Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 65: 64

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Chapter 64 What should I do if the green tea floret really pulls on the top? (29)


Mother Huo was very relieved, and while she was imagining the future, Bi Ming had already given her boyfriend a cold and angry glance.

  #Original translations on —do not steal.

However, this glaring look was not lethal because of the blush on the girl's face.


Huo Mingzhe wiped his slightly wet lips, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled, giving way to his exasperated girlfriend.


Huo's mother also came up to greet her, holding her daughter-in-law's hand with a smile: "Don't worry, Auntie didn't see anything just now."


Bi Ming: "..."


Aunt Huo is really humorous.


"Don't stop this girl at the door of the guest room, go back," Huo's mother raised her eyes slightly, turned her head, and signaled her son to leave when he saw it. "I want to chat with Little Xia for a while."


Seeing his girlfriend and mother join teams, Huo Mingzhe had no choice but to surrender: "Okay, go to bed early."


When the man left, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked about everything else, and gossip was commonplace. Huo's mother also shared a lot of things about Huo Mingzhe's childhood with Bi Ming.


Bi Ming noticed the subtlety.


In Huo's mother's account, Sheng He seems to have never appeared in his brother's past experience before the age of 20.


"Auntie, according to what you said, Mingzhe should have been very happy when Little He was born, right?" Bi Ming mentioned this topic unintentionally.


"Uh... yes," Mother Huo paused for a while, and then continued naturally, "Mingzhe is a good and responsible brother, and Little He's growth is inseparable from his dedication."


"No wonder Little He listens to his brother's words. "Bi Ming smiled slightly.


In the middle of the night, Bi Ming replied to the messages from Sister Wen, her assistant, and Xu Chengyang on WeChat that they were concerned about her.


Seeing Xu Chengyang's sentence "If someone forces you to do something unpleasant, you can tell me and I will help you", Bi Ming raised her lips and quickly pressed her finger on the screen:


[Mr. Xu, it's not what you think, I'm doing it voluntarily.]


The speed of reply over there is very fast:


[Don't force yourself.]


Compared with words, men seem to believe more in the "truth" of their brains.


Bi Ming smiled and shook her head, sent him an "I'm fine" emoji and immediately put the phone aside.


And went to take a good night nap.


The next day, the morning light poured into the room through the gaps in the curtains, and the girl rolled over sleepily as if feeling something foreign under her feet and kicked it subconsciously—the heavy object fell to the ground with a thud.


Bi Ming, who was finally awakened by the voice:?


She half propped her body up and looked at the foot of the bed, only to see the black-haired boy covering his head in embarrassment, his eyes half-open in confusion.




"Little He, what are you doing?" Bi Ming finally understood that the person who had shrunk up at her feet was a big living person.


The teenager was still holding a stack of scratch paper, wearing clean cotton pajamas, and his expression seemed aggrieved: "Sister-in-law...I, I'm here to discuss with you how to continue to derive that formula..."


"When did you come?"


"I don't know, it seems that it was still dark at the time. I saw that you didn't wake up and didn't dare to disturb you, so I stayed here all the time." The boy held up his scratch paper, "I seem to have fallen asleep in the back..."


Bi Ming narrowed her eyes and pulled up her pajamas that were half-slippery on her shoulders.

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Is the child pretending to be innocent or really innocent?


"Why didn't you give me a call on the phone? Also, it's very rude to trespass into a girl's room."


"But sister-in-law, you are a member of the family." Bi Ming tilted her head and blinked her eyelashes lightly: 


"Little He, do you really think so?"


Sheng He sat on the carpet with messy hair and stared straight at her: "Well. I said..."


"You are mine."


Bi Ming frowned, is this guy joking?


At this moment, there was a loud bang at the door.


The two of them looked back at the same time but saw a mature man in sports and casual clothes standing at the door, looking at him with cold eyes.


It turned out to be Huo Mingzhe who was about to go to the gym on the first floor to exercise.


He happened to be passing by when he heard heavy objects falling to the ground in the guest room, so he came over to push the door, and then heard his brother's righteous sentence, "Big brother said you are mine."


Huo Mingzhe almost laughed angrily.


With the rising anger, the door panel slammed against the wall, making a loud bang.   "Big brother," Sheng He looked very calmly at Huo Mingzhe, who was walking towards him with a very bad face.


The helpless young girl was very angry, and s

he grabbed his brother's collar directly:


"Sheng He, you've done something wrong again, right?" 


The young man was extremely innocent: "Brother, what you said is mine, Are you going to break your promise?"


Huo Mingzhe laughed angrily: "She is indeed your family, and that's all, just like you can't rob your mother from your father, don't you understand this concept?"


Sheng He after thinking for a while, he shook his head: "However, sister-in-law is not the same as mother. Brother, I can tell the difference very clearly, just like you can kiss sister-in-law, hold her hands, hold her... But you won't talk to parents about doing this kind of thing, I will learn from you."


Bi Ming: Can this be learned too?


Huo Mingzhe looked at his younger brother whose brain circuits were abnormal from childhood to adulthood. In addition to being annoyed, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness:


"Sheng He, when will you grow up?"


