Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 87: 85

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Chapter 85: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (14)


Late at night, a private group in a green forum.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

There is a hot post floating on the homepage: "I'm in the senior group, see what good things I found"


[Didn't Aguan post a set of awesome tidbits today, the landlord just left a message and secretly mentioned the senior group that I’m a bit more fond of, I didn’t expect…! ! A dream come true that is to say!]


"Senior group" is the CP name given to Li Dingbei and Bi Ming by fans, because Li Dingbei is older than Bi Ming.


Others also have their own CP names, such as Bi Ming and Shi Zhong's "Same age group", and Gemini's "Younger group".


[In the tidbits, Dingbei helped Sister Nan carry luggage, so I posted a "So caring and loving" message [screenshot.jpg] and it was liked by the master, can you believe it?]


The comment area quickly squatted.


"Wow, lz has self-evidence?"


"With self-evidence, I added a video in the main building, you can go watch it—" This is the landlord.


She posted a mobile phone screen recording of less than fifteen seconds, and you can clearly see that she entered her Weibo message interface, and after jumping to the like area, it said "PG, Bei liked this comment".


And click on this person's homepage, and you will see the yellow √ tick mark and the number of fans is 3.02 million, which is undoubtedly Dingbei's account.


The CP fans in the comment area took off instantly.


[Bei is so brave, oh woo, is he so open and loving?]


[Tsk tsk is the main end of the game, It won't be for real, right?]


[Someone will order them a song "The Truth Is True"~]


[I didn't expect the honest Beibei to pay attention to this kind of comment, and passersby who want gossip are shocked]



CP fans revel in private forums, but fans have another way of interpreting:


"Our North Cubs are so cute, they even secretly like our posts when they see us complimenting them!"


"Yeah haha, Brother Bei is a caring and warm man, and marrying him must be very secure."


"People who eat CP are crazy, Dingbei is just a gentleman."


But in any case, because of the privacy of the group, this praise storm did not ferment.


The host who recorded the screen also reminded the team members: [Don't spread it, just sip it in private.]


The real fans, whether they are CP fans or only fans, obediently shut up, mainly because they don't want to cause trouble to the team members.


At the same time, a hot post on a certain forum was still commenting on the tidbits posted by PG, but the focus was on Bi Ming.


"Introducing, this is my wife."


"I want to eat shit, it's obviously my wife who traveled to Rongcheng!"


"Who can withstand those legs, I really want to be trampled to death by her [Old face flushes]"


Of course, there are also some more obscene speeches, some of which have been reported, but they are still banned repeatedly.


Straight men are always passionate about beautiful players. In addition, Bi Ming's jungler strength has shown the level of Ziwei star in the summer game, and the Hanbok ranking has also entered the top five. According to the hot praise of the forum, "The buffs for attracting powder are fully stacked".


For example, Bi Ming's fan base only opened five at the beginning, but it was finally increased to ten bases after strong protests from fans, but the supply was still in short supply.


[Can't PG afford to play? Can't afford to play? I'm over level 12 and still not allowed to join the group?]

#Original translations on —do not steal.

[Let me tell you a funny thing. I joined an unofficial group of Lin a few days ago. I carefully stated that I am not a fan of the team. "Me too" on the screen was stated, when I checked the other replies, all kinds of miscellaneous things were in it, it's almost like a hundred seas and rivers]


[Who made the entire LPL have just one Lin!]


[Even if she's not a girl, I'll be a fan. In the last game, her blind monk kicked with a roundabout and made others cry directly]


[If you don't understand, ask, what's there to cry about?]


[The upstairs must be fans who came after LPL won the championship, and do not understand the mood of our old audience. Five years ago, our former wild *** used a blind monk to kick three and kicked the prosperous Korean team FW down to the top eight. Lin's kick really made many people dream back to the past!]


In the competition circle, there is only one key factor that determines popularity: Strength.


For example, Chen Zeyang, whose character is questioned now, has a lot of followers, and has an ugly nickname "Brother Wither".


This all originated from the fact that he didn't win against Bi Ming that day, and he played poorly in the next few games, like sleepwalking, and BU's current points fell to the middle and lower reaches.


Most of BU's team fans are champion fans. They are full of desire for victory and can't bear the gap in reality. They curse Chen Zeyang almost every day and ask him if he won the mid-season championship and then floated away. Some even blame him. 


On the girlfriend Mu Yu's page.


"@Host Little Yu, your boyfriend still has a game, don't pester him on a date and open a room when he doesn't have a game, okay?"


