Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 71: 70

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Chapter 70: What should I do if the green tea floret really pulls on the top? (End)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The #Yan Qingxia makeup door incident# has been occupying the top of the hot search list after the end of the multi-party navy.


Fans' momentum has fallen, and CP's momentum was on the verge to let go. Every moment someone issues a statement about leaving the fan group.


The tone of the hot comment is similar, just like every female star has been passed on through such a fragrant rumor before, it is difficult to break free from the muddy water:


"Flies don't bite seamless eggs, how can a normal star spend so long in the dressing room alone with the opposite sex?"


Many wretched men even jokingly expressed their desire to "seek seeds and resources" in the comment area.


In fact, after Mikai Entertainment issued a statement, things didn't get better, just like pouring dirty water on a clean person, and stressing that "she was originally dirty".


Female stars are most likely to be made up of pornographic rumors, but they are usually strangled to death before they are fermented, because once it spreads, it will cause irreversible damage to their personal image.


In this case, Xu Chengyang reposted the announcement from Mikai Entertainment:


"It's hard work, I hope to severely punish those who spread rumors."


This sentence alone caused an uproar.


"The crew is investigating the people who filmed the video. We don't welcome such despicable people with ulterior motives and slandering others. Qingxia is very hardworking for this drama, please don't listen to the wind in the rain." Xu Chengyang explained in the comment area specific situation.


Real CP fans burst into tears.


"Wuwuwuwu, what kind of beautiful love is this, it's so **** and bloody, Brother Yang has to come out to protect his wife..."


Xu Chengyang's speech also led to the forwarding by a lot of stars such as the director of the group of "This Heart Unrestrained" and Lu Yu.


This also slowly loosened the one-sided public opinion.


Finally, someone began to question: "Why don't you believe in the film crew or the official, but you have to believe in that video of catching wind and shadows?"

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Qingxia's company has issued a statement, and it will definitely be pursued to the end. Can't you wait for the court's verdict? Will the person who spread the rumors come back and apologize?"


"It is easy for actors to have psychological problems in their performances. I have learned science before. Many crews will be equipped with special people to provide psychological counseling, and psychological counseling is one-on-one, which is more conducive to the communication between doctors and patients."



On the Internet, more and more people began to speak for Bi Ming.


On the other hand, Dr. Wen specially applied for a Weibo account, and under the guidance of his wife, released a clarification video.


He was wearing a white lab coat, standing under the plaque in his psychological consultation room. On the wall were photos of various high-level conferences and activities he had attended. Holding an A4 paper with a red seal, he said with a strong tone. :


"At 10:27 yesterday evening, Weibo netizens @星Entertainment, @gejia gossip, @small v is very popular... and others publicly spread rumors that I have an inappropriate relationship between men and women with teacher Yan Qingxia. I have collected all online evidence and filed a lawsuit. A lawyer has been hired for the relevant materials and this case will be handed over to the Shanghai No. 1 Court for filing and handling will happen as soon as possible…”


The psychiatrist speaks slowly and quietly, with a gentle and subtle temperament, and with the glittering wall of honor to testify, he seems extremely credible.


At the same time, Dr. Wen's wife, a public relations boss, also used this wave of traffic from the hot search to help Bi Ming get a reverse hype.


Shaking her pen, she combined her husband's experience with the crew and the materials provided by the crew of "The Heart is Unruly", and published a refined soft essay titled "Yan Qingxia is praised by ghost director Xu Yang: Dedicated actors never lack good shows".


The writing style is sophisticated, and the atmosphere of the crew, the difficulties that Bi Ming encountered at work, and the process of how to overcome are all vividly depicted in the tone of bystanders. The scene of the play, being supported by an assistant and sitting on a small chair after the play, listening to Doctor Wen's counseling, and wearing a palace costume, and smiling on the observation deck.


After a certain operation, this marketing draft with rich pictures and texts quickly exceeded 100,000 or one million hits with the help of key figures Bi Ming and Dr. Wen and was shared by many people on major platforms and group chats.


Fans have waited for hours for super talk, and finally ushered in one after another of evidence that is beneficial to their own family. They all regained their strength and began to bring the topic of #Yan Qingxia clarification# and forward these "evidence" with real facts.