"Xia Xia is not only my family but also my lover. You should find your own girlfriend instead of staring at your sister-in-law, understand?"


"I don't want it." Sheng He immediately refused coldly, "I don't want to find a girlfriend, I just want to live with you, my parents, and my sister-in-law forever, and no one should bother our family."


Someone was so angry that his veins burst out: "Stinky boy, I see you need to be cleaned up..."


"Big brother, can't you indulge me again?" Sheng He suddenly raised his head, his eyes were as dark as ink, "You promised me that you would take good care of me instead of my parents."


Bi Ming lifted her eyebrows, looking up and down at the two brothers -

Sure enough, Sheng He's life experience has a big secret.


Huo Mingzhe took a deep breath and tightened his collar:


"Sheng He, are you blackmailing me now on the basis of your parents' wishes?"


His words were heavy, and the implication made Sheng He immediately fall into a dead silence. 


After a long time, he said in a low voice, "Brother, I will never threaten you."


"I just like to get along with my sister-in-law. Is this also wrong?"


Huo Mingzhe looked at his brother and suddenly thought about his wanting to repay the couple who saved him and he let the traumatized Sheng He shrink under the protection of the shell of "home"?


Now Sheng He's concept has been deeply rooted -


He actually thought that after he had a family relationship with his sister-in-law, he would not need to keep any distance.


Huo Mingzhe's feverish head finally eased a little: "Little He, it's not wrong for you and Xia Xia to get along normally, but entering her room without authorization is crossing the line, understand?"




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"Before getting married, even I can't enter her room casually." Huo Mingzhe saw him casually, and reiterated, "This is the most basic respect for a lady."


"But family..."


"It's the same with family, there are no buts." Huo Mingzhe felt that it was more tiring to correct his younger brother's ideas than to talk about new projects.


"Okay, I see." Sheng He finally nodded reluctantly, "I will knock on the door in the future." 


After watching this good show of the eldest brother being like a father, Bi Ming finally said:


"So, Can you guys go out after you finish talking? I have to change my clothes."




After being kicked out embarrassingly, they looked at each other with unnatural expressions on their faces.


"Brother, is my sister-in-law angry? Can I still ask her about the formula?" The young man shook the scrap paper in his hand and emphasized, "I'm in a hurry, I'm going to send it to my tutor today."


Huo Mingzhe coughed twice: "Maybe you have to wait for me to explain your background to her, do you mind if I tell her?"


Sheng He shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I don't remember the past anyway."


Huo Mingzhe was silent for a moment, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes.


Sheng He's true identity is the son of Huo's father's friend. That friend once rescued the young Huo Mingzhe who was kidnapped by the bad guys and almost had his life torn apart and has since become the benefactor of the Huo family. Later, the benefactor joined the anti-drug team and died in an operation. At the same time, the family was also attacked by drug dealers. At that time, Sheng He was less than seven years old and was hidden under the bed. He witnessed his grandparents and mother being brutally murdered by drug dealers. 


Maybe that memory was too terrifying. The rescued Sheng He lost his ability to speak for a long time. The Huo family hired countless psychologists for this child, and finally slowly turned him into a normal person who can communicate with others.


And Sheng He's brain also activated an instinctive protective response and emptied all the memories before the age of seven from his head.

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As for the death of his parents, the Huo family did not dare to tell the truth to the young man, and in the end, they could only say that "An accident happened while traveling".


It was also this version that Bi Ming was later told.


"Xia Xia, don't blame him." The reason Huo Mingzhe was able to calm down from his anger was because he knew that his younger brother was abnormal, "He longs for his family too much, but he doesn't always manage the keep a distance thing."


"Well, I...I know." Bi Ming didn't care but comforted her boyfriend, "Don't be jealous, I only care about you."


Huo Mingzhe turned his head and happened to meet his younger brother who had been staring at them.


To be honest, this look... how could he feel at ease?


For a moment.


After discussing the development of artificial intelligence algorithms with his younger brother, Bi Ming made a suggestion.


"Little He, have you considered practical application?"


"Sister-in-law, this algorithm can trace the origin and route node of each data... The first stage allows it to continuously collect and read a large amount of data, and then it can do intelligent analysis and traceability."


"Good idea, the birth of strong artificial intelligence must rely on AI autonomous deep learning, and its foundation is the input of massive data." Bi Ming thought about it, and then made a suggestion, "Now that you have this retrospective algorithm, you can first develop a program to test its data processing capabilities."


Sheng He was stunned for a moment, the big data algorithm of artificial intelligence itself is a key research project of major companies, and massive user data can make an intelligent model more perfect.


"This algorithm can read and restore all data streams on the client side," said the teenager with some concern. "I'll ask the instructor to see if there is a partner company that can provide a public database to test this algorithm."


Bi Ming nodded: "Do a good job. I'm looking forward to what kind of black technology this algorithm combined with your programming will give birth to."


Hearing the girl's praise, Sheng He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and the little black mole at the end of his eyes looked very tempting.


"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will work hard, and I will definitely live up to your hard work."




