the wind.


The barrage of the live broadcast boiled to the highest point for a while:




"I think this show is a big second female lead supporter, right? There can also be a triangle?!"


"I'm probably just graceful, what's wrong with taking care of the newcomers? "


"It's all for the publicity of the drama, it's not true, fans don't need to be so excited?"


"But why didn't they come to the stage to help Yun Zhen just now?"


"Silly X, Zhen Zhen's skirt is not like Yan Qingxia's!"




The camera was aimed at the three of them, and it kept snapping.


This live broadcast was completely out of control tonight.


And it relies on two sets of pictures, one is Bi Ming's red carpet picture, and the other is a group picture of three people interacting.


Trending searches on Weibo took on a very subtle form.


Before Bi Ming went to the red carpet, the topic that the Yun Zhen team bought was the topic that bubbled up first. #Gangstyle RetroRed Rose Style#, quickly rushed to the high position, the beauty in the red dress after the refinement is absolutely gorgeous, it fits very well people's consistent impression of Yun Zhen.


Fans were ecstatic: "Zhen Zhen's beauty has reached a new height tonight, and it is foreseeable that she will soar again!"


"The major beauty bloggers are probably busy, let's have a wave of sister Zhen's imitation makeup craze..." 

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Immediately, there was a marketing account on the topic that posted a picture of Yun Zhen standing between Xu Chengyang and Lu Yu with a sweet smile, and brought up the topic #summerloveletterdeltaCP#.


Although there is a certain distance between the three of them, this does not prevent many "passers-by" from going crazy:


"Who doesn't love all kinds of beautiful beauties?"


"My sister kills people with her face, and the two next to her must feel nervous. Their bodies are stiff haha..."


"This damn CP feeling, who should I pair my sister with?"


"Can't you do all of them?"


As long as these CP-addicting accounts enter, they will find that the super words they follow are all "Yun Zhen".


But it doesn't matter, from the perspective of Yun Zhen's team, a lie will become a reality if repeated 10,000 times. Now, it's all on her own fans, and there will definitely be real passers-by in the future of the show.


All in all, it looked like another great red carpet night.


Until Bi Ming appeared.


Mikai Entertainment was not dry rice, and the marketing methods it should have were not bad.


The one-minute red carpet video quickly appeared on major platforms, and the publishers were all accounts with a large number of fans.


With background music and text:


"God made the vast galaxy fall heavily and turn it into the light you walked on when you came."


The likes of a certain sound exceeded one million in an hour, and it is still rising rapidly.


After the Weibo was released, it was reposted by many fashion bloggers and beauty bloggers, and its popularity continued to ferment. The agent, Sister Wen, took a look at the situation and let the well-connected marketing account take advantage of the trend to catch up on the topic: #Beauty in the world#


Soon after this, the hot search climbed to a higher level.


Coincidentally, this topic happened to fall behind Yun Zhen's hot search, and the popularity also showed a trend of surpassing.


Bi Ming's Weibo fans just broke the one million mark. Fortunately, there are many active fans. Today is her first red carpet. Some fans were waiting outside early, and some people sent a text to Reuters:


"Xia Xia Beauty is making me cry tonight!"


"Seeing our Qingxia, my brain is still dizzy. The real person is 10,000 times better than the photo!"


As soon as the hot search came out, Bi Ming's fans suddenly turned upside down. The cutout of the picture was edited and the little fans who would only foolishly repeat "So beautiful and beautiful" happily set off firecrackers.


There are even many passers-by who have seen the hot search running in, asking for pictures and materials.


Half an hour later, Bi Ming's first hot search finally surpassed Yun Zhen's styling hot search and climbed up two more.


The fans of Yun Zhen's family exploded.


What is going on? When did their Zhen Zhen red carpet hot search lose to other female stars? 


However, there is also a series of critical attacks waiting for them, because the topic of #summerloveletterdeltaCP# bought by the team of Yunzhen was blocked. Stealing home, Bi Ming was supported by the actor to climb the steps, and behind her, there was a set of pictures of popular fresh meat supporting her long skirt, which was painted on the popular square of this topic.


It wasn't Bi Ming's team that started it, but Yun Zhen's previous opponent, it was rare to see Yun Zhen slump and they bought a black bulletin especially.