"Look, I knew Xia Xia wouldn't be that kind of person! Even the director has been praising Xia Xia, and so is Xu Chengyang. Can the entire crew lie to us?"


"I think we should cheer ourselves up quickly, make a clarification blog, and make good use of all the available evidence. Our Little Xia is a good kid who is serious about filming. She even dares to stand in such a dangerous position. I'm going to cry... She works so hard, and we shouldn't let her down!"


"Yeah, woohoo, I knew I wouldn't misread my female goose. Also, the hot search is about to drop, let's get it done!"


"Agreed, I'll go to the group and ask the rich women if they want to participate together, and give Clarification gifts!"


Under constant stimulation, Bi Ming's fans also began to cheer up and act like busy little worker ants.


In Huo's house, the black-haired boy was manipulating the dense assembly line of digital instructions on his mobile phone, his expression was slightly cold.


On this day, on the Internet, a software called "trace" was launched unknowingly.


Its introduction is also very simple: intelligent AI that can deeply learn and analyze big data, fool-like operations, using top-secret algorithms, and universal use.


Most people don't even notice such an obscure new piece of software at first.


After all, big data AI-related technologies have long been monopolized by large companies investing countless funds in research every year. Who would care about a small software made by a rookie who just signed up for the forum?


However, the sunspots who are insisting on criticizing Bi Ming and humiliating **** on the Internet feel that something is wrong.


Liu Ming is one of them. He is a squatter at home who likes to use his mobile phone when he has something or nothing to do. He happened to see a hot search today, and he couldn't help but commented:


"What female star? It's just a rich man's toy."


The next second, he found that his comment had been reported and deleted.


His eyes widened: What the **** is this speed?


He tried again in disbelief, but this time he saw a prompt popped up directly from the system:


[Please check your words and speak civilly.]


Liu Ming poked the screen in disbelief, making sure that the words above were indeed system prompts, not his own eyes.


What kind of f**k restriction is it, isn't it impossible to develop this kind of function?

#Original translations on —do not steal.

He tried to use pinyin to type again using the foul language that he scolded Yan Qingxia with, but he still couldn't speak.


"Damn, I don't believe that I can't scold her today!" Liu Ming rebelled, even if he has to use a symbol, he would spray it out.


At the same time, the major marketing accounts on the hot search showed abnormal account statuses at almost the same time.


The microblogs they posted at the beginning with a guiding meaning, "Yan Qingxia met a mysterious man in a dressing room privately, suspected of being in love", also became invisible. At the same time, they were also marked with a small blue box as [Spread rumors, retweet beyond 500 person-times, locked and stored certificate].


And just like Liu Ming, many sunspots who spit out their slurs that Yan Qingxia is a **** and a gold-worshiping girl were found to be illegal by the system. At the same time, their accounts were restricted from speaking, and they were also prompted by the system. [Please seriously comment and forward 100 positive energy Weibo within 48 hours before the account abnormality can be lifted].


One hundred positive microblogs?


What is positive energy on Weibo?


Many netizens today have become stupid dogs. The Weibo server has been uploaded thousands of times by Aite, and the server was about to explode.


But now Zhalang's technical department is really going to explode.


"Hurry up and investigate, who exactly attacked us?"


"I can't find it, the system is running normally, except for those little crawlers..."


"Hey, who the f**k put so many web crawlers into our system database? Crazy, why doesn't the firewall even have any hints? Are the people in the network security department eating shit?"


As one of the social platforms with the highest daily activity, Weibo's abnormality triggered a chain effect in an instant.


Some people follow the trend and join in the fun, but it's not a big problem.


And the accounts that use bad words and involve personal insults (a large part of them are big fans of Yun Zhen) enjoy the consequences of the usual reporting package, and they have to complete a hundred positive energy Weibo posts while prohibiting comments. It was basically baptism.


Moreover, when reposting Weibo, you must be sincere and justified. For example, if you repost a Weibo about a rural left-behind child receiving social assistance, you cannot just use one emoji perfunctorily. You must also post at least 15 words of non-repetitive testimonials, otherwise, the system will not take the message. The forwarding records are recorded in real-time progress.