"And @BU_yang, if you lose in the next game, you're going to die, our points are really going to be at the bottom!"


"If you can't beat Lin, and your mental state explodes? Then don't delay your teammates in BU, okay?"


"The only person in PG's traitor team who I have a good impression of is Lin. It would be great if the jungler could be exchanged."


The angry words of fans made Chen Zeyang sick enough.


He is at least an MSI champion, and Lin Nan...a girl who has no championship on her name, what kind of thing is this going on?


But the more Chen Zeyang resents, the more reality develops in a direction he is not happy with.


In the battle between Rongcheng and MK, PG once again resorted to the mad dance of play. In three minutes, Bi Ming went straight down, ate blood, and then started a violent rhythm of aggression.


Fighting, fighting, tearing tirelessly, the entire PG, under the crazy bloodthirsty operation of the jungler, was like some switch was pressed, making the newborn MK dizzy and their eyes dull.


"Lin went straight up, and the blind R flash-kicked Aphelios!"


"Clock is following her, clockwork is pulling four, my God!!"


The commentator couldn't help but exclaim about Nakano's immortal cooperation between Shi Zhong and Bi Ming.


Immediately afterwards, the bot lane twins who arrived joined the team battle. The top laner, Li Dingbei, blocked the escape route of everyone on the opposite side, like catching a turtle in an urn, killing the weak, helpless and pitiful MK players in the Xiaolong Pit.


This game took less than 20 minutes and became the shortest game of this summer.


This game was too showy, and the forum and post-bar were full of explosions.


The style of play is hearty, like constantly biting the beast on the opposite side, it will not leave the enemy with a breath of room, and most of the MK fans on the scene went silent.


They still had a little hope for the new generation of MK, at least they dared to confront PG head-on and not be crushed.


But the ending was not as expected. MK's newbies were stunned in the first round, and in the second round, they made a lot of confusing operations. PG basically didn't exert any strength, and they won the game steadily.


In the words of fans Versailles, it was another dull 2-0.


Bi Ming's blind monk and Shi Zhong's clockwork each occupied half of the forum.


"Lin's god-level reaction, the blind monk kicked out MK's mortal situation"


"The Miracle of the Clockwork Demon! Clock one pulled four down once again defends the glory of the champion's mid lane"


"PG broke the record for the shortest game duration in LPL this year, all stand-up! 》


A regular season has quickly become a hot topic in the e-sports circle recently because of the supernatural operation.


Alphabet Station's analysis master exploded his liver overnight, and posted a "Lin blind monk's rhythm is super magical! Three minutes to open the bloodshed mode to end the abuse of MK" video, the number of views exceeded one million in two days.


Many junglers left a message below: "This woman is so terrifying, she's so fine it's creepy."


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The "fine" refers to the "detail".


Bi Ming the jungler was praised by many professional players.


"She kills without blinking, not because she is reckless, but because she has calculated everything."


"Look at the eye position she puts, she can see through every movement of the opposite jungler."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"With such a jungler, you don't have to think about anything online, just replenish your troops and wait for Lin to play a team, and you're done!"


"This is definitely the jungler that all mid-laners dream of. Clock's clockwork is very strong, but he can't develop without Lin's help. Brothers, it's not that I want to brag about Lin, but she is so awesome!"


A few days after the end of the game, the players were dumbfounded to find that the junglers were now robbing blind monks, and the mid-laners were playing clockwork.


"Don't be fooled, do you think you are Lin Nan's blind monk? The third-level brainless dude sent his head to die."


"Come on, garbage clockwork team fights are useless, don't learn Clock, you don't have a good jungler like Lin Nan."


On the day of returning to Shanghai, PG took time to visit the very famous scenic spot in Rongcheng - Kuanzhai Alley.


The architectural style of this commercial pedestrian street is simple and simple, and there are many snacks and small shops along the way.


"There are a lot of bars here, don't go in. If you are in a hurry, just buy some souvenirs and snacks." The leader reminded everyone.


Shi Zhong also nodded: "Excessive intake of alcohol will cause your hands to tremble. You should be dead."


Meng Dongliu grabbed his brother's shoulder and smiled: "We won't drink, don't worry, we're going to taste all the snacks here!"


Bi Ming chuckled: "Are you sure you can finish it?"


Meng Dongliu looked at her and couldn't help coughing lightly: "Well, mainly because my brother can't eat spicy food either. We won't order red oil, lung slices, etc for us."


