Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 63: 62

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Chapter 62 What should I do if the green tea floret really pulls on the top? (27)


The time went back to the two days when Bi Ming was still "awake".


The photo studio of the magazine SO.


A female star in a tight black dress and bright red lips is lying on the sofa in a provocative pose under the spotlight.  

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"OK!" The fashionable mixed-race photographer gave a thumbs up.


The actress lifted her hair from her ears and smiled at the big-name photographer.


Soon, a bunch of assistants swarmed around her, wiping the sweat for her, and retouching her makeup.


"Lan Lan," the manager leaned into the artist's ear, his voice very soft, "The ratings of 'Summer Love Letter' have not dropped, but have increased by 0.2 points compared to yesterday..."


The actress called "Lan Lan", also known as Lan Ning, one of the big flowers in domestic entertainment, her round and smiling eyes instantly turned sharp: "Oh, it's 2.3?" 


The agent glanced around and turned towards her and shook his head slightly, indicating that the details will be discussed later.


Not long after, when she returned to the private dressing room, the door was closed by the assistant, and the manager saw Lan Ning sitting in front of the mirror, his face visibly unchanged.


The agent smiled helplessly: "Lan Lan, sigh, this time I can only say that she is lucky to have a male protagonist like Xu Chengyang." 


Lan Ning's red nail polish fingers crossed: "I remember last year. The average rating of the drama king "The Legend of the Qing Palace" is only 2.5, is it possible for Yun Zhen to surpass it?"


"Looking at the trend and word of mouth, it is not a big problem." The agent analyzed, "After the ratings of the premiere last night came out, many companies in the industry have launched new campus drama projects."


Campus themes are no different than ancient costume dramas that require a lot of investment and take a long time. Although the basic price is smaller, most of them can be paid back.


After the data on the first day of "Summer Love Letter" came out, it was like a slap in the face of major companies -

Who said that campus dramas are declining?


This drama simply hangs up all the big production puppets this year!


If you change the heroine, Lan Ning's face may not be so ugly, but the heroine of "Summer Love Letter" is Yun Zhen who has a bad relationship with her.


Back then, Yun Zhen was not the "Queen of the Red Carpet", but just a fledgling star. She came over boldly and asked Lan Ning if she could shake hands. At that time, Lan Ning didn't think much about it and encouraged her with a smile.


Then the next day, the hot search post came: "Comparison between the beautiful flower and the post-view Lan Ning? Lan Ning is defeated!"


Inside is a picture of her shaking hands with Yun Zhen, the other party is graceful in a black dress and white skin, while Lan Ning looks a little sallow because she is wearing a bright yellow dress.


Lan Ning later found someone to analyze these so-called "raw pictures", only to know that her face and arms were deliberately darkened by editing, while Yun Zhen's skin was brightened and smoothed a lot.


She was so angry that she contacted public relations to fight back. Unfortunately, the naval battle was a step late, and the other party had already eaten the traffic off the red carpet that night, and beat her back, saying that Lan Ning's team was not willing to be overwhelmed by the newcomers and washed the floor everywhere.


Since then, the two actresses have become enemies, and Yun Zhen has been promoted successfully, becoming a red-carpet beauty who can "become famous".


"Lan Lan, don't worry." The agent advised, however, with light shining from the slits of his thin eyes, "In my opinion, this drama Yun Zhen not only won't get any dividends but will be bad luck instead."


" ?"


"Look at the super phone data." The agent handed the phone to Lan Ning.


Lan Ning frowned: "Xia Dong CP? What is this...The male lead and supporting female lead are a pair?"


"No, they are not official matches, but the audience cares more about male protagonists and female supporting roles than Yun Zhen."


"There are more than 200,000 people who have reacted," Lan Ning, "Can cults be so popular?" 


The agent whispered: "This has only risen in one day. The data group has made a growth rate forecast, and the final popularity may be similar to the most popular ones. Flat to CP."


Lan Ning said that it is false not to be envious. She has also had explosive dramas and experienced the huge traffic dividends brought by CP fans.


Now, most dramas like to market CP, because the activity, stalking and fan creation of this part of the fans are much higher than that of the celebrity fans.


Yun Zhen is top-class, right? Why can't there be a hit drama when she goes back to acting?


Because the reputation and broadcast volume of TV series depends on the huge group of passers-by, fans cannot control it.