Just looking for positive and positive blog posts on Weibo can already make these keyboard warriors who take pleasure in tearing and swearing vomit blood.


There are also major Internet promoters, those big V with the nature of marketing accounts, who are horrified to find that their accounts are locked and cannot be used, and some chat records of their hidden transactions are still lying in the business mailbox.


"Damn, Yan Qingxia must have hired a high-level hacker!" They looked at the evidence enough to ruin their reputation, and felt extremely guilty, "But why did the country want to help her close our account?"


Yes, now all the scumbags, especially a certain founder, had repeatedly come out to @ and were whipped—


What the f**k is going on here? Similar civilized language prompts have appeared on all platforms.


For example, if you bring a f**k your mother while typing, you will be warmly discouraged, and you will be asked to change it before speaking.


And the system seems to have evolved, even abbreviations and accents and even emojis can identify whether a speaker is maliciously attacking others.


Once there is a tendency to attack, the prompt [Please speak civilly] will appear.


Netizens were aggrieved to find that they couldn't scold.


Like the comment area under Bi Ming's Weibo, it was originally smoky, but fans found that if they report a comment now, it will be deleted very quickly, just like deleting it in seconds.


This isn’t just happening in one place, comments and reports across Weibo have become super fast.


As long as it is to tear the X, provoke a war, or insult the personality, it will be quickly deleted by the system, and the sunshine value will be deducted. It is required that you will be banned if you do not do the sunshine task within a few days.


Soon, on some anonymous forums, someone started going crazy.


For example, a green forum was discussing whether Weibo has introduced some AI auditing.


"Damn, today's Weibo report is almost accurate."


"Haha, I scolded an NC hacker this morning, and as soon as he reported me, I was deducted points. Spit—"


"Haha upstairs is so miserable, but Zhalang may have upgraded the system. I see that if the marketing account is messed up, it will be locked by the small blue box and banned from speaking. It seems like a long time. If they don't delete it, it seems that Screenshots will be sent to the work mailbox of the rumored person as evidence of the blackmail."


"So cruel? Can we still happily surf Weibo after that?"


"Just don't scold people."


"Like a stinky pig?"


"Why do you sound like a spoiled brat?"


"Hahaha f**k it?"


"I reported ↑"


After a while, the forum speech with the phrase "Go to hell" was deleted.


Everyone: ? ? ? How could a certain valve be judged so quickly?


Since the house of the Green Forum is relatively precious, everyone dared not bet on whether their account would be in trouble, so they went to some quarrel special groups to test.


As a result, they were shocked to find out: Mom, this report is cleaned up as fast as Weibo.


After a few more tries, they just lay flat.


Come on, now anonymous forums can't be exported as dirty, and you can't attack others at will. If you use hard-to-understand homonyms, you will be identified.


Of course, the posts on the homepage that mocked the actors' poor acting skills were not affected at all. In other words, it's not that you can't evaluate it, it's just that you can't make personal attacks and open up rumors.


This system seems to have its own set of recognition systems, just like a real human being, can distinguish between good and evil in words.


This feeling makes people shudder as if a sword of Damocles is hanging above his head, and it will fall at any time.


The green forum maintainers who were scratching their heads with the Zhalang technical department were also helpless.


As a platform with a much lower daily activity than Weibo, they tried everything they knew and even crashed the system, but still couldn't find the abnormality of the system.


This situation is far more than the two rumor-making fields of Weibo and a valve.


Major social platforms and information technology companies held urgent meetings, and no one wants to see their own systems suddenly run out of control and start to operate on their own.


But it was of no use. In just one day, Weibo, Mouyin, Toutiao, Moupu, Tianya, Mouhu... Almost all platforms with a large number of users experienced system abnormalities of varying degrees.


The specific performance is that all rumored posts that spread a lot and malicious personal insults have been cleaned up.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Not only about Yan Qingxia, but also the entire entertainment circle, life circle, technology circle, sports circle... Those posts that involve personal attacks, slander, and rumors and have been confirmed to be rumors on the Internet are all marked with big red letters "Fake".


At the same time, netizens found that on platforms that they are familiar with, if they want to be rude and dirty, the commenter will be warmly reminded [Please speak rationally].


