Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 61: 60

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Chapter 60 What should I do if the green tea floret really pulls on the top? (25)  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

This scene is a night scene.


Bi Ming hugged her arms, her body was covered with a thin layer of smoky gauze, and inside was a lotus-colored wipe with a lotus embroidery pattern. The candle heart and the eyes are like the boundless wilderness, and there is a dead silence inside.


Everyone in the crew knows that after filming the scene where the heroine's family was executed a few days ago, this little flower often behaved in a trance and was carefully supported by the assistant when she returned.


Xu Chengyang was a little better than her and could walk back by himself, but the stinging aura that was immersed in the play was always hard to go away, making people tremble at first sight.


Director Xu Yang was amazed, Xu Chengyang was already crazy enough, but he didn't expect another level of lunaticism.


In order to play a good drug addict, Xu Chengyang went to the drug rehab center to "Get materials" and locked himself there for half a month. During that time, if the crew had not done public relations in advance, the whole network would have thought that he had taken drugs.


This is how the experience acting is played. The more you want to play a role, the more deeply you have to become that role.


In the early days of filming the childhood sweethearts who knew each other and fell in love with each other, as long as the two leading actors looked at each other, the air was filled with an ignorant and throbbing pink scent.


Sometimes the director called to stop, and the two in the play were still leaning against each other, with an irresistible lingering affection in their eyes.


Many staff members on the set have difficulty distinguishing whether they are acting or not.


Until the plot progressed to the fact that the prime minister's family was wiped out, Bi Ming's desperate and heart-rending crying scene broke out instantly, and there was a gap between the lovers that could no longer be crossed. It was all turned into nothing, and then everyone reacted -


It turned out that the previous interactions were only because the actors were too deeply involved in the play.


The girl is still extremely cold to the actor even outside the play, and the staff who originally wanted to eat love gossip were stunned.


Seeing her artist's undisguised rejection of the actor, the assistant lady behind her sometimes sweats, for fear that her actor will offend the actor.


Fortunately, the man is very aware of Bi Ming's strange performance. She has become Xu Youning, and he is Yu Jianchen, who is more deeply trapped?


Just like at this time, the young emperor in the black robe held his hand with a grim expression, his eyes were like cold pools, and he was full of obsessions.


"A-Ning, why are you running away?"


In the bright palace of a room, the girl looked at the man and moved her eyes, as if she had finally recovered.


"Your Highness, why do you ask? My father and mother's bones are not cold yet, and the grievances of the Xu family have not been cleared, so how dare this concubine not escape?"


"Encircle her, I will not let any of those old men who trapped my uncle. You can wait for me to avenge you." 


The girl looked down at his hands, and that day those hands ordered the capture of her family, the young and the old. Isn't it covered in their blood?


She finally sneered, as if mocking: "Your Highness's words are true?" 


The emperor mistakenly thought that his lover was finally soft-hearted, pulled her back, leaned over, and stared at her: "Of course, you and I have known each other when we were young. Except for the uncle's one, which promise didn't I fulfill?"  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Bi Ming stared at Xu Chengyang's face at this time, the handsome arc was like a god, tenderness and deepness were hidden in his eyebrows, like an ordinary man who couldn't be more infatuated.


The girl looked up at him, and in her ears there seemed to be the cries of the day when Xu Jiahe's mansion was executed.


"What's wrong?" The emperor stroked her face lightly and took her waist into his arms, "You don't believe me?"


"No." She snuggled into the man's generous arms, but in front of her eyes were her parents who were on the ground when their heads fell. The blood was splattered, and her eyes were lowered, "Your Highness will definitely bring those old thieves down to get justice and return my family's innocence." 


The girl in his arms was submissive and obedient, so the emperor has the illusion of going back in time.


"A-Ning, I once said that I want to be side by side with you, and let you enjoy the honor that no other woman in the world can match. Now it is finally complete." There was a hint of heroism and excitement in his youth in his words.


Her eyelashes trembled, in the corners of her eyes seemed to be a little sparkling, and finally rolled down like a pearl, falling straight to the ground.


That's right, he said, to marry her as his wife.


But she didn't tell her that the way to welcome her as a wife was originally paved with the flesh and blood of her close relatives, stained with blood.