Looking down for a while, Lan Ning suddenly hooked his lips: "What's the name of this second female lead? She is interesting."


"Yan Qingxia, the newcomer that Mikai Entertainment is touting this year, has a great background."


"No wonder, the second female lead role in this drama is so heavy." Lan Ning stroked the screen with his fingers and smiled softly, "Yun Zhen is so embarrassed by her in it, where is such a heroine like her?"


Hearing the laughter of his entertainer becoming happy again, the agent also relaxed a lot: "Who said no, last time on the red carpet she was also pressed by this newcomer, I see, this newcomer was born to beat her!"


#Original translations on —do not steal.

Lan Ning sneered: "At least the newcomers are not just marketing parallel imports... Yes Now, I think Yun Zhen will buy hot searches tonight, so we can also ride a wave for revenge." The agent gave Lanning a suspicious look, his own artist is useless and can't afford it early, does she still want to help others promote it?


"Just wait and see." Lan Ning smiled without saying a word.


That night, three or four episodes of "Summer Love Letter" were broadcast.


There are several related topics in the front row of the hot search:


#Love LetterThe Third Episode#


#CP First Intimate Contact#


#Xia An x Gu Dongyue Are You a Couple#


#Xu Wangshu is so beautiful when she takes off her glasses for the first time#


Among them, the third article in the hot search has climbed the fastest, and when you enter, you will see the clip video sent by the big V of the same person, and it is also equipped with a beautiful copy:


"If you like a person, it will run out of your eyes."


The comments below are all "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", but the real-time square is pretty jarring.


Because some ghosts and snakes were mixed in:


"Green tea really knows how to buy marketing, stir up the CP cult, don't get drunk!"


"Doesn't Xia An like Wang Shu? The second girl is indifferent and mean. When she bullied Wang Shu, Xia An came out to protect her.  He has a wife, I hope everyone will be more rational and support the official match."


"Are these people all that female's dogs who want to be the mistress? [Blind eyes]"


These seemingly "passers-by" comments made the Fans of "Xia Dong" CP furious.


"Yun Zhen fans can't afford to play, right? Who are we messing with CP fans? I've become a junior after watching a TV series?"


"Don't get excited, they are so angry that they see so many people like our CP. Now, if they don't even dance in the hot search of the main host, they just come to our square to go crazy."


"Our alphabet station has millions of clips, and the discussion is hot, but a certain heroine has no sense of existence. The most-viewed video is mocking her old-fashioned look, don't you think it's funny?"



After the CP fans quarreled with the "Hazelnuts" disguised as passers-by, a hot search suddenly landed.


#Lan Ning thinks Summer Love Letter is beautiful#


Click in and see, only to find that Lan Ning's account has released a repo for chasing drama:


[Watching two episodes tonight, I got stuck.]

The accompanying picture is the scene of Xia An looking at Gu Dongyue in the auditorium.


The boy is offstage, the girl is on the stage, and both of them have light, like planets attracting each other in the dark.


Do you know, what level of actress Lan Ning is?


There is no doubt that the first echelon of internal entertainment is a big flower, and there are several hit dramas in her hand.


Therefore, as soon as this Weibo came out, the comment area went crazy.


The fastest critic was Lan Ning's own big fan:


"Lan Lan, you look so cute when you follow the drama, such a little girl ah ah ah-"


"Looking forward to Lan Lan's new drama "The Legend of Songshan Heroes"! [Holding flowers]"


However, after the hot search, many passers-by fans were very happy:


"Sister Lan Ning is also chasing summer love letters, it's really beautiful!"


"Double fan ecstasy, what kind of dream linkage is this!"


"Pictures...Pfft, is my sister swearing at Xia Dong?"


Lan Ning's picture is very subtle, it is not a still photo, but a self-made essence of Xia Dong CP big fans repaired CP map.


The fans in the CP super talk are well aware of this, and they are a little wicked haha:


"Sister Lan Ning is definitely a genuine CP fan~ Seeing Yun Zhen's fans going crazy, they quickly posted on Weibo to suppress their shock."


"Sister Ning, maybe you're liking us now! Hahaha..."


"You guys are too bamboo shoots, but we Xia Dong are really hot right now, even the stars are eating!"