Therefore, the copywriting of the marketing account seems to be particularly deplorable.

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"The real big triangle vs the false big triangle-"


The first half of the accompanying video is the live broadcast of Bi Ming going up the stairs, and the second half is the video of Yun Zhen standing between the two male protagonists, and everyone can see they have no communication with each other.


Because the comparison before and after is a bit funny, the wicked passers-by and several fans who were torn apart by Yun Zhen's family joined together hahaha:


"I just wanted to say that Sister Yun is here to market her CP sense again, click in and take a look, good guy, Xu Chengyang and Lu Yu are so disrespectful!"


"As expected of this sister, every girl is a girl, and every man is a gossip."


"So this time it's overturned? Hahaha, Yun Zhen has been overwhelmed by the new sister, and the gossip is obviously running. Come on... To be honest, I can really take a bite out of the trio in front of me."


"Because it came out tonight, I suddenly started looking forward to this drama! The face of the female supporting sister's face is really amazing. What is the name of the drama? Shouldn't we roll over to watch it?"


"Upstairs, the special edition of "Summer Love Letter" at Guiding Alphabet Station, I can talk a hundred times a day on my sister's face!"


People couldn't help but laugh at Yun Zhen the most this time. It's not Weibo, but a green forum.


The gossip group opened a special red carpet building, and made sharp comments on all the stars in it, using raw pictures.


It can be said that Yun Zhen's look this time is not ugly, and she plays normally on her level.


But before the live broadcast, her fans were blowing the sky with refined pictures, which made many people rebel.


Therefore, after Bi Ming came out, Yun Zhen's family bought the splendid press draft and fans who were torn apart because of the CP war:


"I'm sorry, I really can't help it, can I just laugh?"


"Hahahahahaha so does Yun Zhen's family still want to show off their splendor and pressure on domestic entertainment——"


"Miss sister is really good-looking. Obviously, she is also very popular in the crew. As soon as she came, she chatted with the male lead and the director."


"↑Don't imply a certain family. Tumor fans are going to be mad at you..."


"I hope you don't use the new sister as a tool, and the sister just made her debut. I really can't offend a certain family—"


"Don't pretend to be upstairs, who doesn't know that Yun Zhen's family has been tearing up Female supporting lead long ago, making rumors and smearing her name. If Yan Qingxia really has a Madonna fan like you, it would be ridiculous!"


"The comparison between before and after is too tragic."


"Female stars don't want to roll in, I think they are all beautiful! Can't they be beautiful together, what are you laughing at here?"


"Upstairs, you deleted the homepage album and pretended to be a passerby? It's all a thousand years old. What are the foxes playing in the forum, Yun Zhen fans? Didn’t your family swear that the female supporting role would not dare to go on the red carpet with your master?”  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

“I’m a new fan of my younger sister, so let’s repeat the original words of Yun Zhen fans: [Little family’s green tea Do you dare to walk the red carpet with Zhen Zhen?]"


"Laughing to death, the boomerang is coming!"


"Last time Yun Zhen's family framed the newcomer for changing her age and plastic surgery, and they accused several big fans, all of whom deleted their blogs and apologized or pretended to be dead."




Tonight's red carpet has completely become Yun Zhen's nightmare.


She was arrogant and could not accept the result of being a foil on the red carpet.


But there is no way, Bi Ming's gorgeous dress embellished with thousands of broken diamonds has become a new trend.


"They can't do it with real diamonds, but you can still make one with rhinestones."


"Some treasure has already released the same starry sky diamond skirt, only more than 1,000, and I rushed!"


"Don't go upstairs, the quality is very poor."


"Yan Qingxia dress is definitely custom-made, and there is no real same style on the Internet."


In fact, this skirt is indeed a custom-made style, and it is a masterpiece of top clothing designer Elie Saab, personally selected by Huo Mingzhe, as compensation for tearing the buttons of Bi Ming's white suit that night.


The man's thought was very simple: "It's all white anyway, I'll change it for you."


But in his eyes, no matter how bright a diamond is, it can't compare to the beauty of a vacuum.


Bi Ming was well aware of her boyfriend's sultry thoughts, but she will always hold his hand when the other party wants to be dissatisfied: "Not yet."