It is as if there is a ubiquitous Internet policeman, reminding people to be civilized, friendly, polite, and harmonious, and to maintain the bottom line of being a human even across the Internet.


In short, you can't scold people. Even if you want to quarrel with people, you have to be justified, instead of attacking others by outputting foul language.


At the same time, vulgar, pornographic, violent, and reactionary pictures and texts are also quickly screened and identified, cleaned up, and the efficiency is higher than that of the Internet police.


And all this started from a hot search last night.




"Big brother, things seem to be a little big." The boy held his cheeks innocently, "I only told him to deal with the discussion topics related to his sister-in-law, but he couldn't help but run out to play, now..."


Huo Mingzhe looked at him with his arms folded and shook his head: "Dad has already called, and the top is checking. You quickly bring your computer and 'Surrender yourself'."


Bi Ming stood at the door, watching the pair of brothers talking, and couldn't help frowning:


"I'll go too."


Hearing the girl's soft voice, the two men turned their heads at the same time, Sheng He's icy eyes brightened in an instant, and he stood up directly:


"Sister-in-law, have you seen it? This, this is the artificial intelligence I told you that can learn by itself!"


Bi Ming looked at the child's excited appearance, and the corners of her lips curved.


Huo Mingzhe watched his lover smile at his younger brother, and couldn't help but walk over and put him in his arms: "Xia Xia, did you mess with him?"


In his thick embrace, Bi Ming rubbed like a lazy cat: "No, I just made an equation, Little He is the real creator."


Sheng He seems a little dissatisfied with this statement: "Without your formula, I can't do it."


"Have you made up your mind about what 'it' will be called?" Bi Mingyao looked at the data flowing on the computer screen, squinting with some nostalgia, "After all, it is a landmark existence."


The product loaded by this program is the seed of true artificial intelligence.


It can be understood that Bi Ming created a consciousness that can capture data, learn data, and track data.


And Sheng He is a computer genius who gives consciousness a carrier.


They teamed up to create a monster. In response to this Internet incident, Sheng He unleashed this monster without any concept, and it also caused a storm to the entire network.


Sheng He set this child-like AI to be lawful and kind, so the AI operates like a naive and ignorant good child, throwing all filthy and dirty words into the trash, leaving only friendly ones with civilization.


It is this indiscriminate shooting that has thrown the Internet into chaos.


But Sheng He couldn't help it. The retrospective algorithm allows this little guy to run freely everywhere there is a network, it will learn and develop on its own, and all he can do is release it or stop it.

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Bi Ming felt that this budding AI is still very suitable for use as a hacking tool.


Thanks to it, she was able to collect the mysterious transaction records of Yun Zhen's team and marketing accounts so quickly.


As for the other consequences, she doesn't care. Anyway, if she doesn't speak rudely, if she doesn't harass and slander others, nothing will happen.


If you really want to break the law, you deserve to be punished by the little monster.


At this moment, Sheng He watched his brother hug the girl's waist softly yet powerfully, subconsciously ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, he said to Bi Ming seriously: "Sister-in-law, I call it 'Sutra' now, because it is The biggest difference from other AIs on the market is the retrospective algorithm."


"Sounds good." Bi Ming blinked at Huo Mingzhe, her long eyelashes beautiful and agile, "Mingzhe, don't worry, I will accompany Little He to meet the people above, this technology Little He said from the beginning that he would study it. Well, it will be handed over to the country."


Artificial intelligence is an important direction for the development of the computer industry, and breakthroughs at this level cannot be concealed.


Huo Mingzhe's cold silhouette is always soft in front of Bi Ming, like a tamed beast: "Well, I know. I also suggest you go, the meaning of this formula is not worse than his, after all, mathematics is the foundation of everything ."


At this time, Bi Ming finally felt that Huo Mingzhe was really good at making people happy, and he was indeed a top student at Oxford.


He was able to sensitively capture her familiarity with mathematics, and then quietly held her high.


Sure enough, she still prefers this kind of smart and considerate good man, who is well-behaved enough without bothering to tune in.