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In this wave of hot searches, Lan Ning can be said to have pulled her feet. A good impression, for most passers-by, was created, a popular female star with a strong sense of distance will actually chase dramas like them, and may even be a CP fan, making her feel friendly and cute.


And when Yun Zhen fans saw that picture, it was stuck in their throats, and could not wait to tear Lan Ning's face to pieces.


Too cheap, she must have done it on purpose!


Someone boldly asked Lan Ning's Weibo: "Sister Ning, who do you think Xia An likes?"


A few minutes later, the number of likes on this Weibo exploded because Lan Ning replied -


"He likes the girl who made him fall in love at first sight."


This answer was simple and clear, but it made Yun Zhen fans feel aggrieved to the core.


The hidden front of this senior's words makes people unable to grasp any clues, but it can make people die.


Xia Dong CP is madly forwarding this sentence.


"Sister Lan Ning can say that this is the self-cultivation of CP fans?!"


This night, with Lan Ning's "selfless help", everyone except Yun Zhen's family was happy again.


Even Lu Yu, who has a very small sense of existence, couldn't help but happily watch the CP super chat that belongs to him and Bi Ming:


"It will be popular, right? It's going to be hot? We will go up after the fourth episode of the wall play. You have tens of thousands of live fans!" 


The fat agent next to him rubbed his forehead:

"You are so easy to satisfy..."


Lu Yu grinned and saw clearly: "In terms of acting skills, I can't compare to Chengyang even one-tenth. In front of Brother Chengyang, my sense of picture is definitely weaker, but my biggest advantage is that I can hold the beautiful woman back."


"Believe it or not, those people next door will be abused so badly in the future, they will definitely come to our house to find candy." The agent was stunned for a moment.


Okay, this kid has such a bright brain.


But in this way, the biggest beneficiary is the woman.


This is indeed the case. After the popularity of "Summer Love Letter" broke out, Bi Ming, the fastest-absorbing fan sponge, has successfully surpassed the 5 million mark, surpassing several goofy stars in one swoop.


Bi Ming's agent, Sister Wen, raised her eyebrows. She finally didn't have to look at people's faces to get resources. Now that there are many advertising endorsements, and the number of drama appointments has soared, she even began to consider setting up a larger team.


When she was about to ask Bi Ming for her opinion, the assistant who answered the phone left her in shock.


What is it that Mr. Huo took Yan Qingxia home because she couldn't go to film?


"Xiao Ran, you can't talk nonsense."


#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Sister Wen, it's true..." Bi Ming's assistant trembled, very sad and angry, "Last night, Mr. Huo asked me for Qingxia's room card, I... I didn't dare to refuse, so I gave it to him, and then I thought that he would also be concerned that Qingxia was still filming, and he wouldn't dare to go too far... Who knows that the next morning, he asked me to ask the crew for leave, and then took Qingxia back to Shanghai. They are gone."


"I was packing my things behind, and I saw a lot of red marks in the room," Miss Sister sniffed, feeling a little regretful and aggrieved, "I can't even imagine what Qingxia suffered last night!"


Sister Wen fell silent.


Both she and her assistant are just workers, and they have limited access to Huo Mingzhe, and they have no way of knowing what kind of sexual fetish the other party will have.


The entertainment industry is a dirty big dye mat, and those characters who manipulate capital behind their backs really have no scruples about playing with a star.


But thinking of Huo Mingzhe's usual style, Sister Wen felt that the other party should not have such a cruel side.


"Sister Wen, I didn't lie to you. There are dark red blood-like stains all over the sheets and the carpet. It looks scary." The assistant lady emphasized on the phone, "And Qingxia is in the room. He didn't let me take a look at all!"


Sister Wen cleared her throat, and finally told her lightly:


"Okay, Xiao Ran, this is the end of the matter. I will communicate with Mr. Huo in the future. When the crew asked for a leave of absence, they said that Little Xia was ill and had to go back to the Shanghai Stock Exchange city for treatment and examination, and told the crew as soon as the results came out."


"No, no need," the little assistant replied in a soft voice, "Teacher Xu Chengyang nodded when he heard that Qing Xia was not feeling well, and told me to tell him as soon as she was in good health."


Sister Wen frowned, this Shadow Emperor Xu... Didn't he care too much about Little Xia?


After thinking for a moment, she called Bi Ming to see the situation.