Bi Ming finally returned to work smoothly.


It was not easy to convince Huo Mingzhe, because this careful man was even going to make a mess of her project, citing the excessive pressure on his girlfriend's psychological state by the crew.


But Bi Ming successfully stopped him. 


"Mingzhe, this drama is very important to me. If it is successful, I can pay off all the company's debts smoothly."


Xu Chengyang's contract with Bi Ming wrote dividend terms.


Similar to betting, everything depends on the final profit.


Huo Mingzhe may not care about the money, but he knows the worries on his girlfriend's shoulders.


In the end, both sides took a step back, and Bi Ming could continue filming, but in the crew, she must be accompanied by a psychiatrist in time, and Huo Mingzhe had the right to visit the filming site from time to time. Once he found that she was in a bad mood after the play, he would immediately stop the filming.


"This Heart Uninhibited" escaped the catastrophe and did not suffer substantial retaliation.


It's just that Xu Chengyang, the producer, also felt the pressure, and there was a rumor from above that the gatekeepers for this type of subject matter would be stricter.


All in all, this show was full of twists and turns.


On the contrary, it is the "Summer Love Letter" that is smooth and red outside.


As the only campus drama aired during the Golden Week, its exquisite texture and compact rhythm make each episode like a micro-movie. In the narrative of the emotional line, the emotional appeal is very strong. And every episode ends with suspense.


Among them, "Gu Dongyue", who is frantically harvesting internet traffic, has become the new "Female goose" in the mouth of the audience. She is beautiful, stubborn, talented, and excellent. Recently, it has completely "blooded" the editing list of Alphabet Station.

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With the progress of the plot, the process of change from opposition to understanding between the male supporting role and the female supporting role is like an orange soda brewing with bubbles, which is sweet and refreshing, making people exhale sour.


After the story of Jian Weixing and Gu Dongyue's scene at the beginning of the current episode, the "Xing x Yue" CP rose almost unstoppably. Many original "Xia x Dong" CP parties saw that Xia An was so "unsatisfactory". Not only did he not cherish the love of the school beauty, but they also got closer and closer to the scumbag heroine in the class.


During this period, Yun Zhen's fans finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to counterattack the arrogant "cult fans", touting the "Xia Shu" CP as the best in the drama.


"Hazelnuts" are even more blunt: Xia x Dong has been marketed 10,000 times, but the male protagonist still only loves the female protagonist. Do cult fans understand?


Yun Zhen, on the other hand, strikes while the iron is hot. It doesn't matter if Xu Chengyang is in retreat or refuses to engage in live streaming, she can make other things up.


Soon, the well-known gossip marketing account issued a new post:


"It turns out that Xu Chengyang and Yun Zhen are in the same class at Beiying. Some people posted old photos of the year. It seems that the relationship between the two is very good. It is not difficult to explain the reason why the film emperor will choose Yun Zhen as the heroine after going down to the world to take over the TV series. [With photo. Group photo of Beiying classmates reunion]"


The comment area below was in an uproar:


"Surprised, I only know that Xu Chengyang and Yun Zhen are both from Beiying, but the former can go back to be a lecturer, and the latter has become the 'shame of Beiying'..."


"It's so touching, I didn't expect Xu Chengyang's relationship with Yun Zhen is so good, no wonder it's so sweet in "Summer Love Letter"."


"This is the top couple who have joined forces with domestic entertainment, right? The three gold movie stars was only here to accompany the top-notch flower to play a campus idol drama… Shouldn't we celebrate with drinks?!"


"All give your drinks to 'Xia Shu', the warm school grass to redeem the inferior girl yyds!"


Someone below pointed out: "Why are there so many top actress fans in the front row? Don't pretend to be a passerby, I'll go!"


"I'm dying of laughter, Yun Zhen fans have been working really hard recently, and they also said that they want to get their own CP super talk data well within a week, and they will definitely surpass the most popular 'Xia Dong' now!"


But It is undeniable that after showing out the example that Xu Chengyang and Yun Zhen were college classmates, the scandal began to continue to rise.


After all, it is human nature to gossip, and Xu Chengyang and Yun Zhen’s traffic is extremely huge. If they really have proof, I am afraid it will not be far from paralyzing Weibo.


Driven by big data and the words of Yun Zhen's fans, the hit "Summer Love Letter" was also brought to a rhythm.


"Xu Chengyang only loves Xu Wangshu, please don't follow the main hero and the second female fans, they will be posting nonsense all day."


"Green tea fans have been hyping the male lead and female supporting lead since the first episode of the broadcast. It's really a pity for Zhen Zhen, this drama has a good reputation. It should have been better..."


In the drama super talk, the "Summer Love Letter" topic square can be seen everywhere with such fan remarks, and even continue to spread to a certain sound, like a bunch of viruses that reject dissidents, promoting Xia Shu everywhere, suppressing summer and winter.


Just when the fans of "Xia Dong" couldn't bear it anymore and were about to fight back, the sixteenth episode was broadcast that night.


It was also this night that became the "Collection of conferred gods" in "Summer Love Letters".


The title of the episode is Amusement Park.

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