Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 68: 67

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Chapter 67: What should I do if the green tea floret really pulls on the top? (32)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The number of people in the live broadcast room was still rising.


Under the fascination of the hot search for drama broadcast, many curious drama-chasing parties came to find out.


"Tonight, Dongyue and I are going to watch a popular TV series together." Lu Yu smiled at the fans in the live broadcast room, "Guess which one it is?"


The barrage is dense, but this time they are all unified: "Summer-love-book-"


"Bingo!" The boy snapped his fingers, then looked at the screen again, as if staring at Bi Ming at the other end, "Dongyue, it's not too late, let's start!"


"Well." On Bi Ming's side, the staff handed over the tablet with the Penguin video app open.


The hour hand just pointed to nine o'clock. While watching the live broadcast on the mobile phone, the fans couldn't help but turn on the TV or computer and started the experience of synchronously chasing dramas.


With the opening scene of the opening song, Lu Yu couldn't help stammering: "Look at my basketball posture, handsome or not?"


A barrage floated past: [? ? ?]


Of course, there were also some cheerings: [Xingxing is so handsome!]


Bi Ming looked at the flying barrage and the white teeth of the young man on the opposite side, and couldn't help but sneer.



#Original translations on —do not steal.

Gu Dongyue's venomous tongue towards Jian Weixing and her scolding was also the points of the couple.


After Lu Yu heard it, the dog's eyes drooped and looked pitiful: "Hey, don't hit me in Dongyue—"


In the live broadcast room, he started to swipe: [Puppy is a good friend of human beings, please don't hurt him.]


"Hey, who are you calling a puppy?" Lu Yu's eyes widened after reading the screen-swiping barrage.


"What are you talking about?" Bi Ming picked up a strand of long hair from her ear and approached the screen of her mobile phone as if she wanted to see the barrage more clearly, so her facial features without dead ends were continuously enlarged in front of the audience.


The audience in the live broadcast room: [! !]


The girl's clear and flawless skin was a dazzling snow color under the magnification of the camera, and the little black dress with suspenders below was designed to be playful, making the skin look like white jade.


And with her movements, the part from the chin to the cherry lips is also very close to the screen, and the moisturizing lip coated with red cream was slightly opened, and the flesh is toothed, looking full of temptation.


[Awsl is this something I can watch for free?]


[This lips... this neck... and this collarbone... sigh!]


[Save my life, is my sister going to kiss me? !]


Lu Yu on the other side was also stunned.


The agent next to him was covering his forehead. He was unsatisfactory. Fortunately, he was connected with CP. Otherwise, he would be photographed and rumored.


"You, you, you are not allowed to watch it," Lu Yu now seamlessly substitutes into Jian Weixing's state, "Dongyue, sit down first, the main drama has already begun!"


Barrage:【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】


[Stingy, stingy, stingy, stingy! !]


[Only you can see it, right [raise knife]]


"But," Bi Ming tilted her head, her cold and clear voice seemed to surround everyone's ears, "I want to know, why did they call you a puppy? Is it because of Xu Wangshu?"


Lu Yu was so blessed at this time, and instantly got up to wash his "dark history" as the heroine's supporter before:


"Dongyue, what are they talking about..." The young man's face became dizzy as if he was about to fight, "I am your puppy, and it has nothing to do with anyone else."


The barrage was instantly hit by the child's straight ball:


[Who killed me? Kill me!]


[There is no difficult love, only a brave puppy, the stars are rushing! !]


[Hahaha childhood sweetheart stocks plummeted, and indeed XingYue CP is king!]


Bi Ming sat back and said lightly, "Oh."


[Younger sister?]


[Give some feedback, he will be your dog QAQ]


"Didn't you say you want to watch the drama?" Bi Ming's calm and indifferent voice sounded arrogant to the audience at this moment, "Jian Weixing, hurry up."


Unsatisfied fans burst into tears: [Can't you respond to him?]


[But this is Dongyue... A proud winter who doesn't like to express herself.]


[Didn't you see that my wife has taken the initiative to invite Xing Xing, is this kind of gesture, not enough?]


The barrage quarreled for a moment, but everyone's "Gu Dongyue" filter became stronger.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

There is a certain delay in the live broadcast room, so Lu Yu and Bi Ming both posted their own video progress bars above the live broadcast room for the audience's reference.