Huo Mingzhe felt that the girl in his arms gently held his hand, and the thin fingers were intertwined with him, and the fingertips softly pressed against his fingertips, as beautiful as the petals falling on it.




"What's wrong?"


"It's nothing..." The girl's beautiful face showed an intoxicating light red, and she deliberately turned her head to one side, "I'm just calling you, can't I?"


Huo Mingzhe's lips overflowed with a deep smile: "Well."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

He could slowly feel that the moonlight elf whom he first met was shedding her cold mask little by little, revealing a more fragrant and charming reality.


Sheng He silently looked at his loving brother and sister-in-law, the excitement of making a miracle somehow weakened a lot.


For the first time, he realized so clearly that even family members have differences.


What should he do? He seems to be envious of his big brother.




The recent vibe on the internet was weird.


The swearing Weibo posts have disappeared, and the opponents can only ridicule each other without swearing. Marketing accounts that like to gossip basically no longer appear.


People are not used to this feeling.


In their cognition, the Internet is a place to vent their true self.


Everyone knows that being "clear" is a good thing, so everyone must be responsible for their own online speech, but some people who like to vent their anger on the Internet feel that this has ruined their dream home.


"Why restrict me?"


"Can't we use a little bit of freedom of speech?"


They hate Bi Ming as the trigger, hate the platform, hate everything that doesn't allow them to "speak freely".


Some netizens surfing the Internet are very puzzled:


"Could it be that if you swear at people and spray dirty, opening your mouth is the next three-way organ, is this called freedom?"


The existence of this AI is not an absolute restriction. It will not affect people's normal communication, and will only "civilize" those words full of malicious and violent words.


This has also led many people to hate the systems of major companies, and even hate places that don't allow them "freedom of speech".


They secretly established anonymous small forums and decided to stay away from these social platforms that would not make them crazy.


After the country nationalized that nascent AI, its scope of work was appropriately narrowed.


In some anonymous areas with extremely small traffic and extremely narrow circles, extreme people must have space to vent.


And the software "Sutra" as the carrier of artificial intelligence has finally been discovered by the vast netizens with supernatural powers. However, the AI in the software is not as powerful and omnipotent as the country's hands. Instead, it is just a black technology app that cleans up the water army and data analysis in people's eyes.


The wonderful thing about it is that it can perform dehydration data analysis on any platform and trace the source of the water army.


Because the data given is extremely accurate, and it is a fool-like operation, even elementary school students can quickly analyze the ratio of normal people and sailors in all comments on a Weibo or video, and thus become a fandom's most powerful weapon.


For groupies, the coolest thing is that you can directly use this software to check whether your opponent's vote has been irrigated. Of course, there is also a double-edged sword, that is, you can also know the situation of your own navy.


This has led to an extremely embarrassing situation for the Navy Studio and the major stars.


For example, those goofy stars originally relied on finding studios to buy water to create the illusion of false prosperity. Now, people's software can analyze people's underwear with one click in an instant.


Don't buy water, the sporadic likes and retweets look pitiful.


Another example is the "top streamers" who have been marketed. In fact, the data is not so exaggerated, but the navy is building momentum and fans are trying their best to brush the data.


Now, let's take a look at the demon mirror "Sutra", my good guy, it turned out to be a swollen face to support a fat man.


Yun Zhen's 80 million fans were quickly dissected by the software's big data analysis.


More than two-thirds of the accounts are invalid machine numbers and the studio's navy number, and the remaining one-third are many trumpet accounts.


The highly active living account has not even broken 10 million.


It's not the scariest.


In the month after the finale of "Summer Love Letter", there have been many stunned big gossips in the Huaguo entertainment circle, and many executives of the company have entered the game because of illegal crimes.


As for how the country found out?


This is thanks to a certain advanced artificial intelligence that actively maintains the harmony of network civilization and supports the new algorithm.


For intelligent AI, its deep learning and self-evolution capabilities are the most powerful. Under the infusion of massive data, it will gradually give birth to its own consciousness and judgment.


But Bi Ming has researched, and it is still far away from the real strong artificial intelligence stage.


Machines can truly have a "self" like a sci-fi movie, and it won't be now.


Little by little she will guide the little monster invented by Sheng He, who is still an ignorant child.