Meng Xishang, who saw his brother push the pot of blame again, rolled his eyes: "It's as if you're blaming me, Meng Dongliu. If you can eat more than five kinds of snacks, I'll count you as a winner."


Meng Dongliu laughed: "Okay, let's go and see."


After he finished speaking, he still didn't forget to turn around and talk to Bi Ming: "Sister, I'll buy you something delicious, wait for me."


Shi Zhong raised his brows at this flattering attitude.


The streets were crowded with people, and several of them were walking, and they dispersed without knowing it.


Bi Ming's footsteps stopped at the door of a small shop that made candy, oil, and fruit.


"Do you want to eat?" Shi Zhong asked softly beside her.


"It looks a bit like candied haws." Bi Ming was a little embarrassed, "Forget it, the sugar content is too high."


Seeing her shaking her head and leaving, Shi Zhong hesitated for a moment, but still told the store owner:


"Help me get a bunch."


"Okay!" The shopkeeper winked at him, "Little brother, is that your girlfriend?"


Shi Zhong took out his mobile phone and scanned the payment code, while smiling: "No."


"Oh..." The store owner smiled meaningfully, "I'll give you a suggestion, you can take her to the teahouse in front of you to watch the play."




"The teahouse over there has launched a half-price event for couples. You told her that there is a discount for two people." The store handed him a string of sugar and oil fruits decorated with sesame seeds. "Come on, you can take it."


"Thank you." Shi Zhong took the bunch of red fruits and bid farewell to the store politely.


"It's okay, come on, boy." The shopkeeper grinned.


There was a sea of people, Shi Zhong took a few steps, but found that Bi Ming could no longer be found.


He stood in the middle of the street, and a faint trace of loss appeared on his flawless face.


Like a discarded glass vase, waiting for something alone.


There were three or two girls dressed in fashion passing by, unable to help smiled at him and asked:


"Handsome guy, can we add your WeChat?"


"Sorry," his eyes were still wandering among the crowd, looking for the figure he wanted to see, "I'm waiting for someone."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

He was cold-hearted, and when he didn't smile, he looked aloof and distant. The daring young girls asked a few questions. Seeing that he didn't respond, they could only leave with regret.


Shi Zhong walked forward along the flow of people but suddenly felt something poking at his back.


"Hey, wait a minute."


He turned his head, habitually thinking that it was the girls who accosted him just now. He was about to apologize apologetically and refused, but suddenly he was startled.


What caught his eye was a short-haired girl holding a red Sichuan Opera mask to cover her face.


"Lin Nan?" He smelled the mint aroma in the wind, and his frowning brows finally relaxed.


"Well, how..." She revealed a pair of smiling eyes from behind the mask, "Did I startle you?"


The angry red mask slid down, revealing half of a delicate and beautiful hibiscus face.


He looked at her quietly, the hustle and bustle of the city in his ears seemed to disappear, the surrounding pedestrians became background, and only one person was colored and alive.


"I thought you were gone."


"No, I bought a mask in the store next door." She shook the object in her hand, and then squinted at the string of candied fruit in his hand, "Do you like to eat this?"


Shi Zhong glanced at the still-warm candied fruit in his hand, and the corners of his lips curved up: "I don't like it."


"Then why did you still buy it?"


"You can eat it with tea." He pointed to the teahouse in front, "Want to listen to a play?"


"Okay, it's interesting to see Sichuan Opera's plays." Bi Ming walked side by side with him, just in time to see the sign standing by the door.


"Today, couples in the teahouse will get a half-price discount, and you can also listen to the show for free. It's very suitable for little brothers and sisters who are on a date." The waiter at the door also recommended to them with a smile.


Shi Zhong glanced down at Bi Ming, then explained to the waiter, "Sorry, we're not..."


But the next second, he was grabbed by the wrist.


"That would be troublesome." The short-haired girl smiled at the waiter, "Help us find a seat close to the stage."


In the teahouse, with dim lighting and long and narrow corridors, she dragged his hand as if to lead him to the dawn at the end of the darkness.


In the silence, Shi Zhong heard her laughing voice:


"Are you stupid, don't you want a discount?"


He opened his mouth but found that his voice suddenly seemed to be hoarse and difficult, and he couldn't make any extra sounds.


The hand that was clasped by her moved slightly in the air as if trying to grasp something.


He thought so.


At this moment… He really looks like a fool.


But if time can stop here, he will gladly be a fool.


The author has something to say:


Bi Ming: So stupid


Shi Zhong: Can't I be stupid when you grab my hand?

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