Huo Mingzhe could only hold her to slowly calm down the scorching heat and gasped.


"Big star, when will it be approved? Engagement, marriage?" After asking the question, the intention to turn positive is already obvious.


The girl's profile was gentle and elegant.

"Mingzhe, give me some more time."




"Summer Love Letter" was finally decided to be broadcast ahead of schedule on the 11th Golden Week. It will be broadcast simultaneously on satellite TV and the Internet, with a total of 30 episodes.


With this news, advertisers also acted, and subway screens and soft plazas were filled with posters everywhere.


The combination of Xu Chengyang and Yun Zhen is indeed a magic weapon to attract traffic.


In addition, Lu Yu's own internet traffic was very good, although Bi Ming is not as good, but after Yun Zhen and her fans' show operation, she can be regarded as a name in internal entertainment.


The promotion this time is different from other campus idol dramas. In ordinary dramas, the male and female protagonists naturally occupy the C position, and the supporting roles posters are very few.


But "Summer Love Letter" is determined to push the four corners, so even the posters are arranged in a square combination, with the male protagonist in the upper left, the female protagonist in the upper right, the female supporting role in the lower left, and the male supporting role in the lower right.


In this way, up and down, left and right can be pieced together into a love line.


At this point, Yun Zhen's company, Ce Xing, was very angry, but the producer and the crew had finalized the propaganda section, and they could only endure it in order not to waste energy.


At the same time, the four leading actors also posted warm-up stills on Weibo.


Xu Chengyang's picture is of Xia An standing in front of the podium in the auditorium on the first day of school, smiling and looking at the crowd.


"I like summer because that's the season when you and I meet. Hello, Xia An."


Yun Zhen still was also on the first day of school, when Xu Wangshu crashed into Xia An's arms and looked up at the young man.


"I used to walk in the dark night, only when I walk with you there is light. Hello, Xu Wangshu."


Lu Yu's Weibo post is of a teenager riding a bicycle in the sunset, silently following the girl's back.


"The night is long, let the stars shine with the moon. Hello, Jane Weixing." 

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The photo that Bi Ming sent was a picture of a girl sitting at the table with a peaceful smile on her lips, holding a pen and writing on letter paper.


"I hide all my sorrows and joys in that love letter. Hello, Gu Dongyue."


The four of them all brought the topic #summerloveletterbroadcasttonight#, and it soon became a hot search. 


The man is handsome and the girl is pretty, and there is no murderous intention in the stills. The first impression of passers-by is:

"It's a school campus drama? It looks so warm. "


"How can a campus idol drama not be sweet, and it looks very pleasing to the eye!" 


"I'm sure I didn't see the trailer to be sweet. Isn't the love letter written by the female partner for the male partner hahaha..."


Jian Ling, a fan of Xu Chengyang, happened to swipe this Weibo and sighed.


She watched the trailer and felt that the female supporting role had a crush on the male protagonist, and the male protagonist's loyalty to the female protagonist was like a routine of slapping the female supporting role in the face.


To be honest, if it wasn't for Xu Chengyang, she wouldn't even want to watch it. 


The studio simply wanted to make money and is losing its mind by letting their male god make two TV series in a row this year.


Everyone knows that a movie star is more noble than a TV series star. What is the level of Xu Chengyang, the three gold film emperors, returning to the muddy waters of idol dramas is simply a waste of life.


And this "Summer Love Letter" is still played with her most hated traffic star.


Yun Zhen and Lu Yu belong to that group in her eyes. Representatives who have no acting skills are gathered together now, and she and her friends have a pessimistic discussion:


"If this drama fails, will Chengyang stop filming TV dramas and go back to acting in movies obediently? At this time, a prompt sound came from her mobile phone, which was a group notification sent by fans:


"@Everyone tonight Chengyang's "Summer Love Letter" will be broadcast on Apple TV and Penguin at 21:00. Everyone remember to turn on the TV and mobile phone at the same time, and support on time!"


No matter how pessimistic Jian Ling was she still entered two words: "Received."


She hoped this school drama will not be criticized too harshly, and a certain score will be better than 6.


At nine o'clock in the evening, the much-anticipated "Summer Love Letter" was officially launched.

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