At the same time, the continuous development of artificial intelligence has also enabled the country to more efficiently identify and track down malicious cyber incidents, making it impossible to hide moths and rot behind the internet, and the entertainment industry has entered an era of comprehensive rectification.


For example, the clear action of this internal entertainment is no longer an empty slogan. The above can better use the Internet to track the money and power transactions of these entertainment vampires and catch turtles in the urn.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

In this operation, Yun Zhen's biggest supporter, the behind-the-scenes boss of Cexing Media, was also sent to prison for the rest of their life.


These capitalists, who have handed countless interests, have obviously earned wealth that countless people can never reach in their lifetimes, but they are stingy in fulfilling their civic obligations—paying taxes in full.


Fortunately, Huo Mingzhe never compromised in this regard, and Bi Ming was saved from a lot of problems.


After the fall of the sponsor, Cexing Company fell into a vortex of high-level infighting and struggle for power and profit, and Yun Zhen also revolved around it like walking on thin ice, trying to take refuge under the winner's command and accepting shelter as before.


It's just like playing chess, she has already reached the last step, and Bi Ming will naturally not give her any extra opportunities.


On Christmas Eve, the hot search exploded again.


#Yuna Zhen tax evasion 120 million# went straight to the hot no.1 spot


The topic that followed was #Yun Zhen Cexing marketing# In this hot search, it was revealed how Yun Zhen and her agent manipulated the water army of the company's studio to frame other stars.


Including dealing with Bi Ming, how to contact the paparazzi and group performances, and even linking up with the marketing account, almost all the details have been disclosed clearly.


The power of the superposition of these two topics was enormous.


It is no longer an internal affair of the entertainment industry. The huge amount of tax evasion involved is simply unacceptable to the people who gossip.


The framing of Bi Ming caused the entire network to be forced to be "clear", and it also caused the resentment of countless people.


Yun Zhen has also become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats for a while.


"You said you were so polite, why did you provoke her? In the end, I didn't know what kind of immortals were attracted, so everyone has to be careful!"


People who are still unable to adapt to the reconstructed civilized online world sighed and cursed.


They still can't understand that scraping bones to heal wounds is indeed painful, but after digging out this stubborn and stubborn disease on the Internet, everyone benefits.


In the future, because of this whole network purge, all platforms will be forced by artificial intelligence to take the initiative to improve the speech review system and truly realize the real-name system. Everyone online needs to be responsible for every word of their own, not like before, thinking that freedom has no bottom line, the Internet has become a garbage dump.


Gradually, with the development of time, everyone found that under the advanced system management, more and more people dared to speak, instead of being covered as they thought.


The improvement of the Internet atmosphere has also made people less and less afraid to communicate with strangers. The situation of diodes is much less, and everyone has begun to realize that they have different opinions but can get along well.


Passers-by don't have to worry about being sprayed dirty by fans, so they can comment on various stars and celebrities as they want.


Fans are no longer irrational and unrestrained to brush the list and vote and do data-washing squares because everyone knows that there is no room for the navy to survive now.


Bi Ming herself has no lofty purpose in creating little monsters. She is more selfish and vicious. She just wants to use AI to make those who like to spray feces with their mouths suffocate to death by themself.


Fortunately, so far, this has been successful.


As for some people who are worried about losing freedom of speech, Bi Ming felt that because of the norms of the Internet environment, more and more people will dare to express their opinions. Everyone does not need to be afraid of being besieged by people because of their different opinions, and they do not need to shut down for others to harass and intimidate them.


Her little monster is a real data expert. After absorbing the speeches of the whole network, it understands memes better than the people who can play memes the most and can recognize any abbreviation and curse.


"Some people pollute the environment, but feel that the world should have a stench floating around." She shook her head and sighed to her little system.


For Yun Zhen, the biggest blow was tax evasion.


In the past, the big boss helped her to handle the tax in the studio. Yun Zhen occasionally asked, and the agent quickly paid it. She only asked her to concentrate on acting and walking the red carpet, and her company would handle everything.


As a result, the tax bureau made a deep investigation, and the company executives who were fighting for power and profit could only quickly shirk their responsibilities.


The former bosses are all in the game, can they raise Yun Zhen without any tricks?