In the middle of the night, the proud and distraught emperor embraced his love and told her how to change the court for her, and Li Daitao froze in the palace as the queen.


The girl said softly, "This concubine will only be the daughter of the Xu family in this life." On the dragon couch, the face of the disobedient emperor turned sullen, but at last, he saw the girl's plain white soft weed covering his waist.




"Your Highness, the concubine, let's change your clothes." 


The gauze outer garment slipped off her round shoulders, and under the candle, the lotus color mark was shunned to make the skin white and curvy.


There was a thin layer of lust in the man's eyes, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he leaned over and smiled:


"Well, Aning, since I promised you the back seat, you can't escape." Going down, it is an even more intimate sex scene.


But when Xu Chengyang's lips landed on the girl's ear, she turned her head away, with a somewhat unnatural look.


"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry—" The voice was extremely stiff.


Xu Chengyang paused for a while and then saw her face blushing again, and he was suddenly stunned.


It's a common situation for newcomers. It was her first time shooting a bed scene, and she was ashamed.


"Cut!" The director on the side waved his hand and signaled to pause, "What's the matter?"


Bi Ming sat up from the bed, closed the layer of tulle, and flushed cheeks: "Sorry, it's my problem. Right..."


"It's alright, look up, there are cameras and directors all around... You think of me as an abstract thing," Xu Chengyang softly soothed Bi Ming beside him, "One Middle School Spiritual Condensation Body, not human, understand?"


Bi Ming thanked the other party in a low voice.


This is her first blooper in this crew.


The director's attitude was also very tolerant: "Little Xia, what Brother Xu said is right, let's take it easy, we will surround you for a few shots, what are you worried about? Also, what is Xu Youning's state of mind at this time? Unwilling, regret, the desire for revenge, you have to pass it to the camera through your eyes..."


The truth is very simple, but unfortunately, tonight's sex scene is really stuck.


Two times, three times...until ten or twenty times.


The maiden seems to be using all of the blooper shares for tonight.


Xu Chengyang was a little helpless behind her: "Qingxia, do you just dislike me like that?"


"No, Teacher Xu, it's me...too inexperienced." Bi Ming lowered her head and whispered.


After saying this, Xu Chengyang raised his eyebrows.


He had heard from Director Chen before that the girl was taken care of by a certain young master, but Bi Ming looked too clean and gave him a good first impression, which made him doubtful.


The style of the resource cafe has always been arrogant. After seeing the girl diligently and diligently studying the script, obediently eating a box lunch with the group, Xu Chengyang subconsciously felt that she was not one of those people.


But tonight's bed scene really couldn't go on, and the director even thought of looking for a substitute.


But as soon as he mentioned it to Xu Chengyang, his back was numb because of his smiling face:


"When have I ever used a stand-in?"


"The heroine can use it as a stand-in..."


"Not even the leading actors of this show can use it. Substitute," the man interrupted him directly, "The main point of the consummation of the male and female protagonists is that the female protagonist is full of forbearance and pain, but also has the determination to gain power and to clear up the grievances of the father. How can the substitute make this feeling?" 


The director shrugged.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"You are an investor, you have the final say." He coughed twice, "Anyway, this girl is obviously a rookie when it comes to making intimate scenes. Would you like to tell her more theoretical knowledge to enlighten her?"


Xu Chengyang looked at the girl walking towards the assistant who was about to finish work and was a little moved: "Let's see tomorrow." 


On the other side, Bi Ming was asking the assistant beside her: "Miss Xiao Ran, how many times did my phone ring just now?" To her: "It rang twice, and I picked it up for you the second time. It's from Mr. Huo. He asked you when it will end?"


Bi Ming rubbed his forehead lightly: "Is he not coming to visit?"


Because of sufficient funds, "This Heart Unrestrained" was filmed in the film and television base in Shanghai in the early stage, and went to the film and television city in Zhejiang Province for the closed filming in the middle and late stages, and also booked a hotel with very good conditions for the actors.


Poor Huo Mingzhe, who just fell in love, he can only follow his girlfriend's video chats after getting off work every night.