However, it was another person who answered the phone: "Hello?"


Sister Wen almost shuddered, good guy, is the boss still with her? Doesn't he have to go to work?


"Huo, Mr. Huo, I'm Wen, I was just about to ask Qingxia something..."


"She's not available now," the man was a little impatient, his voice was cold and hard, "Don't call me for the next two days." After speaking, the girl's soft hoarse cry came from the phone, making people's spines go numb.


Sister Wen's suspicions about the assistant's words suddenly disappeared.


It turns out that there are times when a man like the boss can't hold back... It's daytime now.


She thought of the soft, stubborn Bi Ming again, and she couldn't help feeling sympathy.


She didn't expect Mr. Huo to be such a beast, and he would take her with him if he didn't have a good time in the hotel. She hopes Qingxia... can survive.


On the other side, Huo Mingzhe hung up the phone, looking at the little girl who was trembling because of the headache, feeling distressed and helpless.


"Xia Xia, you can't bite your fingers if you're uncomfortable," he held the girl's head carefully, "There are bacteria on your hands."


'Confused' Bi Ming narrowed her cat-like amber pupils and slowly approached

 She touched the tip of his nose, her lips parted slightly.


Then, with a gulp, her teeth pressed against his lips and bit down hard.


The tingling sensation spread from the lips to the brain, but Huo Mingzhe did not push her away but patted her back patiently as if to soothe her restlessness.


However, the girl's lips nimbly slipped into his lips, as if deliberately provocative.


Huo Mingzhe's hands around her became tighter and tighter and finally entangled with her in a confused way...


In short, a bad debt.


And it always turns into the same script in the end -

The "scum" bullied the innocent, poor, unconscious girl, leaving a fierce mark on her.


Therefore, on the day when Bi Ming woke up, Huo Mingzhe finally breathed a sigh of relief and took his girlfriend back from the apartment to Huo's house.


"Why haven't you answered the phone these days?" Huo's mother first accused her son with a few words, and then faced Bi Ming with another face, "Little Xia is back?"


"Why didn't you tell this aunt in advance? I knew it earlier. Those big crabs will not be steamed this morning, sigh, how about making you some fish maw and wild ginseng soup tonight..." 


Naturally, Huo's mother, who is as enthusiastic as ever, does not know her daughter-in-law's schizophrenia, and Huo Mingzhe will not let her mother worry.


Bi Ming nodded and smiled as always:


"Don't bother auntie, I have to catch a flight back to the crew tonight."


Huo Mingzhe took her hand and glanced sideways: "Who said you were leaving tonight?"


"Mingzhe— "The girl frowned and motioned him with her eyes not to quarrel in front of Mother Huo.


How could Mother Huo not be able to see that the young couple were arguing, but she also selfishly wanted her daughter-in-law and son to spend more time together, so she laughed and persuaded: "Little Xia just stay at home for one night, you can't leave at night, it's very dangerous."


"But I..."


"Okay, Xia Xia," Huo Mingzhe squeezed her hand, "Mom has been waiting for you for a long time."


Bi Ming's face was a little tangled, but in the end, she couldn't bear to disappoint the old lady and nodded in agreement.


While waiting for dinner, Bi Ming saw that there was an empty space on the table, and was a little curious:


"Is Little He not here?"


Huo's mother was putting dishes on the plate, combining meat and vegetables, and making a full plate: "He is at home, recently he has been working on an innovative project for national college students, and he is studying his pile of computer data. You see, these are all given to him to eat."


Bi Ming nodded: "The last programming competition, I think he seems to be Posted on Moments, said he won the first prize?"


Huo's mother was a little surprised: "He won the award, but when did he post the Moments, why don't I remember..."


Huo Mingzhe's hand-scooping soup slightly slowed down.


Because he didn't see his brother's circle of friends.


"Is that so?" Bi Ming murmured a little lost, "But I also liked him…" 


The phone was just next to her, and Mother Huo clicked it to take a look.


However, Sheng He's circle of friends was set to be invisible for three days and could not be seen.


Huo Mingzhe put the scooped soup in front of his girlfriend, with half-rolled sleeves and an elegant manner: "No hurry, Xia Xia and I will go up to see him later."


Mother Huo looked at the eldest son's calm expression, and for some reason, faintly felt the air pressure on the other side.


Mingzhe is... unhappy?

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