This hot search has been hotly debated on social media for many days, and finally ended with Yun Zhen paying the tax and being officially banned.


Since then, the top actress' career in the entertainment industry has come to an end.


No matter how ambitious and unwilling the book transmigrator is, she can only watch Bi Ming step by step move to the top.


Just like Yun Zhen in the original novel, harming others will eventually harm yourself.




After "Summer Love Letter", Bi Ming and Xu Chengyang's "Uninhibited Heart" was released. This costume drama once refreshed the domestic TV drama network broadcast and rating records and became the most popular and classic costume in the past ten years. One of the most sadistic dramas.


On the day of the announcement, countless Xia Dong CP fans happily squatted under the official WeChat account with their little quilts in their arms:


"Ah, sweet, it's a childhood sweetheart!"


"Wait a minute, it seems a little cruel..."


"Woooooo, it doesn't seem right, sisters..."


"Ah, ah, don't jump down, the heroine is so pitiful... I heard that Qing Xia was acting in this play, and it also caused psychological problems..."


"It's okay, they are at least married in this show."


"Then, let's see."


The innocent and cute little fans have once again entered the abyss of being stabbed by knives.


As an annual S+ costume drama, "The Heart is Unruly" has not lost its popularity that of the previous life, mainly because Bi Ming's recent popularity is too high.


After experiencing the reversal of the #Dressing room incident#, the public began to reflect gradually. Is it a mob who are unscrupulously charging themselves with the marketing account on the Internet?


And how bad was the impact of their unintentional words on Bi Ming herself?

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Out of compensation and guilt, Bi Ming's popularity lost due to rumors quickly rose again, and this round of fan abuse also gave her a group of extremely loyal and powerful core fans.


And the explosion of "This Heart Unrestrained" has also allowed Bi Ming to step into the threshold of the first-line actress in domestic entertainment.


A year later, she also won the famous Xianxia drama female lead award, which was also her first major drama. It led to a brand new Xianxia upsurge and she completely established herself as the "Queen of Ratings" as the name suggests


The symptoms of split personality would still "appear" from time to time, but in most cases, it is just a little fun set by Bi Ming for Huo Mingzhe.


For example, during the filming of the Xianxia drama, the heroine played by Bi Ming was a stunning beauty with dual identities. When a man visits her filming set, he sometimes sees a cold and noble saint, which fills his desire to conquer, and sometimes she is a charming and naughty witch, which makes his bones and soul soft... The taste makes Huo Mingzhe see something. It's called Beauty Township, Hero Tomb.


Sometimes when he was holding the beautiful woman, he couldn't help but think playfully, this change seemed to make him ill unconsciously, and he was hopelessly ill.


She is like a book that can never be read or read through, but still tempts others to read it.


The following year, Bi Ming also participated in the historical drama "Iron and Blood", playing a great woman who transformed from a beautiful and innocent rich lady to a female soldier of the Red Army and became the youngest post-view winner.


On the night of holding the trophy, she wore a long rose-colored dress, like a flame in full bloom on the star-studded stage.


"Being able to come here, I want to thank many people... But, what I want to say the most is, thank you my love for your tolerance and supporting me all the time."


Following the gaze of the new star, the organizer put the spotlight on a handsome and tall man in the front row.


This is also what Bi Ming's team communicated at the beginning. The stage of this awards party will become the place where she officially announces her love affair and bids farewell to the entertainment industry.


"I have always had a dream since I was young, that is to continue my studies, go to my favorite university, and study a major that I love. So please forgive me for my waywardness. You have worked hard along the way. "


"Next, I want to embark on a new journey."


She smiled and walked towards the man step by step under the colorful lights.


Huo Mingzhe raised his head, and the corners of his eyes and brows were full of tenderness.


"This gentleman, are you willing to walk with me?" She stretched out her slender white jade hand towards him.


The man grabbed her soft wrist and kissed the back of her hand.


How could he be unwilling?


Before meeting her, he never thought that he would indulge in such a soft affection.


But after meeting her, he understands that love is actually an instinct.


Like a lone whale entering the sea and a tired bird throwing itself into the forest, in her eyes, there is his destination.

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