The assistant lady didn't know why: "No, Qingxia, isn't Mr. Huo a busy person..." A few days ago, she saw that Mikai Entertainment announced that under the guidance of Mr. Huo, another round of financing had been raised, and the stock price rose. Very good, the year-end bonuses for these small employees have doubled.


Bi Ming smiled, the corners of her eyes were raised with temptation without knowing it: "I have a hunch." 


The extremely self-disciplined boyfriend changed his normal behavior and called her twice at an unconventional time. She can't think of anything other than coming to visit the set herself or preparing a surprise when she decides on the off-duty time.


Sure enough, as soon as she arrived at the hotel, she saw Huo Mingzhe sitting in the business booth in the lobby and looking out the window.


The profile of the man's face was extremely upright and tough, with deep eye frames, a straight and straight nose, and high cheekbones, like a quiet Western sculpture.


He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows next to the booth, as if in deep thought.


Bi Ming approached him and put her hand on his shoulder lightly. The next second, he saw the other party's eyes casually glance over -


It was light and cold at first, and after seeing who was coming, the ice shattered and gradually melted, as the snow faded it was like spring.


Bi Ming, who witnessed the prey becoming obedient with her own eyes, chuckled:


"Sorry Mingzhe, did I startle you?" The man looked up at her with a smile in his pupils: "I was startled at first, and then there's only surprise."

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The girl's face was still pink, as if being blown by the cold wind at night: "How did you think of coming here?"


"There is a small dinner party, I came to see you on the way." Huo Mingzhe understated it and did not mention the meeting place of the financial bigwigs. It is in a mountain village thousands of kilometers away from here.


Bi Ming whispered: "Are you driving the car or the driver?"


"The driver has been driving for a day and has gone to rest nearby." The man stood up and looked down at the girl, with a trace of grievance in his dark eyes, "Say. I'm here by myself, what do you say?" 


For more than two months, he could only make video calls, and couldn't see his girlfriend, and the thoughts accumulated day by day, how could it not break out?


Bi Ming took the man's hand and wrapped his fingers around him, but turned his head to the other side: "Mingzhe, don't act like a spoiled child."


Huo Mingzhe looked at his girlfriend's face, and couldn't help smiling: "But you seem to like it very much. "


"I don't like it." The man finally couldn't help laughing, and the other hand he didn't hold pressed against her lips and coughed lightly: "Okay, I understand." 


The girl glanced back at him, and then seemed a little embarrassed that he didn't live up to her expectations. She suddenly broke free from his hand and walked forward quickly.


Huo Mingzhe was not in a hurry, he just smiled lazily and followed behind her to admire her awkward manner.


What is true love?


When they first met, she was cold and arrogant, and almost every sentence emphasized the distance from each other, like a bright moon beyond the horizon. 


But slowly getting to know her deeply, get along with her, and then you will find out——

This is the vigilance of a strong, hard-working little hedgehog.


After losing her parents, she struggled to survive alone in society and was never treated kindly by life, so she had to maintain an indifferent and strong surface, erecting small thorns so that others would not dare to bully her casually.


And his attitude of conquering and hunting from the very beginning was gradually changed by her soft inner world.


It is precisely because he can feel her sincerity in getting along with others, her seriousness in dealing with work, and her persistence in the face of temptation... that he cherishes this fate so much.


Love begins in the skin, but is loyal to the soul.


The room card swiped the door open, but the scene that came into view was beyond the girl's expectations.


Red, bright red covered the entire space.


From the entry to the room, there are soft cashmere carpets, which are warm and comfortable.


Delicate and fragrant roses spread from the ceiling to the walls, turning the whole room into a fantasy fairy tale world.


There is also an air humidifier, and there is a touch of rose aroma floating in the air, which is like a dream.


On the bar, there are two glasses of prepared red wine, which are as moving as red crystals.


"When were these..." She was a little shocked.


"Sorry, I asked your assistant, and she helped me contact the front desk and gave me a spare room card." The man leaned over and embraced the girl's slender waist, whispering in her ear, "It was arranged in advance, if you don't like it, I won't do it next time."


Bi Ming was silent for a moment.


From a certain point of view, this man has gone all the way around and arranged so many flowers to create a romantic surprise for her, which is still worthy of commendation.