In the updated episode, Xia An and Xu Wangshu held hands in love. Jian Weixing accompanies Gu Dongyue to sit quietly in the piano room, listening to her play the piano to vent her emotions.


In the camera, Gu Dongyue's piano sound gradually turned from frantic and confused to low, and finally, there was only silence.


Lu Yu looked at the TV, then turned to tell the audience, "Is this Dongyue playing well? She is the best pianist I've ever met."


[Shut up Xingxing, stop showing off your wife!]


[I was very sad, but you said that there is no atmosphere, how can I fix it!]


"I played very badly here," Bi Ming also opened her lips at the other end, "Because I was in a bad mood, I played several wrong notes. But I like the next paragraph very much."


Along with her words, Gu Dongyue on the screen was listened to by the door for a long time, and Jian Weixing with a complicated expression stood up with his arms clasped.


"What are you doing?" The girl turned her head away a little sullenly, trying hard not to let the other party notice the embarrassing situation in her eyes.


"Gu Dongyue, you are very good at the piano, aren't you?" the young man said, "Then listen to how I play?"


Gu Dongyue was stunned for a moment.


The next second, the teenager sat directly on the piano bench next to her, with both hands on the keys, and his fingers slowly pressed the first string of notes—


"Do Do Do Suo Suo La Suo..."


Upon hearing this prelude, the audience responded:


[The star is playing "Little Star"?]


[Laughing to death, I thought he was going to explode with a big move, but it turned out to be a little star or the simple version?]


But gradually, under the camera, the white curtains were slowly blown up by the breeze, and sunlight leaked in through the gaps in the window lattice, illuminating the piano room brightly.


The boy played this simple and happy "Little Star" earnestly and clumsily, and the lovely melody reverberated throughout the room.


Gu Dongyue's expression was confused at first, but watching the other party play extremely seriously, her brows unwittingly loosened.


She knows that music can pour people's feelings.


Just like before, all the unease, sadness, and resentment in her heart were undoubtedly revealed in the sound of the piano.


The boys must have heard it all.


But why does his piano sound so gentle?


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It was obviously something she would play when she was four years old, so why does it sound so happy and comfortable?


Under the beautiful picture, the girl stared at the boy who played the piano for her, speechless for a long time.


Back in the live broadcast room, the barrage was already crying "woo woo woo".


[Jian Weixing QAQ…]


[Xing Xing is really a little angel,in order to comfort Dongyue he… TAT]


Lu Yu coughed twice: "I can't help it, I don't want to make her sad, so I have to show my ugliness."


It happened that Jian Weixing in the play was also hooking his lips at the girl: "If you think it sucks, just laugh it off, I don't mind."


In the next second, Bi Ming seemed to have such a soft expression for the first time tonight, just like Gu Dongyue in the play:

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Play, it's barely good."


Barrage Army:"…"


Such synchronization is more intoxicating to CP fans than any spiritual opium.


[So do Xing Xing and Dongyue remember these lines?]


[I can't stand it so sweet, how could XingYue be so cured?]


[Only sincerity can move people's hearts. I think Dongyue must have heard the purest heart in the music of the stars.]


[After tonight, I am also an astronomer.]


"Astronomer" is the nickname of the fans of "XingYue" CP, they are observers looking up to the sky, staring at the bright light of the stars and moon all the time.


At the end of the TV series, Bi Ming glanced at the time. Today's broadcast was for an hour, and it was almost over.


Lu Yu also seemed to feel it. Looking at the live broadcast room with explosive popularity, he was in a very good mood. "XingYue" will definitely occupy the hot search tonight.


I heard that Brother Chengyang rejected the plan to sweep the building with Yun Zhen, so no one can compete with him for hot searches, hehe.


Just when the children were excitedly fantasizing about the strong rise of their cp, surpassing the "Xia Dong" who was beaten to death at the top of the list, an accident occurred.


"Okay, it's time, Dongyue still has to work, and I'm busy recording songs. Bye everyone~" Lu Yu, who was saying goodbye to the barrage, was about to press the "Stop live broadcast" button but suddenly stopped.


Because at this time, a familiar figure appeared beside the girl who was shaking her hands to say goodbye.


"Has it been broadcast yet?" the man asked the girl with his head lowered, and put a cup of warm coffee in her hand.


"I'm about to close, do you want to... say hello to everyone?" Bi Ming looked up at the smiling man beside her and pointed to the camera.


Xu Chengyang was completely open at this time, and even his smile was like "Xia An".


He bent down and waved towards the camera: "Good evening."


Barrage:[? ? ? ! ! ]


[XingXing, come back soon, your home was stolen ah ah ah-]


[Xu Chengyang is so handsome, woohoo!]


[Isn't "XingYue" connected tonight, why is Xu Chengyang there? !]


"I wish everyone a happy viewing tonight, because the filming time is tight now, and I will take Dongyue away first." He smiled warmly and dealt with the almost crazy barrage with ease.


"I hope you don't mind."


With this sentence, Bi Ming couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.


[Z01, look, this is the inferiority of men.]




[They like to show off.]


She doesn't know how long Xu Chengyang watched the live broadcast, but now it's alright, Lu Yu's little friend is probably going to cry and faint in the toilet.


Looking at this calm provocation, the rank is still one level higher than that of children.




Hot searches, dramas, and forum posts all exploded tonight.


The response of Nei Entertainment's first role-playing immersive drama-chasing live broadcast was excellent, and the highest peak in the live broadcast room once exceeded 10 million, setting a new historical record.


Jian Weixing's "I am your puppy, nothing to do with others" became the top love story of "XingYue" CP.


Bi Ming's "Aojiao Quotations" was registered on a certain platform, and the likes quickly exceeded 100,000.


The two people watched the drama synchronously and it was interesting and interesting. First, the high-rise building was changed on the green forum, and then it was reposted by Weibo big v, which caused a circle-breaking effect.


The bots also joined in the fun tonight and made a gif of Bi Ming's close contact with the camera in a few seconds. Under the retweets of countless fans in the middle of the night, the retweets without water were broken to fifty thousand.


Both the show and the platform side laughed out of their teeth tonight, and the popularity rose again and again, and the marketing effect was several times better than their expected marketing effect.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Seeing the first place topic in the hot search, people who were abused by the TV series wanted to vomit blood but found the life-saving "Xia Dong" CP in the live broadcast.


After the male and female protagonists fell in love, the chatter of CP had turned upside down, and many people quit the group angrily, and stepped back on a wave of "Scumbag Xia An".


But a live clip was suddenly posted on Weibo.


"I wish everyone a happy viewing tonight... I'll take the winter moon with me first. I hope you don't mind."


Xu Chengyang stood beside Bi Ming, with his arms on the back of the chair behind the girl, and bent over to greet the camera. The posture of the two of them in the same frame was extremely natural and intimate.


"Xia Dong" fans watched this scene, and it was hard not to substitute Xia An and Gu Dongyue.


And their dress is more mature than in the play. The men have black shirts, elegant demeanor, and look at the girl with indulgent and affectionate eyes. Not to mention Bi Ming, the black dress and curly hair make her temperament more like Miss Qianjin, but her attitude towards the man is somewhat indifferent.


"I understand, this is the finale."


"So, looking at the way they get along, is it chasing the wife's crematorium?"


"Hahahaha, yes, Xia An must have regretted it. Now he is desperately trying to please Dongyue just to make her change her mind, but our Dongyue is not very willing to pay attention to him..."


"Wuwuwu if this is the end, it would be great, watching the update today made me sick to death!"


"Abusive, this kind of man should be brutally abused!"


"Look at the last sentence of the actor, this is a naked provocation to Little Lu Yu, right? Haha!"


While netizens were hilarious, Bi Ming also received a call.


"Mingzhe, what's the matter... um, did the doctor complain to you again?"


"No, I want to shoot, and it will be finished immediately."


"You don't have to come..."


Xu Chengyang stood on the other side, watching Bi Ming on the phone from a distance.


Although he couldn't hear what the other party was saying, he seemed to guess that the girl should be talking to him.


Seeing the girl's slightly frowning brows and the way she was clutching her phone tightly, Xu Chengyang's expression slowly sank.


Does that person have such a strong desire to control?


The author has something to say: "Sweeping the building" means that celebrities go to the company building to promote activities or condolences to the staff. It is a kind of welfare that many big companies give to employees, and there must be marketing if you sweep the building. Go to xxcp to sweep the building together, the interaction is super sweet, and so on.

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