She walked to the small bar in the room, raised a glass of wine, sniffed lightly for a moment, and curled her eyes and lips: "Now that you're ready, drink it, right?" 


The man seemed to understand the hint in her words and walked slowly towards her.


Bi Ming took a sip of wine and looked up at the tall man in front of him, with a drop of wet wine on her lips.


"Try it?" The cup was raised as if to be handed to him.


The man stared at her lips, his eyes dark and deep.


The girl looked back at him, her eyelashes blinked lightly, with a naughty smile.


"The taste of wine should be very sweet." The man suddenly said.


"You haven't had a drink yet, how do you know?" Bi Ming watched him approaching her, she couldn't help but back up, but her back just hit the bar.


Huo Mingzhe grabbed the back of her neck and leaned forward without allowing her to escape. He pressed against the tip of her nose and said slowly,


"I just know." The next second, when the girl was caught off guard, he sucked the remaining wine from her lips.


The wine glass in Bi Ming's hand was knocked over and fell on the ground, staining the carpet.


The air was filled with the fragrance of red wine mixed with roses, and the wine flowed down embarrassingly.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

In the hazy, ambiguous light, everything was shaking.


The bright red bloomed recklessly in the room, smashed into wine glasses, and floated between the mattresses, endlessly.




The next day, the morning light was bright.


Huo Mingzhe got up early, but he rarely craved the warmth of the quilt and the fragrant nephrite in his arms.


Under the stimulation of his warm breathing, the girl finally slowly opened her eyes.


He saw her temples were scattered with hairs, her cheeks were blushing, and her pupils were filled with mist, as if a goblin lived in it, trying to pull people into the abyss.


Such a beautiful sight made the man's eyes darken, and he lowered his head to lighten her slightly open lips.


But in the next second, he was stunned by the girl's hoarse and trembling voice -


"Mr. Huo, am I here?"


"Xia Xia?" The man thought the girl was not awake, "Did you forget? This is the hotel where you filmed, I drove over last night."


"You..." But Bi Ming broke free from his embrace, clutching the quilt and trembling, "Mr. Huo, you are too, too much! Although I signed the agreement with you, you can't treat me when I'm filming..."


Huo Mingzhe became more and more confused as he listened, his head buzzing.


"No, last night..."


"Last night you forced me to do that thing again," the girl jumped out of bed with her arms around the thin quilt, her eyes full of despair, "Can you only let me go if I die?"


Huo Mingzhe frowned when he saw that her demeanor was not fake.


"Wait a minute, tell me first, who are you now?"




"Who is your boyfriend?"


"..." The girl looked at him, biting the corner of her lips, her eyes flushed: "Mr. Huo, I did owe a huge debt and had to sign a fostering agreement with you, but you can't humiliate me like this!"


"What agreement?" Huo Mingzhe was completely stunned.


"That, that, the agreement..." Bi Ming's voice gradually weakened, "You said that you will make me popular, but you want me to be your lover for a year."


"Then what?"


"I-I don't want to, you just took me—" The girl covered her mouth and trembled helplessly.


The man closed his eyes and tried to keep himself calm.


"I ask you, how did we meet?"


"I met you when I was a child. I saved you, but you killed my parents."


Huo Mingzhe squinted, how does this plot sound familiar? Kind of like her costume drama.


"Then what?"


"My parents went bankrupt and died because of business competition. When you saw me with huge debts, you took advantage of the danger and made a decision about me.


Huo Mingzhe took a deep breath, what kind of scumbag is he? Fortunately, he has experienced a similar situation before.


Is this due to the drama again?


"Are you Xu Youning or Yan Qingxia now? He asked sharply.


The girl frowned and seemed to be thinking about this question seriously.


After a while, her beautiful face showed a puzzled expression in the faint morning light:


"Mr. Huo, why are you asking such strange questions?" 


"Of course, I am Yan Qingxia. "


Very good, she doesn't seem to be in the play, but in a confused personality.


Huo Mingzhe sighed, picked up the mobile phone next to him, and called his assistant:


"Help me find a psychiatrist to cross over to Xiangshan, as soon as possible. "

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